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Starcraft: Frontline#3

StarCraft: Frontline, Volume 3

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The brutal... The menacing... The twisted... Confront the vast, renowned world of StarCraft inside this collection of mind-blowing adventures.

208 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 2009

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Grace Randolph



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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews
Profile Image for Kassar Krennic.
76 reviews3 followers
July 16, 2023
This series was...very, very odd. Some of the stories are excellent, as in some of the best Starcraft stories ever written, while others wereutterly, unimaginably terrible.For example, the plotline spread across the 4 volumes following Colin Phash was painfully bad, it almost physically hurt me to read them. Terrible art, terrible story and awful characters.
Butstories such asWhy We Fight,Creep,andVoice in the Darknessare by far some of my favourite pieces of Starcraft literature ever. They're fascinating, with interesting characters, great art and amazing stories.
Other stories are simply OK. They're not good, they're not bad, they're perfectly readable although you'll likely forget them soon after reading. Similarly, the art is, for the most part, passable but don't expect the Frontline manga to be filled with wonderful art from cover to cover. Just like the stories however, some art isamazingwhile some is alsohorrible.
What really annoys me about this series, however, is how it was advertised as telling "fringe stories that normally wouldn't be told" by Blizzard and yet, it doesn't really do that. Yes, there are a few stories set in, or involving, the Umojan Protectorate and the Kel-Morian Combine but the story never focuses on those factions and you never really get a good look into their lore, how they operate, what life is like to those living within them etc. Which is a huge shame since the Umojan Protectorate is a faction bursting with potential.
You also don't getanystories focusing on the United Earth Directorate (also known as the UED) or the Tal'darim which are, once again, two factions that are practically overflowing with story potential. The UED is by far my favourite faction in all of Starcraft, followed closely by the Tal'darim so to see neither of these factions even be mentioned at all in Frontlines is a huge shame imo.
So all in all, the Frontline series is difficult to rate. It never reaches its full potential, has its fair share of terrible stories and swings back and forth between fun to read, and agonising to read. And yet, I still recommend any true Starcraft fan read it, because the good stories are reallygoodand you're doing yourself a disservice by not reading them.
So read Frontlines, just be prepared to love it and hate it as you do so.
Profile Image for Federico DN.
747 reviews2,270 followers
April 17, 2024
Consistently Forgettable.

This third comic keeps being consistently average and forgettable.

Didn't you have enough? Really, stop. It doesn't get any better.

[2009] [208p] [Comic] [Not Recommendable]

★★☆☆☆StarCraft: Frontline, Volume 1
★★☆☆☆StarCraft: Frontline, Volume 2
★★☆☆☆StarCraft: Frontline, Volume 3
★★☆☆☆StarCraft: Frontline, Volume 4


Consistentemente Olvidable.

Este tercer comic sigue siendo consistentemente regular y olvidable.

No tuviste suficiente ya? Realmente, pará. No va a mejorar.

[2009] [208p] [Comic] [No Recomendable]
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews

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