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Now in paperback for the first time, featuring all new covers, the Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians middle-grade series from #1New York Timesbestselling author Brandon Sanderson.

Alcatraz Smedry has successfully defeated the army of Evil Librarians and saved the kingdom of Mokia. Too bad he managed to break the Smedry Talents in the process. Even worse, his father is trying to enact a scheme that could ruin the world, and his friend, Bastille, is in a coma. To revive her, Alcatraz must infiltrate the Highbrary--known as The Library of Congress to Hushlanders--the seat of Evil Librarian power. Without his Talent to draw upon, can Alcatraz figure out a way to save Bastille and defeat the Evil Librarians once and for all?

304 pages, Paperback

First published September 6, 2016

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About the author

Brandon Sanderson

I’m Brandon Sanderson, and I write stories of the fantastic: fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers.

Defiant, the fourth and final volume of the series that started with Skyward in 2018, comes out in November 2023, capping an already book-filled year that will see the releases of all four Secret Projects: Tress of the Emerald Sea, The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, and Secret Project Four (with its official title reveal coming October 2023). These four books were all initially offered to backers of the #1 Kickstarter campaign of all time.

November 2022 saw the release of The Lost Metal, the seventh volume in the Mistborn saga, and the final volume of the Mistborn Era Two featuring Wax & Wayne. The third era of Mistborn is slated to be written after the first arc of the Stormlight Archive wraps up.

In November 2020 we saw the release of Rhythm of War—the fourth massive book in the New York Times #1 bestselling Stormlight Archive series that began with The Way of Kings—and Dawnshard (book 3.5), a novella set in the same world that bridges the gaps between the main releases. This series is my love letter to the epic fantasy genre, and it’s the type of story I always dreamed epic fantasy could be. The fifth volume, Wind and Truth, is set for release in fall 2024.

Most readers have noticed that my adult fantasy novels are in a connected universe called the Cosmere. This includes The Stormlight Archive, both Mistborn series, Elantris, Warbreaker, and various novellas available on Amazon, including The Emperor’s Soul, which won a Hugo Award in 2013. In November 2016 all of the existing Cosmere short fiction was released in one volume called Arcanum Unbounded. If you’ve read all of my adult fantasy novels and want to see some behind-the-scenes information, that collection is a must-read.

I also have three YA series: The Rithmatist (currently at one book), The Reckoners (a trilogy beginning with Steelheart), and Skyward. For young readers I also have my humorous series Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians, which had its final book, Bastille vs. the Evil Librarians, come out in 2022. Many of my adult readers enjoy all of those books as well, and many of my YA readers enjoy my adult books, usually starting with Mistborn.

Additionally, I have a few other novellas that are more on the thriller/sci-fi side. These include the Legion series, as well as Perfect State and Snapshot. There’s a lot of material to go around!

Good starting places are Mistborn (a.k.a. The Final Empire), Skyward, Steelheart,The Emperor’s Soul, and Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians. If you’re already a fan of big fat fantasies, you can jump right into The Way of Kings.

I was also honored to be able to complete the final three volumes of The Wheel of Time, beginning with The Gathering Storm, using Robert Jordan’s notes.

Sample chapters from all of my books are available at brandonsanderson.com—and check out the rest of my site for chapter-by-chapter annotations, deleted scenes, and more.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 932 reviews
Profile Image for Helen 2.0.
467 reviews1,260 followers
May 22, 2017
The tales we tell ourselves these days always seem to need a happy ending... Is it because the Librarians are protecting us from stories with sad endings?Or is it something about who we are, who we have become as a society, that makes us need to see the good guys win?

4.5 stars. A very Sandersonesque (that's a word!) finish to a fun series, complete with twists and crazy action and just the right amount of silliness.

While some of the earlier installments where so packed with dumb humor and fourth-wall-breaking that it detracted from the storyline and became tedious to read, the fifth Alcatraz book definitely felt moregrounded and focused,heading for that inevitable,jarring ending.Readers finally get to see what Alcatraz was hinting at throughout the whole story: sacrificial altars made of encyclopedias, Attica's crazy plans, Alcatraz's cowardice.

So, in The Dark Talent, Alcatraz attempts to break into the Highbrary to find and stop his misguided father. This is harder than it looks, given that he broke all Smedry talents by accident in the last volume.

We get a closer look at his mother,Shasta,and what drives her.
"You have to understand. Your mother is aLibrarian.In her heart, she's terrified of change - not to mention frightened of the idea of common people being outside her control. "
She has certainly moved past being your ordinary textbook villain into a more complicated presence in Al's life. Moreover, I would call her the wisest character in the series; she's often giving very insightful comments from the sidelines. Last but not least, she is a walking reality check to her son, who certainly needs one on various occasions in the book.
"Librarians," my mother said, "share more with Smedrys than either would like to admit. Both will bend over backwards to accommodate sheer dramatic effect."

"Have you been with that fool of a grandfather of yours so longyou've lost the ability to see the world as it has to be?"

My only complaint:not enough Bastille!I want more of my favorite moody sword-wielding teenager.
(Itislightly hinted that there will be one more installment in the series, written from Bastille's view. *mini fangirl episode*)
Profile Image for Bookwraiths.
698 reviews1,107 followers
October 9, 2016
Originally reviewed atBookwraiths.

My rating is 3.5 stars.

Other reviewers have already voiced it, and I am going to chime in with them: Wow, that got really dark, really quick. By that, I mean, the conclusion ofThe Dark Talent,the latest volume in theAlcatrazseries. What had been a rather silly, fun-filled romp up until this point turned suddenly into a fairly depressing story. I know that sounds improbable, but it is true.

I suppose frequent readers should not have been surprised by this turn of events though: Alcatraz Smedry has been preparing everyone for just such an occurrence since the very beginning. His constant ominous warnings of future failure hard to overlook in the preceding four books. Even the foreword to The Dark Talent reiterates this message again with the rather straightforward statement that “This is where the story stops being funny. You’ve been warned.”But somehow I wasn’t prepared for what actually happened, since things seemed to be following along the familiar Alcatraz pattern.

Picking up whereThe Shattered Lensended, Alcatraz and friends have succeeded in driving off the Evil Librarian army from the Kingdom of Mokia. But like always, things are even worse now that they were before. Mokia is a ruin with many of her citizens still in a coma from Librarians weapons. Alcatraz’s friend Bastille is one of these fallen heroes, who is stuck in limbo between life and death. And, on top of that, Alcatraz has seemingly broken the Smedry talents!

Sounds pretty horrible, right? Hold on, it is about to get worse.

With all these problems to be fixed, Alcatraz does what he does best: head off into danger with no real plan. Here he decides he must somehow infiltrate the Librarians’ “Highbrary” (which is actually the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.) and try to stop his dad from potentially destroying the world. (Attica Smedry having concocted a scheme to defeat the Evil Librarians once and for all by giving all Hushlanders their very own Smedry talent!) And to top things off, Alcatraz has to rely on his Librarian mother, who abandoned him to foster care, for this desperate attempt to actually work.

No possible way it can get any worse than this, I hear you saying. Wrong again!

I won’t go into details, because to do so would reveal spoilers and ruin the conclusion of this book, but things do indeed get worse for Alcatraz and his friends. Much worse. The conclusion toThe Dark Talentabout the most depressing ending I’ve encountered in quite a while. Honestly, Brandon Sanderson ripped my heart out in just a few pages. And only the note at the end of book kept all my hopes from shriveling up and blowing away.

Does all that mean this book was devoid of the slapstick humor, delightful puns, and clever wordplay which the Alcatraz series has become known for? Nope. All that is still present. Every witty remark, quirky tangent, or snarky side note (and even footnotes in this one) reminding a reader of the middle grades comedy which they have become accustomed to. One has to look no further than the chapter names (which range from Chapter Doug to Chapter Marco, because chapters “never get to be themselves, you know?") or the Smedry’s airship (a penguin shaped craft appropriately dubbed the Penguinator) to see that Sanderson doesn’t jettison all the laughs in this more serious fifth volume.

Sanderson also increases the action to near non-stop thrills here. Our hero and his band of friends and relatives sprinting from one amazing fight to another, from aerial duels to personal derring-do. Each gulp of pulse-pounding excitement topping the next.

There are even more twists and turns than ever before. The schemes, motives, and personal passions of allies and enemies alike revealed for readers to enjoy. Alcatraz and his parents strange relationships highlighted. Many of the “reveals” from these plot lines quite startling. This element of the narrative picking up speed as the conclusion rapidly approached until it finally explodes into a flaming fireball of “What the Hades just happened?”

Which brings up that dang ending again. The one I already mentioned was pretty dark. If you haven’t already picked it up, I didn’t love it very much. Not for this book. Not for this series. It felt... out of place. Too dark, too depressing. Sure, Alcatraz had warned everyone the end was going to be gloomy, but this was a bit over-the-top for such a comedic story. In fact, if not for the note at the end, the conclusion would have ruined my whole perspective aboutThe Dark Talentand Alcatraz’s journey all together. So, thank God for the final note!

With that final note in mind though, I have to sayThe Dark Talentwas an enjoyable read. Sanderson is a master storyteller, so he effortlessly turns this adventure into a real page turner. Perhaps it wasn’t quite as funny as previous books, but it was still an intriguing turn in our heroes tale, one which demands another volume in the series.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. I’d like to thank them for allowing me to receive this review copy and inform everyone that the review you have read is my opinion alone.
Profile Image for Eon ♒Windrunner♒  .
456 reviews503 followers
September 19, 2022
The usual excellent storytelling from Mr. Sanderson – this book was great fun even though it followed on from the darker tone of the previous book. I was thoroughly enjoying it and then came the ending. Gak!

Well he warned us and he warned us and he warned us. We were extremely forewarned. And yet I did not fully believe. He had cried wolf so many times that I ignored it. And then came the wolf. And then there were theacknowledgementsand thefootnotesand theabout the authorand I just kept on turning those pages faster and faster, because this is Sanderson and surely he did not REALLY end it like that?

AaandWHAM.Final page (No, really, as in the LAST, LAST page of the book) makes it all better.*sigh of relief.Sandblasting Sandersons! Don’t EVER do that to us again.
Profile Image for Connor.
697 reviews1,706 followers
August 29, 2016
Updated Review: So I originally read the arc that was provided to me from the publisher, but then they sent me the final copy which got to me today. I for some reason decided to reread the latter part of the book and have decided to up my rating for reasons. Shocking Sandersons. Yes!!

Original Rating: 4 Stars
And original review:
So until the last three chapters, I absolutely loved it. Incredibly funny and fast-paced. I loved the footnotes and the pop culture references. I don't mind the ending to the story so much although I think a fair amount of people will. I would have liked some more information about what happened as a result of the last events. It seemed super blunt without any falling action or resolution at all which leaves me wanting. Still a five stars series in my book, but I think this last installment seemed like he was just trying to be done with the series.
Profile Image for TS Chan.
760 reviews916 followers
September 15, 2022
Sept 2022:Reread for the release of Bastille vs The Evil Librarians. I am ready!

And Sanderson pulls it off again!
Do not read the link until you have finished this book.


Wow! After being exposed to so many of Brandon Sanderson's books, I didn't expect to be taken so completely by surprise (again). I expect some twists that's for sure but the ending of this book was not anticipated. The ridiculous humour is still there but this book is dark, especially for one targeted at the MG audience.

All I can say is that I applaud Brandon for sticking to the ending that he intended from the very beginning. It is a highly enjoyable series delivered in a quirky manner with the Sanderson's trademark innovative spin on magic.

Tip: Do read till the very last page of the book - think of it like a post-credit scene of a Marvel movie.
Profile Image for Mogsy.
2,141 reviews2,698 followers
September 6, 2016
4 of 5 stars at The BiblioSanctumhttps://bibliosanctum.com/2016/09/05/...

Edit: Holy crap. HOLEEE CRAP. The following review was based on the ARC, but I just got my finished copy from the publisher, and I just saw the little "note" that was added at the end of the final hardcover. My original rating stands because I still feel the same way for the most part, but I'm not going to lie, this does change things somewhat. I'm feeling a lot more positive about the ending now. Read it, and you will see.

Well, I’ve just finished this book, and now I have to ask, what is up with all your evil series endings, Mr. Sanderson?! This isn’t the first time I’ve had mixed feelings about the way one of his series ended; first it was the original Mistborn trilogy and earlier this year it was the Reckoners. To be fair, the difference is that Alcatraz has been warning about this moment for years—the books have repeatedly told us what a liar, a coward, and all around bad person Alcatraz is, and he’s no hero—so don’t be surprised if he leaves you with an ending that makes you want to SCREAM!

Ahem, my point is, this was still a great book, but hopefully you have been heeding our protagonist’s foreshadowing. You have been warned…

The Dark Talent picks up where things left off in book four, The Shattered Lens, which was originally published almost six years ago, so this concluding volume was a long time coming. Alcatraz Smedry and the gang have just fought off a whole army of Evil Librarians and saved the Free Kingdom nation of Mokia. However, that victory came at a very high price. Mokia now lies in ruins, with many of its warriors in a coma after falling victim to a chemical weapon developed by the Librarians. Among them is Alcatraz’s good friend Bastille, the young knight of Crystallia who pledged to protect him. Even worse, at the end of the last book, Alcatraz did something that left all of his family members’ talents inactive. Yes, he actually managed to break all the Smedry talents with his Smedry breaking talent.

Meanwhile, they still have to track down Alcatraz’s father who is determined to carry out a brilliant plan that, while good intentioned, could still have the potential to ruin the world. They know that he has gone to Washington DC, home of the Library of Congress—or the “Highbrary”, which is what Librarians call their main headquarters. Once again, Alcatraz and his family and friends find themselves preparing to infiltrate a library, but this time the stakes are much, much higher.

On the whole, this book was fantastic, following in the same footsteps as the previous volumes when it comes to the off-the-wall humor and wackiness. Sanderson falls effortlessly back into the tone of this series, and the snark is stronger than ever! Another development is that Alcatraz has discovered footnotes, and has been using (abusing?) them like it’s going out of style, the little scamp. The action is also alive and well as our heroes venture into the great labyrinthine Highbrary to retrieve Alcatraz’s father, and the many twists and turns—both figurative and literal—will keep you on the edge of your seat.

However, I also feel this is the darkest book of the series. The last few chapters or so really drove it home for me, though I suppose looking back, the darkness might have been building up for a while already, as Alcatraz gradually matured and grew as a character. He’s still the boy we first met in Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians, but in many ways he’s also…not. I’ve written in my reviews for the previous books that beneath all the humor and quirkiness, there’s a deeper level to this series. I guess in The Dark Talent, some of that is finally coming to the surface.

Which brings me to the ending. I didn’t really like it, as painful as it is for me to admit. But I had known something like it might be coming, and if you’ve also read all the books, you might be expecting it as well. It was all very sudden, brutally candid and to-the-point, and even a little unpleasant, almost like Sanderson wasn’t sure how to end the book so he just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. That’s the best way I can describe it. I still love this series to bits, but ugh, that ending still makes me feel like someone hit me over the head with a frying pan.

It’s all done now, though; the Alcatraz series has come to an end. I’m really glad I got to read all of the books this year, as they’ve been on my reading list for a long time. The re-issues of books 1-4 by Starscape finally presented me with the perfect opportunity to catch up, and I’m already looking forward to rereading them with my kids once they’re old enough to appreciate the stories. Until then, I’m going to miss this series, and all the wonderful characters—Alcatraz, Bastille, Draulin, Kaz, Australia, Folsom, Himalaya, even Shasta, and most of all, Grandpa Smedry. What a wild ride it has been. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,746 reviews1,571 followers
September 10, 2016
The Alcatraz series is what happens when an Author’s inner critic gets to be the voice of the book and make fun of said author.
Brandon Sanderson is the fake author of these books, the name Alcatraz publishes them under to keep the Librarians from realizing that the books are real. Alcatraz has it on good authority that that while there was once a real Brandon Sanderson, he was executed for take too much time to write the 5th book of a series-and then doing something horrible at the ending. These days, the title "Brandon Sanderson" is wielded by a group of shadowy book writing ninjas, wth the goal of owning all of the world’s Mac and cheese.

This did not end how I expected….but after thinking about it I LOVED what Brandon Sanderson decided to do with the ending. I actually should have guessed what was coming since there were clues along the way. But I was too caught up in the funny and the danger that I didn’t think he would go there...AND THEN HE DID.


Alcatraz has been many things not a good person, a Liar, awesome, an idiot and now a coward. We know he is a coward because he gives us a huge list of all the ways he is afraid of dying a few include but are not limited to:
death by gratuitous paper cuts, being forced so watch too many Korean soap operas,being forced to go back in time and accidentally killing my own great-great-grandfather in a clichéd science fiction action sequence,SADS (Sudden Alcatraz death Syndrome), poisoning,balefire,heat death of the universe, accidental grenade ingestion,Avada Kedavra,being sued by J. K. rowling, accidental teddy bear detonation, being eaten by a sentient romance novel…etc. etc. etc

Is he really these things???? Well yes, I believe so. But he is just a kid so maybe he’ll grow out of it and be okay.*

Every book in the series had some sort of gimmick of some kind in it. Things like a false last chapter for those sneaky people that read the last pages early. A chase scene done while quoting Hamlet. Chapters that followed no accepted naming convention….at all. This…well this is the book of footnotes.**

I thought that the last book in this series dropped off a little in the humor and fun department but I will say that while this is a darker story there is a lot of fun to be had along the way. There is veryuselessuseful information at the beginning of each chapter.
Ah, the wooly sea sloth, with its luscious fur and its body made of high-grade aluminum. It is a noble creature, and endangered; as of writing this there are precisely negative four of them remaining in the wild--as opposed to a hundred years ago, when there were none of them living off the coast of Newfoundland.
The wooly sea sloth is known for a steady diet of conservative talk show hosts and Twix bars with the chocolate licked off. The peaceful animal is of no danger to anyone, since none of them exist or have ever existed, and yet their habitat is threatened by their only natural predator: Wikipedia.
Stop Wikipedia rampages now and support the wooly sea sloth reforestation project, led by six former presidents of the United States (one a zombie) and no conservative talk show hosts.

There was a chapter done with a bunch of added puns
When we left the room, we were well disguised. The only way we could have done better is if we’d been wearing ropes, a bucket, and a sign that said TOSS IN A COIN FOR A WISH.

and another where Neanderthalian grunting seemed to be the theme. There was always something good going on.***

So the book powered along and we got to the end of Alcatraz’s autobiography and I was stunned. Speachless even. But then….then….there is that little nugget that hidden page and I punched my fist in the air and shouted YES!!! Why you ask???****

Yes this is a middle grade book but much like Anamaniacs and Bugs Bunny cartoons there is something in these for everyone. I really felt like there was just as much for the adults as the kids. But if you have kids in the 7-12 year old range this would be a great family book series to read.

*I really don’t think that is likely and he will probably be stoopidatious for the rest of his existence.

**I thought they were all hilarious and added to the story…but if it bugs you there are a TON of them and it will be distracting.

***Except for that one time….but we aren’t talking about it yet.

****I can’t believe you asked me so spoil this book. That is really so uncool of you. You’re probably one of those people that read the last page in the book. For Shame.
Profile Image for Anna [Bran. San. Stan].
347 reviews214 followers
October 14, 2022
I honestly did not expect to love this series as much as I did: the hilarity, the engaging plot, the world building, the absurd Terry-Pratchett-style footnotes! (Sadly they decided to exclude those in the GraphicAudio production.) Though I guess I should not be surprised as I’ve loved everything Sanderson writes so far, so why should this be any different?

Looking forward to the final book written in Bastille‘s POV! I expect more great things as Janci Patterson has also co-writtenSkyward Flightwith Brandon and I really loved those novellas. I’m confident she has done great work here!

PS: The print version is really worth it! The edition is beautiful in itself and also includes a really fun letter to be opened at the end.
Profile Image for Marnie  (Enchanted Bibliophile).
866 reviews130 followers
July 13, 2018
Alcatraz: "I’ve now figured out how to use footnotes.*"

First Sentence:So there I was, standing in my chambers on the day before the world ended, facing my greatest adversary to date.

I love how these books put a smile on my face every single time I read them!
Alcatraz just lifts my spirit - now matter what! Having a bad few days this was the best medicine I could have ask for.

*I really hope Bastille keeps her promise...
[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>
Profile Image for Ali Book World.
386 reviews221 followers
May 7, 2023
با شوک پایانِ این جلد چه کنم؟؟؟
نههههه یکی بیاد بگه چه کنم؟؟؟؟؟
خدای من🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😱😭
Profile Image for Eli24.
160 reviews107 followers
December 3, 2023
قرار بود داستان نوجوان باشه خیرسرمون! اخه این کاری بود؟ چه پایانی بود؟ لعنت بهت سندرسون نمیتشه یبار بنویسی که ادم از دستت حرص نخوره؟😒🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️
تمام طول مجموعه میگفت.... هی میگفت.... از جلد اول میگفت اینجوره و ما باور نمیکردیم🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️
اصلا بفرما وقتی داستان بدون بستیل باشه همین میشه دیگه.... اصلا خوبتون شد😒
برا این جلد ریویو ندارم فقط غر دارم بزنم 😭😭😭

الکاتراز امیدوارم که به سمنا دچار بشی 😏
یا کوسه ها تیکه پارت کنن😏
یا توسط عمه ها کشته بشی 😏
یا رو محراب برای قربانی شدن ببندنت 😏
یا اصلا ترکیبی از همه اینا...بله حقته 😈
Profile Image for Eric Allen.
Author3 books776 followers
September 9, 2016
Well... that got dark. Like seriously, disturbingly dark. The Alcatraz series has always been a sort of lighthearted mishmash of writing advice, snark, satire, ridiculousness, genre blending, and genre bending, and genre backflips through double hoops while singing the Star Spangled Banner, that's both somewhat educational and very entertaining. Pretty much good wholesome fun for kids and adults both. But man, this one took a pretty dark turn at the end, and didn't really have the same feel to it as the others. The tone of the whole book is very different from the previous four. A lot of the best characters from previous books are barely in it, or not in it at all. Also, it doesn't really have an ending. It just sort of ends right in the middle of what's happening. I don't know if it's because Sanderson took so much time off from the series before writing this next book, or if he always meant for this jarring tone shift to happen, but after finishing, I found myself asking, where did my silly, fun Alcatraz book go?

It's still a comedy, and entertaining enough, even if it does feel a little off from the previous four books. I did get a pretty good laugh out of Penguinator nearly every time it was mentioned. If you've read the rest of the series, you're probably not going to hate it, and enjoy it enough to make it worth your time in reading it. Although, I would maybe advise parents to read it first before giving it to younger children to see if it's something you want your kids reading, because seriously, the ending of this book is extremely dark.
Profile Image for Elevetha .
1,861 reviews193 followers
April 7, 2023


But they changed the covers. Not that the covers for the first 4 books weren't hideous beyond all belief, but now they won't even match.I'm just salty because I don't want to have to buy all new copies of the first 4 to get a matching set


Post:3.5 stars.

I am SO glad I waited 7 years to read this. (I'm not sure why I waited, asit was supposed to be the final book*.)But if I had read this when it was released, I would have been wailing and whining for years about a sixth book. And then would have needed to wait 6 years to get my hands on said 6th book. It was just better for all involved.

Despite all the warning and foreshadowing, I still wasn't prepared for just how dark this got in the last couple of chapters. It's pretty dim and dismal for a fun, light-hearted, goofy kid's series. And that ending!! I would have DIED**

I loved the footnotes, I immediately caught on to a plot twist, and I missed having Bastille around for the entirety of the book.

*This man is very clever. Also, have a footnote.

**Just like several characters. Hark, a footnote!
Profile Image for A.L. Sowards.
Author20 books1,148 followers
October 17, 2022
My kids don’t have school tomorrow, so I let them stay up a little past bedtime and we finished this book together. Here’s how it went:

Sadness at events in the book.

Some comfort at a few of the twists in the last two pages.

The end.

“Mom, can you order book six?”

“It’s not out yet.”


Yeah, it’s kind of a cliffhangerish ending. Reminds me a little ofThe Empire Strikes Backin that regard. There are some losses and the bad guys seem to have the upper hand. But there is also a little bit of redemption for a certain character, and some hope for the future.

We enjoyed this one, but we all needed more of Bastille’s sharp sword and even sharper tongue. So book six should be just the thing... when it comes out.
Profile Image for Jeraviz.
967 reviews566 followers
April 1, 2019
Sanderson escribe estos libros para descansar entre obra y obra de 1000 páginas, y el lector se lo tiene que tomar igual. Si habéis llegado hasta aquí no esperéis nada distinto: el narrador se dirige directamente a ti, te miente, hace notas a pie de página que te sacan de la lectura, etc, etc. Aún así la idea y el worldbuilding mola porque es de Sanderson.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,161 reviews58 followers
December 28, 2018
“This is where the story stops being funny. You’ve been warned.”

Don't take this warning as another one of Alcatraz's funny jokes! I did and didn't even consider it might be the real deal so I wasn't prepared to face it when it hit.

The story turned too dark and too depressing too soon and despite the funny puns, it still managed to leave me with a general feeling of despondency. This is my least favorite of the series so far and I sure as hell hope Brandon (sorry - Alcatraz) will make it right again in the next book.
Profile Image for Cami L. González.
1,269 reviews499 followers
November 24, 2020
¡Ahhhhhh! ¿Por qué me leí este libro? Debí esperar a tener el sexto, en serio. Adoro la saga de Alcatraz, ya que vemos el lado más divertido y absurdo de Sanderson. Me gusta que sea capaz de escribir libros como Mistborn o El archivo de las tormentas, pero también pueda hacerlo tan bien con libros middle-grade.

Alcatraz logró evitar la caída de Mokia, pero Bastille está en coma y los Talentos están rotos. Es por esto que debe unirse a su madre para entrar a la Sumoteca y encontrar a su padre, y la forma de despertar del coma a las personas heridas.

Disfruté mucho esta entrega. Confieso que me encanta Shasta, la madre de Alcatraz, la relación entre los dos es muy interesante de leer. Creo que este es uno de los motivos por los que lo pasé tan bien con este libro. A diferencia de Attica cuya personalidad resultaba demasiado frustrante e insufrible, con él todo era muy incómodo, no así con Shasta.

Admito que un giro sí que me lo vi venir en parte, así que no me sorprendió del todo, pero EL FINAL... ESE FINAL. ¿QUÉ ACABA DE PASAR? ¡QUE ALGUIEN ME EXPLIQUE! Fue muy fuerte, no me lo esperaba y eso que lo avisó a todo lo largo del libro, pero de verdad me dejó muy sorprendida y en shock. Además, curiosamente el contraste con el tono de las otras entregas no es evidente, es decir, siempre nos avisó que pasaría algo así, por lo que cuando sucede si bien estaba sorprendida no parecía forzado o fuera de lugar. De alguna manera, fue construyéndolo gradualmente de forma muy astuta para mantener el humor y el tono ligero, pero añadiéndole lo oscuro y triste.

Adoro a los Smedry, son unos tontos y tiernos que siempre intentan hacer lo mejor aunque se pasen cinco pueblos. De verdad que me encantan y la relaciones entre ellos también. Sé que estos libros dentro de todo lo que ha escrito Sanderson no son los mejores, pero demuestra su versatilidad y capacidad para crear mundos que son tan absurdos como coherentes.

No me queda más que decir que este libro tenía un tono más oscuro que los otros, a pesar de que seguía conservando el humor. Me gustó mucho, porque al final siempre nos dijo ciertas cosas y, aunque lo hacía con un tono ligero, resultó siendo cierto. Tengo muchas ganas de leer el final de la saga.
Profile Image for Sarvenaz.
126 reviews5 followers
September 12, 2023
جدا نمیدونم چرا تا الان بیدار موندم و خوندمش که اینجوری پایانش اذیتم کنه😶😶
ای لعنت بهت سندرسون توی کتابای طنز و کودکانه هم یکاری میکنه قلب خواننده بشکنه مرض داری مرد؟
ولی عجب جلدی بود
خیلییییی خوب بود
با اینکه پایانش آزار دهنده بود ولی روند داستان رو دوست داشتم
جز دیف لعنتی😑😑😑😑 (بدترین فحشا بهش)
خوندن جلد پنجم آلکاتراز با وجود فاصلهای که بین جلد چهارم و پنجم افتاد بازم چسبید و دلم برای این مجموعه دوست داشتنی تنگ شده بود🙂
پ.ن: من نمیدونم چرا وقتی که میدونم پایانش قراره داغ بده بهم قراره اذیت بشم تا جلد شش رو شروع کنم بازم ادامه میدم تا تمومش کنم😐🙄🥸
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Joanne G..
673 reviews35 followers
October 14, 2016
I read the first four Alcatraz books and waited patiently for the promised ending. Mr. Sanderson had to get the publishing rights reverted to himself before finishing the series, so readers have had a nearly ten-year wait from the first book to last. Or, at least, I thought it was the last book that would finally give me the conclusion to Alcatraz Smedry's battle against the evil librarians.

The first four books were written for 12-year-old boys and those who love them. They're silly, over the top, fast-paced, clever, and humorous. I expected more of the same fromThe Dark Talent.And I expected the story I'd been waiting to read for years would come to a satisfying conclusion. They say expectations are premeditated resentments, and I closed the book with unmet expectations and more than a little annoyance. You know how you start feeling fidgety and fretful that you're running out of pages for the author to perform the miracle of tying all the loose ends together to bring our hero to a triumphant outcome? (Or is that just me?) With each turn of a page, your heart sinks a bit more knowing that the grand finale can't possibly happen without being rushed and disappointing. Or, as in this case, there is no grand finale--just a big old heart-stabbing cliff-hanger. There are to be more installments in the series. Normally, more books from Mr. Sanderson would be cause for celebration, but I hadn't paced myself for that in this series. I hadn't expected the happy-go-lucky world of Alcatraz to degenerate into shock and horror, either. I realize the title of the book contains the word "dark," but I didn't take it to mean literally (although an author's words are prone to that, I suppose).

I'm baffled why this light-hearted series has taken a grimdark turn. I would have gladly given the first four books to any child to read, but discretion should be used on this fifth installment for especially young readers.

Profile Image for Sulhan Habibi.
672 reviews62 followers
March 6, 2018
Apa-apaan ini?

Bastille, aku percayakan selanjutnya kepadamu. Jangan membuat semua kecewa.
#UnegUneg akan buku Alcatraz Vs The Evil Librarians #5 – The Dark Talent
Anggap saja #SuratTerbuka atau #UlasanSingkat #CurahanHati juga boleh
Apa yang biasanya kalian harapkan dari akhir suatu kisah?

Pertama-tama aku katakan kalau ending buku kelima (seri terakhir) Alcatraz ini sangat jauh dari bayanganku. Akhirnya itu mengguncang jiwa dan perasaan berkecamuk karena kejadian yang begitu tiba-tiba dan diceritakan dengan sesingkat mungkin tapi efeknya “BOOOM…!!!” pengen ngumpat “WHAT THE…..!!”
Eh, kok aku menceritakan bagian ending dulu?

Ya, alasannya biar kalian penasaran. Jika sang penulis, Alcatraz Smedry (bukan si Brandon Sanderson – yang mengalami kelainan jiwa) gemar menyiksa pembacanya, mengapa aku tidak melakukan hal yang sama dengan menyiksa kalian dengan rasa penasaran? **Haha.. rasakan tuh perasaan tersiksa**
Buku kelima ini terasa agak berbeda dengan buku sebelumnya. Absurd, lelucon, dan jeniusnya kembali dengan hal yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Naik tingkat ya, bukan jenis pengulangan jokes atau ke-absud-an dari buku sebelumnya. Di sinilah kejeniusan sang master *troll pembaca* semakin dikukuhkan.

Masih dengan kelakuan keluarga Smedry yang seenaknya, ada pula bakat baru, penamaan BAB yang begitulah, dan penyiksaan dalam bentuk lelucon baru. Coba angkat kakimu, ada tulisannya nggak? Nah, kalau kamu mengerti leluconku ini, itulah jenis penulisan baru yang ditemukan Alcatraz dan dibuat lelucon olehnya.

Buku kelima ini langsung melanjutkan kejadian di buku keempat. Ceritanya berlangsung dalam tempo yang cepat tapi masih diselingi celotehan si Al yang kadang kacau.

Si Al ini sudah mewanti-wanti untuk tidak mempercayainya, mengatakan dirinya bukan Hero, mengatakan dirinya pembohong, pengecut, dan lainnya. Mungkin si Al ini lelah menuliskan kisahnya sehingga jeda antara buku 4 dan 5 ini berjarak 6 tahun. Entah si Al lelah, atau tidak tega (tidak sabar) mengakhiri kisahnya sendiri, aura buku kelima ini lebih gelap dari buku-buku sebelumnya )judulnya saja ada kata DARK #eh nggak ada hubungannya kynya).

Yah, intinya Brandon Sanderson ini jenius dan bersiaplah disiksa olehnya. Disiksa oleh keabsurd-an ceritanya, disiksa oleh leluconnya, dan disiksa oleh bagaimana dia mengakhiri buku ini.

Kata dia sih, pembaca itu suka disiksa. Yes! Aku suka disiksa oleh kisah Al, tapi kan NGGAK GINI JUGA AL!! Kamu berhutang banyak buat kami. Haha! Camkan itu.

Bastille!! Tolong tampar si AL kampret ini!!
Profile Image for Daniel.
788 reviews76 followers
September 8, 2016
Na zalost ova zadnja knjiga (ili mozda nije????) mi nekako uopste nije legla. Najvise zbog samog naratora/autora/glavnog lika. Sa raznim upadicama i humorom samo me je nervirao kroz celu knjigu. I cinjenica da se cudne stvari desavaju samo da bi bile cudne. Iskreno pola vremena sam imao osecaj da je ova knjiga samo izgovor za Sandersona da eksperimentise sa razlicitim metodama prikaza price i kolko daleko moze otici u uvrnuto a da bude zabavno. Ali ti izleti su mi samo smarali uzivanje.

Sam kraj je opet odlican i poslednjih 30tak strana je najbolje u celom serijalu + post credit sekvenca koja fino dodaje ulje navatru tako da ima dobrih stvari ovde.

Isto tako standardno za Sandersona, stil pisanja je brz, leteci, holivudski i nema ni sekunde dosade tako da tu nema sta da se zali.

E sada je moguce da ja nisam skapirao knjigu i kada je budem kasnije ponovo citao mozda i promenim misljenje al za sada sam nekako razocaran.

I da, kapiram da je Sanderson ovde ubacivao sebe i svoje vidjenje o nekim stvarima iz ugla pisca i ima tu finih ideja ali sve to mi je samo kvarilo tok. Ali ima finih ideja za razmisljanje.

P.S. Deo gde objasnjava o nazivima chaptera je jedan od retkih delova koji mi je bas legao humorski i mogu reci da mi je zao poglavlja u drugim knjigama koji se zovu sam Chapter 1 itd.:)
Profile Image for Mangrii.
1,012 reviews339 followers
October 2, 2017
3,75 / 5

En este último libro Alcatraz está dispuesto a todo para ayudar a Bastille a despertarse, y detener los peligrosos propósitos de su padre. Tanto que llega hasta a aliarse con su madre bibliotecaria. Junto con el abuelo, Kaz, Draulin y Dif, volarán rumbo a la Sumoteca, el refugio Bibliotecario más grande de todas las Tierras Silenciadas. Allí esperan encontrar las respuestas a todas sus preguntas sobre los Talentos, los cristales y salvar el mundo. Pero también les espera una guerra, la Gran Guerra Bibliotecaria.

Sanderson ha jugado con nosotros. El libro se ha dirigido en todo momento hacia ese final definitivo que lleva insinuando a lo largo de toda la historia, pero que no creíamos posible. Sin revelar el spoiler monumental que se cargaría todo el libro, y casi la saga, las últimas 20 páginas son para agarrarse fuerte el corazón al pecho. El final de la historia está lleno de giros y sorpresas, más aún de lo que Sanderson en su vertiente adulta nos tiene acostumbrados.

Disfrutamos durante todo el libro de la verborrea, agilidad, idas de olla y absurdeces que se le ocurren a Alcatraz como narrador. Quizás a veces algo cargante, como con la repetición de las bromas a pie de página constante en cada capítulo. Pero gran parte con acierto, si te han gustado sus toques de humor en los volúmenes anteriores.

Algo peculiar en este último volumen es el cambio de tono al final. De repente el humor y la diversión caen en picado hasta un punto desesperanzador y deprimente. Tan duro que casi no parece Alcatraz ni una serie middle-grade. Ni que sea Brandon Sanderson.

Reseña más extensa en el blog:http://boywithletters.blogspot.com.es...
Profile Image for Kira Blake.
111 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2016
Disappointing book for me for 2 reasons: 1. This was supposed to be the last book in the series. I prepared myself for it to be the end & the series doesn't end. Instead you are left with a giant cliffhanger and a promise that Bastille will finish the story for you at a later date. 2. This book series is no longer kid friendly. One of the reasons I loved this book series and recommended it to LOTS of people was because it had witty dialogue and was a great, clean book for the whole family. I don't feel I can recommend these anymore as the ending to this book is very dark. Sure, the author doesn't go into detail about Attica's death on the Librarian altar, but there's enough there that he doesn't need to. Your imagination fills in the rest for you. This book left a bad taste in my mouth and didn't uphold the great expectations I had for this "final" volume of a series I loved.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kasia (kasikowykurz).
1,978 reviews54 followers
January 16, 2023
Jaki plot twist na końcu! Nie wiem, jaki to ma target wiekowy, ale nie wiem, czy jest to seria odpowiednia dla trzynastolatków (już pomijając, że bohaterowie jak trzynastolatki się nie zachowują). Jako zakończenie serii - trochę słabo, bo z jednej strony autor cały czas mówi, że jest to ostatni tom, a na samym końcu wspomina, że będzie jeszcze jeden. Także ja póki co tego nie czuję kompletnie i liczę na to, że ten ostatni będzie lepszy, a Bastylia jako narrator mniej irytująca.

Jako całość - fabularnie nieźle (chociaż trochę brakuje mi celu i jakiejś takiej zwięzłości); bohaterowie - różnie, bo Alcatraz mnie denerwuje, dziadka i Bastylię uwielbiam; jako osobne tomy - oj ciężko, ewidentnie nie jest to seria moja i podejrzewam, że za dzieciaka też byśmy się nie polubili za bardzo.
Profile Image for Cori Reed.
1,135 reviews382 followers
September 27, 2017
This is a great series, middle grade or not. I think if you are a fan of Brandon Sanderson's adult fiction, you'll still appreciate this brand of humour.
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
742 reviews243 followers
February 1, 2018
4 Estrellas. Ojiplática. Así es como me ha dejado este libro, y ése pedazo de final, que aún no sé si me ha gustado, y se me ha hecho totalmente agridulce, porque de verdad ¿Así? ¿Acaba así? Vale. Sé que la historia realmente no termina aquí, Sanderson está planeando seguir con la serie, pero ¿Desde el punto de vista de Bastille? Espero que sea eso, porque para mí esto no ha concluido, y ha quedado demasiado abierto.

Este quinto (y "último" ) volumen, traslada de nuevo a Alcatraz, su familia y amigos a las Tierras Silenciadas, en este caso a Washington D.C. y en concreto a la Sumoteca, la gran biblioteca del Congreso. ¿Por qué? Aquí viene el spoiler si no habéis leído el anterior libro: Intentar detener al padre de Alcatraz en su empeño por conceder el Talento de los Smedry a toda la humanidad.

De nuevo, volvemos a otra loca y disparatada aventura en este mundo ficticio de Sanderson, donde todo ocurre al revés de como debería ser, pero que el autor ha escrito con una genialidad bestial. El gran problema que representa este libro, es cómo logrará Alcatraz infiltrarse en la Sumoteca, vencer sus defensas y a los Bibliotecarios Malvados, a la vez que encuentra a su padre, y todo ello sin poder usar el Talento de los Smedry.

Otra historia de Brandon Sanderson que pese a ser juvenil, me ha parecido muy, pero que muy fuerte en el final, y que me ha dejado con ganas de saber qué pasará en los siguientes libros, si es que llegan.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 932 reviews

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