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Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance

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Many Christians find themselves struggling with a particular sin or dysfunction. They seek counseling, practice confession, and pursue God-centered lives, yet still these genuine believers feel hopeless in finding freedom. Could they be under the influence of evil spirits? Yes, says author Neal Lozano. In Unbound, he reveals Satan's strategies and the sneaky "entrance points" Satan finds to get a toehold in a Christian's life. He helps readers acknowledge the doors they may have opened to evil influence, and shows them how to close those doors and walk in God's freedom and abundance. Lozano's focus on God and his work in the believer's life, not on intimidating aspects of evil spirits, gives this book a balanced and hopeful tone. Because deliverance is part of the ongoing, glorious work of the Holy Spirit, Unbound outlines a plan for tapping into the potent power of the gospel. It also offers guidance on how pastors, counselors, and laity can pray for others who are still bound by evil and help them to gain victory.

256 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 2003

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About the author

Neal Lozano

Neal Lozano (born 1949) is a non-fiction author who has run a deliverance ministry for over 35 years.
He currently serves as a senior coordinator of the House of God's Light, an interdenominational Christian community which he has pastored for thirty years.
He has become an international speaker and has spoken all over the world at various conferences.
On deliverance, which he and his wife have performed at no charge hundreds of times over the years, Lozano says, "I've found that if you expect manifestations, you get them," and "they are real manifestations, but you can either stir them up by focusing on the devil, or you can focus on the person and help them take responsibility, through Christ."
Lozano is a cousin to Father Michael Scanlan.



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews
Profile Image for Daphne Self.
Author10 books143 followers
August 9, 2014
This book will help you open doors that need to opened and to shut and nail the doors that need to be closed--paving the way to spiritual freedom.

This isn't a book to read in a day or even in five. Sit, read a little, and marinate in the words.

Truly, this book will change not only your life, but will change and strengthen your spiritual relationship with God, making it more intimate, and lift your heart.

Highly recommended for those who would like to sever the bonds of the past, rejection, abuse, fear, etc.
Profile Image for Ramón S..
758 reviews10 followers
May 31, 2019
A very well -balance book about a difficult issue.
If you are in deliverance ministry or helping an exorcist you must read this book. But not only that. It is really helpful in order to discover our own demons and how to renounce.
However I miss very much a chapter about the aid of Virgin Mary in the ministry of deliverance
Profile Image for Taylor Schroll.
10 reviews
May 18, 2016
So good for me personally and the ministry I have been entrusted with!

The first half of this book brought so much healing to me life and showed me the importance of deliverance ministry.

The second half has given me the tools to share this ministry with others. I am much more confident now because of this book.
Profile Image for Jesús  Erro.
49 reviews37 followers
August 20, 2021
A menudo asociamos el mundo de los espíritus malignos con la niña del Exorcista .En este libro, descubrirás que laliberación espirituales por lo general menos prolija en efectos especiales. Se caracteriza no por unaposesión,sino por una sutil influencia negativa en nuestros patrones de comportamiento. Es un ministerio relativamente desconocido, incluso para creyentes - familiarizados con los sacramentos habituales. Sin embargo, la liberación es un núcleo fundamental de la predicación de Jesús, que enviaba discípulos de dos en dos a las aldeas para realizar este tipo de curaciones (Mc 6:7) Lasposesionesde las películas representan sólo un pequeño porcentaje del total. Uno de los méritos del libro es normalizar la idea deliberación de espíritus.Ubicarlos en el contexto de nuestra vida cotidiana, como una manera de filtrar y purificar nuestros hábitos y patrones de pensamiento.

El autor,Neal Lozano- estadounidense que se define como católico romano - se dirige en esta obra a todos los públicos, nadie es adoctrinado ni juzgado. Describe 5 llaves con las que desterrar nuestros hábitos más destructivos: arrepentimiento, perdón, renuncia, autoridad y bendición. El libro se divide en dos partes. La primera centrada en la liberación del lector. La segunda trata sobre cómo compartir tu experiencia de liberación con otras personas. El libro cuenta con testimonios de sanación que dan fe de esta realidad espiritual. Y también con las oraciones - bellísimas - con las que llevar a cabo la liberación. Es unmanualbásico. Por estas oraciones y la belleza de los argumentos aquí tratados, uno tiene la sensación de que volverá a leer el libro.

Cada libro de autoayuda dibuja una pincelada sobre ti mismo. He llegado a este libro, desde lo más bajo: en un plano más cercano a la psicología, puedes encontrar parte de tus demonios en el Should I stay or Should I go de la doctora Ramani Durvasula .Si hablamos de pinceladas y espíritus malignos, El Hijo Pródigo de Henri Nouwen puede esbozar otras interesantes perspectivas sobre tu realidad espiritual. Incluso te lo puedes tomar con humor conC. S. Lewisen Cartas del Diablo a su Sobrino .El marco más elevado podría coincidir con el maravilloso Caminando por Valles Oscuros deWalter Ciszek:descubrir el plan de Dios para tu vida - lo que llamaNeal Lozanoen este libro comobendición- es la base para cualquier liberación. De esta forma, conforme lees este tipo de libros, tu lado más oscuro va aflorando y puedes poner coto a tus enemigos interiores.

Las fuentes de los procesos de liberación están en lasEscrituras,especialmente en elNuevo Testamento.Vas a encontrar multitud de citas bíblicas interesantes en este libro (he anotado más de 60 con la aplicación Remember the Bible ) El autor hace meditaciones realmente interesantes sobre ellas. En el capítulo 4 la relativa a las parábola delSiervo Despiadado(Mt 18:23-35) y en el capítulo 3, la deLos Dos Hermanos(Lc 15:11-32) son buenísimas - y más que necesarias en un mundo que se mueve exclusivamente por intereses y por los dictados de la política. La perspectiva sobreLa Multiplicación de los Panes y Peces(Jn 6:1-15), en el capítulo 9, es igualmente maravillosa. A veces personajes secundarios como el muchacho de Jn 6:9, son las claves que revelan la profundidad del mensaje de Jesús.

A partir de las Escrituras, nacenotras excelentes reflexiones.Por citar algunas de ellas:

- Capítulo 1: concepto debendicióna través del patriarca Jacob (Gn 32:22-32)
- Capítulo 2: importancia de resolver eldolor no consciente.Diferencia entre palabra y verdad.
- Capítulo 4: Perdonarse a uno mismo (bien entendido)
- Capítulos 5 y 8: importancia de la palabra hablada. Evitar espirales de introspección.
- Capítulo 10: escuchar comprendiendo sin tratar de“arreglar”los sentimientos del otro.
- Capítulo 11: si somos orgullosos u operamos fuera de la autoridad que el Señor nos ha dado, surgiránconflictos interioresmientras Dios quita esas cosas.
- Capítulo 12: no asumir más de aquello para lo que estás preparado.
- Capítulo 15: abrazar nuestravirilidadyresponsabilidad.Necesidad de un lugar seguro donde nos amen. No debemos dudar que podemos dar y recibir amor.

He calificado este libro con 5 estrellas por la riqueza y profundidad de sus argumentos. Creo que podría ayudarte a revelar verdades ocultas de tu pasado, quizás olvidadas o de las que aún no eres consciente.
Profile Image for Kateri Estano.
32 reviews
May 10, 2024
This book is powerful, and also dark. Although some stories/encounters could definitely be triggering, I think deliverance is something that seems very underrated in the Catholic faith and should be more commonly known. I think it would benefit so many. A good book but please read knowing there may be triggers!!
5 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2020
I threw this book away after reading this compromised book that doesn't even mention any traditional Catholic theology or practice. Notable highlights that REAL Catholic exorcists call upon are not even mentioned at all: Mary, the Mass, and the use of Catholic sacramentals such as the Rosary.

The author is protestantized "catholic" charismatic wanna-be exorcist who doesn't even say a single word about Mary, the Mass or the use of Catholic sacramentals. That alone should tell you where his allegiance lies. The authors writes, talks and sounds like a Protestant all right. What talks like a duck, walks like a duck, is a duck.

The author talks like a Prot and believes that Vatican II released "charisms" that allow lay people to run amok pretending to be exorcists when they are merely laymen who have not received the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The fruits of Vatican II have been clear for all Catholics to witness: millions of souls have been lost since the close of that questionable Council. The author doesn't even mention that fact at all. Instead, he uses catholic-sounding words to prove HIS THEORY of his imaginary "charisms" released by a "new pentecost" at Vatican II. He desperately wants so much to become a nomadic lay exorcist and deliverance minister, like a Prot hustler, so much so that he now has to woo lay Catholics into following his footsteps of being a protestantized catholic who peddles a questionable "holy spirit" while "laying hands" on the gullible and vulnerable.

His other freewheeling lay methods of deliverance should be avoided, lest you get into the same troubles as those stubborn and arrogant Prots who think that their baptism makes them stronger than the Devil.

The quickie Protestantized "charismatic" prayers the author reveals in this book will not deliver you permanently. In fact, they do just the opposite and manifest evil!

Stay away from this arrogant author, his deceptive methods and this book for your own safety!

If you're a Catholic, learn and practice traditional Catholic devotions, say the Rosary daily, frequent the Mass daily, receive the Holy Eucharist and patronize the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you're not a Catholic, become one so that you can access the key sacraments of the Catholic Church.
73 reviews
November 25, 2020
What I appreciated about this book was the focus on the love of God, love of the person you are talking to, the importance of healing, and knowing and living from our identity in Christ. I think that any of us who have gone through spiritual direction or counseling, or had a good confessor, know the importance of someone caring for us and working with us individually. Delving into people’s real lives with them, and helping them pray through both their past and current situations, would be a game-changer if we focused more of our efforts on this as a Church. The author also was aware of how bad experiences of prayer and misuse of authority in faith communities can really hurt people. I’m not sure about all the specifics in the book, but I appreciated the principles. I have to say, it focused much more on Jesus and on a gentle approach to prayer than on formulas or on the evil spirits themselves.
Profile Image for Lisa.
245 reviews
August 13, 2020
Not a lot of new information here, given the time I spent in charismatic circles, but I did appreciate the gentler, less fearful approach to deliverance that Lozano details. I read this on the recommendation of a priest, and would recommend it as a great introduction to the topic of receiving deliverance and deliverance ministry.
Profile Image for Chris.
39 reviews
May 6, 2015
While the information in this book is valuable for the interior spiritual life and overcoming the adversity that Christians face in the spiritual realm, I feel that something is lacking in terms of how to continue moving forward. The book describes steps but, those steps need to be part of a larger process of self-reflection and prayer that never ends. While the book does say this at times, I feel there is not much information on how to continue beyond the steps presented.
Profile Image for Ryan.
107 reviews6 followers
June 3, 2014
Good stuff. Definitely an unexplored area for most Christians, including myself. Inspired me to seek out a priest for some prayers of deliverance. But overall the book seemed very repetitive. I found myself skimming large sections at a time. Seems like the same material could be presented in a five-page article.
Profile Image for M.
674 reviews3 followers
June 23, 2016
A largely rhetorical (not academic) discussion of deliverance. I thought the author was over simplistic in his analysis and displayed a somewhat sophomoric understanding of sin, temptation, and what causes spiritual bondage. I am no academic myself, but I thought the author's explanations elementary.
November 13, 2017
A good book to understand how childhood trauma or hurt might become a hold for getting trapped into the power of the evil! The Church's work of healing and deliverance must take into consideration these important facts. Not all spiritual problems are psychological problems and not all psychological problems are spiritual problems.
2 reviews
November 10, 2009
I would highly recommend this book for anyone struggling with a particular weakness/sin. It was recommended to me by a wonderful priest, and I will probably be revisiting its concepts again and again.
Profile Image for Judy.
82 reviews3 followers
June 15, 2016
This was a great book on deliverance and spiritual healing. It makes you realize that the whole process of growing closer to God is an ongoing journey where you are constantly exposing old wounds or areas of bondage and turning more of your life over to God as you go.
Profile Image for Eszter Beáta.
291 reviews
July 9, 2017
This is a very important and a very useful book. It would be necessary to read it for a lot of people. It can help you to clean your life from a lot of unpleasant behaviors and other negative impacts.
120 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2013
My Prayer & Healing group is using this as our current group study. Very enlightening on how to be in service to others using a gentle manner. Quite easy to read and follow along.
1 review
October 19, 2020
Must read for any serious Christian. There are spirits working against us all the time, but intelligent and critical thinkers are wary to explore what that means. Between the bad repute of superstitions Christians who over-spiritualize everything and the fanciful dramatization of demonic activity by Hollywood, its easier for the intellectual Christian to shy away into a kind of practical cessationism, where we forget, disregard, and become blind to the spiritual forces at work for and against us.

Neal Lozano's book is a great relief because it teaches us that ordinary disciples have nothing to fear when it comes to the spiritual world. The weapons we have against dark forces are not primarily sacramental tokens employed by exorcists in Hollywood movies. Instead, the fundamental powers of repentance, faith, and forgiveness lay the ground work for spiritual victory. Most Christians are familiar with these ideas, but we take for granted how serious their consequences are for our spiritual health.

Upon that fundamental foundation of repentance, faith, and forgiveness (do not pass GO without them) stand the more nuanced works of renouncing the work of your enemies, standing in the authority you have in Christ, and receiving God’s blessing of your identity and destiny. Discussion of these will be very helpful to the disciple who is walking faithfully but still feels stuck.

And again, the reminder of how important repentance, faith, and forgiveness are to our spiritual freedom constitutes life-changing information for any human being.

If you are a human being with a soul, read this book.
34 reviews1 follower
February 13, 2021
This is a book that I think most people who read it will find helpful. At times, it strongly reminded me of self-help literature in the various exercises he recommends though with the spiritual element: identifying traumatic or sinful experiences – knowing that the devil can enter through these wounds and possess strength over us through them – in the name of Christ renouncing the power that these things have over us, and pursuing healing and virtue through God's grace. Also similar to the self-help books, the author has so many stories and personal anecdotes which fill the book, with some of them more moving and powerful than others.

Outside of the basic theology of Christ having power of the devil and the Christian having the power to call upon Christ and renounce the devils that invade our lives the book is not theologically deep, and likely deliberately so. As a Catholic, I think it is important for people to have a well-formed Catholic understanding of the power of grace, curses, the cross, and possession in order to make clear sense of the work of grace and of the demonic. Fr. Ripperger has many excellent resources for learning about the hierarchy of angels and demons and how they strive to aid or tempt us to follow their end. With possessing the knowledge of these truths taught by the Catholic Church, I would recommend this book to people as a means to assist them in rooting out their vices and any disorders they have or experience from past traumas and sins, even if those sins have already been forgiven through the sacrament of confession.
Profile Image for Ruth.
216 reviews
March 16, 2019
This book is very different from the books that I usually read. I can understand why some other reviewers call it simplistic and repetitive.

Still, I found some valuable insights in this book. Most notably that our own dignity and authority are very important. Also how we are often far too afraid of the devil. It isn't necessary. That we should focus on the person and not on the devil. And the stress on the importance of forgiveness as a step in releasing the bonds that were created in traumatic experiences. The point that we ourselves must choose to send the lies away.

All these things strike me as very similar to what I experienced in psychotherapy, with the notable difference that deliverance is explicitly done in the name of Jesus and based on the authority we have because of him. That certainly adds an extra layer of trust for me, but also perhaps the idea that any Christian should be able to help others in this way. I strongly disagree with that notion.

I thought it was a balanced book, also very clear about all the various ways in which deliverance can go wrong and add to the trauma. Precisely for this reason I don't think anyone without any training in pastoral care should try this out. Something really happens, these issues go deep and can do as much harm as do good, depending on the tact and skill and wisdom of the one who helps.
38 reviews
October 10, 2023
Are you carrying emotional baggage you feel is weighing you down? Did you know you don't have to? I think of the information in Unbound as how to get traction in life. Trying to make it on my own equals spinning my wheels in the mud. This is very different.

Unbound is not new information, but a way of succinctly organizing information about how to specifically get rid of unforgiveness, fear, shame, guilt...you really can live in freedom. Do not settle for less!

Thankful for this book and the humble people who wrote it. Unbound is a 40+ year project of love from a couple who were open to what their life's purpose was supposed to be and who are still listening and learning. Their five keys are valuable tools for praying through your life and the lives of others. It takes prayer requests from a to-do list to surrendering everything to God, the only source of real hope and help. Highly recommend.

ETA: this book on deliverance stands apart from others as the method is non-confrontational. This is a conversation between people, which acknowledges personal responsibility. This is moving from bondage to freedom, maintaining the dignity of all people involved. Refreshing.
Profile Image for Danielle.
2 reviews
August 9, 2018
Wonderfully written and amazing structure to the book! Appreciate the thought and ingenuity that went into Lozano’s work. Prayers at the end of each chapter pulled each concept/chapter together.

A woman at church recommended this book to me in a bible study because I wanted to know how to break bad soul ties with people from my past while I was backsliding. I’m so grateful to have this book in my library. A must read for any Christian or someone wanting to understand more about Christianity.

I gained invaluable information about my walk with the Lord and ultimately think “Unbound” answered my doubts in a very easy to understand, fluid tone.
Profile Image for Matthew Wright.
151 reviews
December 21, 2022
Sometimes I feel like he gets too caught up in details that don't matter but he makes a few key points that I think people often get wrong in praying for deliverance:

Deliverance is about God and about the person. It is not about the person praying or the demons.

More important than bringing deliverance is showing the love of Christ to the person.

Deliverance is not a one and done thing. It is a continual fight. And even if the person is immediately delivered it doesn't mean the enemy is not going to fight to regain position in that person's life.

If you get those three points from this book I think that is already more than worth the read!
October 2, 2021
Terrible title wonderful book. Title was a huge turn off for me and the reason that I didn’t read it 3 years ago when it was first recommended. It’s basically a super helpful biblically based self help book that teaches you about the unbound prayer method. Sure, there’s some stuff about casting out demons, but I’m not sure where I land on that and I don’t need to in order to have found it an extremely helpful book…love to share more thoughts if anyone I know is interested in hearing a longer book review I’m just not huge on writing long book reviews (just reading them! 😉)
August 30, 2023
Un libro excelente con una metodología para liberar inspirada por el Espíritu Santo.

Explica mucho sobre el mundo espiritual y como afecta nuestra cotidianidad. Pero no solo explica, sino también nos permite reconocernos como hijos de Dios, que a través de Jesús que nos salvó, podemos alcanzar libertad espiritual de muchos espiritus malignos que pueden estae viviendo con nosotros y afectar negativamente nuestras vidas.

Para mí fue un cambio muy significativo
Profile Image for Lauren Rice.
165 reviews146 followers
February 25, 2024
“To forgive yourself is simply a declaration that you are in agreement with God, that you will not hold yourself to higher standards than God, and you will not demand of yourself more than He does. We forgive ourselves the same way God does, on the basis of the mercy poured out in Jesus. We know we have forgiven when we begin to realize that the person who has offended us is really a source of blessing.”
Profile Image for Dennis.
23 reviews1 follower
September 30, 2019
Interesting book, well written and informative. Although I cannot agree with everything the author says it seems the methods and ideas in the book are in fact quite helpful to many people. Read this book and get good basic information about demons and deliverance from a charismatic Christian point of view.
Profile Image for Lady Artichokie of the Rings.
81 reviews4 followers
October 26, 2023
Overall, I think this book is indeed, as its title claims, a good and practical guide to deliverance. My only issue with it is that the book often can't decide if it's Catholic or Protestant. The whole book felt rather protestant to me and it was only the occasional references to the sacraments that reminded me that it was written by a Catholic. 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Troy.
58 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2018
Interesting book. It reads like a self-help book at some parts, some of the stories are about people with common problems, nothing paranormal. Good introduction to Deliverance prayer. Catholics and people interested in Christianity should definitely read this book.
December 3, 2019
This book is impactful in imparting God’s truth about the reality of demonic forces which plague believers and non-believers. Lozano does a good job of explaining practically how to become free from Satan’s grip. Forgiveness is a huge part of being free from oppression!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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