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Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians#4

The Shattered Lens: Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians

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Now in paperback for the first time, featuring all new covers, the Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians middle-grade series from #1New York Timesbestselling author Brandon Sanderson.

Alcatraz Smedry is up against a whole army of Evil Librarians in this fourth adventure, with only his friend Bastille, a few pairs of glasses, and an unlimited supply of exploding teddy bears to help him. This time, even Alcatraz's extraordinary talent for breaking things may not be enough to defeat the army of Evil Librarians and their giant librarian robots.

336 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 2010

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About the author

Brandon Sanderson

I’m Brandon Sanderson, and I write stories of the fantastic: fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers.

Defiant, the fourth and final volume of the series that started with Skyward in 2018, comes out in November 2023, capping an already book-filled year that will see the releases of all four Secret Projects: Tress of the Emerald Sea, The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, and Secret Project Four (with its official title reveal coming October 2023). These four books were all initially offered to backers of the #1 Kickstarter campaign of all time.

November 2022 saw the release of The Lost Metal, the seventh volume in the Mistborn saga, and the final volume of the Mistborn Era Two featuring Wax & Wayne. The third era of Mistborn is slated to be written after the first arc of the Stormlight Archive wraps up.

In November 2020 we saw the release of Rhythm of War—the fourth massive book in the New York Times #1 bestselling Stormlight Archive series that began with The Way of Kings—and Dawnshard (book 3.5), a novella set in the same world that bridges the gaps between the main releases. This series is my love letter to the epic fantasy genre, and it’s the type of story I always dreamed epic fantasy could be. The fifth volume, Wind and Truth, is set for release in fall 2024.

Most readers have noticed that my adult fantasy novels are in a connected universe called the Cosmere. This includes The Stormlight Archive, both Mistborn series, Elantris, Warbreaker, and various novellas available on Amazon, including The Emperor’s Soul, which won a Hugo Award in 2013. In November 2016 all of the existing Cosmere short fiction was released in one volume called Arcanum Unbounded. If you’ve read all of my adult fantasy novels and want to see some behind-the-scenes information, that collection is a must-read.

I also have three YA series: The Rithmatist (currently at one book), The Reckoners (a trilogy beginning with Steelheart), and Skyward. For young readers I also have my humorous series Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians, which had its final book, Bastille vs. the Evil Librarians, come out in 2022. Many of my adult readers enjoy all of those books as well, and many of my YA readers enjoy my adult books, usually starting with Mistborn.

Additionally, I have a few other novellas that are more on the thriller/sci-fi side. These include the Legion series, as well as Perfect State and Snapshot. There’s a lot of material to go around!

Good starting places are Mistborn (a.k.a. The Final Empire), Skyward, Steelheart,The Emperor’s Soul, and Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians. If you’re already a fan of big fat fantasies, you can jump right into The Way of Kings.

I was also honored to be able to complete the final three volumes of The Wheel of Time, beginning with The Gathering Storm, using Robert Jordan’s notes.

Sample chapters from all of my books are available at brandonsanderson.com—and check out the rest of my site for chapter-by-chapter annotations, deleted scenes, and more.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 901 reviews
Profile Image for Patrick.
Author72 books237k followers
November 20, 2015
Eagerly looking forward to the final installment. Continually fun stuff...
Profile Image for Kyle.
168 reviews60 followers
September 10, 2016

Is there anything Alcatraz can't break?

Tuki Tuki, the capital of the kingdom of Mokia, is under attack by an army of evil Librarians and Alcatraz decides he's going to do something about it.

As with all the books in this series,Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lensis funny, irreverent, entertaining and teaches you everything you need to know about Librarians!

Definitely targeted to younger readers, 10 to 13 years of age, I'd say. After reading four books in the series, I'm not sure I'll read any more. Not because they are bad, but because they just don't hold my interest as an adult. The plots are just a little to simple and silly for me. I just wish I'd found these when I was 10, I'd have loved them.

Profile Image for Choko.
1,326 reviews2,647 followers
August 30, 2016
*** 4.17 ***

A buddy read with the young at heart at BB&B!

I loved it!!! It offered everything we have come to expect from Brandon Sanderson. I love the book! I love the series! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Brandon Sanderson!!!! (not a member of any SANDERSONIAN cult)
Profile Image for Marta Álvarez.
Author22 books5,741 followers
February 12, 2018
Poco más puedo decir que no haya dicho en reseñas anteriores de esta saga. LeedAlcatraz,leñe.
Profile Image for Sarvenaz.
126 reviews5 followers
April 7, 2023
بین ۴.۵ و ۵ موندم ولی چون خیلی خندیدم باهاش و خوش گذشت بهم خوندنش بهش ۵ میدم😁🤭
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,746 reviews1,571 followers
September 14, 2016
On sale Sept 7 2016 onAmazonfor $2.99

So this was my least favorite of the series so far. This went a little into the dark side and except for some of the stuff at the beginning and a spectacular chapter with a bunch of Hamlet Quotes in a chase. It is more serious as discoveries are made as to what Alcatraz's father has planned, what the librarians are doing and that sometimes being the hero doesn't work out quite like you think it will.

But I will say that the chapters headings (which followed no traditional naming convention what-so-ever) were either funny or intriguing. Some of them I had to look up to see what they might have went to. Such as a shout out to Avogadro's number, Pi, the call sign for the Star Ship Enterprise and a few other gems.

Still the audio is done very well and before I knew it I was at the end of another fun read with a small cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Anna [Bran. San. Stan].
347 reviews214 followers
October 5, 2022
Stuff gets realin this installment, but luckily it still has itstrademark humorthat continues to crack me up. Myfavorite bit of silliness has got to be the chapter called “Act V, Scene III”when Alcatraz is asked to come up with a more original plan. He relents:“We’ll sneak past the guards in the dark and we’ll do it while quoting Hamlet.”But that’s just the set-up: from now on,in that chapter, the characters interact by quoting Hamlet. And when a guard erroneously quotes Macbeth instead of Hamlet, he gets a well-deserved beating. It's just wonderfully nuts.Of course, Alcatraz the author takes the opportunity and extols on the value of literary allusions.

When Sanderson said he had a lot of fun writing this, I can totally see why. I’m glad it translates to the reader having a lot of fun too.

What’s with theunusual chapter titlesyou ask?

If you have not read this series, here is a little taste of the silliness you can expect – and yes,the titles all have significance (though not all of them are clear to me yet):

Chapter titles, in chronological order:
Chapter 2
Chapter 6
Chapter pi
Chapter 4 1/2
Chapter 42
Chapter 144
Chapter “Act V, Scene III”
Chapter A+
Chapter No!
Chapter 1010
Chapter 24601
Chapter 070706
Chapter 6.02214187 x 10
Chapter Four Teens and a Pickle
Chapter 8675309
Chapter 16
Chapter NCC-1701
Chapter 4815162342
Chapter infinity
Chapter infinity + 1

“I hate assassination. It looks way too much like a dirty word. Either that or the name of a country populated entirely by two donkeys.”
Profile Image for Bookwraiths.
698 reviews1,107 followers
August 11, 2016
Originally reviewed atBookwraiths.

My youngest son and I have been enjoying theAlcatrazseries for several months now. Brandon Sanderson’s funny, bizarre, clever, and hilarious writing definitely takes some getting use to (I mean, the Evil Libraries are reading these stories after all, so Alcatraz has to confuse them.), but once you begin to acclimate yourself to the strangeness of the Free Kingdoms and the whackiness of the Smedrys the middle grade fun takes off. The author has even been kind enough to include another one of his creative magical systems and a serious undertone to the tale to satisfy more demanding readers: young and old alike. And the best part isThe Shattered Lenssets everything up for the titanic conclusion to the series next book!

As we begin, Alcatraz can’t seem to catch his breath before the Evil Librarians unleash yet another diabolical scheme to take over the Free Kingdoms. After having foiled their foul plots for three straight books, you’d think the bad guys would have learned their lesson by now. I mean, Alcatraz Smedry has come home and they need to stop the foolishness already. But, no, the librarians move from defeat into full attack mode inThe Shattered Lens.Their new target the Free Kingdom of Mokia, where they besiege its capital of Tuki Tuki. All of which means Alcatraz must once again use his extraordinary Smedry talent of breaking things (along with an unlimited supply of exploding teddy bears) to stop the vile villains in their tracks.

Like always, Alcatraz sets off without any real plan. Okay, he sorta has a plan. I mean, charging into battle with only his friend Bastille to help is kind of a strategy, right? The other Free Kingdoms will eventually come and help once they see Alcatraz taking a stand. They have to, don’t they? And, they will show up in time to stop the librarians’ coma-inducing weapon from taking out all of Tuki Tuki’s defenders, hopefully. Sure, the robot army of the Evil Librarians is impressive, scary powerful even, but Alcatraz knows it will all work out in the end, because... it always does.

As a middle grade book filled with whacky humor, it probably goes without saying that the jokes are the star here. Now, as a dad, I can’t say I laughed out loud at every one-liner or smiled at every silliness which Brandon Sanderson effortlessly penned, but my nine year old did. Every zany line, every ridiculous event amused him, entertained him, and thrilled him. And since my son is more the target audience for this mad caper than, I think Mr. Sanderson succeeded in doing exactly what he set to do: entertain the middle grade readers.

Don’t take the above statement to me I didn’t enjoy this book, because I did. It is just that different things held my attention. My personal favorite being the continued growth of the magical system, as here (and throughout the entire series) Mr. Sanderson has every so subtly unveiled oculatory lens, Smedry talents, the Incarnate Wheel, and so much more; the comical nature of each “magic” hiding yet developing an intricate and complex system which is very reminiscent of the magical systems from his “adult” epic fantasy series. The Alcatraz system yet another one of Sanderson’s magical masterpieces, which is well worth learning about.

As for any criticisms of this novel, I do not have any besides what I have already mentioned in my reviews of the three prior books, specifically you like Sanderson’s sense of humor here or you don’t. Obviously, if pushed to say more, I will admit the whacky, over-the-top fun was a bit much for me at times. And, sure, the more serious plot points took a backseat to the laughs. But please remember this is a middle grade book where comedy is king, so while those things did bother me, I do not hold that againstThe Shattered Lensin the least.

But it all comes down to whether you should read this book and this series, doesn’t it?

My only answer to such a question is thatAlcatrazis a series you either like or you don’t. My son and I do like it. He gets all the jokes. I get most of them. He relates to Alcatraz. My nine year old self thinks Alcatraz is pretty cool. The magic system here makes my son laugh. The magic system makes me realize how smart Brandon Sanderson really is. The Shattered Lens‘ conclusion excited my son. The conclusion made me anxious to see how Mr. Sanderson can wrap this story up inThe Dark Talent(set to be released September 6, 2016). And so that is why I would encourage all fantasy lovers to give this one a try, because your inner child needs to be released occasionally to have some fun.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. I’d like to thank them for allowing me to receive this review copy and inform everyone that the review you have read is my opinion alone.
Profile Image for Mogsy.
2,141 reviews2,698 followers
July 20, 2016
4 of 5 stars at The BiblioSanctumhttps://bibliosanctum.com/2016/07/20/...

Great to know I can always count on the Alcatraz series to lift my spirits. The Shattered Lens may be book four of the sequence, but I’m just as hooked on the story as I was when I first picked up Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians, the adventure that started it all. Brandon Sanderson continues to deliver plenty of laughs and action as he prepares to ramp things up for The Dark Talent; now that the illustrated hardcover re-issues of books 1-4 are out in the world, the stage is set for the long-awaited big finale, dropping September 2016.

You’d think a nice vacation for Alcatraz Smedry and Co. are in order, after foiling the latest Librarian scheme to attack the Free Kingdoms—but no. This time, urgent news has come from Mokia, a Free Kingdom nation currently under siege by the Shattered Lens, the most zealous of the Librarian sects. Thinking like a Smedry, Alcatraz hatches up a crazy plan to charge headfirst into the heat of battle, hoping that his actions would encourage the Knights of Crystallia to follow his lead and send support to Tuki Tuki, the capital of Mokia.

It doesn’t take long for Alcatraz to realize he’s in way over his head. The Shattered Lens’ army of giant robots have Tuki Tuki surrounded, and every day more and more of the city’s defenders are falling to the enemy’s coma-inducing weapons. Still, Alcatraz is determined not to let Mokia fall—not while he’s in charge. He only has to hold out until help arrives, which should be soon…ish?

This was another awesome installment, but I probably didn’t like it as much as the first three books. Obviously I’m not the target audience here, but while the plot, characters, humor, etc. are definitely more on the “youngish” side, on the whole I’ve found this series to be very clever and witty, engaging enough so that adults like myself can enjoy the stories. That’s why I was surprised when I read the first couple chapters of The Shattered Lens and felt for the first time that the series might have gone just a tad overboard with the silliness. Alcatraz’s ramblings at the beginning of each chapter, which has become somewhat of a tradition, also felt a bit forced this time around. Like I said though, these books weren’t written for my demographic, and what matters is that the kids will still love this one, but I just wanted to give the main reason why I felt this fourth book didn’t mesh as well with me as the first three did.

Now that that’s out of the way though, I want to talk about the things that did work for me. Let’s get to the most important subject first: teddy bear grenades. After all, how else are Free Kingdoms children supposed to protect themselves?! I also really enjoyed getting to visit Mokia, despite having to see it in its besieged state. Sanderson continues to expand the cast as well, adding another member to Alcatraz’s family tree which also means—yay!—more bizarre Smedry talents. Aydee Ecks, Alcatraz’s bubbly little cousin, has the talent of being really bad at math…and I just love the way she puts it to good use.

And speaking of Smedry talents, the one thing I haven’t really talked about in my reviews is the way “magic” works in the Alcatraz universe. Considering some of the intricate magic systems in Sanderson’s adult works, I originally dismissed occulator lenses and Smedry talents, etc. as being superficial and overly simplistic. But I was wrong. Much has been revealed so far over the course of these four books, connecting the dots and fleshing out what is known as the Incarnate Wheel, which is a theory used to divide the different talents up into groups. This style of describing and categorizing talents is pure Brandon Sanderson. Although there’s still this humorous, farcical element to the talent system in Alcatraz, it’s probably no less complex and thought-out than the magic systems in his epic fantasy novels, and I’m really starting to appreciate that.

All in all, it’s become quite evident that we’re now gearing up for the final book, as plot threads are coming together or being tied up left and right. It felt like this was the main purpose of the novel, for even though the siege of Mokia played a central role, it’s the big reveals in here that really stole the show. But there are still so many questions: What’s the real deal behind Alcatraz’s talent? How will things play out between him and Bastille? What’s going to happen with his parents? And will we really, truly, finally get that long-promised, oft-teased altar scene? Diving into The Dark Talent soon, so I guess I’ll be finding this all out in due course!
Profile Image for Kells Next Read .
567 reviews581 followers
February 20, 2016
Another great read by my one of my fave authors of all time. Hmmmm, I think I have officially run out of novels by BS to read. Well, there's still the last three books of the WOT series that he finished but I don't think I'm in the mood to tackle ( ten books from another author, to get to his work )just yet. There is however, about three or so of his novellas I haven't read, so I'll go read those in the mean while; ))

I can't wait for the final bookThe Dark Talentto come out on September 6th 2016.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Profile Image for Ali Book World.
386 reviews221 followers
March 5, 2023
جلد چهار آلکاتراز خداااااسسسسسسست😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
خیلی خوبه.. خیییییلی. همه چیزش معرکهست... فانِ خالص!!!
از مقدمهی نویسنده گرفته تا اسامی فصلها و پایانش😂👍
سندرسون عزیز دلم میخواد ماچت کنم بخدا 🤭🤭🤭
Profile Image for Deborah Obida.
688 reviews674 followers
October 26, 2022
Buddy read with my fellow Brandon fans on Discord.

Alcatraz vs the Shattered Lens is the fourth book in the Alcatraz series, and it's as good as book three but with more actions and revelations.

The events in this book took place in Mokia
,one of the free kingdoms. Mokia people are like Polynesian people, down to their dressing. I love the inclusivity of this book.

The Mokians are very peaceful people; their land is being invaded by the evil librarians who want to add their kingdom to the Hushlanders.

The other free kingdoms are contented to letting the librarians take over Mokia, but the Smedry don’t agree with that. Can only the Smedry save Mokia from the evil librarians?

I love the character development of all the characters in this book, especially Alcatraz. He has grown alot from who he was in book one.

Bastille is also growing, which is awesome. The other characters like Kaz, Grandpa Smedry and the Knights of Crystallia are growing on me. I cannot wait to read book five.
Profile Image for TS Chan.
760 reviews916 followers
August 17, 2022
Sept 2016: Twas before book 5 I dost reread.

The penultimate book of the Alcatraz series, this one ends on a darker note. In spite of some really hilarious moments, the story loses a bit of fun when our thirteen-year old protagonist was forced to grow up - all too quickly.

Aug 2015:
This instalment still has all the fun of previous Alcatraz books but with a more serious undertone. It also ended in a quasi-cliffhanger.

And to prove a point about Shakespeare, he had an entire chapter where all the characters were all quoting 'Hamlet' whenever they speak.

5th book, where art thou?
Profile Image for Eon ♒Windrunner♒  .
456 reviews503 followers
August 22, 2022
Another great book from my favourite author.

I did not enjoy this one quite as much as its predecessors but it was still a very fun read. The story tends to lean towards a slightly more serious tone and in one or two instances the humour felt forced. It still had me smiling most of the way through though and I am interested in knowing what happens next as things looked decidedly morbid for our team going into the last book.

It’s Brandon Sanderson. I’d buy it if it was a menu.
Profile Image for Franco  Santos.
483 reviews1,445 followers
December 5, 2015
It's easy to accept the normal and avoid thinking about the difficult and strange. Life can be so much simplier if you stop dreaming.
Sanderson, te odio.

Solamente voy a decir dos cosas: 1) este es el mejor libro de la serie, hasta ahora, y 2) Sanderson, te odio. He estado contando la cantidad de sagas que he empezado pero que todavía no están terminadas, por lo que tengo que esperar a que se escriban y publiquen los siguientes tomos... En total son 12. Ocho de esas sagas son de Sanderson...

Este autor tiene un serio problema con darle un cierre a sus historias. Si tan solo finalizara las series en vez de sacar nuevas, creo que el mundo sería un lugar mejor.

People change too. In fact, they're always changing. We like to pretend that the people we know stay the same, but they change moment by moment as they come to new conclusions, experience new things, think new thoughts. Perhaps, as heraclitus said, you can never step in the same river twice... but I think a more powerful metaphor would have been this: You can never meet the same person twice.
Profile Image for Eli24.
160 reviews107 followers
December 1, 2023
این جلد به نسبت ۳تای قبلی محشرترترترترتر بود اصلا متفاوت بود. خط داستانی جدیتر شده بود،معماها حساستر بود و از نیمه کتاب هیجانات زیادی داشتیم👀
الکاتراز با وجود تمام اهمق بودنش و همامزه بازیایی که داشت یه جاهایی اتفاقی میتونست هوش خوبی نشون بده!(حاضرم قسم بخورم اون تیکه ها از زیردست نویسنده در رفته وگرنه الکاتراز یه اهمق به تمام معناست😬)
هرچی این مجموعه بیشتر میخونم بستیل بیشتروبیشتر شخصیت مورد علاقم میشه و الان جدا بخاطر پایان داستان اعصاب ندارم🚶🏻‍♀️
اون اتفاق اخر داستان و کاری که الکاتراز کرد جدا غیرمنتظره بود اما وقتی بهش فکر میکنم میبینم توی جلدا قبلی تمام مدت الکاتراز داشته هشدار میداده که یه قراره اتفاقات بدی بیافته و این.... پایان این کتاب.... تازه شروع اون اتفاقاته 🙄

پ.ن: منم تو این کتاب بودم با اسم ایدی ایکز 😂😂
Profile Image for Füsun.
206 reviews93 followers
March 27, 2020
"Her neyse, dediğim gibi, eğer diğer üç kitabı okumadıysanız canınızı sıkmayın. Bu durum elinizdeki kitabın kafanızı daha da çok karıştırmasına yol açar ki benim istediğim de bu zaten. Giriş olarak şunları söylemekle yetineceğim: Benim adım Alcatraz Smedry. Yeteneğim bir şeyleri kırmak ve abdalın tekiyim. Gerçekten çok abdalım. Öyle abdalım ki aptal kelimesini yazmayı bile bilmiyorum.
Bu benim hikayem. Daha doğrusu, benim hikayemin dördüncü kısmı. "Her şeyin sarpa sardığı ve Alcatraz'ın peynirli sandviç yediği kısım" olarak da bilinir.
İyi eğlenceler. "

Gerçekten de her şey sarpa sardı ve beşinci cilt benim elimde yok.

Birinci kitabın yorumunu yazarken seriye yaptığım maratonu maalesef tamamlayamayacağımdan, elimde olmayan beşinci kitabı kargonun virüs taşıması riskinden dolayı bir süre sipariş vermeyeceğimden bahsetmiştim. Belki pdf/ePub versiyonunu bulabilirim ama hazır hızımı almış bir şekilde kitap okumaya ve kitaplığımda bekleyenleri azaltmaya başlamışken telefondan okumaya dönmek istemiyorum. Çünkü çoğu insan telefondan okumayı daha rahat bulsa da çoğu zaman pdf okumak benim okuma hızımı düşürüyor. Dur instagrama bakayım, dur twitterda gezineyim, aa bir bildirim geldi ona bakayım, dur arkadaşımın mesajına cevap vereyim derken ibooks'a girmeye elim gitmiyor, pdf'i açtığımda da o ana kadar başka uygulamalarda gezinip durduğum için çok geçmeden şarjım bitiyor. Yani tam bir felaket. O yüzden hiç pdf okuma işine bulaşmayacağım ve maalesef serinin tamamlanması bir süre için bekleyecek.

Anlık durumu özet geçtiğime göre şimdi gelelim kitaba.

"Pes mi edeceksiniz?" diye sordum onlara bakarak. "Kütüphaneciler işte böyle kazanıyorlar. Bizi pes ettirerek. Ben Kütüphanecilerin topraklarında yaşadım. Fethettikleri için değil, insanların umursamaktan ve merak etmekten vazgeçmesini sağladıkları için kazanıyorlar. İnsanları yoruyor, sonra da yalanlarla besliyorlar ve insanlar da sırf karşı çıkmaya devam etmek zor olduğu için bu yalanları tekrar etmeye başlıyorlar."

Serinin önceki kitaplarına verdiğim puanlara ve yaptığım yorumlara bakarsanız, seri ilerledikçe hem karakterleri hem de olay örgüsünü daha çok sevdiğimi görebilirsiniz. Her kitap bir öncekinden daha iyi oluyor ve daha ilgi çekici bir olayı anlatıyordu ve bu durum dördüncü kitapta da değişmediği gibi kendisi serideki favori kitabım oldu. Sahip olduğu olay örgüsünün artık nihayet durumun ciddiyetini ortaya koyar şekilde bir savaş içermesi, karakterlerin bu zamana kadar içine düştükleri görevlerden çok daha tehlikeli bir ortamda hem kendi canlarını hem de binlerce kişinin hayatını kurtarmak için çabalamak zorunda kalması ve bu süreçte iyi-kötü sınırının aslında düşündükleri kadar siyah-beyaz olmadığını, az da olsa bazı noktalarda grileşebileceğini fark etmeleri benim gözümde hikayeyi çok daha ileriye taşıdı. İlk üç kitapta içinde yer aldıkları görevler her ne kadar tehlikeli ve Özgür Krallıklar ile Suskun Diyarlar arasındaki savaşın ilerleyeceği yön için önem taşıyor olsa da, o andaki görevlerinde başarısız olsalar bile, canlarını kurtardıkları sürece duruma sonradan müdahale edebilme şansları olabilirdi. Ki zaten o görevleri de tamamen başarılı bitirmedikleri için genel anlamda hep bazı sonrunlar sonraya kalmış, onu halletmeden önce durup soluklanmak ve kendilerini daha iyi hazırlamak için zaman bulabilmişlerdi.

Shasta, Attica'nın çevirmen merceklerini alıp kaçtığında önce dinlenmek, yaralarını sarmak ve Nalhalla'ya giderek öncelikli işlerini halletmek için vakit ayırmış, mercekleri geri alıp bu sefer de Unutulmuş Dil'de yazılmış olan ve Smedry yeteneklerinin kökenine dair bilgiler bulunduran kitap düşmanın eline geçtiğinde her şeyi bırakıp onun peşinden koşmadan önce işleri yoluna koymak için duraksamışlardı. Alcatraz Optikçiler, mercekler ve Özgür Krallıklar hakkında aldığı eğitime devam etmiş, Bastille şövalyeliğini geri kazandığı için yeteneklerini daha da geliştirmek için çalışmış, Shasta kitabı kaçırmasına rağmen çevirmen merceklerinin ikisi de kendilerinde olduğu ve kitabın onlar olmadan okunması mümkün olmadığı için birkaç ay bu sorunu ertelemişlerdi. Yani ilk üç kitap boyunca yaşanan sorunlar her ne kadar hayati önem taşıyor olsa da ertelenebiliyorlardı. Ama bu kitapta karşılaştıkları probleme anında çözüm bulmak zorundaydılar. Kaybetmemeleri gereken bir savaşın içerisine düşmüşlerdi ve erteleyebilecekleri bir durum söz konusu değildi. Mokia'nın düşmesi bütün Özgür Krallıklar'ın çok kısa sürede yıkımına yol açardı.

Okuduğum ve sevdiğim kitapları az çok gördüyseniz, fantastik kurguların savaşlarla harmanlanmasına bayıldığımı da fark etmişsinizdir. Böyle sahnelerin karşısında karakterlerin ne yapacağını, ne kadar akıllı davranıp davranamayacaklarını ve yapmak zorunda kalacakları hamlelerin ne gibi sonuçlara mal olacağını okumayı çok seviyorum. Bu yüzden bu kitabı okurken karakterlerin ilk üç kitaptaki gibi görevlerin içine düşmesindense savaşın ortasına düştüklerini görmek çok zevkliydi. Bu sefer olayın ciddiyetinin çok daha farkındaydılar ve ekibin sahip olduğu bütün becerilerini kullanması gerekiyordu. Alcatraz, amcası Kaz ve kuzeni Aydee birer Smedry oldukları için sahip oldukları yeteneklerini olabildiğince kendi lehlerine kullanmaları gerekiyordu, bir Optikçi olan Alcatraz elindeki mercekleri ne zaman ve nasıl kullanacağını iyi analiz etmeliydi, Bastille savaşta bulunan tek Kristalya Şövalyesi olduğu ve zaten günlerdir bitap düşmüş Mokia ordusunun yanında savaşacak tek zinde insan olduğu için orduya doğru emirleri vermeli ve yardım gelene kadar düşmanı geri püskürtebilmeliydi. Bütün bu yeteneklerine rağmen binlerce Kütüphaneciden oluşan orduyu tek başlarına yenemeyecekleri için generallerini ve birçok askerini kaybetmiş Mokia ordusunu doğru şekilde hareket ettirmelilerdi.

"Ben orduyu idare ederim. Sen kendine güven ve Mokialılara başlarında biri olduğunu hissettir. İhtiyar Smedry gelene kadar bu şehri birlikte koruyacağız."
"Muhtemelen gecikecek, biliyorsun değil mi?"
"Gecikeceğine hiç şüphem yok," dedi Bastille. "Mesela gecikip gecikmeyeceği değil, ne kadar gecikeceği."

Alcatraz'ın kendine olan güvensizliğini bir kenara koyarak savaşmaya çalışması, saldırı özelliği göstermeyen merceklerini bile işlerine yarayacak şekilde kullanmanın bir yolunu bulması, savaşı kazanmak için planlar yaparken bir yandan da kimseyi kaybetmemek için çabalaması, 13 yaşında bir çocuk olarak omzuna binen yükün kendisini umutsuzluğa sürüklememesi için uğraşması çok iyi bir karakter gelişimiydi. Pratik zekasını hem kendisinin hem de amcası ve kuzeninin sahip olduğu Smedry yeteneklerini işlerine yarayacak şekilde kullanmaya çalışıyor, işe yaramaması ve daha kötü sonuçlara yol açması riskini göze alarak bu yetenekler üzerinden plan yapıyordu. Silimatik teknoloji, camlar ve Smedry yetenekleri arasındaki sınırın keskinliğine, Özgür Krallıklar halkının aksine hiçbir zaman tamamen inanmadığı için yeteneğini kullanmanın farklı yollarını arıyor, merceklerine normalde hiçbir Smedry'nin yapamadığı şekilde fazla güç aktarıyor ve düşmanın arasına sızıp başı derde giren arkadaşlarını kurtarmak için imkansızı kullanarak hem gücünü hem merceklerini birleştirebiliyordu.

Kırma yeteneğini doğasının aksine zarar vermek için değil korumak için kullanabiliyor, bunun doğurduğu soruları da amcası Kaz ile tartışarak olaylara çözüm getirmeye çalışıyordu. Yeteneklerin kökenlerine dair birinci Alcatraz'ın mezarında okuduğu yazılardan beri zaten bu konu sürekli soruları olduğu için, Kaz ile yaptığı bu tartışmaların bu konulara açıklık getirmesi ve Alcatraz ile beraber okuyucunun da kafasında oluşan merakı gidermesi çok güzeldi. Ayrıca Shasta'nın gerçekten beklemediğim bir anda hikayenin ortasına düşmesi de yine hiç beklemediğim şekilde bu konulara katkı sağlamıştı. Alcatraz ile konuşarak bütün bu hengamede ne gibi bir planı olduğunu açıklaması, bu kadar zaman boyunca neyin peşinde neden koştuğunu anlatması savaşın geri planındaki sebebin anlaşılmasını, her şeyin başlangıcı olan Incarna halkının sırlarının hem Alcatraz hem de okuyucu için yavaş yavaş çözülmesini sağlıyordu. Bütün bu yeteneklerin kökenine kafa yorma sahneleri hem çok zevkliydi hem de ana kurgunun geri planda kalmışlığını gideriyordu.

Bütün bu savaş sahnelerin yanında Alcatraz ve Bastille'in aralarındaki dostluğun da birbirlerinden hoşlanmalarının da ilerlediğini okuyabilmek kitabı sevmemi sağlayan güçlü nedenlerden biriydi. Düştükleri tehlikeli durumda ikisi de birbirlerine besledikleri inancı koruyor, didişmeli halleri devam etse dahi gerektiğinde bu inancı dile getirmekten geri durmuyorlardı. Alcatraz Bastille'e olan hislerinin ne olduğunun tam olarak farkına varmış olmasa dahi duygularındaki değişimi görebiliyordu. Onun yanında utanıyor, stresli bir anda didişirlerken bile hislerinin kontrolünü yitirip onu sinemaya götürmek istediğini ağzından kaçırabiliyor, tanıdığı herkesten çok daha iyi savaşmasına rağmen düşman hattına sızacak ekip arasında en çok onun için endişeleniyor ve tehlikeye düştüğünü gördüğünde hissettikleri yüzünden, artık çoğu zaman kontrol edebildiği yeteneğini bile fark etmeden serbest bırakmış oluyordu. Üstelik bu hoşlanma halinin dışa vurumu sadece Alcatraz için geçerli değildi. Bir noktadan sonra Bastille de ona olan duygularını saklamak için onunla sürekli zıtlaştığını kabul etmiş, ondan hoşlandığını açıkça söylemişti. İkisinin bu hallerini okumak ve hislerine rağmen birbirlerine laf sokmalarının bitmediğini, hatta daha da arttığını görmek çok eğlenceliydi.

"Maceraya atılırken yanında bir Smedry olması güzel bir şeydi. Güzel ve felaket bir şey. Ne var ki insan Smedry olduğunda, felaketlerden faydalanmayı öğreniyordu."

Diğer karakterler için ayrı ayrı özel paragraflar açmayacağım çünkü hem önceki kitaplardan daha farklı bir karakter gelişimi göstermemiş, baştan beri sahip oldukları dengede ilerlemişlerdi hem de yeni tanıdığımız karakterler aynı önceki kitaplarda hikayeye yeni katılan diğer karakterlere olduğu gibi yine arka planda kalmışlardı. Mesela Alcatraz'ın amcası Kaz ile konuştuğu sahneleri çok sevsem de karakterin geçirdiği bir gelişim yoktu, dolayısıyla anlatacabileceğim bir farklılığı da olmamıştı. Hikayeye yeni katılan Aydee ise biraz önce dediğim gibi çok geri planda kalmış, sahnelerde sadece ara ara görünmüş ancak bana anlattıracak kadar önemli bir rol almamıştı. Bu yüzden hem onlar hem de diğer yan karakter hakkında maalesef ki konuşacak bir şey bulamıyorum.

Diğer bütün yan karakterleri de ele aldığımda sadece Shasta Smedry karakter gelişimi gösteren ve kendisini biraz daha ön plana çıkarabilen bir yan karakter olmuştu. Birkaç paragraf yukarda bahsettiğim gibi amacını anlamıştık ve Alcatraz'la en sonunda karşılıklı bir şekilde konuştuklarını görmüştük. Sevgi dolu bir anne değildi elbette ve yaptığı hiçbir şeyi unutmamıştık ama siyah beyaz ayrımı kadar keskin bir çizgide ilerlemediğini görmüştük. Ona karşı hala temkinli bir güvensizlik içindeyim ve bu kolay kolay giderilmeyecek ancak yine de Alcatraz'ın ebeveynleri olmaları açısından düşündüğümde, onu Attica'yı sevdiğimden daha fazla sevebilirmişim gibi geliyor. Ki bunun için onun hakkında çok çok çok az olumlu düşünmem bile yeter aslında, biliyorsunuz ki Alcatraz'a olan tavırları yüzünden Attica'yı tokat manyağı yapmak istiyorum.

"Babam ne der bilirsin. Tehlike, risk ve eğlence. Smedry tarzı budur!"

Kitabın benim için tek sıkıntılı yanı, kitabın son safhasında Alcatraz'ın içine girdiği ruh halini bana geçirememiş olmasıydı. Artık başka biri olduğunu, bu savaştan önceki çocuk olmadığını ve içinde bir şeylerin değiştiğini söylüyordu ama bu yaşadığı değişimin altı bana kalırsa gerektiği gibi doldurulamamıştı. Tamam, 'bir şey' gerçekten değişmişti ve bunun ne olduğunu spoiler olacağı için söyleyemiyorum o yüzden tuhaf bir cümle olacak, ama Alcatraz'ın bahsettiği değişim bu değildi ve onun karakterinde olduğunu iddia ettiği değişimi ben hiç hissedemedim. Ve durum böyle olduğu için, bu noktaya kadar çok güzel ilerleyen, hem karakterlerinden hem de yaşanan olaylardan çok keyif aldığım bu kitabın böyle bitmesi canımı çok sıktı ve keşke böyle olmasaydı da Alcatraz'ın girdiği ruh hali başarılı bir şekilde bana aktarılabilseydi. Bu sorun dışında beni rahatsız eden başka bir nokta yoktu ve heyecanını hiç bozmayan, hareketin sürekli devam ettiği, ana kurguya dair sırların açığa çıkmaya başladığı ve nihai göreve yaklaştığımızın açık açık belirtildiği, karakterleri ve yaşanan olaylarıyla okuması cidden keyifli bir kitaptı.

Umalım da ben beşinci kitabı okuyana kadar Kütüphaneciler bunun bir fantastik seri değil de bir otobiyografi olduğunu, kendilerinin nasıl amaçlarla hareket ettiklerini ve Suskun Diyarlar halklarını cahillikle uyuttuklarını öğrendiğimizi fark etmez, kitabın bütün kopyalarını toplayıp yok etmezler. Yoksa Özgür Krallıklara gitmem gerekir ki bunun ne kadar zor olduğunu hepimiz biliyoruz. Bunun için bir Ejdergemi, Şahin Nefesi ya da Rengebek'e ihtiyacım var bu araçların hiçbiri bende yok.

O yüzden olur da beşinci kitabın kopyalarına rastlarsanız, fantastik edebiyat rafının arka taraflarına benim için bir tane saklamayı unutmayın.

Profile Image for Kiirsi Hellewell.
490 reviews15 followers
February 18, 2011
I finished this book nearly a week ago and I'm still laughing. I LOVE these Alcatraz books!! They are so hysterically funny. And smart. And clever. Brandon Sanderson is a genius. I particularly loved the chapter titles in this book--hilarious! The plot was fun and exciting, and the new Smedry talent was great. (I never can figure out what a new talent will be or--when it's introduced--how in the world this talent can possibly be a GOOD thing. But it is, every time, in such a clever and funny way.) It ended on a total cliffhanger, making me race to the internet to see if there will be a book 5 (there will be, contrary to the claim of the publisher). Brandon promised he would publish a 5th even if he had to do it himself.

I will be talking these books up to everyone I know who likes reading. I wish Brandon would write at least ten more. I've rarely come across a fantasy world that's so different and funny and cool. Include really endearing characters, nice character growth and change for Alcatraz, some intriguing mysteries, and tons of funny jokes and wisecracks, and you've got a recipe for an amazing series.
Profile Image for Rezza Dwi.
Author1 book275 followers
April 15, 2018
Sedikit dari sekian banyak alasan aku berani kasih 5⭐ (lagi) untuk seri Alcatraz:

1. Humornya selalu baru di setiap buku. Adaaa aja yang beda. Dan, entah karena aku sama absurdnya atau gimana, buku #4 ini lagi-lagi klik banget sama aku. Sakit perut bacanya 😂

2. Setting tempatnya selalu baru di tiap buku. Suasananya, world building-nya, beneran beda. Tiap buku punya ciri khas masing-masing yang bikin aku penasaran 😆

3. Musuh berbeda. Walaupun masih golongan yang sama, tapi banyak banget hal baru dari jenis musuhnya. Tantangan baru, ketegangan baru, dan taktik baru.

Udah lama aku nyari-nyari jenis series kayak gini setelah dulu ketemu di The Reckoners Trilogy. Tiap bukunya unik dan selalu fresh. Pokoknya sukak!!

Sedang menyiapkan diri untuk baca buku #5 karena aku liat banyak yang misuh-misuh sama endingnya. No, no. Diem. Aku mau baca sendiri.
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
742 reviews243 followers
January 14, 2018
4 Estrellitas para la cuarta aventura de Alcatraz Smedry. Esta entrega sigue la estela de las anteriores, y se convierte en otro divertido libro que hace las delicias de lectores adultos y juveniles.

Alcatraz había salido de las Tierras Silenciadas junto a su abuelo, Bastille y otros personajes. El anterior libro se desarrolló en Nalhalla, la capital de los Reinos Libres, y por fin pudimos ver ése mundo de cristal mágico y sede de los ocultantistas. Pero como en el resto de libros, Alcatraz y sus amigos no encontrarán descanso, pues los malvados Bibliotecarios no les darán tregua a la hora de acabar con sus vidas y su cultura para que la rectitud de las Tierras Silenciadas se instaure en todo el mundo.

Esta vez los Bibliotecarios han invadido el reino libre de Mokia (parecido a nuestro actual Hawai), sus habitantes y familia real están en peligro, y los invasores son la Orden de las Lentes Fragmentadas, los peores sectarios de entre todos los Bibliotecarios. Contraviniendo las órdenes del rey de Nalhalla, Alcatraz se propone hacer frente a los invasores de Mokia para evitar que los Bibliotecarios ganen territorio y se anexionen más Reinos Libres.

El libro se desarrolla en una única noche, pero ha sido una historia bastante intensa, no demasiado larga, pero en la que ha ocurrido de todo. Desde las diatribas disparatadas de Alcatraz, conocer a más extraña familia Smedry y sus extraños Talentos, y finalmente descubrir alguna verdad sobre sus padres, que hará que Alcatraz deba tomar decisiones difíciles y replantearse a quién le conviene ganar esta guerra.

¡Y ése final! Definitivamente me ha dejado con ganas de ir a por el quinto libro y descubrir qué es lo que ha pasado ¿Qué ha ocurrido con los Talentos? ¿Cómo lo ha hecho Alcatraz posible? Y ¿se saldrá el padre de Alcatraz con la suya? No tardaré en descubrirlo.
Profile Image for Marnie  (Enchanted Bibliophile).
866 reviews130 followers
April 3, 2018
Shattering-Glass that was awesome
Shattered Lens

First Sentence:So there I was, holding a pink teddy bear in my hand

This is why I started this series. Although the previous two books kind of disappointed me, this one lived up to expectations! Lost of action, flare and a nail biting page-turner.

I'm kind of glad the next book is out already! Now I don't have to wait "forever" to see how the alter scene plays out. Yes I know it's wishful thinking, but still I'm wishing.
Profile Image for Irene.
75 reviews
October 17, 2012
This review will encompass all four of the "Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians" books.

I bought the first "Alcatraz" book for my 6th grader. It sounded as though it would be strange. I mean, really, how could a librarian possibly be evil? I have read "Elantris," then the "Mistborn" series, the two "Wheel of Time" books, and lastly, "Warbreaker," and I have become a huge fan of Brandon Sanderson. So, I decided to read the book before I gave it to my son.

While the first chapter or two felt quite a bit ludicrous, things finally started clicking. These are very clever, witty books and I LOVE them! My high school senior daughter read book one and then snatched up books two through four before I could get to them. She had just studied some of the old philosophers and was astonished to find them being referenced in these books!

Some of the most zany things I have ever read were in these books. An entire chapter where all the characters don't speak unless they are quoting "Hamlet." Proving why modern technology, such as guns and elevators, are inferior to the superior technology of swords and staircases. The talents of the Smedry clan are simply brilliant. What an imagination you have, Mr. Sanderson! I am in awe of your stoopendous intellect!

My only problem with this series is...WHERE IS THE LAST BOOK??? Aagghhh! I can't take it! What do you mean by referring to all the things readers still need to learn about and then ending the book by saying "Maybe I'll write the book someday." Will Alcatraz's mother succeed in stopping his father? Does his father even need to be stopped? Why did all the talents disappear? Will Bastille ever kiss Alcatraz? (I'm guessing "no" on the last one, they are only 13, after all!)

Please have mercy on your readers and finish this series!
March 19, 2024
Re-read aloud at bedtime. I'm relieved to discover my original review was critical (I had forgotten) and I feel largely the same way. Too much navel-gazing, internal monologs stretched out across multiple chapters, with little action. But when the action finally happens it's big.

As a positive, this book finally got some laugh-out-loud moments from my boy, at nudity. Apparently that's what it takes. This counterbalanced the earlier being-yelled-at for reading the dialogue during the Shakespearean chapter. Like, little man, it's not my fault the author made this choice. The books are full of references that will fly right over the heads of the target readership, fine, but to dig into one like that was too much.

I still appreciate how the books are highly unsuited to audio, with fake final pages and gags that only work (if they work at all, which is debatable) in print.

My original review follows.


Maybe it's me. Maybe I read the books too quickly. Maybe I am not a middle-schooler (just maybe) and not the intended audience. Although I enjoyed the previous entries in this series, this one fell flat for me. Maybe it was too jokey; the previous books certainly were as well but something about this one was just less fun. The jokes just fell flat, and they were not balanced by compelling story. I found the action to be slim and the climax unexciting. Maybe I was just very tired when I read it (which I was).

I was expecting this book to wrap up the storyline. Given the annual publication pattern up until this entry, followed by a fifth book not until six years later, I thought that this would essentially complete the series, with the next book written later as an addition to the core. Looking at wikipedia now, it looks like the delay in getting to the fifth book was actually due to a publisher-author mismatch on this matter. I must say, were I a young lad looking forward to each new year's release in this series, I would have been very disappointed by this book and the long delay to follow; many original readers would have grown to adulthood by the time the fifth book came out.

Basically, I expected this book to serve a purpose that it was not in fact meant to, and I did not read it under the best cognitive circumstances, and as a result I simply did not enjoy it. I still think that the joking went too far and was not funny enough. Of course I will finish the series, because that is what I do. Initally I was planning to take a break before moving to the fifth book, to mirror the delay in the series publication history, but now I think that I will quickly finish it off to hopefully get this disappointing taste out of my mouth.
Profile Image for Taylor Ramirez.
487 reviews26 followers
October 25, 2017
Reread Review (Spoilers for the ~Entire~ Series):http://libralita.tumblr.com/post/1665...

This book was not stoopid.


“My name is Alcatraz Smedry, my Talent is breaking things, and I’m stoopid. Really, really, really stoopid. So stoopid, I don’t know to spell the word stupid.” —Page 11

I love Alcatraz.

Apparently, I’ve been counting wrong, according to the chapter numbers in this book it actually goes:

2, 6, pi, 4½, 42, 144, Act V scene iii, A+, No!, 1010, 25601, 070706, 6.022140857 x 10^23, Four Teens and a Pickle, 8675309, 16, NCC-1701, 4815162342,???, infinity, infinity + 1

“Also, you may have noticed that this is Chapter Two. You may be wondering where Chapter One went. It turns out that I—being stoopid—lost it. Don’t worry, it was kind of boring anyway. Well, except for the talking llamas.” —Page 15

Oh my god.

Bastille, you hurt people all the damn time.

Koala-flavored ice cream? Ew.

“As a side note, I hate assassination. It looks way too much like a dirty word. Either that or the name of a country populated entirely by two donkeys.” —Page 33

I love Brandon.

“But this isn’t a political conflict!” —Alcatraz, Page 34

I’m pretty sure all wars are political.

Wait…did we know that Bastille’s sister was queen of Mokia? I don’t think that was ever mentioned…

“At that moment, something incredibly happened. Something amazing, something incredible, something unbelievable.
Bastille smiled.” —Page 37


“I am a Smedry, and we do ridiculous, unexpected, eccentric things like this all the time! Ha ha!” —Page 44

Okay, that’s true…

The Knights have the power to throw their monarchs into jail…that seems like a flawed system.

“‘Burn him at the stake!’ Grandfather yelled from just behind.” —Page 50

I love Grandpa Smedry.

“I froze in the middle of the hallway. ‘Kaz!’ I exclaimed, point at him.
‘Me!’ he exclaimed back.
‘Idiots!’ Bastille said, pointing at both of us.” —Page 56

Donkey! Oh, c’mon how does this not have a picture to go with it?

The ocean is a…her? What? Is it…alive?

“‘Personally,’ Kaz said, untangling himself from the bushes below, ‘I preferred the part where we flew up into space.’
‘We should have done that in book two,’ Bastille said. ‘Then the cover of the first Hushlands edition would have made sense.’” —Page 69

I wonder why book 2 had that cover.

“‘Aydee, what do you have?’
‘A bubbly, infectious personality!’ she said. ‘And a cute flower in her hair.’
‘Excellent.’” —Page 74

I like her.

“‘One plus one plus one,’ she proclaimed. ‘Six, right?’
I blinked. She’s bad at math…Her Talent, it appeared, had forced the world to match her powers of addition.” —Page 78


The Bestower’s Lenses sounds like the mindstone thing the Knights have. But those are pretty cool.

“They were beefy men, the type with square jaws and stoopid names like Biff, Chad, or Brandon.” —Page 90


“‘They talk to flowers!’ Aydee said excitedly.
‘I kind of figured that,’ I said. ‘What kinds of things do they say?’
‘Oh,’ Mallo said, ‘they tend to ramble to a lot and use big words, but there isn’t often much substance to what they say, despite the beauty and ornamentation of the language.’
‘So…er…’ I said.
‘Yeah,’ Mallo said. ‘Their speech is quite flowery.’” —Page 112

Oh my god.

Wow, Angola is hot…and she embodies “once she starts talking, she becomes instantly less hot”.

“Therefore, I will most certainly not tell you what religion has in common with explosive vomiting. (Whew. Glad I didn’t say anything like that. It could have been really offensive.)” —Page 119


“(Also, if you’re wondering, it’s because both often make you fall to your knees.)” —Page 120


“So maybe we should, like, go catch a movie together or something,” —Alcatraz, Page 128


Oh my god, Brandon is talking about religion.

“Mormons give up alcohol and coffee.” —Page 135

Wait a minute, so what you’re saying is that Brandon writes all these books…without coffee? He really is a god.

“So which religion is the best? Well, it depends. In my cultivated opinion, I’d suggest Judaism.
But that’s because I prefer the path of yeast resistance.” —Page 135

That’s it. Go to your room. FOREVER. And finish Oathbringer.

Oh, I see why there’s all this talk of religion because the Shattered Lens take Biblioden’s teachings very literally. Like fundamentalist. Also hey I just realized that you can spell Bible with Biblioden’s name.


“‘I like you,’ she said.
I blinked, right myself. ‘What?’
‘I. Like. You. So I insult you.’” —Page 156

YES! STOP BACK TRACKING AND KEEP GOING WITH THIS! Also, Alcatraz, the correct answer is “I like you, too”.

“It should be noted that Bastille and I are certainly not directly related. At least, we weren’t at that point.” —Page 158

Wait, what?

I’m not going to yawn.

“‘Just keep believing!’ Sounds like the title of a cheesy ’80s rock ballad.” —Page 168

Don’t stop believin’.

Sexybeard…oh my god.

“See? You’re asleep now, aren’t you? That was mind-numbingly, excruciatingly boring. In fact, you’re not even reading this, are you? You’re dozing. I could make fun of your stoopid ears and you would never know.
HEY YOU! WAKE UP!” —Page 179

I love this.

“I have very good ears!” —Page 194

My favorite line.

“I needed a battle cry.
‘Rutabaga!’ I screamed.” —Page 222


“Or maybe you want me to say, ‘Help, there is a snake eating my toes and I forgot to take the jelly out of the oven.’ (If so, I can’t believe you wanted me to say that. You’re a sick, sick person. What does that even mean? Weirdo.)” —Page 226

I’m the weirdo?

“Hmm…If only there were a way for you to tell if I were speaking lies or not.” —Shasta, Page 232


“‘My mother is a ruthless, malevolent, egocentric Librarian bent on controlling the world!’
‘We all have our faults,’” —Page 234

Shasta has some great lines.

So if Attica finds the secret to the Talents and gives them away to everyone, that’ll destroy the world.

I agree with Shasta, there are some things that only a certain amount of people should know.

“My mother wasn’t the bad guy in all of this.
My father was.” —Page 241

Okay, so at first I was concerned about Attica’s quest but now I’m realizing it’s insane.

“Or maybe you’re screaming ‘Hey, Bozo, stop being so depressed and do something!’” —Page 256

Nah, I usually scream that when I’m reading Kaladin’s part in Stormlight Archive.

“I’d gotten my grandfather to arrive early—by tricking him into thinking he was late.” —Page 259

I had thought about this idea in the first book and apparently I was right!

“So it was that I tore around a corner, completely in the buff, and ran smack dab into the middle of Aluki, Aydee, twenty Mokian soldiers of both genders, and Draulin, Bastille’s mother.” —Page 266


“It was the decision of a surgeon with two patients, one less wounded than the other. Do you abandon the more wounded, let them die while helping the one you can save? Or do you try to help the more wounded, and risk losing them both?” —Page 271

This is something Lirin would say.

“Draulin showed a moment of indecision. ‘She’d want you safe; she is a knight and—’
‘Tough,’” —Page 273

I love Alcatraz. I can’t believe he gave his Talent to all the Knights.

THE TALENTS AREN’T WORKING? He broke the Smedry Talents.

The Highbray. Okay, that name is stoopid.

This is one hell of a cliffhanger and I can’t wait for the next book to get here.
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