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Sakamoto Days#3


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Thưởng kim 100 vạn viên を thư い, thương điếm nhai chủ thôi のサバゲー đại hội に xuất tràng した bản bổn たち. Bản bổn を thư う, バカさ nhất cấp phẩm の thư kích thủ ・ bình trợ とチームを tổ むことになるが!? さらに, かつてシンが dục った địa hạ tổ chức の ma の thủ が, bản bổn thương điếm に bách る…!?

192 pages, Paperback

First published September 3, 2021

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Yuto Suzuki



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 151 reviews
Profile Image for Molly™☺.
765 reviews52 followers
February 11, 2023
The introduction of new faces as well as character revelations and backstories for the old, volume 3 is a world building piece that sets up what is presumably the overarching first arc.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,220 reviews231 followers
September 20, 2022
A paintball contest goes humorously awry for Sakamoto and Shin when a real sniper shows up. And it sets into motion a series of events that lead to an origin story for Shin's telepathy. Fun action comedy.
Profile Image for Andrea.
462 reviews19 followers
July 12, 2022
Tenemos: un francotirador chalado que habla con su cacatúa y llora cada dos por tres, un reno asesino con armas por todo el cuerpo que se ha apoderado de un laboratorio clandestino y un fósil de un tiranosaurio que pelea y dispara por la boca. Además, conocemos un poco más el trasfondo de Shin.

Este manga no deja de sorprenderme en cada capítulo. Risas 100% aseguradas.

It's better when dinosaurs don't move. That's their mystique
Profile Image for Hella.
142 reviews
March 8, 2024
تعریف روزهای ساکاموتو زیاد شنیده بودم ولی داستانش جذبم نکرد و خب آنچنان داستانی هم نداره در واقع فقط اکشن بی مغزه، تا جلد سوم ادامه دادم که ببینم چیزی درش تغییر میکنه یا نه و بله دیدم که فقط اکشن پشت اکشن.حالا اینجوری هم نیست که اکشن دوست نداشته باشم اتفاقا دوست دارم خیلی هم زیاد ولی نه بدون پلات درست و حسابی پس ترجیح میدم همینجا مانگا رو دراپ کنم.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author18 books1,175 followers
November 4, 2022
Still amazing.

This time Shin and Lu get to shine. Especially because we learn a lot more about Shin's past and how he got his power. Which is both sad and also kind of hilarious at the same time. But when Lu gets kidnapped Sakamoto and Shin work together to get her back, facing off against a bunch of goons. More shonen than usual but also they keep it fresh with some really cool ideas.

Overall, another funny, heartwarming, and badass volume of Sakamoto Days! A 4.5 out of 5.
Profile Image for Victor The Reader.
1,508 reviews15 followers
April 21, 2024
As Sakamoto attempts to gain funds to help renovate his shop by entering an airsoft tournament, the latest assassin to hunt him down is a financially-strapped one with a bird as his only companion. Later, an unexpected kidnapping occurs with a case of mistaken identity. It’s also connected to Shin’s past and who’s connected to the organization that wants Sakamoto dead.A (100%/Outstanding)
Profile Image for DeannaReadsandSleeps.
454 reviews303 followers
March 12, 2023
This reminds me of Gintama (I need to try and read it again now that I think about it). Silly silly silly silly silly and then boom, the most violent explosion of action and sudden serious plot. Just whiplash. I’m having fun!
Profile Image for Peter Looles.
263 reviews6 followers
September 22, 2022
Sakamoto Days vol. 3

This volume starts with a poor assassination, who works with a bird, going to Sakamoto's store, in order to kill him and get the reward, but after being unable to understand who Sakamoto is, he leaves. The next day the protagonists meet him again at a paintball tournament, with a big reward. There he gets in their team, because he doesn't know anyone else. He quickly realizes who Sakamoto is and unsuccessfully tries to kill him. Eventually he becomes friends with him and Shin. A few days later, Lu gets kidnapped by some assassins who have taken over the organization that raised Shin and made him clairvoyant. When they find out about that, Sakamoto and Shin go there in order to save her.
This volume was a bit underwhelming. It wasn't bad, but also it certainly wasn't as good as the previous ones. Something felt a bit off. The jokes didn't land very well, the story didn't seem as interesting and some parts were too ridiculous for my taste. Also the pacing wasn't particularly great and the story didn't flow very well. That being said, I really liked the characters. Sakamoto is very interesting and stoic. I like how much he loves his daughter and I always enjoy seeing him fighting. Lu is also very interesting, but in this volume we didn't get to see her as much as we did in the previous one. My favorite character of the manga though is Shin. His clairvoyant powers always make the story much more interesting and also work very well for comedy effect. In this volume we learn more about his life, his childhood and how he got his abilities. This was by far the best part of the entire volume. His personality makes a lot of sense, given the background that he has and his character is certainly much deeper than the rest. Another character that I liked is the assassin who works with a bird. He's not a bad guy, he's just poor, hungry and alone and wants some food and validation. I enjoyed reading him and I hope that he'll have an even bigger role in later volumes.
The artwork in this manga has never been its highlight and this volume isn't an exception. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but it's just not great either. There are some really gorgeous double splash-pages in this volume, but other than that the artwork is pretty average and at times it feels too sketchy.
Overall, this was an ok volume, with some great moments and some very uninteresting ones. Hopefully the next one will be better.
Profile Image for MajesticalLion.
642 reviews60 followers
September 1, 2022
June. 6 2021: This has been the best arc hands down. The wackiness of the assassins are so cool and off the walls crazy. Whether it be the mad scientist with the neural implants or the guy wearing a deer head with knives in his arm. This series is just dripping with personality. Highly recommend.

Sept. 1 2022: The Lab arc is the first big build up towards the greater plot of Slur and The Organization. Kashima and Seba are two of my favorite characters. The next volume is where things get insane, though. Can't wait!
Profile Image for Štěpán.
398 reviews31 followers
May 28, 2022
Sakamoto Days is pure fun. The story is starting to flesh out, characters are beginning to form and slowly but surely the world is opening. It is quite the standard third volume of any shonen manga series. The first prominent antagonist is shown and then voila, first larger arc begins. This series has a simple premise, which works super well, art is fantastic during action scenes and flows perfectly. Overall, I am very happy to be reading Sakamoto Days!
Profile Image for Ronald.
1,353 reviews14 followers
August 23, 2023
This volume started strong. I enjoyed the paintball tournament assassination silliness. The new assassin is not so bright but has a good heart for a paid killer. The "lab" kidnapping the wrong character was silly but the fight trying to retrieve Lu on the bridge was well done. The fight against the litterall "Level Boss" of the Lab was just kind of annoying. So just 4 stars.
Profile Image for Blake the Book Eater.
1,025 reviews415 followers
January 31, 2023
Pathetic sniper assassin is already a top tier character and I love him and his little bird. Also the beginning of the first long arc and it’s a fun one!!
Profile Image for Brittany.
1,109 reviews60 followers
January 21, 2023
Dinosaur and bear fights, a lab for supernatural power creation, air soft tournaments, and all levels of ridiculousness. What's not to like? Yeah Lu is a bit annoying with her stupid at times but overall still just fun.
Profile Image for Loay Mohammed.
110 reviews4 followers
July 10, 2022
This Series Up until now gives a consistent level between action and comedy while building the characters and events, I’m Really Enjoy Reading it.
Profile Image for RedRight.StrawHat.
464 reviews17 followers
March 4, 2023
Mr Sakamoto and Shin enter a airsoft competition only for a really skilled but also extremely dumb as a post sniper this one was fun but the next arc in this volume not only sees more world building but some light on Shins backstory.
We’re definitely building things up here and I’m hoping it adds that little extra bit of depth to make the series really stand out.
Profile Image for Mendousse.
234 reviews4 followers
July 30, 2022
Le niveau se maintient pour ce troisième tome, avec de nouveaux personnages toujours plus... N'importe quoi!
Profile Image for Dylan.
958 reviews3 followers
October 18, 2022
This is a fun read. I like the new character introduced in this volume and I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes.
Profile Image for ej.
398 reviews6 followers
November 25, 2022
3.25/5 the double page spreads lead to some really good art - i just want some more heart to this story, like a serious underlyin thing, n less fatphobia - suzuki’s way of drawin the invisible guy’s really creative
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,566 reviews45 followers
June 8, 2023
I like this series- there are great values that Sakamoto defends that I can strongly identify with ❤️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Torie.
273 reviews28 followers
February 5, 2024
This one cracked me up a lot inbetween all the cool action sequences hehehe
Profile Image for Deftones.
3 reviews
March 6, 2024
no me aburri ni un segundo es más esta tan buena q agarre y la leí dos veces porque no lo podía creer incluso cocine con el tomo en la mano
Profile Image for Samuel.
70 reviews
July 8, 2024
The art and action scenes are soooo good bro😮‍💨 and the story’s progressing nicely. Love the introduction of Heisuke, I think he’s one of my favourite characters so far🫶🏻
Profile Image for Des Fox.
1,004 reviews18 followers
February 22, 2023
Sakamoto Days is so good. The trend continues, bringing on great new characters and villains. There's a real plot starting to shine through, and the world building is great. Sakamoto gets more speaking lines, Shin gets a backstory, and we get a Jojo's style boss fight which was a lot of fun. Can't wait for more.
Profile Image for DetectiveGrapa.
76 reviews5 followers
October 11, 2022
Heisuke es un pan de Dios.
Gracias por darnos el contexto de la niñez de Shin y como están tratando todos, cómo familia, de salvar a Lu que se ha metido en problemas por lo mismo. Recién estamos adentrándonos en el arco del laboratorio, pero pinta bueno,bueno, bueno.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 151 reviews

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