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Sakamoto Days#4


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ラボの địa hạ thâm くで bản bổn thương điếm, sát し ốc quân đoàn, ORDERの3 giả が nhất cử tập kết!! Bối hậu に xuẩn く “あの nam” の tồn tại をめぐり khẩn bách した không khí が tẩu る trung, ルー đoạt hoàn を mục chỉ す bản bổn thương điếm に đối し lộc đảo と thế vũ が tập いかかる!! Cứu xuất tác chiến の hành phương は…!?

200 pages, Paperback

First published November 4, 2021

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Yuto Suzuki



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews
Profile Image for Molly™☺.
765 reviews52 followers
April 3, 2023
This time at its best when not focusing on the main story, it's the one-shots that provide the most entertainment. Whilst volume 4 isn't a huge step down from previous entries when it comes to quality, Shin's backstory arc goes on for just a tad bit too long and starts to result in slight loss of interest by the end. However, it does well to end on a cliffhanger, making readers want to pick up the next installment regardless of how they felt about this one.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,220 reviews231 followers
November 24, 2022
I gotta say, I started to get a little bored as the multi-chapter arc about Shin's origin went on a little too long with its one-note cyborg villain and his invisible ally. Thank goodness a one-off chapter about a bathhouse assassin brought the humor and energy levels back up to where they had previously been.

But now we're going to get another long arc about Lu's backstory, and I only hope it doesn't bring the energy right back down again.
Profile Image for MajesticalLion.
642 reviews60 followers
October 10, 2022
Slur has one of the single coolest introductions in a manga. Not to mention the train fight. Sakamoto uses PENCIL LEAD. TO BEAT A GUY WITH A CANON IN HIS MOUTH AND BLADES FOR ARMS. This series is insane, and this re-read has only reminded me that it always has been insane.
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Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author18 books1,175 followers
February 28, 2023
This is still SO fun.

Sakamoto is helping Shin get out of this situation with the crazy bastards who use people to experiment. And they kidnapped Lu by mistake thinking she was the experiment. This leads to really fun fights and Sakamoto able to go ALL out because one guy is almost immortal, making for a brutal fight. We get a little more taste of the order as well as Uzuki, the head leader of these crazies who's a bit scary.

Overall great stuff and then we get a fun Spa day with the family that's always a joy.

Next up is Lu's backstory and I'm here for it! A 4 out of 5
Profile Image for Andrea.
462 reviews19 followers
July 13, 2022
Batallas increíbles en el laboratorio y en el metro, con un dibujo de 10. Me encanta lo bien que están combinadas la acción y la comedia. Han aparecido dos miembros de la Order, la élite de los asesinos, con diseños normalitos pero que en menos de un capítulo ya han demostrado que están en Order por algo. También ha hecho una breve aparición el "Señor X", que pinta como un antagonista épico.
El tomo termina con el inicio de un combate en un casino contra un acosador miembro de una triada. Todo muy interesante para el siguiente.
Profile Image for Ronald.
1,353 reviews14 followers
July 2, 2023
While still a great cute series, I have to agree the battle at the lab dragged.
The visit to the spa was fun. The anniversary dinner was great in no small part because the wife knows who her husband was and that he will protect her (Unlike other comics / Manga). The whole gambling at an illegal gambling den to save Lu from her creepy stalker is in bad taste and not fun.
Profile Image for Blake the Book Eater.
1,025 reviews415 followers
February 5, 2023
This volume was great!!! Loved the end of the science base arc and the bathhouse chapter and the anniversary chapter were both top tier as well. This manga is amazing!
Profile Image for Brandon.
1,117 reviews
November 17, 2022
It's interesting to see how many chapters this manga has so far (over one hundred), and personally getting around to reading it so late, as there's a scene in Chapter 26 where,which is a trope that usually means "Hey, we're wrapping this arc up because we got canceled!"... But it seems the main focus is on the deer guy, who is but a henchman to X/Slur himself, so there's a degree of planning ahead.

Chapter 26 also has a great ENTER moment for Sakamoto-san....

After the Lab arc wraps up, we get a couple lighter, disconnected chapters, then another arc begins with the entrance of Wutang, a Triad member who wishes to bring Lu back to China so she can run their syndicate. I hope Sakamoto and Shin protect their necks...!
Profile Image for RedRight.StrawHat.
464 reviews17 followers
March 5, 2023
This for me was the best volume yet we finish the secret lab arc and get some pretty heavy hitters in terms of assassins and we learn more about the orders motives, to finish the volume we get some hilarious one shot chapters and a nice set up for next volume oh how this series keeps getting better.
Profile Image for ej.
398 reviews6 followers
November 27, 2022
3.5/5 prolly my fave vol yet, this whole x/slur thing is interestin i wish as always that there was more heart n higher stakes as it feels inevitable for our group to succeed, there’s no real suspense for me, beautiful artwork as always - this is where the manga covers got goated
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Profile Image for Joseph.
422 reviews10 followers
December 8, 2022
Read this while waiting for my appointment at the dermatologist. Continues to have lots of fun action set pieces, like reading a roller coaster.
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,565 reviews45 followers
September 13, 2023
I love the Sakamoto family unit! I am always cheering for them- and any new additions 😁
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Profile Image for Amanda.
194 reviews8 followers
May 23, 2024
Increasingly violent…but also pretty funny
Profile Image for Des Fox.
1,004 reviews18 followers
March 13, 2023
The hot streak continues, this book is so good! The lab arc had so many great new characters, powers and new threads to follow, with a great climax and conclusion. Love the growing cast, and the gags are pretty funny while never getting in the way of some brilliant, pulpy action.
Profile Image for Emily.
156 reviews
December 11, 2023
Before leaving to find Lu, one of the scientists warns Sakamoto and Shin that there will be more traps the further they travel down. As they run to find Lu, Sakamoto falls through a hole in the floor that separates him and Shin. Before we see where he ends up, we check in with the Order members that have been assigned to investigate the Lab, Osaragi and Shishiba. The duo lured Kashima, the Deer, out of hiding by killing a mountain of his subordinates. We get a chance to see some real carnage as Osaragi and Shishiba show what they're capable of by killing two more of Kashima's stronger subordinates in a split second. Kashima mourns the loss of his men and undoes the stitches on his arms to reveal a lethal bundle of blades coming from his body. He manages to slash Shishiba across the chest, but he returns the favor by twisting Kashima's head 180 degrees, though that doesn't kill the Deer Man. Just as he recovers from the attack, Sakamoto comes crashing down on him through a hole in the ceiling. He has a brief reunion with Shishiba before Kashima starts undoing more of his stitches to reveal even more weapons in his body. Shin is all the way down on third floor of the basement Lab, where he once again encounters Seba, the invisible man that he fought in the previous volume. Shin isn't able to locate Seba by reading his thoughts, so he has a tough time of it until he gets the idea to use some of his blood to put a mark on Seba. Shin mumbles something about 'not missing him' and it's revealed that Heisuke has tracked Shin down and takes down Seba. Meanwhile, Sakamoto fights Kashima after the Order members leave to investigate further. Heisuke's shot only takes away Seba's invisibility, but he's able to hide and get the suit to work again, but it's already too late. If Heisuke can hear him, there's no way Seba could him. Heisuke starts shooting wildly after him, somehow Seba makes his way behind Heisuke and wraps the jacket of his invisibility suit around a piece of rubble and launches it at Heisuke, running him through. Seba pins Heisuke down and he sends off a shot that ricochets into Seba's shoulder. Seba stabs Heisuke in the gut in retaliation and leaves him to die, but Piisuke comes flying in with a bullet and he's able to send a shot into the sprinklers in the ceiling, causing the suit to malfunction. From there, Shin is able to defeat Seba. Kashima tells Sakamoto that he's rigged the Lab to explode if the Order ever found them and they only have 20 minutes before the entire building blows, but Sakamoto says that he only needs 5 minutes to kick his ass. Kashima says that Sakamoto is no match since he has no weapons to defend himself, but Sakamoto proves him wrong by beating him up with only what was in his pockets. First, he uses a mechanical pencil to take out one of Kashima's eyes, while covering the other with a half-off sticker before using his belt as a whip to push him back. We see a bit of Kashima's backstory and how he was influenced by Slur before wrapping Sakamoto up and dragging him through the subway, but Sakamoto proves his resourcefulness again as he uses a railroad tie as a surfboard. He's able to slice his bindings with a single sheet of paper and grabs the ropes and slams Kashima into an oncoming train. The two fight through the subway train, but Kashima loses him. As he tries to find him, we see Sakamoto in his skinny form stalking him. Sakamoto kicks him through the train and says that if Kashima is immortal, then he doesn't have to worry about killing him and starts going all out. Man, Sakamoto is just too cool. He sees an old woman looking for a seat and tosses Kashima through another wall where they can have some privacy, before Sakamoto starts absolutely wailing on him. Kashima tries shooting at him, but Sakamoto rips off the hand railing and uses it to deflect all of bullets. After shooting Sakamoto out of a train, he finally thinks that he's won, but after this ordinary human comes back again and again, Kashima goes on a crazy tirade about how the world needs people like him as a necessary evil. Sakamoto demolishes him and takes him out like trash before calling Shin. Lu and the rest of the scientists are fleeing the Lab, but a piece of debris almost crushes her, but luckily, Shin saves her at the last moment. At first, it's kind of awkward since they're still kind of fighting, but Lu can't stand it and finally breaks down and apologizes. Shin also gets to reunite with Asakura, but it's also pretty awkward between them, too. Sakamoto calls and tells Shin that the Lab is going to collapse in 15 minutes, so Shin uses his powers to locate the rest of the people in the building to get them out of there. Back with Osaragi and Shishiba, they're looking for information on Slur and the rest of his plans and we finally get to see the serial killer for the first time. While they're trying to find the rest of the people in the building, Shin comes across who we now know to be Slur and his aura is just as terrifying as Sakamoto's. In almost an instant, he appears behind Shin and simply says, 'Give my best to Sakamoto,' before disappearing. Shin gets everyone out of the building and they all praise him for his powers, instead of ridiculing him like they used to. Asakura asks Sakamoto to look after Shin for him before they leave and they all have dinner together as a family. After their adventures at the Lab, Sakamoto decides to take his family out to a public bath to wind down, but little do they know, the man running this bath is actually a rookie assassin trying to use Sakamoto to get into the big leagues! He tries to kill Sakamoto a couple times, but it only results in him getting more relaxed. After a bunch of mean guys start picking on the would-be assassin, Sakamoto inconspicuously knocks them out and thanks the assassin for helping him get relaxed. In the next chapter, Sakamoto is desperate to take Aoi on a nice date for their anniversary and even though he has everything planned out, he didn't plan on the boat being full of assassins out for his head! After a few failed assassination attempts, Sakamoto is desperate for Aoi not to notice. Unfortunately, the assassins overwhelm the couple, but Sakamoto is able to take them all out and Aoi tells him that everyday is extraordinary with him. Sakamoto and the gang go out to lunch, but it can never be that simple. Someone from Lu's past comes back to take her home. He tries to use brute force to take Lu back, but he's just not strong enough, so he challenges them for her. Wutang takes them to an underground casino and says that whoever wins the most amount of money gets to keep Lu. Unfortunately for Team Sakamoto, Wutang is a genius.
Profile Image for Quinn.
410 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2023
- Action is well-choreographed and fun
- Supporting / tertiary cast pops off the page;are yet more goofballs that're fun additions.
- The work is genre-savvy and plays with tropes
- It's great to see someone other than a plucky teen as the protagonist, but...

-... the switch to "low-calorie" Sakamoto is disappointing to me. Why not let him be a badass bigger guy? The fact that the mustache also disappears bugs me, too.
- Like with volume 1-3, I hope you're ready to suspend your disbelief
- Some of the villains are just comically evil, to the point of parody
- I get that Aoi (Sakamoto's wife) is aware of his background and looks past his takedowns so long as they don't involve killing. How does no one else notice, though?
- The work suffers from
- Also, it's kind of annoying that

It's like a fun B movie where Sakamoto is basically a super-human. It has plenty of action and wacky characters, but if you expect something deeper you may be disappointed.

(This isn't to say that the story has nothing to say at all; it makes a pointed argument for the value of family (found and otherwise), and advocates for a pacifist approach to life. I'm not sure the broader narrative will make any larger statements about society / the human condition / etc, though.)
Profile Image for DoctorFeddy.
254 reviews1 follower
January 17, 2023
se il mio avversario è immortale non devo preoccuparmi di ucciderlo.

Questo volume da il via a grandi scontri molto più dinamici del volume due, iniziano a spuntare qua e là personaggi bizzarri, molto più del protagonista, la dinamicità degli scontri si prende in larga parte il volume. In questo volume vediamo Sakamoto scontrarsi con il capo dei sicari che tenevano in ostaggi i ricercatori, mentre Shin si occupa di Seba e la sua tuta invisibile. Iniziano a vedersi anche il villain della storia il quale a messo la taglia sulla testa di Sakamoto, quella tavola è molto di impatto visto che l'autore usa un tratto a matita molto marcati quasi a bucare il foglio, lasciando intendere che il la sua aria omicida sia davvero impressionante non che la sua personalità, ma anche i membri dell'Order non sono da meno, i due personaggi che si vedono in questo volume sono davvero singolari non solo per come agiscono ma anche le loro armi sono strane, uno usa dei martelli mentre la ragazza usa una specie di arma composta da due seghe rotonde, sembra una motosega, ma con una forma e un meccanismo diverso. Una cosa che devo riconoscere dell'autore ha dell'inventiva per creare le armi per i sicari, anche i sicari stessi che volta per volta escono nei capitoli, e il tratto con cui li realizza attrae il lettore, e il come Sakamoto deve togliersi dall'impiccio senza uccidere è ancora più interessante. Un difetto che non centra con l'autore ma con la casa editrice è il formato delle pagine che taglia i balloon quindi tu devi intuire le parole tagliate dalla parola successiva, ed non è il primo manga che lo fa. Il volume termina con una sfida tra il gruppo di Sakamoto e l'uomo della triade che vuole riportare a casa Lu è farla diventare il capo della triade.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gita Karmani.
326 reviews15 followers
September 2, 2023
Apa cuma aku aja ya yg ngerasa makin kesini cerita Sakadays mulai rumit?

Geng toko Sakamoto masih sibuk nolongin Lu yg jadi korban salah tangkap Shin. Nah fightnya si Shin vs kawannya si Beastars (ngapunten gak hapal namanya) ini lumayan seru kayaknya kalo diadaptasiin ke anime. Heisuke tetiba nongol buat bantu Shin, di sini kelihatan bgt gimana skillful nya si Heisuke sbg sniper + teamwork dgn si burung Pisuke walaupun dia dijelek2in musuh karena dia emang level asassinnya di bawah Sakamoto + Shin. Untung Shin itu paham sama pikirannya Heisuke yg ruwet buat menangin pertarungannya dan si Heisuke blm di kill sama authornya wqwqwq.
Osaragi mulai muncul nih wqwqw tokoh yg sering bgt diomongin di Sakadays. Udah bayangin Koga Aoi yg ngisi karakternya.

Tp walau makin rumit, aku masih excited buat ngikutin serinya ini. Impianku koleksi sakadays selain dari cerita dan cover artnya yg cakep, cuma pgn punya fisiknya Nagumo jamet jadi cover sih. Plus udah bayangin Shimazaki Nobunaga yg bakal ngisi karakternya wqwqwq. Walau gak tahu dia itu aslinya mihak JAA atau malah villainnya.
Profile Image for 空.
130 reviews17 followers
April 18, 2024
ถ้าคิดว่าซาคาโมโตะเก่งแล้ว เล่มนี้แสดงให้เห็นว่ายังเก่งได้อีก เหนือมนุษย์มาก

เล่ม 4 ยังคงดำเนินเรื่องราวต่อเนื่องจากเล่ม 3 ซึ่งเกี่ยวกับประวัติของชิน และยังค่อยๆเผยประเด็นใหม่ที่เกี่ยวกับ X (สเปอ) กับสมาคมนักฆ่าอีกด้วย ตัวละครใหม่ของ 'เซบะ' นี่มีความ cool ใช้ได้ ถ้าได้เป็นหนึ่งในพรรคพวกของซาคาโมโตะคงเป็นกลุ่มก้อนที่แข็งแกร่งพอตัว ส่วนตัวละครที่เราเริ่มจะ fangirling คือ 'โอซารางิ' ชอบชุดกับคาแรคเตอร์ รู้สึกว่าลึกลับ น่าค้นหาดี ถึงอย่างนั้นก็ยังมีมุมน่ารักๆอยู่เหมือนกัน เช่น การมองซาคาโมโตะในเวอร์ชั่นตุ้ยนุ้ยว่าเหมือนหมีจนเกิดอาการใจลอย เราตั้งหน้าตั้งตารอ air time ในเล่ม 5 เลย (เพราะหน้าปกมีโอซารางิที่กินเต็มพื้นที่สุดๆ)

part หลังเป็นตอนพักผ่อนจากฉากบู๊ที่จัดหนัก เป็นฟีลอบอุ่นใจ นักเขียนมักสอดแทรกบทบาทของซาคาโมโตะในฐานะหัวหน้าครอบครัว พ่อ และสามีที่ดีตามที่เจ้าตัวตั้งใจไว้ แน่นอนว่าต้องมีอุปสรรคสอดแทรกอยู่เสมอ การแก้ไขปัญหาเฉพาะหน้าของซาคาโมโตะบ้าระห่ำตามสไตล์อดีตนักฆ่า ถึงอย่างนั้นก็ยังผสมความน่ารักจนเรื่องราวออกมาอบอุ่นใจ

ไม่ผิดหวังที่ตัดสินใจซื้อมาทั้งหมด 9 เล่ม การที่ได้อ่าน Sakamoto Days คือ made my entire day เลย
Profile Image for Bradley.
1,114 reviews8 followers
March 5, 2024
A solid, somewhat mediocre installation. Y’know what does it for me? I like all the characters, but I’ve not found a character that I LOVE. And the characters I like the most happen to be some of the assassins that the team goes up against. I wish the sniper had just a little more UMPH to him. He’s too typical even in fighting style where one would think he’d excel.

There’s a jolt effect inSakamoto Days.It’s the feeling of ‘did I miss something?’ where a sentence made no sense or the art skips a step that you honestly, truly can’t see. I noticed it in past volumes and I noticed it now. Nothing major, and maybe I just don’t like the way the story is trying to plant some of its seeds.
Profile Image for Štěpán.
398 reviews31 followers
August 3, 2022
Sakamoto Days is so fun and this volume perfectly encapsulates why it works for me more than Spy x Family. (similar tropes and vibe of "episodal and situational stories with overarching plot" ) Where Spy x Family is trying to be fun and preserve the status quo by taking itself very seriously - Sakamoto Days takes it up to an eleven and does not hold back with anything. The action hits hard, there are really cool moments, comedic beats are on point and intimate cute moments between characters work better because they are honest and are not lying to each other. Somehow it just works better for me, though I understand more people will like Loyd rather than Sakamoto.
8 reviews1 follower
February 3, 2023
When I started reading this manga I wondered "it's great, can it keep the rythm?", well, the answer is no.

This volume was incredible boring and fast to read because of how much it was empty. The last 2 (if I'm not mistaken) chapters feel like a filler but they have way more story, they are way more interesting and way more cute and fun than the rest of the volume.

I'm happy I read it in a library because I would not want this volume in my collection. Really, just read the final small chapters.
1,351 reviews
March 15, 2023
This one was a bit gory and the villain was gross. I do not like his stitched up look, nor his weird weapons. I'm not even sure if he's human...and neither is anyone else. We've been given a glimpse of a main bad guy, Slur. He's probably going to be a piece of work, and I wish the Order would take care of him but I'm sure it will come down to Sakamoto.

I was amused by Osaragi's straightforward and sudden killing of the other assassins. It's nice to have a contrast to the "no killing" Sakamoto group, because you know these villains will keep causing trouble.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for mae.
538 reviews
December 23, 2023
i love shin so much he’s so cute arghhhgg. mr. sakamoto moggs the whole verse. and i really like the direction this is going; not only is there the main plot line with the whole X / slur thing, but i like how they’ve addressed lu’s triad background! i was thinking it’s too convient for the only heir / daughter of a famous chinese triad family to just be able to shrug off her responsibilities and work at a convenience store.
January 10, 2024
#Sakamoto Days 4

Days 26: "Order"
Days 27: "Sakamoto’s vs. The Lab" ( bản bổn thương điếm VS LABO, Sakamoto-shōten Buiesu Rabo)
Days 28: "Top-Notch" ( nhất lưu, Ichiryū)
Days 29: "All Aboard" (かけこみ thừa xa, Kakekomi Jōsha)
Days 30: "Quiet on the Train" ( xa nội ではお tĩnh かに, Shanai de wa o Shizuka ni)
Days 31: "See?" (ほらな, Hora na)
Days 32: "Bathhouse Mode" (せんとうモード, Sentō Mōdo)
Days 33: "Surprise" (サプライズ, Supuraizu)
Days 34: "Wutang" (ウータン, Ūtan)
Profile Image for James Rodrigues.
867 reviews9 followers
April 14, 2024
Where this manga works best are in the fun one-shots, balancing everyday family life with assassin stuff for great comedy. That isn't to put down the main story, as it still delivers a great sense of humour and character alongside interesting developments and brilliantly crafted fights. A train-set fight is one of the best things this series has delivered, and it's especially endearing to see the Sakamoto family grow in size with such lovable characters.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews

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