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7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness: Power Ideas from America's Foremost Business Philosopher

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Unlock the Fountain of Prosperity Inside You!
“I truly believe Jim Rohn is an extraordinary human being whose philosophy can enhance the quality of life for anyone.” —Anthony Robbins

“Few men are endowed with Jim Rohn’s ability to motivate and effect changes in other human beings.” —Tom Hopkins

“Jim Rohn... is one of the most profound thinkers and mind expanding individuals I’ve ever had a chance to listen to.” — Les Brown

“Jim Rohn is a master motivator—he has style, substance, charisma, relevance, charm, and what he says makes a difference... The world would be a better place if everyone heard my friend Jim Rohn.” —Mark Victor Hansen

You don’t have to choose between wealth and happiness—they spring from the same fountain of abundance. With this book, you’ll discover the seven essential strategies you need for

·Unleash the Power of Goals
·Seek Knowledge
·Learn the Miracle of Personal Development
·Control Your Finances
·Master Time
·Surround Yourself with Winners
·Learn the Art of Living Well

Author Jim Rohn’s philosophy has helped millions change their lives for the better. Find out what it can do for you!

176 pages, Paperback

First published August 27, 1996

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About the author

Jim Rohn

Emanuel James "Jim" Rohn was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. His rags to riches story played a large part in his work, which influenced others in the personal development industry.

Rohn was the recipient of the 1985 National Speakers Association CPAE Award for excellence in speaking.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 256 reviews
Profile Image for Ryan.
184 reviews29 followers
February 20, 2008
My summary and notes:

Rohn writes about what it takes to become successful. He uses the story of his own life to illustrate how important one's attitude and discipline is to becoming successful. One of his well-known quotes is that "success is no more than the natural consequence of consistently applying the fundamentals of success to life." The most important part of becoming successful is learning to make and accomplish goals. More specifically, well-defined goals for each stage of life are important in order to set them into action. He then goes into how to set goals. First, ask yourself these questions: What do I want to do? What I want to be? What do I want to see? What do I want to have? Where do I want to go? What would I like to share? Use these questions to get started in goal setting and then make sure each goal is concrete. The next point Rohn makes is on time management. Prioritize your goals so you don't end up spending major time on minor priorities. He also explains that one should put all concentration and focus into everything you do. If it's worth doing then you should put all of your attention towards it. He then goes into the importance of seeking knowledge. The first step is personal reflection, followed by seeking help from others, and also from reading and listening to others. Another piece of advice he gives is to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. He then goes into the seasons of life: in winter you have to bear down and deal with all of the bad stuff, and then use all of the bad stuff to grow and prepare for the future; in spring you have to take advantage of the situation, look for opportunities and take advantage of them, don't just enjoy the nice weather; in summer you have to protect your investments and the good things in your life, this means your values and goals as well as your investments, when things are going well you have to deal with attacks; in fall you have to reap what you sowed the rest of the year, that means for better or worse you collect on the work you did all year. He talked about developing yourself physically, spiritually, and intellectually. He talks about the most important tool for doing this, which is discipline. He then goes into finances, which he suggests to improve by following the 70/30 rule. That is, after taxes, you are allowed to spend 70% of your income on expenses, etc., but the last 30% goes to: 10% charity, 10% investment, and 10% savings. He also talks more about time management and describes 4 ways to manage time: the drifter, the workaholic, 9 to 5 person, and the enlightened time management person. The enlightened person schedules time so that there is time for each of the other strategies. Just as much work is completed as does the workaholic because the time spent working is more productive. Time for play and reflection is also scheduled so that there is a time for everything. By carefully scheduling the parts of your life and being productive when it is important to be, tasks don't become overwhelming. He also talks about keeping a journal to keep the ideas of your life in. He suggests keeping a calendar as well. In fact, his two rules are, "don't start the day until you have it finished" and "don't start the week until you have it finished." He then suggests to plan carefully who you associate with in order to make sure the right habits rub off on you. Rohn ends the book describing the most important goal behind all of your goals and that is happiness. Accomplishing all of your goals is only useful if striving for the goals makes you happy, not miserable.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christopher Lewis Kozoriz.
827 reviews272 followers
November 15, 2020
"Success...has multiple layers of meaning.
Success is also an elusive notion, a paradox. After all, it is both a journey and a destination, isn't it?
It's the steady, measured progress toward a goal and the achievement of a goal.
Success is both an accomplishment and a wisdom that comes to those who understand the potential power of life.
It's an awareness of value and the cultivation of worthwhile values through discipline.
It's both material and spiritual, practical and mystical.
Success is a process of turning awayfromsomething in order to turntowardsomething better - from lethargy to exercise, from candy to fruit, from spending to investing.
Success is responding to an invitation to change, to grow, to develop, and to become - an invitation to move up to a better place in order to gain a better vantage point.
But most of all, success is making your life whatyouwant it to be. Considering all the possibilities, considering all the examples of others whose lives you admire, what doyouwant fromyourlife? That is the big question!
Remember, success is not a set of standards from our culture but rather a collection of personal values clearly defined and ultimately achieved. "
(Jim Rohn,7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness,Page 17)

As the title of this book indicates, this book covers7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness.They are:





Strategy Five:MASTER TIME



Each strategy has great insight from the personal development master himself, so much so, that I had a hard time putting this book down because he makes each one so simple a child could understand and in a down-to-earth way.

Some of these strategies I knew, some I didn't, some I did, but then stopped practicing for some time. This was a good refresher and wake up call to get back in the game of life and win and maybe fall, but get back up again, again and again!
Profile Image for Henrik Haapala.
581 reviews97 followers
December 15, 2023
Author: Jim Rohn. Title: “seven strategies for wealth and happiness - power ideas from America’s foremost, business philosopher”. (1985)
Rating: A+ (update 2023-12-15)

Major takeaways:

• "Formal education can make you a living, self education can make you a fortune" - Jim Rohn
• Rohns mentor mr. shoaff: "if you wish to be successful, study success. If you wish to be happy, study happiness. If you want to make money, study the acquisition of wealth. Those who achieve these things don't do it by accident. It's a matter of studying first and practicing second."
• Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the fundamentals of success to life: I.e. have a system, follow a process
• Have enough reasons: have a big why
• Long range goals: what do I want to do? What do I want to be? What do I want to see? What do I want to have? Where do I want to go? What would I like to share?
• Income rarely exceeds personal development
• All leaders are readers
• Axiom: To have more than you've got, become more than you are
• It's hard to keep that which has not been obtained trough personal development
• You can change all things for the better when you change yourself for the better
• Live on 70% of income and the rest to investing, saving and giving
• Operate from document not from thought
• You are what you read

A quote defining success:

“Success is a process of turning away from something in order to turn towards something better - from lethargy to exercise, from candy to fruit, from spending to investing.
Success is responding to an invitation to change, to grow, to develop, and to become - an invitation to move up to a better place in order to gain a better vantage point.
But most of all, success is making your life what you want it to be. Considering all the possibilities, considering all the examples of others whose lives you admire, what do you want from your life? That is the big question!
Remember, success is not a set of standards from our culture but rather a collection of personal values clearly defined and ultimately achieved.” Page 17

What is it worth?
Is this a major or a minor?

Other Quotes (some from YouTube)

Without dreams and vision, we perish (the Bible)
Disciplines is the master key, page 13
Success is something you attract
Why set a goal to make a million dollars? Answer: for what it will make you become. (Great answer)

“The Bible teaches us that humans cannot live on bread alone. It tells us that next to food, our minds and souls must be nourished by words. Unfortunately, most people suffer from mental malnutrition.” Page 58

“Mr. Shoaff got me started on books from the beginning. He said, ‘become self educated. Standard education will bring you standard results’. Check the income figures of those with a standard education and see if that’s what you want. If it isn’t, if you want more than the average, you must become self educated so I went to work on building a library. And today I have one of the best.” Page 59

“So here’s the great axiom of life: to have more than you’ve got, become more than you are. This is where you should focus most of your attention. Otherwise, you just might have to contend with the axiom of not changing, which is: unless you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got.
Income rarely exceeds personal development.”
Page 67.

Recommendations for reading
“Think and grow rich” Napoleon Hill
“The richest man in Babylon”, George Clason
The Bible

Summary: this excellent short book by Jim Rohn talked about how you can change your life's course by first changing yourself by educating yourself, reading books, having long and short term written goals, starting with the small steps, getting mentors, learning trough others and having a plan for financial freedom.
Profile Image for Mohamed.
8 reviews27 followers
December 31, 2013
I remember saying to Mr. Shoaff, “If I had more money I’d be happy.” But he replied, “The key to happiness is not more. Happiness is an art to be studied and practiced.More money will only make you more of what you already are. More will only send you more quickly to your destination. So if you’re inclined to be unhappy, you’ll be luxuriously miserable with more money. If you’re inclined to be nasty, wealth will make you a terror.And if you’re inclined to drink a little too much, more money will only enable you to waste yourself in booze.
“On the other hand, if you master the art of lifestyle and happiness, more money will help you to amplify your happiness and inner wealth.”

I chose to begin my review with this particular part of the book, because it simply wraps up why this book is so great.If you're searching for a book that merely tells you how to get rich, then this isn't the right book for you. This book simply tells us how to change ourselves so we can be wealthy from the inside and outside. It opens our eyes to the fact that nothing will be better unless YOU become better,for that change comes from the inside not from the outside.
Mr. Rohn affirmed that "happiness is the joy that comes to those who painstakingly design their lives & live them with artistry" and that "success is the steady, measured progress toward a goal and the achievement of a goal".
To be happy and successful (which is the dream of most of us as I imagine) you will need to learn the art of discipline. Discipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment. You may not be able to do all you find out but be sure to find out all you can do.
I consider this book as one of the best "Paradigm-shifting" books that you may ever come to read. The bottom line is and I quote:
"To have more that you've got, become more than what you're. The most important thing is what you're become not what you're getting."
Profile Image for J.
9 reviews4 followers
March 6, 2021
One of the Best books I have read so far!

The author takes us through his emotional 'Rags to Riches' Journey from earning a $57 weekly paycheck to having a 7 figure net worth.
He deeply respects and gives the credit for his wealth and happiness to his mentor, Earl Shoaff.
All the golden lessons he learnt while working for his leader have been printed in this book in a very digestible and stimulating format.

I give 5/5 stars!
Profile Image for Moh. Nasiri.
311 reviews100 followers
January 24, 2020
"Formal education can make you a living, self education can make you a fortune" - Jim Rohn
Wealth and happiness don’t materialize out of nowhere – obtaining them requires careful discipline and planning.

70/30 finance rule: Live on 70% of income and 30% to investing, saving and giving charity.
Profile Image for Michael Crump.
4 reviews1 follower
August 6, 2016
The book focuses around these 7 strategies:

1) Unleash the power of goals
2) Seek knowledge
3) Learn how to change
4) Control your finances
5) Master Time
6) Surround yourself with winners
7) Learn the art of living well

Each one is self-explanatory and Jim dives into each topic at a length that makes this book an easy reader (at a mere 156 pages). There was a few really good quotes, and like all books, I jotted those down.

The one that really stood out was: "It's easy to remain mediocre. All you need to do is spend major time on minor things with minor people.

That sentence is really powerful and I'm very thankful that I am able to surround myself with very smart and caring people.

Jim also list several questions that you should ask yourself:

1) Why should you try? The best answer is "Why not?". What else are you going to do with your life? Why not see how far you can go? What not see how much you can earn, or read, or share? Why not see what you can become or how much you can grow?
2) Why not you? Some people have done the most incredible things with a limited background. Some people do so well that they get to see it all? Why not you?
3) Why not now? Why postpone a better future when so much that is wondrous awaits your command?

Overall, I gave this book a 3 as "I like it", but would recommend that you check it out at a public library or pick it up from a used book section. There are some gems in here that are worth a couple of hours of reading it.
Profile Image for Pavel Annenkov.
443 reviews128 followers
August 31, 2018
Эта книга, без преувеличений, в свое время изменила мою жизнь. Наверное нельзя лучше чем Джим Рон объяснить самые важные вещи таким простым языком. Перечитываю его каждый год. Особенно люблю слушать выступления Джима Рона в аудио формате. На всякий случай напомню, что текущая звезда Тони Роббинс - это его ученик.
Profile Image for Paul Bard.
875 reviews
March 8, 2023
Unexpectedly excellent. The chapters on wisdom, association, goals, are brilliant. The chapter on emotion is too little. A slim book packed with direct, no BS wisdom.

Reread. Still great. His three ideas for thinking on paper are great.

Profile Image for Lisa J Shultz.
Author15 books91 followers
February 7, 2017
I have heard Jim Rohn speak on audios many times but wanted to read his words as well. I really like his stories of his youth and mentor Mr. Shoaff. A wonderful book even with dated parts. The basic ideas still apply today. He left a wonderful legacy.
Profile Image for Lai Reading.
300 reviews483 followers
September 10, 2023
Mình đọc em sách này sau khi xem video của chị Chi - The Present Writer, và thực sự thì cảm thấy rất may mắn vì mình đã đọc được em ý.

Có ai đang trong trạng thái hoang mang, muốn thay đổi, muốn thấy mình phát triển hơn nhưng lại không biết bắt đầu từ đâu không?

Trong lúc đang chơi vơi chênh vênh như thế, mình đọc em này với mục đích duy nhất là tìm hiểu về cách thiết lập mục tiêu thôi. Nhưng mà các giá trị mà em ý mang lại cho mình nhiều hơn rất nhiều so với những gì mình mong đợi.

Ngoài mục tiêu, sách còn có phần làm sao để thay đổi (nếu bạn đang không biết bắt đầu từ đâu), cách lập kế hoạch tài chính để trở nên thịnh vượng (công thức có phần khác so với các bài về tự do tài chính mà mình từng nghe qua - nhưng mở ra các khía cạnh lần đầu mình nghe, thật sự đỉnh lắm), quản lý thời gian, phát triển các mối quan hệ chất lượng (giúp bạn đến gần mục tiêu của mình hơn) và xây dựng cho mình phong cách sống (để đồng tiền khuếch đại hạnh phúc bạn đang có và đào sâu hơn thế giới nội tâm của bạn)

Góc nhìn và cách tư duy của tác giả rất mới lạ và hữu ích với mình. Cách viết và diễn giải cũng đơn giản và dễ hiểu nữa.

Mình vừa đọc, vừa đánh dấu và ghi chú. Sau khi đọc xong thì hệ thống lại kiến thức và rút ra những bài học áp dụng vào thực tế cuộc sống của mình. Điểm đáng lưu ý nhất là em ý cho mình lời giải cho các vấn đề mà mình phải đối mặt, cảm thấy bớt đi nhiều hoang mang về con đường sắp tới. Như là em này đến với mình rất đúng thời điểm ý. 5 sao nhe
Profile Image for KyaP_Stacey.
46 reviews
May 15, 2013
Whenever I looked up quotes or motivational words, the name Jim Rohn always appeared. He seemed to have so many good things to say that I decided to check this book out from the library. It was an easy read, and I was able to finish it in one day, and gather pages of notes and wisdom from it.

It was a good book, needless to say. I have had it on hold at the library for a while, and the tattered appearance it arrived in also let me know that it's high in demand.

What I got from it was common sense reiterated, and messages of goal setting, discipline, and staying in control of your circumstances were consistent. Nothing groundbreaking or particularly innovative (and it was written in 1985, with a revision in 1996)...so despite the references to preserving your video tapes for your children, it was really still quite relevant and powerful.

I've decided to share my notes with my girlfriends, because I believe that in the pages of this book anyone can find an answer, or at least encouragement to any rut they are in. Be it financial, career-based, social, or personal, there are enough tips, suggestions, and motivational "quotes" to have anyone walk away from this book feeling fulfilled.

~Stacey Marie Robinson
Profile Image for Antonio.
409 reviews10 followers
July 11, 2020
The book has Smooth style and its easy to read. These strategies are not unknown but sometimes you need to hear it few times before you put it to practice. At the end Jim Rohn asks four questions:
▪ Why should you try all this?
▪ Why not?
▪ Why not you?
▪ Why not now?
This kind of wrapped it up...

So this is my assessment of the book 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness by Jim Rohn according to my 8 criteria:
1. Related to practice - 5 stars
2. It prevails important - 5 stars
3. I agree with the read - 5 stars
4. not difficult to read (as for non English native) - 5 stars
5. Too long (more than 500 pages) - short and concise (150-200 pages) - 5 stars
6.Boring - every sentence is interesting - 4 stars
7. Learning opportunity - 4 stars
8. Dry and uninspired style of writing - Smooth style with humouristic and fun parts - 4 stars

Total 4.62 stars
Profile Image for Nguyễn Hạnh.
54 reviews8 followers
June 8, 2019
Tôi đã đọc nhiều lần, đã nghe đi nghe lại quyển sách này mỗi ngày trên đường đi làm và từ chỗ làm về nhà. Mỗi lần nghe cho tôi thêm một lần cảm nhận sâu sắc triết lý về phát triển bản thân, giúp tôi có thêm động lực để hoàn thiện bản thân mỗi ngày.
Quyển sách đã vượt qua giới hạn về một quyển sách thông thường, nó đã trở thành người bạn nhắc nhở tôi mỗi ngày, người thầy chỉ dạy tôi mỗi ngày. Tôi vô cùng biết ơn Jim Rohn, người đã cho tôi một phiên bản hoàn toàn mới về tư duy hướng đến cuộc sống trọn vẹn và hạnh phúc.
Profile Image for Ái Quỳnh.
91 reviews10 followers
January 23, 2019
Một trong những người có triết lý sống mà mình vẫn học hỏi theo cho đến bây giờ, viết mọi thứ rất ngắn gọn, không màu mè hoa mỹ, chỉ nói những sự thật để ai cũng BIẾT, CÒN HÀNH ĐỘNG là chuyện của mỗi người phải tự có trách nhiệm với cuộc đời của mình.

Sống có mục tiêu, không ngừng học hỏi, đẩy xa các giới hạn, kiểm soát tài chính, hoạch định cuộc sống, kết giao lành mạnh và mang nghệ thuật vào cuộc sống. Hơn nhau ở chỗ biết hay không biết, làm hay không làm mà thôi.
69 reviews2 followers
December 2, 2019
This book would have been very well received at the time of release (1985) but when I finished reading it today I only felt, I have read much better books.

But still as Robin Sharma had once said: "Some books are meant to be tasted, some books are meant to be chewed and, finally, some books are meant to be swallowed whole". I will say this book is one I was happy enough to just taste.

Still glad to learn a few new things though. A quick read.
Profile Image for Simone Bocedi.
Author1 book21 followers
December 7, 2020
Totally and completely loved it. No wonder this guy is the mentor of Tony Robbins. The book really makes me wanna go from wishful thinker to knowledgeable doer. The chapter on goal settings is a game-changer.
Profile Image for Will Jeffries.
164 reviews13 followers
April 25, 2011
Jim Rohn is da bomb!!

To get pumped-up on a daily basis, visit tstn.com
362 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2014
really great motivational book. good principles and well delivered.
Profile Image for Thugiang Tran.
25 reviews4 followers
July 27, 2019
Mình đọc năm nhất đại học và coi cuốn sách này như một kim chỉ nam
Profile Image for Mike Madden.
158 reviews2 followers
August 16, 2019
Don't start your day/week/month/year until it's finished! First audio book I've listened to...will read it soon. Gems upon gems!
Profile Image for Babak Moeini.
5 reviews2 followers
December 17, 2019
کتاب خوبیه و مثل همیشه اصول بنیادین موفقیت از نگاه جیم ران در این کتاب تکرار شده در بسیاری از موارد همخوانی خوبی با سخنرانی های جیم ران داره. در این کتاب جیم ران سخنان بیشتری از ارل شوف روایت می کنه که خیلی آموزنده است.
Profile Image for Thang Nguyen.
27 reviews5 followers
August 2, 2020
I remember saying to Mr. Shoaff, “If I had more money I’d be happy.” But he replied, “The key to happiness is not more. Happiness is an art to be studied and practiced. More money will only make you more of what you already are. More will only send you more quickly to your destination. So if you’re inclined to be unhappy, you’ll be luxuriously miserable with more money. If you’re inclined to be nasty, wealth will make you a terror. And if you’re inclined to drink a little too much, more money will only enable you to waste yourself in booze.

“On the other hand, if you master the art of lifestyle and happiness, more money will help you to amplify your happiness and inner wealth.”

Tip = to insure promptness.

In conclusion, remember this: The good life is not an amount; it’s an attitude, an act, an idea, a discovery, a search. The good life comes from a lifestyle that is fully developed, regardless of the size of your bank account; a lifestyle that provides you with a constant sense of joy in living; a lifestyle that fuels your desire to become a person of deep value and achievement. After all, what is wealth without character, industry without art, quantity without quality, enterprise without satisfaction, and possessions without joy?

You can become a person of culture who adds to the whole culture. You can be that person of unusual substance who possesses the style and individuality of which our children and their children can become the beneficiaries.

• "Formal education can make you a living, self education can make you a fortune" - Jim Rohn
• Rohn's mentor Mr. Shoaff: "if you wish to be successful, study success. If you wish to be happy, study happiness. If you want to make money, study the acquisition of wealth. Those who achieve these things don't do it by accident. It's a matter of studying first and practicing second."
• Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the fundamentals of success to life: I.e. have a system, follow a process
• Have enough reasons: have a big why
• Long-range goals: what do I want to do? What do I want to be? What do I want to see? What do I want to have? Where do I want to go? What would I like to share?
• Income rarely exceeds personal development
• All leaders are readers
• Axiom: To have more than you've got, become more than you are
• It's hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development
• You can change all things for the better when you change yourself for the better
• Live on 70% of income and the rest to investing, saving and giving
• Operate from document not from thought
• You are what you read
July 29, 2021
Libro sencillo, pero con principios que cualquiera que los pone en práctica verá resultados.
Profile Image for Tote Cabana.
394 reviews49 followers
September 20, 2018
Estaba deseosa de terminar este libro pero simplemente para volver a empezar y esta vez con papel, lápiz y miles de ideas que me vienen a la cabeza. Este mentor fue un hombre muy influyente en la formación profesional de mi esposo y cada palabra, cada frase son de incalculable valor. Toda persona debería leer este libro, ya sea estudiante, empleado, emprendedor o empresario, si tienes hijos transmítele esta información porque en pocos sitios puedes encontrar personas que realmente deseen tu éxito y crecimiento personal y profesional. En estas siete estrategias encontrarás una guía mucho más fácil para ordenar tus ideas y enfocarte en cada aspecto de tu vida para sentirte realmente pleno y feliz. Yo comienzo hoy mismo. Agradecida por recibir cada día más información de este calibre para seguir creciendo y disfrutando esta hermosa vida.
Profile Image for Simon Martinez.
7 reviews1 follower
February 28, 2019
Realmente disfrute leer este libro. Ofrece una gran cantidad de consejos aplicables y fáciles de entender. Lo recomiendo ampliamente.
Profile Image for Nhi Nguyen.
330 reviews56 followers
February 7, 2023
"Formal education can make you a living, self-education can make you a fortune" - Jim Rohn

Đây là một trong những cuốn sách cuối cùng mình hoàn thành trong năm 2022 và cũng đem lại cho mình một cảm giác tương đối dễ chịu. Mình cũng là một cá nhân từng có chút dè chừng với dòng sách self-help, một phần vì lo rằng cuốn sách sẽ giáo điều và lý thuyết, nhưng cuốn sách "7 chiến lược thịnh vượng và hạnh phúc" thì không như thế. Văn phong cuốn sách được viết rất giản dị, gần gũi và dễ hiểu, như thể không có một sự lằn ranh nào giữa người viết và người đọc cả.

Mình đến với cuốn sách sau khi em nó được đề cập trong 1 tập podcast của chị Chi Nguyễn (The Present Writer "với tựa đề" Làm việc cho chính mình hơn là cho công việc ", ngay lúc đó, mình đã quyết định sẽ đọc em này ngay và luôn. Dưới đây là một số ghi chú mà mình lượm lặt được trong lúc đọc sách, góp phần đem đến cho mình một vài ý tưởng làm phần annual review & reset:

1. Chiến lược 1: Giải phóng sức mạnh của mục tiêu
Giờ đây bạn có hai cách để đối mặt với tương lai: Bằng việc hoạch định trước hoặc bằng sự lo âu. Hãy thử đoán xem có bao nhiêu người đối mặt với tương lai bằng sự lo âu? Câu trả lời đúng là hầu hết.

- Sức mạnh của kỉ luật
- Thiết lập kế hoạch phát triển trong 10 năm (chia thành các mục tiêu ngắn và dài hạn)
- Hãy ghi nhớ nguyên tắc này: Thu nhập hiếm khi vượt ngoài sự phát triển cá nhân. Đó là lý do tại sao chúng ta phải tự kiểm tra chính mình.

2. Chiến lược 2: Tìm kiếm tri thức
“Nếu cậu muốn thành công, hãy học thành công. Nếu cậu muốn được hạnh phúc, hãy học hạnh phúc. Nếu cậu muốn làm ra tiền, hãy học cách đạt được sự giàu có. Những người đạt được những điều này không phải bằng sự tình cờ. Đó là kết quả của việc học tập trước tiên và thứ đến là thực hành.”

Có hai cách để thu thập sự thông thái. Một là học từ chính cuộc sống của bạn. Cách thứ hai là học từ cuộc sống của những người khác.

3. Chiến lược 3: Học cách để thay đổi
“Jim, nếu cậu muốn thịnh vượng và hạnh phúc, hãy học tốt bài này: Học cách làm việc cật lực cho chính mình hơn là làm cho công việc.”

Đây cũng là 1 chương gợi được nhiều cảm hứng để học tập, làm việc và phát triển bản thân hơn nữa cho mình.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 256 reviews

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