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Sakamoto Days#8


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JCC biên nhập thí nghiệm の tam thứ thí nghiệm は, phục sổ のチームに phân かれての “しっぽ thủ り” hợp chiến!! Tân たに thí nghiệm に gia わった3 nhân の “Thôi tiến tổ” が bất ổn な động きを kiến せる trung, bản bổn と địch đồng sĩ になったシンは, thành trường した tư を kiến せようと ý khí 込むが…?

192 pages, Paperback

First published August 4, 2022

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Yuto Suzuki



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for Molly™☺.
765 reviews52 followers
July 9, 2023
Still a really enjoyable story, but it has more potential than it is currently reaching. The action is there, but none of the new characters have managed to create a significant impact yet, making the lack of the original supporting cast feel ever more prevalent. A small dip that doesn't soil the overall experience, it remains one of the most fun mangas I've read in recent years.
Profile Image for Ronald.
1,353 reviews14 followers
October 15, 2023
Meh, this is just another long fight and it is a boring fight.
I liked this Manga because it was just Mr Sakamoto and friends trying to stay out of trouble while running the store. But now it is training montage and dumb hunger games fights to see who goes to assasins school. Fights to the death to join a school is dumb because we see classes that have more students than survived the tests soooo where do those students come from? It can't just be this test is hard. Oh well.
Profile Image for Andrea.
462 reviews19 followers
August 9, 2022
Este tomo me ha parecido el más flojo porque solo hay peleas (divertidas, como siempre) dentro del examen. O sea, no cambiamos de escenario en ningún momento.
Eso sí, los nuevos personajes, carismáticos al igual que el resto, hacen más amenos y entretenidos los capítulos.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,220 reviews231 followers
November 3, 2023
The entrance exam for the assassination school is still underway, so there's still plenty of over-the-top action as the potential students play a deadly game of tail tag. And X has his henchmen intrude in the proceedings.

I have to say, X, the Slur -- in addition to having the worst name -- is perhaps the most underwhelming villain any manga series has tried to foist on me. It's a good thing I like Sakamoto so much, because his nemesis is a big zero and adds nothing to the story.
Profile Image for Brandon.
1,117 reviews
September 16, 2023
Funniest shit I've ever seen: in Chapter 70, the deer guy says something about his taste in music being hits from the Heisei era; a commenter on MangaPlus said something like "Heisei reference? Kamen Rider?" So there's someone somewhere who is astute enough regarding Japanese media to have gotten into Heisei eraKamen Rider,but who is stupid enough that he doesn't understand what Heisei means, in relation to the reign of a specific emperor. What would Showa or Reiwa mean to this kid? Trick question; I canfeelthis little shit doesn't know any Rider beforeGaim...!

Anyway, I wanted to meme about "People Fight" again, but the stuff with the "remote work" was actually pretty novel.
Profile Image for Pranta Dastider.
Author18 books318 followers
June 25, 2023
There was less Sakamoto action in this volume, other than that it was a good read.
Profile Image for Blake the Book Eater.
1,025 reviews415 followers
January 20, 2024
Damn I love Sakamoto Days so much! And Shin really got the chance to shine in this volume, while Gaku showed that he’s more than just a one trick pony. Toramaru is a fun new character too.
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,566 reviews45 followers
March 14, 2024
I respect Toramaru and how her love for Sakamoto allows her to experience a range of different emotions. That’s how passions and hobbies can change a person’s life ❤️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nicholas Dehler.
39 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2024
Actually unreal the Gaku vr fight out of left field was INSANE😭 holy I was losing it
Profile Image for jegaevi.
63 reviews3 followers
December 1, 2023
I am not the biggest fan of this arc so far, but I really like the new characters.
Profile Image for MajesticalLion.
642 reviews60 followers
June 12, 2022
Sakamoto and Shin are going to school! I love a good entrance exam arc, but I never expected one from Sakamoto Days. And it's REALLY good, too! I will continue recommending this series till I die. And on my gravestone it's going to say "Read Sakamoto Days"
Profile Image for Joseph.
422 reviews10 followers
June 30, 2023
I was a little thrown by Sakamoto Days introducing an arc in the style of the Hunter exam/the Chunin exams, but fortunately, it's still fun. Still can't believe Suzuki is able to draft such exciting fight sequences on a weekly basis. That bit with the VR fighter was particularly well-done.
Profile Image for Emily.
156 reviews
January 16, 2024
After landing safely on the beach, Sakamoto and friends relax before the final round of testing. The remaining administrators introduce three new participants from a Special Recommendation Group; Kaji, Toramaru and Shinaya. We don't get much of an introduction to these new recruits outside of one of the other test takers getting beaten up by Toramaru after dissing her Sakamoto Keychain. Toramaru is a Sakamoto super fan that essentially worships him like a god. Sakamoto and Shin try their best to stay away from the Sakamoto Otaku, but there's not way they're able to keep that up for long, meanwhile, it seems like Slur is planning on using the Exam as a way to recruit young people into his organization. The third stage of the Exam is a team battle that's been randomly assigned by the cloth inside each of the bullets. There's teams of three and the goal is to get as many tails from opposing teams without losing your own in the allotted time. After the rules are explained, Shin realizes that he and Sakamoto are on different teams. On Sakamoto's team is Akira and Kill Baby and on Shin's team is Mafuyu and Kaji, one of the special recommendations. The final leg of the Exam starts and Sakamoto immediately starts to team up with Shin, but Shin says that they're opponents now, and he needs to pass on his own merits. Sakamoto takes his team elsewhere to build camp while Shin gets his first tail. Sakamoto is pretty sad at Shin's independence, almost like watching his child grow up. We get a sense of just how deadly Toramaru is as she cuts down her prey along with a good chunk of forest. She sets her eye on Shin's group since their tails are white just like Sakamoto's hair. Sakamoto has set up a pretty cozy camp for him and his crew and we get show of how skilled Akira is, making him question who she is. Interrupting their peaceful camp is a man frantically running from some unknown threat, warning them to run, but even though Sakamoto knows it's a trap, Kill Baby freaks out and gets them caught. Shin is able to dodge Toramaru's attack she she immediately clocks him as being clairvoyant. Mafuyu gets into it with Toramaru and rips up her handmade Sakamoto keychain and things start gettin serious. Back with Team Sakamoto, his captors shoot a missile at him, but he easily blocks it with his apron. Sakamoto opens a hole wide enough to let Akira escape as he blocks another blast. Akira doesn't want to run away, so she holds her ground to defend her teammates and something shifts in her demeanor. With just her finger, she's able to incapacitate the other team's leader, but Sakamoto escapes the net and stops her before she kills anyone. She snaps out of it and Sakamoto goes to tend to the wounded and she starts to apologize profusely saying that she just wanted to save her friends and that she just followed the path which brings Sakamoto to a realization. He asks Akira her family name and she responds with Akao, which is the same name as his old friend from the JCC and a legend on the same level as Sakamoto himself. It turns out that Akira came to the JCC to find her aunt. Toramaru runs Team Shin off of a cliff and into the water. Kaji saves them and Toramaru comes swinging in to tell them all about her savior. Since the rest of his team is in no shape to fight, Shin goes to take on Toramaru on his own, but something Shin does catches her eye. He cracks his back in the same way Sakamoto does before a fight and Toramaru clocks him as a fan of Sakamoto. Due to his own relationship with Sakamoto, he actually knows him and worries about him, but Toramaru, having a para-social relationship with Sakamoto, thinks that she knows her savior best and refuses to share Sakamoto with anyone else. While Shin is fighting Toramaru, Kaji, his other teammate, is too shy to jump into the fight to help Shin. Even while using his precognition, Shin can only shield himself from his opponents attacks, so he comes up with a plan. He leads Toramaru off the edge of a cliff and into the river, but he can't leave her to die, so he jumps in after her. For saving her and being the biggest Sakamoto fan, he asks for her tail, but before he can take it, the mysterious third person from the recommendation group appears. It turns out that he's being controlled by Gaku remotely. Shinaya, the puppet, smacks Toramaru into a tree and starts to go after Shin, but Gaku takes a break to eat a burrito before continuing his assault. The rest of Shin's team meets up with him to see all the commotion. After finishing his burrito, the test admins disqualify Shinaya for breaking the rules, but as they're pinning Shinaya to the ground, Gaku boots up again and demolishes all of the test admins. The remaining admin tells Shin and his team to run, but Shin says that if he can't step up right now he'll never be strong enough to stand next to Sakamoto. He tries using his precognition, but he overdid it in his fight with Toramaru and can't move. Thankfully, Toramaru and Mafuyu come to his rescue. Shin's able to regain his strength, but for some reason he can't read Shinaya's thoughts. Meanwhile, Kaji is still too shy to join the fray, but he figures out something important. Shinaya is asleep. Gaku hits his head while dodging an attack, but it doesn't give them any time to think of a counter attack since Gaku hits them all simultaneously. Before Gaku can deliver a final blow, Kaji finally comes in and saves Toramaru and Shin, but when he tells Mafuyu that they should leave, he remembers what Shin said and goes to fight Shinaya without hesitation, much to Kaji's amazement. Toramaru recovers and gives Mafuyu a hand. She launches him forward and he's able to hit Shinaya, even breaking Gaku's headset in the process. Kaji keeps thinking about how much he sucks compared to the other test takers and Shin hears it all and gives him a pep talk. This gives Kaji the confidence to tell Shin his plan. Meanwhile, Sakamoto notices that the animals are acting strange and goes to investigate. Kaji tells Shin that he can hear sound coming from Shinaya's goggles and tells Shin that Shinaya is being controlled by someone remotely. They end up in a cave and Kaji uses that to his advantage since he has super hearing. Kaji notices that there's a lag to Shinaya's movements and he realizes that if he reads Kaji's thoughts he'll be able to detect this lag, too. The only problem is Kaji's thoughts are too slow for him to react, so even though his precognition has already been maxed out for the day, he decides that if he needs to win, he can't worry about his limits, so he can see into Kaji's future. Shin is able to keep up with Gaku and even land some good blows on Shinaya, but he doesn't know how long he can hold out. Kaji is able to perfectly mirror Gaku solely based on sound. Kaji and Shin are giving Gaku a run for his money, but Gaku is able come out on top after nearly killing Kaji and taking away his hearing. Shin accepts the fact that he's going to die when Sakamoto comes to his aid.
Profile Image for DoctorFeddy.
254 reviews1 follower
August 17, 2023
Il volume si apre con la spiegazione della terza prova e del fatto che Sakamoto è Shin finiranno in gruppi diversi che destabilizzeranno molto Taro ma il volume si concentra più su Akira e scoprìamo che è nipote di Rion Akao considerato da tutti assieme a Nagumo e Sakamoto come gli studenti migliori dell'accademia come se fossero sempre considerati come Big three e la sua nipote è venuta all'accademia per trovo re delle informazione per trovarla visto che è scomparsa da tempo. Sakamoto si è accorto del suo modo di agire e del fatto che lei riesce a vedere il "sentiero che porta all'uccisione" una sorta di linea impercettibile da occhio umano ma prerogativa per chi vuole diventare un assassino quasi fosse un'abilità innata, in questa prova si incontrano anche raccomandati che hanno saltato la prima e seconda prova per le loro abilità, una di queste è fan di Sakamoto quindi il suo scontro con Shin è inevitabile, ma tra questi c'è anche un infiltrato di Slur che viene manovrato a distanza da Gaku con un visore. Il volume come al solito si presenta molto fresco e dinamico dando spazio hai personaggi di interagire il giusto senza diventare troppo verbosi Akira mi piace molto come personaggio e spero che lo allarghino un po' di più, e non si fermi solo a questa saga come è successo ad Apart nello scorso volume o a tanti altri. Il fatto che Shin si è diviso dal suo maestro è un passo in avanti del personaggio, facendolo crescere e non relegarlo a spalla, ma lo si era visto anche nella saga del laboratorio. Per adesso non abbiamo visto nulla su Lu anche lei avrebbe bisogno di un ulteriore passo in avanti. La ricerca spasmodica di Slur di pedine da mettere per smantellare la federazione sicari è la cosa che da un lato ti interessa da un altro lato vorresti sempre vederlo scendere in campo. Molto bella la cover di questo volume.

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Profile Image for Gita Karmani.
326 reviews15 followers
May 22, 2024
Kalo soal cover manga shounen yg pernah kubaca, sejauh ini Sakamoto Days emang paling juara. Gak ngerti lagi cover designernya mikir apa. Kayak semua ciri khas karakter tuh keluar gitu di covernya. Jujur ngarep bgt Shin punya cover solo 😂

Sakamoto dan Shin nyusup utk ujian masuk JCC yg ternyata ketemu dgn adiknya Seba si tembus pandang, juga Akira keponakan si Rion yg ikut ujian karena pgn nyari bibinya. Sptnya Rion ini temen seperjuangan Sakamoto dan Nagumo. Tp pas ujian ternyata di interupsi sama geng Uzuki (sumpah ganteng cuy chara designnya) termasuk Kashima beastars dan Gaku. Gak mungkin Uzuki bisa masuk ke dlm kalo gak punya akses atau orang dlm dan gak nyangka sih siapa pengkhianat nya

Terus lucu juga sih ternyata ketambahan peserta ujian, si Toramaru. Dia fans berat Sakamoto smp kyk otaku dan pas duel sama Shin ngakak sih 🤣
Gak bayangin kalo Toramaru tau Sakamoto udah punya istri + anak. Bakalan perang kayaknya 🤣

Tp kenapa Toramaru malah direkrut Uzuki sih 🥲
Profile Image for The Book Dragon.
2,176 reviews33 followers
August 15, 2023
Sakamoto, Shin, and their new friends have survived the unplanned airplane crash. Now it's on to thesecondthird part of the JCC entrance exam. A nice game of tail tag... and who are we kidding? This is a group of assassins; it's not going to be that simple, especially not when three new contenders get added to the game.

We got a crazy Sakamoto fangirl, a shy potato with good ears, and a sleepwalking avatar.
Profile Image for Stephen.
547 reviews2 followers
September 22, 2023
In the wake of the "downsizing" of the organization JCC, there is a recruitment drive (aka JCC transfer test). Sakamoto and Shin enter with plans to infiltrate as well as gather intel and maybe gain an edge. Shin is determined to show his value and to not be dependent on Sakamoto. There is some serious Sakamoto Fan Love within this issue which just had me chuckling in enjoyment. Sakamoto's friends from the past also help further develop the universe in a cool flashback.
Profile Image for 空.
130 reviews17 followers
April 19, 2024
ยังคงดุเดือด ฉากแอคชั่นยังอัดแน่นทั้งเล่ม

ช่วงหลังๆ ซีนของซาคาโมโตะน้อยลง (พระเอกอ่ะเนอะ ค่าตัวแพงเป็นเรื่องธรรมดา) แต่ไม่ได้ทำให้เรื่องกร่อย เพราะโฟกัสปรับมาที่ fight scene ของชินและเพื่อนในทีม นี่เอ็���ดู 'คาจิ' จากทีมโควต้ามาก เหมือนจะมี social anxiety ที่ทำให้เข้าสังคมยาก เป็นคนคิดเยอะ ขนาดจังหวะที่ต้องช่วยเพื่อนยังมีความตะกุกตะกัก ตลกซีนที่พยายาม interact กับ 'มาฟุยุ' เลือกใครไม่เลือก มาเลือกเคสยากซะด้วย

ให้คะแนนอยู่ที่ 4/5 เหมือนเคย สนุกเหมือนเดิม อ่านได้เรื่อยๆเลย
1,351 reviews
April 19, 2024
Death, death, and more death. TBH, I have trouble deciphering the panels sometimes to figure out if someone died, was brutally maimed, or just punched. I am not fond of how they keep upping the ante on the villains getting more powerful, and I do wish the killing could let up a little.

It will be interesting to see what happens with Sakamoto and Akira now that he knows she’s related to someone he appeared to be friends with. Dies he know what happened to Rio? Is it related to him?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Danielle Booey.
1,089 reviews13 followers
September 11, 2023
If you loved the other volumes of Sakamoto Days you are going to love volume 8. To get into the JCC academy Shin and Sakamoto need to pass an assassin school transfer test and it is a real doozy. Plus the introduction of some new fun characters and a bad ass final battle in a cave this volume is right up there with some of the best of the series so far. Looking forward to volume 9!
12 reviews
February 10, 2024
I love the gags in this series

Some of the panels are so well drawn that I pause to look at them closely because it must have took so long to draw all those details
May 13, 2024
#Sakamoto Days 8

Days 62: "Exam, Stage Three" ( tam thứ thí nghiệm, Sanji Shiken)
Days 63: "Survival" (サバイバル, Sabaibaru)
Days 64: "Path" ( đạo, Michi)
Days 65: "Mutual Fans" ( thôi し bị り, Oshi Kaburi)
Days 66: "Lag" (ラグ, Ragu)
Days 67: "Remote Work" (リモートワーク, Rimōto Wāku)
Days 68: "Fwollow Me" (くれりゅか, Kureryuka)
Days 69: "Kaji" (カジ)
Days 70: "Sounds vs. Gaku" ( âm オトVSブイエス lặc ガク, Oto Buiesu Gaku)
Profile Image for Gavin McHugh.
205 reviews2 followers
June 9, 2023
A bit of a return to form here, thankfully.
Much more action based, with some really impressive scenes, scenarios and sequences which always works well in contrast with the always-chilled Mr Sakamoto.
157 reviews
June 16, 2023
I really like this series, and I really can't wait to continue this arc, this feels very like a middle part of the introduction to the new arc and it is really great with the new characters and lore, tho it has some downsides i hope get cleared up more
Profile Image for Anthony Wendel.
Author3 books19 followers
July 4, 2023
THe exam arc continues. In this installment, Shin meets up with Sakamoto's biggest fan and she's a bit much to say the least. The overall action is intense and comedy isn't as prominent but it's still an intense volume and remains a series I highly recommend all manga fans check out.
Profile Image for riley ♡.
158 reviews14 followers
January 30, 2024
It’s so fun to read this series! This volume mainly focuses on long fights during assassins exam to get into JCC with less of Sakamoto scenes. That Sakamoto’s fangirl getting hyped up to see another peer but refusing to share her top fan spot is so relatably funny as a fangirl myself!
Profile Image for Krisno Wahyudha.
356 reviews2 followers
May 17, 2024
Ujian ke tigaaaa. Ada tiga orang peserta rekomendasi yang mengubah suasana. Dan si cewek di cover ternyata memiliki ikatan masa lalu dengan PAk Sakamoto.

Epic nih battlenyaaa. Harusnya chapter berikutnya lebih epic
Profile Image for Adhit.
196 reviews7 followers
May 25, 2024
Urutan 7,8,9 tuh seru-seru, disini anggota X berhasil merekrut kandidat baru. Lalu anggota X juga menyusupkan robot manusia utk melawan beberapa kandidat dengan tujuan bisa lolos seleksi namun sayang keburu ketahuan karena ada penyusup.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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