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Vision: If you want to stay sane, don't remember

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If you want to stay sane, don’t remember.
After Danny Belte ends up with a gunshot wound to the head, he’s shipped off to a local psychiatric center under the assumption he’d attempted suicide. Knowing that a classmate had tried to kill him, and having a photographic memory to prove it, keeps him sane. After meeting the fun and playfully rebellious members of his ward, he suspects that some underlying connection ties them all together.
Haunted by revealing visions, he may have a chance at discovering one conflict of interest that will buy their ticket out of the ward. But memories are dangerous things. He may just make as many enemies as friends. Enemies who want his memories erased.
Or worse, want him dead.
The Blaze Trilogy answers the question, what would the book of Daniel look like if it was set in a modern high school? Vision brings the adventures of Danny Belte to a satisfying conclusion.

312 pages, Paperback

Published August 6, 2021

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Hope Bolinger



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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Hope Bolinger.
Author33 books295 followers
July 8, 2021
This was one of the most intimidating books for me to write. I wanted to make sure to present the testimonials I had gathered fairly, and it was an intimidating section of Scripture to modernize (Daniel 7-12). I know this series as a whole tackled some really hard topics, and I'm so grateful for everyone who has stuck with me through the material.

I am so grateful to all the readers who went on this adventure with me. I hope the conclusion was worth it, and I hope you fell in love with these characters as much as I had.
Profile Image for Connie Hill.
1,715 reviews40 followers
September 1, 2021
Vision is a Young Adult Suspense story that is written by Hope Bolinger. This is book 3 in the Blaze Trilogy Series. This is my first exposure to the author, and it will not be my last. I am clearly not a young adult, but I was drawn into this story immediately. This book does deal with gun violence, suicide attempts and mental health. However, Mental health for young adults is something that needs to be talked and written about and the author handles it with grace. Since this is a retelling of Daniel, I went back and re-read where the author drew her inspiration from so that I could feel like I got a good picture of the story.

Danny is placed in a psychiatric facility. He knows that he did not try to commit suicide. He has a lot of compassion to the fellow residents and really wants to try and help those who are lost. He knows that there is something not right going on - and he knows that he is of sound mind - and wants to get to the bottom of it.

Danny gets along well with his fellow residents. He has visions at night that he has to piece together. I like how Danny and the residents grow throughout the book and confront the person in charge of the ward. That takes a lot of courage.

As stated above, this book does reflect some of the inhumane treatment that goes on in psychiatric facilities. That being said, I would state that this book is recommended ages 14 and up but with strong parental caution. The author does a great job discussing mental health and it's an important topic that we need to discuss with our young adults.

Well written characters, heart pounding story line, and interesting read.

I received a copy of this book through the Celebrate Lit blogging program, all thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Kristiana Y. Sfirlea.
Author8 books57 followers
September 23, 2021
This book is a miracle.

Visionby Hope Bolinger is the the final installment of the Blaze trilogy, a modern-day retelling of the Book of Daniel. I thoroughly enjoyed book one,Blaze,and book two,Den,butVisionis the miracle. Why? Because it's the third book of a trilogy, and somehow, miraculously, it's my favorite. We all know that third books in trilogies are typically the weakest and least enjoyable. (I can't tell you how many I've dragged my feet through just to say I finished.) But Hope Bolinger shows off her writing prowess by withstanding the flames, so to speak, and making the conclusion to this fiery trilogy the very best!

The setting, the pacing, the characters, the humor, the suspense - all of these elements come together to create a harrowing yet hopeful story that had me shouting at the pages. There are strong themes of friendship, which I always root for in books, and I loved that the author was able to bring in fan favorites like Hannah even while introducing new characters to know and love. The pacing and suspense were particularly skillful. I read this book quickly - it's very hard to put down because you *have* to know what happens!

Perhaps what struck me most about this book, however, was the setting: a mental facility. I will forever be in awe of how the author delved into such a sensitive and important topic as mental health and addressed it with such grace and poignancy. This couldn't be more timely, and I highly recommend reading and digesting the author notes that Hope Bolinger includes at the end of the book.

If you haven't read the Blaze trilogy yet, I hope this review encourages you to do so.Visionis not a book to be missed!
37 reviews
August 10, 2021
To start off, you don't need to read the other two books in the series to enjoy this one (though I highly recommend you do!)

But Vision is a gripping Christian Psychological Thriller YA that both exposes the brokenness of our Mental Healthcare System, while still showing the importance of seeking mental help.

The entire plot is setup with Daniel being accused of a suicide attempt and becoming trapped in a mental health ward with several other kids, who are all unable to escape. Now, Daniel and his newfound friends have to find the connecting pieces and escape this medical prison, before it's too late.

Overall, I HIGHLY recommend this story! The pacing is AMAZING! And it's jam-packed with tension so thick, you could cut it with a knife!

Now, for content disclosure: there are a lot of heavy thematic topics present, from electric shock therapy to suicide to mental, emotional, and physical abuse. This is not a story that shys away from its authentic message.

But apart from some gun-related violence, an intense climax, and a terrifying scene of being trapped in an isolation room under sedatives, the content is relatively clean with no cussing and no sexual content. Overall, I'd give it a light PG-13 rating, but mainly for the thematic content and violence.

This book is hands down one of my favorite recent YA contemporary novels and one I definitely recommend!
Profile Image for Randi Sampson.
1,170 reviews52 followers
August 31, 2021
Vision is book three in this series, and while I think it could be read as a standalone... I must admit not having read the previous two books, I found myself a little lost and wondering if perhaps I might have gotten a bit more out of the story had I read the previous two books first. As such, I would probably recommend reading those first!

In addition to not having read the previous books, this book also deals with some difficult subject matter that I think I wasn't personally in the right frame of mind to really take on at the time of reading too which also impacted my ability to get into the story as much as I would have liked. All that being said however, I could tell that this was not only well written but also very well thought out. The concept of a modern retelling of Daniel in a high school setting was quite unique and seemed to be executed quite well... while I may have personally struggled to connect with the story as I would have liked, it was certainly not due to lack of storytelling skill's on the author's part. I believe this is a story that both teens and adults will be able to appreciate, though because of the darker subject matter, parents might want to give it a read before introducing it to younger or more sensitive teens!

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Debbie.
2,286 reviews4 followers
August 24, 2021
"Vision" by Hope Bolinger is the third novel of the series. This novel starts where the second novel "Den" ends off. This novel as well as the other two deals with murder and suicide attempts and being placed in a psychiatric ward. This novel has more of the psychiatric ward. In the other books Daniel just visited someone that was there.

This novel might be a hard read for readers that deals with mental illness and has thoughts of suicide.

These books is a retelling of Daniel in modern time in a school setting.

I really recommend reading these books in the order they were written.

I am glad to report that the psychiatric wards described in this book isn't the way I experienced them when I was in one. The book does mention ECT. Yes, I had them also for severe depression and I am glad they are no longer in use.

I found this series to be one that I wouldn't want my teenage grandchildren reading, too full of violence. But, again that is just my opinion and yes, I know we can't put our heads in the sand and pretend that things like violence and cover-ups happen.

I do recommend reading the sections "Note To The Reader" and Author's Notes ".

I received a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit and they opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Becca Hope.
203 reviews5 followers
August 30, 2021
I absolutely loved this book! It was interesting and kept me on the edge of my seat. While I had not read the previous books in the series, that did not take away from my experience. While I may have been able to appreciate more exactly what was going on if I had read the other books, I wasn't confused or lost.

Danny is such a sweet and strong character. He has this admirable trait of needing to help people. I loved how much he cared for others and how selfless he was. Even in the controlling environment of the psych ward, he was determined to make others happy in any way that he could.

I enjoyed every part of this book--the characters, the plotline...all of it. I couldn't help but root for Danny and his friends as they struggled with figuring out what was going on in the hospital. I felt bad for them as their problems just increased and couldn't wait to find out what happened.

Overall, I would highly recommend this novel. I will warn that it does talk a lot about mental health and suicide, so I would caution anyone that these subjects might trigger. But it is an intriguing story with an interesting plotline.

I had received a copy of the book as part of the Celebrate Lit Blogging Team and was required to give an honest review.
Profile Image for Joan.
3,938 reviews97 followers
August 20, 2021
I am late to this series, not having read the previous books in it. If the writing style is as good in those books as it is in this one, this series would make a very interesting one for high school age readers. This novel has an imaginative take on the biblical book of Daniel. Danny is put in a psychiatric institution and has angelic visions. There is much about depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts and being on medications. Teen readers with challenges in these areas may have difficulty with this novel.

Danny, the hero, shows admirable character traits, being compassionate and wanting to help the hurting. He and others do some sneaky things to try to escape their fraudulent detainment. That may not be the best example of good character but then, they are desperate. The teens work hard to discover the underlying reasons for their situation so there is a bit of a mystery to solve but the solution ultimately comes from outside their environment.

This is an interesting novel for older teens with allusions to the biblical book of Daniel.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.
Author19 books7 followers
September 25, 2021
Visionby Hope Bolinger is the third novel in her trilogy starting withBlazeand continuing withDen.BothBlazeandDenhad similar stories of a young-adult group of friends trying to stay true to their beliefs and ideals.Visionwraps up the trilogy.
Ms. Bolinger has twice before built a hostile environment for her Christian main characters, especially one named Danny, to survive. This trilogy aims to mirror the book of Daniel, and at the same time, is aware of the Bible. While the novel contains some action sequences,Visionis more of a contemporary thriller between the powerless and the establishment. Some reveals happen near the end, but the joy of making it through the book is watching Danny confront the challenges others place in his way.
Visionis a well-plotted and distinct novel in the contemporary genre. It shines a light on abuse, how we view ourselves, and how important faith is in our journey through life. Vision is a conclusion worthy of the other two novels and a fascinating book on its own.
1,599 reviews
August 23, 2021
A modern take on Daniel 7:12, this Young Adult Christian suspense novel examines mental health, and more through its pages. After suffering from a gunshot wound to the head, Danny Belte finds himself in a mental ward. People believe he attempted suicide. But, a photographic memory helps drive him to search for answers to what actually happened.

I must say I feel the author did a masterful job relating the interactions between Danny and his fellow members of the ward. A dark and sinister plot winds up being discovered by people who want to support him on the outside.

The conclusion of this book provides such suspense that concludes in a way that satisfied my need for justice and more. So if you wish to find an excellent Young Adult suspense novel that examines mental health issues, check out this book for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
5,828 reviews
July 25, 2021
Vision is the final installment from Hope Bolinger’s The Blaze Trilogy. It is, also, my first introduction to her work. I love how she used the scripture of Daniel and turned it into a fascinating modern-day tale. Since this is a trilogy, I feel that it would be best to have started with book number one. About a quarter of the way through, I was able to grasp as to what was going on and found it to be a captivating and read.

I am giving Vision four stars. I recommend it for readers who enjoy reading clean young adult suspense. I would love to read the first two books from The Blaze Trilogy, Blaze and Den, to see what happens previously with Danny.

I received a digital copy of Vision from the publisher, but waws not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
Profile Image for Carol Keen.
Author6 books121 followers
August 26, 2021
I would strongly suggest you read books one and two before this one. I feel like I lost a lot by not having read the others yet. So, this book is a super YA take on part of the Bible book of Daniel. It's very creative. I had no problem engaging with the story. Danny was great, and big things that so many of us are dealing with, like depression, suicide, mental health issues, guilt are all touched or are well covered in this story. There's a balance though, because faith, hope, healing, and love all remain. I love the visions. Totally awesome. Lots of intense dramatic things that any teen or adult should be able to relate to. Now, if I start over with book number one I should get some extra questions answered.

My digital copy came from Celebrate Lit. This review is my own, left freely. A positive review is not required.
July 25, 2021
I read the first two books of this trilogy and, with the cliff hanger of Daniel being shot at the end of the second book, Den, I was anxious to read the final book. The setting is a psychiatric ward and had vivid depictions of life and procedures there. I really enjoyed the interaction of the characters that Daniel encounters in the ward, and the ways they were able to support each other. There are some new contacts and some Daniel knew from his time at Kings Academy, including a sinister connection with the doctor in charge. This is a book which kept me turning the pages to discover who the villains were and how this would end. I was happy that this third book did solve the unanswered questions from the first two books.
I enjoyed reading Vision and recommend it.
20 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2021
This is my favorite book of the whole series. I am often someone to call out a slow beginning of a book, but this one peaked my interest right away. There was a couple points where it can feel as if the plot goes on for too long, but I get that way every book. The plot continues a long at a very good pace for maintaining interest. This book covers the prophecy section of the book of Daniel, which is no easy feat. Hope does what she has to convey the setting and plot she needs to, and is careful to show this story is not a representation of psych wards everywhere. If you have negative experiences at psych wards then this book would not be the nest for you. However, this book is a strong conclusion to the series Hope has created.
Profile Image for Ashley Dawn.
Author28 books82 followers
September 3, 2021
This book is in a series and I think it stands alone just fine on its own. It is a really well written YA psychological thriller. It is a full and twisting plot. I liked the characters and the situations the author put them in was scary.

This is one of those books that I wanted to sit and read and just not put down. It was intricate and while it is written for younger audiences, I truly enjoyed it from start to finish. I am going to look for more from this author and share this with some friends of mine.


Thank you to the author/publisher for the review copy of this book via Celebrate Lit. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Profile Image for Shannon.
433 reviews15 followers
November 30, 2021
In this, the final book in the Blaze trilogy, Danny Belt finds himself being whisked away to the psychiatric ward after a failed suicide attempt. Of course, assuming you've read the first two books in the series, you already know that all is not what it seems.

To be able to survice the hospital, Danny and the other patients must find a way to escape before it is too late...the situation quickly turns dire when Danny realizes that the mandatory three day stay has been extended. Will Danny be able to bust out of the psychiatric ward and save himself and his peers before it's too late?? Why won't Dr. Oren release them...?

I enjoyed Ms. Bolinger's triology very much. It provided a nice quick, yet suspensful YA read.
Profile Image for Erin.
1,810 reviews13 followers
October 12, 2021
Okay. So I went into this book a bit skeptical. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it, let alone love it. I really did love it though. Mental health has always had a special spot in my heart because I’ve worked there and lived it. I have post partum depression and postpartum anxiety plus anxiety in general.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.
Profile Image for Hannah.
57 reviews
August 30, 2023
For once Danny's mom actually listens to him!!!

Honestly though the way the author writes characters and settings never fails to surprise me. I fell in love with almost every single person that Danny meets in this book. They didn't deserve this.
Profile Image for Jane.
1,131 reviews32 followers
August 22, 2021
Wow, what an ending to the trilogy. At times Vision is difficult to read, Danny faces some very challenging situations. Vision starts where Den leaves off. Hope Bolinger researched psychiatric wards in preparation for this book. Kings Academy and the psych ward portrayed in the book are examples of these institutions gone wrong. Fortunately there aren’t many institutions like this and in most cases those in charge do truly want the best for those in their care. I really appreciated Bolinger’s notes at the end of the book.
There are characters in Vision who deal with anxiety, depression, and guilt. There may be triggers in the plot for those who also deal with these mental health situations. I think it is important for all to try to better understand mental health and how it affects each of us. Hope Bolinger gives us an inside look into it.
Throughout the trilogy, Bolinger has been using the Biblical book of Daniel as a basis for her story. Vision uses the vision of Daniel in chapters 7-12. Danny is helped to better understand some of the characters and is given some hope through the visions he has. We all need a better understanding of others and something that will give us hope.
Bolinger even ties a little bit of current events into the plot with the social distancing and mask wearing of the past year. People need to see themselves in books. We can all see ourselves in Vision because Bolinger includes these aspects of all of our recent lives.
Vision and the other books in the Blaze series are appropriate for the high school section of a K-12 Christian school library.
I received a complimentary copy of Vision. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Deana Dick.
2,768 reviews109 followers
August 23, 2021
I highly recommend that you read the first two books in this series before beginning this one. It will help you understand what is going on and appreciate the writing style of the author. I want to put a warning here about the subject in the story. It deals with tennis and suicide so this could be a trigger for some.

Danny is a good character who is someone that steps up and helps others out. He knows that there is something not right in the psychiatric facility he is in and is determined to get answers. The way he was brought there is enough to give him reason to believe that the place is run by people who don’t care. I liked how Danny was always thinking of ways to escape and save his friend that were stuck in there.

The story is a unique take on Daniel from the Bible. Danny has visions at night that he can’t explain but he knows there is meaning behind each one. The facility is unsafe and mistreatment of patients has gotten out of hand. I liked how the group began to question the person in charge. Oren has a reason that he won’t release anyone and that could hold the key to getting set free.

The book does explore treatments for people who are in mental facilities that are not always pleasant. For this story the author showed the ugly side of how some patients could be treated. I appreciate how she gives readers a look at mental illness and the need for treatment in a safe environment. Danny was persistent in believing that he could find a way out and help him friends as well. It is a great example of faith and hope.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Profile Image for Mary Ann.
Author2 books290 followers
September 1, 2021
This book presents a powerful, dramatic tale loosely based on the latter part of the book of Daniel. However, this Daniel has to suffer much physically and mentally and is not delivered and exalted like the biblical character but rather lives out the trials portrayed in the visions. The author convincingly presented a horrible psychiatric hospital with true-to-life patients in this intriguing tale. I have not read the first two books in the series, but the author provides enough background for readers to understand the ongoing events. I think reading the trilogy in order would provide a richer experience and fuller picture of the characters and their circumstances. The author said she didn’t plot this one like she did the first two, and that may be why I found it a bit confusing and it took me about half the book to really get into the story. Yet once I did, I found myself wrapped up in the drama and hoping for a healing transformation. This is the only novel I have read that incorporates the current pandemic (although only mentioned in the concluding wrap-it-up section). I think teens will be able to relate to the characters and learn from their situations. It could make a good novel for discussion. I received a copy from Celebrate Lit. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Nancy Wood.
Author5 books79 followers
August 20, 2021
This Daniel Biblical retelling in a modern-day high school setting will leave you all kinds of messed up.

I binge-read this entire trilogy so I could read Vision as soon as it came out, and let me say, this series isn't for the faint of heart. While I thought books 1 and 2 were heavy, this one took it to a whole different level, throwing poor Danny into a psych ward. Just when I thought things couldn't get much worse for him...

While this book has a lot of triggering content, I would still highly recommend reading Hope Bolinger's entire series if you aren't affected by suicidal content. The creative ways she brings the Bible events of Daniel and inserts them into a Christian teenager's life is entertaining. Every time a new character showed up with a strange name, I found myself wondering what Babylonian or Persian historical figure she got it from.

Without spoiling the book, I do want to say that the themes of mental health and spiritual darkness are combatted with the power of God. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. We just have to go through a lot of it to get there.
Profile Image for Amanda  H.
728 reviews42 followers
August 26, 2021
First off, this is the first book in the series and should be read in order to fully appreciate the scope of the story. I thought that the author did a fabulous job of bringing part of the book of Daniel alive through a modern setting. This book does deal with some difficult subjects, like suicide and depression/anxiety, as well as some of the unpleasant ways they are dealt with in a metal facility. That said, I thought that the author did a wonderful job of writing this book and bringing Danny to life.

I received this book from Celebrate Lit. This is my honest review.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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