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Things I Wish I Told My Mother

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A mother and daughter unpack a lifetime's secrets while on vacation in Paris.

Every daughter has her own distinctive voice, her inimitable style, and her secrets.

Laurie Ormson is an artist, a collector of experiences. She travels the world with a worn beige duffel bag.

Every mother has her own distinctive voice, her inimitable style, and her secrets.

Laurie’s mother is the famous “Dr. Liz.” An elegant perfectionist. She travels the world with a matched set of suitcases.

When Laurie invites her mother on a trip to Paris and Norway, she sees an unexpected sparkle in her mother’s eyes. So begins Things I Wish I Told My Mother. You will wish this novel never ends.

Laurie and Dr. Liz are the female version of The Odd Couple.

Authors Susan Patterson and Susan DiLallo were inspired to write their moving novel by the shared experience of beloved mothers who lived into their nineties then died in the same year. Their co-author, James Patterson, was usually around to fetch coffee, tea, and sandwiches while the two Susans wrote.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published April 10, 2023

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About the author

Susan Patterson

Susan Solie Patterson has a Bachelor of Science/Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she was also an All-American swimmer. She is the author ofThings I Wish I Told My MotherandBig Words for Little Geniuses,which was aNew York Timesbestseller.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,416 reviews
Profile Image for Destiny.
203 reviews119 followers
February 24, 2023
I am SPEECHLESS. I honestly went into this one with little to no expectations, and I was truly blown away in the best way possible. This is one book that will stay with me long after finishing.

Laurie and her mother, Liz, are the proverbial "Odd Couple" and are typically always at odds. After a health scare for her mother, Laurie suggests they take a trip to Paris and Norway.

And so the adventure begins! They bicker, quarrel, fight, and love so hard all across the world's map. It is the picture of most every mother and daughter relationship and is so relatable that you find your heart strings being tugged at in every scene.

The authors have truly painted a picture of the world with this one. I felt as though I was living the trip with Laurie and Liz. Every food, drink, and landmark was described with such vivid (accurate!) detail that I could almost envision myself there with them.

The highlight of the novel, though, came with the final twist that dropped my jaw and left me at a loss for words. I couldn't believe what I was reading, but I knew I never wanted it to end. This is may be the best book I have read all year!! It will definitely be in my top 5 by the year's end, easily.

I highly recommend this beautiful, exquisite tear-jerker for all readers. It has something for everyone and no one will have a dry eye at the conclusion, but your heart will be oh-so full!

Five stars! (Only because I can't give a million!)
Profile Image for Brandy Overbey.
10 reviews
April 19, 2023
Honestly I’m not sure why so many people have rated this 4/5 stars. Possibly the worst book I’ve read this year.
841 reviews41 followers
January 30, 2023
This was an unexpected delight. I never would have associated the name of James Patterson with a “woman’s” novel about the difficult relationship between Laurie and her mother Liz. Mom is a well-known OB-GYN who has always been critical of her daughter. After a heart event, they go on a journey to Paris and her mother’s native Norway.

Every moment of their journey kept me totally enthralled. The fraught mother/daughter issues were so well done and nuanced that I felt like I could hear echoes of my (and lots of other women’s lives). The details were exquisite and I felt transported to Paris and Norway.

This is a book that I highly recommend. It is simply a trip that all of us will relate to.

Bravo! Thank you Netgalley for this terrific, beautiful, compelling novel.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,275 reviews475 followers
March 22, 2023
Thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown, and Company for access to this title. I am auto-approved by the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own

Quite simply, this was a really special book. I am always a sucker for mother-and-daughter relationship-centric books and this one really tugged at my heart. I read a review that claimed that I wouldn't want this book to end and they were right- I was very sad to finish this one.

Advertising executive, Laurie, receives a call that her mother, the famous ob/gyn Dr. Liz is in the hospital and it is serious news. Inspired to not waste time, Laurie decides to take her mother on a special trip to Paris and her mother's home country of Norway to reconnect with family members. A mother and daughter that are polar opposites traveling to Europe? A lot of hilarity and strife ensues.

Written by Susan Patterson and Susan DiLallo who both dedicate the book to their mothers made it very clear that this was a true labor of love. I love my own mother but we certainly have our moments where we don't see eye to eye so this was a relatable tale.

Enjoyable read of a random NetGalley selection I made.

Expected Publication Date 10/04/23
Goodreads Review Published 22/03/23

#ThingsIWishIToldMyMother #NetGalley.
Profile Image for Maria.
2,115 reviews76 followers
April 17, 2023
This wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. Yes, it was a story about a mother and daughter on the trip of a lifetime and the connection they try to create but I didn’t connect with either one. The twist at the end made up for some of the story but not enough to make this a book I would recommend. I was hoping for more about the relationship between the mother and daughter and how they were able to fix it but that just wasn’t there.

I received a copy from #NetGalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lisa Murphy.
123 reviews4 followers
April 20, 2023
I was really hoping to enjoy this book more than I did. The synopsis had me thinking this would be a touching mother daughter story. In my opinion it was not that at all.

There was a lot of talk about food, shopping, and sightseeing but nothing that was going on was remotely touching to me. Let’s talk about Laurie, (the main character) she mentions how she only travels with a beige duffel bag…well let me tell you the amount of things she has managed to squeeze in one duffle bag is quite impressive! Then there’s Richard, I don’t understand why that whole angle was even necessary. Laurie got quite attached to him over the week she knew him. It was like she was head over heels in love with the guy. Too bad he had a wife and 3 kids.

Then there was the twist..I will say it was clever however it made me even angrier. To find out all the stuff I just suffered through never even happened, INSANITY!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
493 reviews23 followers
April 21, 2023
The two almost okay thing about this novel?: The rather sketchy descriptions of Paris. It’s a quick read. Otherwise: The title is totally misleading. The characters are shallow. The ending feels contrived. The story / plot disappoints. Overall: Not recommended.
Profile Image for Bailey Kalte.
2 reviews4 followers
May 7, 2023
I never write reviews.. but I honestly think this book is possibly the worst book I’ve ever read.
The story line had huge potential, but it did not live up to my expectations whatsoever. The twist at the end was unexpected but silly in my opinion- almost like the authors were trying desperately to make the book interesting in the last 10 pages. Most of the book felt rushed and lacked in detail. Definitely do not recommend.
Profile Image for Natalie M.
1,206 reviews60 followers
May 26, 2023
One of the worst books I’ve read!

Weak, self-indulgent characters perpetuating some of the worst traits women possess. Somewhere between a poor travel guide and an attempt at a novel. The writing is amateurish and repetitive. Some people have enjoyed the twist. For me, if a student wrote that twist I’d fail them - really!

Had it not been for the surname I can’t imagine it would have been published! I wouldn’t waste time or money on this book.
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author14 books388 followers
August 18, 2023
One and a half stars.
When I started this I anticipated an insightful exploration of a mother and daughter relationship. That never eventuated.
Laurie and Liz, the characters struck me as rather one dimensional and not fully developed which was unfortunate. They were shallow and I could not relate to either of them. This book could have been so much more.
And as for the so called twist towards the end, contrived and just about had me pitching the book across the room. Although the story had happy incidents, tears, arguments and perhaps romance, the only emotions this book produced in this reader were frustration and disappointment. Only positive the descriptions of Paris and the description of seeing the northern lights in Norway.
Profile Image for Margie Bunting.
645 reviews28 followers
December 31, 2022
Laurie and her mother, Liz, couldn't be more different. Laurie is a successful marketing professional--a divorcee in her mid-thirties who was a prize-winning swimmer in high school. She has a casual personal life, not putting a lot of thought into what she wears or whether her luggage is old and stained. By contrast, Dr. Liz is a widowed OB/GYN for whom appearances are everything and work is prioritized over everything else. She hasn't exactly had a warm parental relationship with Laurie, but now she is experiencing medical issues that may bring the two closer by necessity. In fact, Laurie has surprised herself by suggesting a two-week trip together to Paris and to Norway, her mother's birthplace.

This is the story of their trip, narrated by Laurie, which includes at least two meltdowns and some surprising revelations from both sides. I reveled in the descriptions of Paris and several Norwegian cities--the food, the shopping, the men, and, of course, the Northern Lights. I found the two women's story, along with their mother-daughter dialogue, accessible and interesting. The ending was unexpected--it took me a minute to roll with it, but I ultimately found it satisfying. A quick read, recommended for mothers and daughters in particular.

My review is based on a complimentary pre-release copy of the book.
Profile Image for Rachel.
38 reviews13 followers
May 9, 2023
I’m not sure why this book is rated so highly. With Mother’s Day approaching, I couldn’t wait to dive into a cozy read about a mother and daughter. However, the title is very misleading, as much of the book revolves around Laurie’s love interests, with anecdotes and advice from her mother LOOSELY sprinkled in. Very disappointed with this one.
596 reviews7 followers
January 5, 2023
I am not sure which of the three authors wrote what in this book, but it doesn't really matter, as the end result is a beautiful story about the relationship between a mother and her adult daughter. The two decide on the spur of the moment to take a two-week trip to Paris and Norway. The time spent in Paris is a travelogue in itself, with vivid descriptions of out-of-the-way places to explore in that unique city. I felt like I was right there with the two of them. I am not sure how I feel about the ending, but I do know this book will make an excellent choice for book clubs, generating many animated discussions. I highly recommend knowing little about this book before jumping in to read it! Thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for providing an ARC.
Profile Image for Jessica Bone.
46 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2023
Why is this book rated so highly? These characters are beyond shallow and the “plot twist “at the end made roll my eyes. I can’t think of anything redeeming about this book.
April 25, 2023
One of the worst books I’ve read in a long time. So poorly written and cheesy, even for a lover of romance novels. Utterly disappointing
4 reviews
May 10, 2023
The book had a strong beginning, promising adventure, and excitement. Then it lapsed into tedium and redundancy. It resembled a shopping-oriented travelogue rather than a book.

It was filled with endless repetitions of detailed descriptions of tourist attractions, designer fashions, and fancy hotels. I love exotic locales filled with tales of the rich and the richer. That is my cup of tea, and it's a treat if there is an engaging story attached to it, but there isn't.

The story revolves around several arguments and resolution attempts. She loves her daughter, and she does not. It didn't seem realistic. The storyline was primarily focused on appearances and should have dug deeper into the narrative. And then they throw in a little sex—I literally mean throw it in.

All these factors would have been fine if the authors—and there are three of them, had taken the time and invested in a story with a decent plot.

It is inconceivable to me that James Patterson authored this book. I cannot understand why it took three authors to write this fluff. The ending was awful, and I felt cheated. I love reading chick lit, rom-coms, or beach reads. This was neither.
394 reviews21 followers
December 15, 2022
Some books stay poignantly with you long after you read the last page and Things I Wish I Told My Mother was one of those for me. The authors have crafted a compelling book that I binged in one reading. The book moves quickly and is very interesting to its memorable end. The mother and daughter talk, experience, love, argue, share, enjoy, dread and treasure special moments - or do they? A treasure for parents and children to read…

Thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown for the opportunity to read this engaging ARC.
Profile Image for Liz.
506 reviews17 followers
January 15, 2023
I enjoyed everything about this sweet novel. Laurie Ormson is a successful New York marketing executive in her thirties who couldn't be any different than her successful mother, Dr. Liz Ormson, an OB-GYN doctor in New Jersey. When they agreed to travel together to Liz's home in Norway, I was thrilled to read about their trip and how they managed to get through each encounter with Paris and Norway without too much friction.

Laurie has always felt that her mother expected more from her. Dr. Liz is a perfectionist and looks impeccably dressed at all times. Laurie is more adventurous and loves enjoying life in its messy state. She adores French pastry, wine, and all the cuisine Paris offers. Laurie often has to leave her mom behind when she wants to feel free and a bit wild.

It isn't until the duo reach Norway that some of the mystery Laurie has often wondered about her mother begins to surface. I enjoyed every bit of this fantasy novel and recommend it to everyone, whether you get along ideally with your mom or not!

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book.
Profile Image for Sarah Welsh .
208 reviews5 followers
May 25, 2023
37% of the way through and decided I just could not read another word. The narrator annoyed me. At 40 she is taking an amazing international vacation with her mom (after her mom has a heart attack!) and all she can seem to do is notice the little ways her mom criticizes. I also saw the Paris romance as cliche and can probably predict the end of this book and the natural way the mother/daughter relationship will transform by the end. Also why do they have to put James Patterson’s name on the cover if he didn’t write the book?? For sales? Not a fan.
Profile Image for Lauren.
16 reviews
May 11, 2023
This storyline skimmed the surface of something that could have been much deeper. I felt like I was constantly waiting for the story to get more interesting and then the slap of the twist at the end just made me more frustrated. 2.5 stars for me. I really wanted to love it more.
164 reviews21 followers
May 19, 2023
This is NOT a memoir.
It is a story about the relationship between an adult daughter and mother.
There are some funny moments in the book,
but be sure to have tissues on hand.
It is a very sweet novel.
Profile Image for Lee Coleman.
87 reviews
June 19, 2023
This book's proper title aught to have been: My Wife Wrote This Book, by James Patterson. Then its two star rating would have been skewed up to three for the cleverness of the book jacket. Or even better, the book could have been titled: Imaginary Conversations With My Mother, written under the pseudonym Eve Rygirl. This too would have made me smile, and lift up this two star book to three stars. So why am I rating this two star book three stars when I am irritated by the book jacket? Because it worked. It worked exactly the way it was supposed to work, and set off a completely expected chain of events that is so meta it could only be surpassed by the book using its current title and being completely filled with blank pages from beginning to end.
I'm obviously starting my review with what I disliked first- literary pet peeve #1 the deceptive/erroneous title. I will never NOT hate this in a book. It's a bait and hook. It's sappy. Titles like this will never draw me in. But guess what, my 85 year old mother was a sucker for it. Literary pet peeve #2 the "with James Patterson" prominently written across the bottom of the book jacket. It's a bait and hook. It's obviously meant to deceive inattentive readers/purchasers. Gimmicks like this will never draw me in. But guess what, my 85 year old mother was a sucker for it. Literary pet peeve #3 the book is 50% story and 50% showing off how much the authors know about Parisian and Norwegian food, language, touristy spots, alcoholic drinks, clothing, and what it is like viewing the Northern Lights in Alta, just south of the Arctic circle. Either the story is too thin and all the fluff is needed to fill it out, or the story is just an excuse to reminisce about all the places they've been and the things they are familiar with. Neither make for an enjoyable read.
So what DID I actually like about this book? I did like the universal mother-daughter stuff you see in the story. Who hasn't had their mom gift them an item they didn't like and knew they couldn't be honest about how much they didn't like it? Who hasn't imagined what their mom's reaction or response would be to a question or situation? Whose mom has never said a heartbreakingly negative comment that has stuck with you years later? But the lead character Laurie never actually 'wishes' she told her mom something and then regrets not doing it. And even if she did...every reader knows exactly why they don't tell their mother everything they might fleetingly want to. We don't want to start a fight. We don't want to make our mother feel bad. We already know she will respond negatively, so why bother. That said...of course, moms can and do surprise us. For every 5 disappointing gifts, I'll get a real winner. When I expect a certain reply, sometimes she says something actually helpful. And when you can get to a place where you just accept who you are and she is and the relationship you have, then most predictable exchanges can turn from exasperating to somewhat funny.
Which brings me the the third star. Now, I love my mom. She's really sweet, but we have VERY different tastes and attitudes. This book is the most recent in a string of books she keeps buying for me that I have zero interest in reading. This 'could' be the kind of book we read together and bond over. But my mom has no interest in reading the book. She wants ME to read it, presumably tell her I love it, and presumably we become 'closer then ever' afterwards when I am overwhelmingly moved to share all sorts of previously unspoken, heartfelt declarations of love for her that I never did before reading the book. Maybe only my siblings and friends know how funny that actually is. That is definitely worth a star.
Profile Image for Karla.
623 reviews
May 30, 2023
I didn’t like this book much, I didn’t care for the characters or the story line. I had to roll my eyes when Laurie “falls in love” over two drinks at a hotel bar in Paris and is just fine abandoning her ailing mother to have a quick shag. Then a few chapters later I thought “yeah go ahead your mother has it coming” as she just wasn’t that likable.

I also didn’t like how she refers to her own mother as Dr. Liz, how can one talk to and learn to love their mother when they call her Dr. Liz in their own head? The only things Laurie remembers is all the times she was criticized or made to feel like an inconvenience in Dr. Liz’s life. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that there was never a real connection forged between the two.

The blurb for this book reads: “the story of a mother and a daughter learning how to love and talk to each other -before it’s too late.” But THIS book was most definitely not THAT. And the ending was so contrived it just wasn’t well done in my opinion.
The plus side? It was a fast read, and that’s about all I got.
Profile Image for Andrea.
821 reviews174 followers
April 19, 2023
3.5 Stars

I believe many people will be moved by this novel. I almost stopped reading early on because the mother was insufferable. Ahhh, but there’s always a backstory (which is not an excuse, but an explanation.)
Happy to have hung in there., even if I did cry at the end. Reading a book about mothers, when you’re motherless, is hard.
Profile Image for Mary.
754 reviews59 followers
May 23, 2023
The only good thing about this terrible book is that I borrowed it from the library and didn't waste any money by buying it. The characters, what there were of them, were one dimensional and vapid. I have no interest in reading about designer fashions or shopping excessively. After suffering through the entire thing it could not have had a worse "surprise" ending. How I wish I could get back the time wasted reading it.
Profile Image for Sara.
12 reviews
April 17, 2023
This book was just okay. It was very choppy with the chapters not seeming to flow together. There was no character development and the plot wasn't well developed. No connections between the characters. There was so much written about the foods they were eating that it seemed to be more what the story was focused on.
Profile Image for Mary Jackson _TheMaryReader.
1,335 reviews175 followers
April 25, 2023
I hated to read the last page. I really was invested in these two characters. I can't not wait to see what Mrs. Patterson writes next she has a loyal fan in me.
This was a 4-star read and I recommend this one.
Profile Image for Nancy (playing catch-up).
472 reviews270 followers
January 20, 2024
This book made me examine my relationship with my mom and made me appreciate her even more. 3 stars rounded to 3.5 because the ending was not what I was expecting and did bring a tear or two to my eyes.
Profile Image for Lisa Burgos.
395 reviews24 followers
February 28, 2024
A great representation of the ups & downs of a mother and daughter relationship.
Profile Image for Erica Cleary.
29 reviews
May 11, 2023
This book bored me! Only reason I didn’t stop was because I was waiting for something to happen which didn’t happen until the very, very end. Was happy it wasn’t a long book. Baffled by all the great reviews!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,416 reviews

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