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Sakamoto Days#6


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Tối hung tử hình tù, ORDER, bản bổn thương điếm, xuất hội った thuấn gian に thủy まる sát sĩ hợp!! Khẩn bách のバトルが các sở で triển khai する trung, bản bổn の thân にある dị 変が…!? Lí で toàn てを mịch dẫn く “×” の chân の thư いが minh らかになる thời, sát し ốc たちに kích chấn が tẩu る!!

200 pages, Paperback

First published March 4, 2022

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Yuto Suzuki



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Molly™☺.
765 reviews52 followers
April 3, 2023
Still heavily action focused, it's a fun continuation of what's set up in the previous volume, but it doesn't quite reach the same heights when it comes to the fight scenes. However, it might just be the best cliffhanger as it gets the adrenaline pumping for the most important showdown yet.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,220 reviews231 followers
November 2, 2023
A mediocre outing of wall-to-wall fights. First against the last of the death row escapees, and then on to the next stage of X the Slur's master plan. At least next volume promises a final boss confrontation between Sakamoto and Slur. If only I were the slightest bit impressed with Slur and could find it within myself to care...
Profile Image for Andrea.
462 reviews19 followers
July 15, 2022
Repito lo que dije sobre el tomo anterior: los de Order son increíbles. Nagumo y el viejo espadachín se revientan a cualquiera que se ponga en su camino. También ha habido una pelea bastante chula entre Sakamoto y un asesino mezcla de Light y Mello de Death Note. Además, la guinda la ha puesto X y su mano derecha Gaku.
La que se ha liado y se va a liar en el próximo tomo.
Profile Image for Brandon.
1,117 reviews
September 4, 2023
There's a bit of a meme aboutSakamoto Days:"People fight." The idea is there's no substance to the manga beyond the simple fact that... well, people fight in it. It'd been a while since I last read this manga, and I didn't realize I was still in the middle of an arc, but... it didn't matter; Sakamoto was fighting Apart, and that's all the info that was required to catch up.

I can't really see myself writing too much about this series in the future, but I'll try to come up with things to say beyond just "People fight." For the volume, I guess the main thing is I think it's funny that Apart is apparently joining Sakamoto and Shin, after he's committed such violence in the past. I guess it's not too different from, say, Hiei or Vegeta becoming heroes, but we've at least seen up close the kinds of brutal shit Apart has gotten up to, whereas the extent of Hiei's nastiness was saved for the near end of his manga, and Vegeta pretty much just explodes people in ways that only end up particularly gory for non-humans.
Profile Image for Ahmed.
193 reviews32 followers
June 30, 2024
Wow fast paced Action and Awesome storyline with perfect drawing
Profile Image for npc.
55 reviews3 followers
March 17, 2023
It’s nice to see the plot developing, which it has been really for the past three volumes, but there’s finally some depth from all the mains, which makes for a more rewarding story overall. And it does this without sacrificing the zany, whacky, bizarre aspects of any of their personalities or traits, which is really well done. I love this series so far!
Profile Image for Blake the Book Eater.
1,025 reviews415 followers
February 10, 2023
Okay this series is seriously goated. It’s hilarious, dark, action packed and the characters are AMAZING!
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author18 books1,175 followers
May 9, 2024
First half is solid, with some really nice fights. But that second half? Holy shit.

Basically at this point we have a bunch of criminals going to war with the assassin world. Or least that's what it seems but when we find out who's on top of the food chain for the criminals, it starts to click. The last chapter is brutal, quick, and makes me super hyped to read more.
Profile Image for Aryl.
111 reviews61 followers
February 21, 2023
Sakamoto experto en pasar a sus enemigos a su bando jaja
Profile Image for Ronald.
1,353 reviews14 followers
July 11, 2023
Boring. A villain who murders for "reasons" gives a long winded reasons monologues. Monologues during what should have been an interesting fight.
Nice to see wife kick ass until help arrives. Guess she had learned things from the hubby.
Profile Image for evie ..
57 reviews
January 29, 2024
The ending? Where’s my overpowered silly rabbit character when I need them🙁🙁🙁I’m sure sakamoto wont die but I don’t like this 😞
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Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,565 reviews45 followers
February 9, 2024
I love how Sakamoto has become so fond of his new family of assassins ❤️🥰
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Profile Image for Javier Maldonado.
Author8 books64 followers
June 22, 2022
Me gustaría que adaptaran al anime Sakamoto Days solo para ver animada la pelea entre Gaku y Takamura. Reconozco que tengo debilidad por los espadachines cuando se trata de mangas shonen o seinen. A todo esto, Takamura tiene muchas Zatoichi vibes.
Profile Image for Emily.
156 reviews
December 18, 2023
Sakamoto visits an old friend from his assassin days, Granny Miya. She's a holistic healer that usually treats assassins, but she's made an exception to help him out. After gaining his new powers in the fight against Saw, Shin isn't doing so hot and Miya tells him that at his current physical level, he shouldn't use his newfound power for more than five minutes. She also treats Lu's ethanol-induced hangover and gives Sakamoto a check up for old time's sake. Granny Miya tells Sakamoto that his fitness level is about 30% of what it used to be and then hits a pressure point that's supposed to get him into better shape. Sakamoto leaves Shin and Lu in the care of Granny Miya and goes to commiserate with Heisuke about searching for the Death Row Inmates lurking around Japan. Kashima is talking with Slur about how they planned on using the escaped serial killers to distract and lure out the JAA and, unfortunately for him, Apart has been listening to this entire confession. He says that he won't tolerate being used for their schemes and cuts Kashima into pieces. Meanwhile, the other remaining death row inmate, Minimalist, is going to pay Sakamoto a visit. Unfortunately, when he enters the convenience store, the only person he finds is Aoi. He asks her where Sakamoto is and even though she's telling the truth, he doesn't believe her. To prove what he can do to her, he takes the cash register and crushes it into a tiny ball, then he splits the counter with his bare hands and grabs Aoi by the throat, but she's surprisingly able to defend herself. She breaks out of his hold and stabs him in the throat. When I was reading this, I was sure that there would be a plot twist of Aoi being a former assassin herself, but it's just Nagumo pretending to be Aoi. He didn't actually stab Minimalist either, since he's still armed with his toy knife. Nagumo is watching over the store at Sakamoto's request. Sakamoto asked Heisuke to stakeout the Tokyo Tower for any of the serial killers and he finds Apart, who wanted to connect with more people after his fight with Kashima. Before Apart can add another notch to his belt, Heisuke shoots him, but the bullet is stopped by Apart's string weapon. When Apart retaliates, he cuts Heisuke's gun into pieces and before Apart's able to do the same to Heisuke, Sakamoto comes in and saves the day. Before we can see Sakamoto and Apart duke it out, we go back to Nagumo's fight with Minimalist. Nagumo toys with Minimalist; taking his phone, saying he's gonna check his browser history and just being himself and every time Minimalist tries to attack him, it just doesn't work. Minimalist literally throws everything at Nagumo, but once the dust of Sakamoto's has settled, it seems that Nagumo has vanished. Minimalist looks through the refrigerators, convinced that Nagumo's hiding back there, but Minimalist doesn't realize that his reflection is looking straight at him with an eerie grin. Nagumo reveals himself and throws Minimalist to the ground before revealing his weapon: a giant Swiss army knife of blades and weapons, all with their own special function. After doing a silly little magic trick, Nagumo slices Minimalist's head off in the blink of an eye, and with that, only one serial killer remains. Unfortunately for Nagumo, Sakamoto's convenience store is completely trashed. Nagumo's fight with Minimalist was amazing. Since he's an ally, we don't get to see him fight very often, but seeing this only solidified why he's a member of the Order. I also just love the character trope of an insanely overpowered character being very playful during fights to the death. Meanwhile, Sakamoto takes a couple good hits from Apart, but at this point in a fight he usually reverts to his skinny form, but no matter how hard he exerts himself in this fight, he's not getting any smaller. Back at Granny Miya's, she tells Shin and Lu that big guys like Sakamoto have their own way of moving and Sakamoto has to accept himself as he is. Sakamoto seems to realize this himself before taking Apart and jumping off the Tokyo Tower. Of course, during a lull in their fight, Apart just has to do the typical villain thing and tell the hero his backstory. It was actually kind of heartbreaking seeing this poor kid being rejected by the entire world with his only coping mechanism being extreme acts of violence. Even his once loving father rejects him, which forms this idea in Apart's head that killing people helps him understand others and it's how he connects with people. Meanwhile, at Sakamoto's store, Nagumo gets a call from Shishiba revealing that Slur intended to use the death row inmates as a distraction for the JAA. During their fight, Apart kind of broke the Tokyo Tower. He plans to have the Tower fall and crash onto the street of people, so he can form a ton of connections at once, but since Sakamoto has finally accepted his body and what it can do, he's able to stop the Tower from falling long enough for Takamura to slice the other side to even it out and stabilize it. Sakamoto uses the string weapon that Apart's been using against him by swinging it around with Apart still hanging on to the other end. But after the cord is cut, Sakamoto doesn't let Apart fall to his death. He holds on to it and tells Apart that he can still change his painful life if he doesn't let go if the cord, so after knocking him out, Sakamoto takes him in for questioning. An hour later, Apart wakes sitting at a kotatsu at Granny Miya's place. He tries to pretend he's still asleep while he regains his bearings, but Shin immediately calls him out. He jumps back scared and asking Sakamoto and friends why they haven't killed him already. It's the first time that Apart's been treated like a regular person, so he bonds with all of them pretty quickly. Apart is able to tell Sakamoto the most crucial piece of information he has received about Slur so far. Apart reveals that he overheard Slur talking to Kashima and their plans of using the serial killers to draw out the Order to distract them while he takes down the JAA. The Tokyo Bureau of the JAA is the heart of the organization and Slur has one of his lackeys, Gaku, go floor by floor slaughtering anyone inside. The speed of his cruelty is unprecedented and even though some try to fight back, none of them can compete with Gaku. The assault of the JAA is not unseen, though. Takamura arrives and comes face to face with Gaku. It's a pretty intense battle that cuts the building in have and takes all of the fingers on one of Gaku's hands. During the assault, Sakamoto, Shin and Apart come swinging in through a window, only to be met face to face with Slur. Sakamoto recognizes him from his JCC days, but before he knows it, Slur has already driven a knife through his chest. Shin is taken at gunpoint and Apart loses one of his arms, but Sakamoto recovers just enough to stop Shin from getting killed. He tosses Shin and Apart aside and tells them to retreat, so he can face-off with Slur on his own.
Profile Image for MajesticalLion.
642 reviews60 followers
January 4, 2022
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.
Profile Image for DoctorFeddy.
254 reviews1 follower
August 16, 2023
Udite udite, in realtà i condannati a morte erano solo uno specchio per far sì che i pezzi grossi fossero impegnati mentre Slur faceva piazza pulita all'interno della federazione sicari giapponesi, persino i quattro condannati a morte se avessero portato il lavoro a compimento dovevano uccidersi tra di loro perché avevano a loro volta taglie sulla testa, in questo volume scopriamo che Sakamoto e Slur si conoscono da molto tempo, i combattimenti sono ancora più adrenalinici rispetto allo scorso volume con la presenza di Sakamoto ma anche il fatto di vedere il reale potenziale di personaggi macchietta tipo Nagumo che è il classico personaggio che scherza, ma si fa sul serio è letale come pochi, o anche Slur che lo vediamo di più rispetto alla toccata e fuga della saga del laboratorio. Non mi aspettavo che l'incontro con il condannato a morte Apart Sakamoto rimanesse nella sua forma grassa, Apart che intuisce subito che viene usato e si ribella facendo a pezzi Kashima ( uomo con la testa di cervo che risponde agli ordini diretti di Slur) e comunque va incontro a Sakamoto per scoprire perché sono stati usati. Shin nello scorso volume ottiene un Power up del suo potere telepatico cioè riesce a vedere nel futuro per qualche secondo prevedendo le mosse dell'avversario con precisione, però questo stato lo mette in pericolo sia a livello fisico che mentale quindi una conoscente di Sakamoto, Miya una osteopata che è rinomata per saper curare ogni tipo di dolore a patto che il paziente no sia morto, dice che il suo nuovo potere si può usare solo 5 minuti al giorno. Gli scontri in questo volume sono fatti bene e gasano molto come quello che vede coinvolto Sakamoto e Apart, altri sono soltanto una constatazione della forza del personaggio come Nagumo e Minimalist un personaggio fatto apposta per essere sconfitto in modo eclatante rispetto ad Apart che è durato un tantino di più, vediamo anche in azione un membro dell'Elite dell'order chiamato Takamaru soprannominato da Slur "il fantasma" per il suo modo di apparire e scomparire, l'uomo si muove con una Katana ed è sempre taciturno. Nel complesso il volume mi è piaciuto molto di più risotto allo scorso per ciò che succede, rimanendo sempre fedele a se, cioè un manga di combattimenti puro e semplice.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bradley.
1,114 reviews8 followers
March 5, 2024
No power scaling. No way to measure growth. To Yuto Suzuki’s credit I’m not bored I just don’t see where it will go. Interesting characters with flashy gimmicks. Whereas the start of the series had enough UMPH to blight out the shadow of tropes I can now see the tropes overshadowing just about all of it.

It dawned on me that the art is reminiscent ofTokyo Ghoul.And if you’ve seen my opinions on that one (at least the end) it’s clear that’s not a favorable comparison. It’d be unfair to state that it’s bad. Keep in mind my art style relies on stick figures. The style’s justpeculiar.A lot of torso shots in panels, thick, dark eyes with detailed hair styles mostly embellishing villains. The skipping sequences I mentioned in the last few volumes really hits home because I can’t make two scents of what transpires in Tokyo Ghoul. And that’s beginning to really affect me here inSakamoto Days.Apart’s battle’s tough to follow.

When considering the fact we have no way of power scaling it’s impossible to figure who is stronger or faster in ANY given scenario. The powerful attacks, which have gone full-blown off the anime richter scale, have no real zest. Too many times we’re given unseen actions. It works with the samurai character. Everyone else should show. Even the weapons are under concealment for no real purpose as they’re shown less than a few pages away. Same dog, no new tricks. Perhaps it was cool at first.

Oh and it's worth mentioning the dreadful backstory of serial killers with redemptive arcs that immediately go into effect as incredibly cheap. I understand the intention. It's noble, etc. Totally clashes with the vibe in my opinion. Even the humor I can stomach, I just can't bite the good guy card. It's severely lacking. Shin and Lu, sure. Taro as battosai? Sure. Don't push it. But....we have. Ah, well.

Maybe I’m just bitter, bored or burned out. We’ll give volume 7 a go before I take break.
1,351 reviews
March 26, 2023
Those poor floaters 😂

Argh. I guess I caught up to the current official release 😖It is remarkably easy to kill assassins, apparently. The JAA will need to do some major recruitment to fill those vacancies.

Although gruesome, I do like that at least someone is willing to kill, so that we don’t have endless villains piling up. The Order is somewhat efficient at that, though they leave a major mess behind…again, poor floaters.

The Sakamoto group may have added a new member, though it’s possible he’s short lived. We finally get to see a bit more of Slur, and unsurprisingly he has a past with Sakamoto. If Slur’s ultimate plan was to have the serial killers take each other out, it didn’t go too well. Did he seriously underestimate the Order members? They didn’t have much trouble with the two they took out.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Quinn.
410 reviews4 followers
December 30, 2023
I bumped this episode up to 5 stars because the work is finally addressing some of my issues with previous volumes. For example:

- Sakamoto is "coming to terms" with his body and doesn't (or rather, can't) engage "low calorie" mode
- The action was on another level, too, even if the main cast are basically superhuman at this point
- Sakamoto is actually hurt....

If I had one complaint, it's thatThey still served their function in the context of the story, but their quick exit just didn't match up with the hype they received in the narrative.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll keep reading the manga. It's as simple as that.
Profile Image for Gita Karmani.
326 reviews15 followers
February 11, 2024
Hitungannya, Sakadays ini serinya cepet bgt diterjemahinnya karena tiba-tiba udah sampe vol 7 yg terbaru. Tp kalo diperhatiin fandomnya emang gak serame jjk, aot, kny, atau blue lock sih.

Akhirnya pny juga cover solo nya Nagumo. Cakep sih mana karakternya gak bisa diraba kepribadian nya, tp kemampuan fightingnya sadis. Manifesting diisi sama Shimazaki Nobunaga sih kalo ada adaptasi animenya 😂

Argh. Adaptasinya blm ada pengumuman, apa karena chapternya baru sedikit ya?
Udah bayangin Tsudaken ngisi charanya Sakamoto, Shin diisi Romi Park, terus Lu diisi Kugimiya Rie, terus Heisuke sama si Ono Kensho. Tp gatau sih. Moga2 kesampean.
Wqwqwq yaudah lanjut baca vol 7 nya aja deh.
Profile Image for 空.
130 reviews17 followers
April 18, 2024
เทใจให้นางุโมะ เล่มนี้ซีนใหญ่สุดๆ

รีบอ่านต่อจากเล่ม 5 เพราะอยากเห็นซีนของโอซารางิ แต่ดันตัดจบไปแค่นั้น ตอนแรกมีความขัดใจอยู่หน่อยๆ ถึงอย่างนั้นก็ถูกทดแทนด้วยซีนของนางุโมะ วาง character ดี สกิลการต่อสู้เท่ เฉียบคมใช้ได้

ฉากบู๊จัดเต็มแบบไม่มีพัก ชอบที่ซาคาโมโตะมีสกิลการ influence ศัตรูให้กลายมาเป็นพรรคพวกได้ไม่ยาก พูดน้อยต่อยหนักและจี้จุดได้ดี แต่ใช่ว่าจะเลือกใครก็ได้ให้มาเป็นพันธมิตร จุดนี้ทำให้ "ครอบครัวของซาคาโมโตะ" มีความหลากหลาย แต่ละคนมีจุดเด่นที่ไม่เหมือนกัน ซึ่งพอรวมตัวกันแล้ว มีแต่ส่งผลดีในการอุดช่องโหว่ในการต่อสู้ในรูปแบบที่ประดังประเดเข้ามา

เล่มนี้ได้เจอกับศัตรูที่หมายหัวซาคาโมโตะไว้ ทิ้งปลายเปิดให้เราไปอ่านเล่ม 7 ต่อทันทีแบบไม่มีพัก จอยมาก
Profile Image for Stephen.
547 reviews2 followers
September 13, 2023
While this volume felt like on dialogue it made up for that with heavy action and face paced scenes. Serial Killers! JAA (Japanese Association of Assassins) base attack! X revealed! Lots to unload and enjoy in this latest installment of Sakamoto Days! I truly felt like this volume was enjoyable on a different level and I believe it is because of the characters being so richly built up in the previous 5 volumes. Seeing them simply respond works so well because the investment in the characters has already been done. Great stuff!
Profile Image for Anthony Wendel.
Author3 books19 followers
April 17, 2023
This is the 1st volume where the action and the comedy do not have the blend of previous volumes. It's not a terrible volume and in fact the action is impressive to say the least. Unfortunately the moments when the violence is a bit extreme where previously balanced out with large amounts of comedy but this volume is a little bit short on it. It's an incredible series and I still look forward to reading more but it's just a bit more noticeable.
Profile Image for Des Fox.
1,004 reviews18 followers
August 6, 2023
Certainly one of my very favorite series being printed today, but this one was a little full! The pacing was just kinda intense, a lot happened all at once, a bunch of new characters showing up and others suddenly dying. Certainly can't complain about anything dragging on though, and the action and illustrations are top notch. This volume itself was maybe just missing a touch of the friendly element that balances out the extreme assassination motif.
January 10, 2024
#Sakamoto Day 6

Days 44: "Every Which Way" (レてんでんばらばら, Tendenbarabara)
Days 45: "Strong Assault" ( cường tập, Kyōshū)
Days 46: "Bad Luck" (ツいてないね, Tsu Itenai ne)
Days 47: "Going Up" ( thượng へ tham ります, Ue e Mairimasu)
Days 48: "The Heart Thread" ( tâm の mịch, Kokoro no Ito)
Days 49: "Round and Round the Tower" (ぐるぐるタワー, Guruguru Tawā)
Days 50: "Bicycle" ( tự 転 xa, Jitensha)
Days 51: "Parade" (パレード, Parēdo)
Days 52: "Slice Slice Dance" ( trảm trảm vũ, Zan Zan Mai)
Profile Image for Tebria.
44 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2024
I appreciate that in this volume we got to delve more into Sakamoto and his fatness. Although it is regularly listed as a negative when people are describing him, we got to see him truly embrace himself and his body in ch 47. Now don't get me wrong the people def still insult him, but I'm able to enjoy it more now that I know for sure there is no shame present when self-reflecting on how he looks.
Profile Image for Jose Granados.
343 reviews3 followers
March 28, 2022
** Leído de Mangaplus en su versión en Español** Este Sexto número este arco que ya esta finalizando, donde dejo enfrentamientos muy buenos en este tomo a comparación del anterior tomo, surgiendo un nuevo personaje e inesperadamente otros aliados y en especial uno que se une al equipo de Sakamoto, dejando para el siguiente tomo la continuación de un enfrentamiento algo bueno...
Profile Image for Jasmine.
127 reviews16 followers
March 6, 2023
Nagumo is my favorite character, I was so excited to see him on the cover! He's so goofy (most of them are) in such a serious profession it makes me laugh. Anytime he makes an appearance I'm happy. This was an interesting volume. I never know what to expect from this series, I'm just along for the crazy entertaining ride that has yet to disappoint.
Profile Image for Lou.
412 reviews2 followers
April 14, 2023
Appreciated that this volume acknowledged and started moving away from one element I did not enjoy, which was the "Sakamoto rapidly loses and regains weight (and is in better form when he's skinny)" bit. It's a trope that pops up occasionally and it always rubs me as slightly fatphobic, so I liked that in this volume we see that premise questioned.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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