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Pearl in the Sand

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Can a Canaanite harlot who made her living enticing men be a fitting wife for a leader of Israel? Shockingly, the Bible’s answer isyes.

This 10th anniversary edition ofPearl in the Sandincludes new features that will invite you into the untold story of Rahab’s journey from lowly outcast to redeemed child of God. Rahab’s home is built into a wall, a wall that fortifies and protects the City of Jericho. However, other walls surround her too, walls of fear, rejection, and unworthiness… Years of pain and betrayal have wounded Rahab’s heart—she doubts whether her dreams of experiencing true love will ever come true…

A woman with a wrecked past—a man of success, of faith... of pride. A marriage only God would conceive! Through the heartaches of a stormy relationship, Rahab and Salmone learn the true source of one another’s worth and find healing in God.

320 pages, Paperback

First published August 1, 2010

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About the author

Tessa Afshar

Tessa Afshar’s books have been translated into 11 languages, and been on Publishers Weekly and CBA bestseller lists. Her novel, Pearl in the Sand is the recipient of ECPA’s Bronze Milestone Sales Award. Tessa’s novels have won a number of awards including the Christy and INSPY, and been finalists for the Carol and the ECPA Christian Book Awards. Land of Silence was chosen as one of top five Christian fiction titles of the year by Library Journal. The Way Home, God’s Invitation to New Beginnings, is the winner of the Christian Book Award in the Bible Study category.

Tessa was born in the Middle East and lived there the first fourteen years of her life before attending boarding school for girls in England. She fell in love with Jesus after moving to the United States. Tessa and her husband live in New England where they tend their mediocre garden.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,144 reviews
Profile Image for Christine Indorf.
970 reviews135 followers
October 6, 2020
The story of Rahab from the Bible comes to life in this 10th Anniversary edition of Pearl in the Sand. I wish they had the new cover up because it is beautiful. Rahab, a prostitute, helps 2 spies escape Jericho and because of her help and her faith when the walls of Jericho comes down they save her. All she did was tie a red cord by her house. Now with the Hebrews she forms great faith in the Lord. Soon Salmone falls in love with her but can he forgive her and Rabab forgive herself? Salmone who does forgive her, eventually, and now tries to help Rahab to believe in God forgiveness. Don't we all have a little bit of Rahab in us? Can you forgive yourself when you do something wrong. God does. It is wonderful to see Rahab, a prostitute form in to a child of God. I highly recommend this novel not only for entertainment but for glimpse of Gods love.
Profile Image for Katie.
Author2 books127 followers
July 20, 2011
Pearl in the Sand not only retells the story of Rahab in a wonderful, vibrant way, but also has many wonderful lessons that are sure to speak to each reader. When I first began this book, I thought the story would ended after the battle of Jericho with the marriage of Solmone and Rahab…but that was only the beginning!

The bible doesn’t tell us about Rahab’s adjustment into the Israelite camp after they destroyed Jericho, or how she ended up marrying Solmone. Tessa Afshar, using her amazing creativity, has crafted together a plausible, meaningful, and wholly believable story of what might’ve happened for this woman of Faith to end up being the mother of Boaz. The plot was amazing, with surprises along the way that kept me interested and glued to the pages, eager to find out what would happen next.

Both Rahab and Solmone were well defined characters that were deep, meaningful, and each struggling with different issues. I loved how the story really took off after their marriage. That was something I wasn’t expecting, but totally loved! The writing style did a bit more telling of the characters thoughts and feelings than I usually like, but it wasn’t that noticeable. Maybe I’m just picky.

As should be obvious (this being the story of Rahab the harlot) there is quite a bit of adult content in Pearl in the Sand. But I was amazed at how the author handled it. Leaving out sensual descriptions, she kept it very factual and clean. In fact, one of my favorite scenes was when Salmone helped Rahab get past old scars and memories of her past life so that she could find joy in their marriage bed. Very sweet, touching, and so true.

With her gift of retelling biblical stories with vibrancy and creativity, I can’t wait to see what Tessa publishes next! Pearl in the Sand, while dealing with some serious issues of how Rahab healed from her former life, had so many small lessons that will speak to each readers heart. The event behind where the book got its name was amazingly beautiful and my respect for Solmone’s everlasting love for Rahab only grew. Pearl in the Sand is one book that biblical fans will not want to miss!
Profile Image for Loraine.
3,191 reviews
July 26, 2018
This book looks at Rahab from a totally different perspective. Most novels have focused on Rahab's part in Israel's battle for Jericho. Instead Afshar's novel focuses on Rahab's life after Jericho: her adoption in to the tribes of Israel, the attitude of some of the Israelites towards her, and her sense of unworthiness to be forgiven by the one true God. It is a tale of Rahab's journey from rejection and fear to forgiveness and strength. It is the journey of one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ.

This is well done, believable, historical Biblical fiction. It is filled with the history of the period: the hardships, the battles, the intricacies and problems of living within a nomadic civilization that is now trying to find their place on earth. The characters are superbly developed especially Rahab, Salmone, and Miriam; and each of them plays a special role in the others' lives.

Salmone's explanation of the pearl in the sand and how it compares to Rahab was particularly moving. This book is filled with numerous wisdom gems that will stay in the reader's mind for a long time.
Hope to see more Biblical fiction from Tessa Afshar.

FAVORITE QUOTES: "All they had was God. And wrapped up in faith, this seemed more than enough."

"He believes the past remains the past. It becomes God's domain...Our job is to rescue the present from its rotting carcass."

"She didn't need to point out her neighbors' hypocrisy and unkindness as a means of making herself feel better. She wouldn't have to put them down in order to raise herself up. God would take care of them."

"Son, a woman needs to feel safe in love. She needs to know her husband accepts everything about her and still loves her. To be know through and through, including the failures of her past, the shortcomings of her character, and still be loved, that's the Promised Land of a woman's heart.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,275 reviews475 followers
April 13, 2023
Son, a woman needs to feel safe in love. She needs to know her husband accepts everything about her and still loves her. To be known through and through, including the shortcomings of her character, and still be loved, that's the Promised Land of a woman's heart. That's where she finds rest.

Well, just a few short hours ago, I reviewed "The Weight of Feathers" and declared romance was essentially not my cup of tea. But it would appear that Tessa Afshar managed to warm my Grinch-like heart. Because I fell in love with Rahab and Salmone( parents of the biblical Boaz). I know that some people (like my Grandma and church-going aunties) pooh-pooh biblical Christian fiction and cite that it's blasphemous that contemporary authors are using biblical personages to make money. Now as much as I dearly love my Grandma and my aunties, I am going to have to respectfully disagree and just get all gushy about this story.

First, the book wasn't preachy in its message, but faith is obviously a part of the story. It really circles around how two people can move forward together and create a lasting partnership. Secondly, I loved the main and secondary characters and was thoroughly engaged in the story from beginning to end.. I just couldn't put the book down and stayed glued to the couch. Lastly, it wasn't an insta- love type of storyline, a rare commodity in this day and age in most books.

Highly recommended!

Goodreads review published 27/01/17
Profile Image for ChrissiesPurpleLibrary .
377 reviews106 followers
December 17, 2023
“Worth being cherished.” This book ministered to me in such a profound way. Rahab’s story had a tragic beginning and was wrought with injustice, cruelty and great sorrow. But from the midst of all of these circumstances the Lord showed her worth far precious than any stone or word. What a magnificent, humbling and reflective testimony. This book was reminder that our identify is in our Heavenly Father for his plans are always to give us a hope and a future. Rehab’s future led to a husband and a lineage in which we all are to be saved -the one who can free every wearied soul our Messiah the Christ.

Highly recommended 😭😭🙏🏾🙏🏾🔥🔥🔥🤣
11 reviews4 followers
August 24, 2010
I am sure I have rewritten this book review 10 times in 2 days....I am having a hard time knowing what to say without coming across as not liking the book...because I did like the book...but I didn't like the book either. Not completely. See my dilemma?

It's clear that I didn't feel the same way about the book as others have, including my best friend at Oh Vey blog, who has claimed this as her new favorite book of the year. I on the other hand, had such a hard time reading it that I actually put it down within the first 100+ pages. I picked it back up later but skipped forward another 100 pages to see if the end could hold my attention any better than the beginning - which it did surprisingly! So I have decided to write the review in two parts - the first 150 pages and the last 150 pages. (Just to be fair, I did go back to those skipped pages and read them so I could write a honest review.)

First 150 pages - I picked this book because I loved the cover. Absolutely breathtaking! But I was expecting something so much deeper and poignant in the beginning and I just wasn't feeling it so I put the book down. I proceeded to read other books and then decided to pick this back up again but to skip forward a couple hundred pages to see if the ending was any better. I'm glad I picked the book back up because I loved the second half of the book. Here are my problems with the first half: I didn't feel the fight or fear in Rahab when she was being convinced into prostitution. It seemed to me that she just accepted it as her lot in life. I didn't feel any strong emotions or disgust from her family - none of them stood up for her or made much of a fuss about the whole situation? Really? Not the sister or brothers? No one? Maybe they were supposed to be emotionally disconnected but it didn't feel genuine to me.

I also wanted to feel the horror and panic of Rahab's first "experience" with a man. Take a minute to imagine what that must have felt like. Her heart beating out of her chest, the revulsion, the thoughts....and then just dismiss all that and leave it out of the book, or worse, wrap up the whole experience in one paragraph as the author chose to do. Such a disappointment and missed opportunity. I wanted to watch her progression from inexperienced girl to professional woman of the night. I wanted to see more of what Rahab talked about in the second half of the book lived out in the first half of the book. Not in gory detail, mind you, but more than what I got. Tessa Afshar could have included so much more.

Now you might be saying to yourself "what kind of sick puppy wants to write about the inside feelings and emotions of a prostitute laid bare for all the world to see, good or bad?" Two words for you - Francine Rivers. "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers is based on the story of Hosea taking a prostitute for a wife and is the book by which I judge ALL other Christian Fiction. She is the standard and the Queen, in my opinion. (If you haven't read "Redeeming Love" where have you been? Go buy it now. I'm serious. Don't waste another minute reading this blog until you've ordered Redeeming Love then you can come back and finish this post. Did you do it? Okay, now you can continue reading...) Francine Rivers shows a full range of emotions from Angel (Gomer) and takes us along for a roller coaster ride of emotions where as Rahab's seem non-existent until the end of the book. The only thing I can think of is that the author and/or publisher is not comfortable with the raw, edgy emotions of "Redeeming Love" that could have been presented here in "Pearl in the Sand."

Second part of the book - I really enjoyed the second half of the book. What the two lovers have to learn about each other to make their relationship work could be echoed by a thousand modern women today. Statistics show very few women have gone through life without facing trauma that leaves them feeling guilty, bound up and wounded. Accordingly, very few men are equipped with helping their spouses overcome these issues and live the life God has intended for them. Beautiful lines like this made me fall in love with Salmone and the second half of the book:

"As he had been a warrior for God against the walls of Jericho, so he would be a warrior for God against the walls that trapped his precious wife. He would demonstrate the same obedience, the same patience and persistence, the same unyielding resolve to win over his wife that he had shown in battle against Canaan's cities. The soldier in him smiled."

This part of the book seemed more realistic to me. It reminded me of counseling sessions I have participated in. I think this book would help women see how much it has to hurt in order to heal and how to help a marriage recover where both parties are restored fully to God together in the end. And then there was the parable of the pearl. Such a wonderful, beautiful example of God's love for us but that's all I can say about that. You have to read the book.

I don't know why the beginning couldn't have been more like the gritty reality of the ending. Bottom line for me is the book missed a huge opportunity. With more emotion and depth in the beginning, it could have risen closer to the likes of "Redeeming Love" and maybe even bordered on a Christian classic. Maybe it's not fair to compare the two books but I couldn't help it due to the similar subject matter. "The Pearl in the Sand" is no "Redeeming Love" but I would recommend reading it anyway.
Profile Image for (Katie) Paperbacks.
657 reviews242 followers
October 28, 2023
What a great book! I really enjoyed reading it as a buddy read with a bunch of my book friends. I got so much out of it by adding tabs and highlights and notes. I saw a lot of me in Rahab and nearly broke down at the "earring" scene. You have to read it if you haven't yet.
Profile Image for Evelyn  Lilyana.
217 reviews8 followers
February 9, 2021
I am so overcome with emotion I don't even know how to begin describing what this novel means to me.

As someone who has struggled for many years to forgive myself for sins I regret and am ashamed of and the struggle to feel God's redemptive, unconditional love for me, this story hit home for me. I could relate to Rahab on many levels. Her feelings of unworthiness due her past is something I've struggled with too. This novel awakened in me deep wounds that I realized haven't quite healed yet. But the scene with the pearl earring was a much needed beautiful reminder of the love of God...my eyes teared up when I read it.

This book reminds me a lot of Francine River's Redeeming Love, it has had the same powerful impact on me-I will forever cherish their message. 5 HUGE stars for this beautiful novel!!

I recieved a copy of this book from Moody in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
March 28, 2023
Rahab is not one of my favorite Biblical people; I just don't find her story as inspiring as many of the other good examples in the Word. So, this book was a bit difficult for me to get through; it had its moments, but, overall, didn't do very much for me. Even when it comes to fictional accounts of women from the Good Book, I've read better.
Profile Image for Charlene.
210 reviews28 followers
July 6, 2018
I loved it! I loved it! I lllooovvveeedd it!!

Being the first book I have read in the genre “biblical fiction” and also the first time reading a novel by this author I was a little sceptical. My main concern was “will it not confuse true biblical context”. However I am happy and excited to say that Tessa Afshar has proven me completely wrong.

The story of Salmone and Rehab was brought to life beyond the information we are provided in the Bible. Tessa Afshar lead me on a beautiful flourishing fictional journey. It’s very clear that Tessa Afshar has a strong foundation of biblical knowledge and definitely has done her research.

The things I loved about this novel:
▪️How Gods heart, hand and power was portrayed.
▪️How each character was brought to life with such heart, passion and strength.
▪️How difficult topics were written with grace and elegance.
▪️The novel invites you to imagine beyond the information we are given in the bible for e.g the worship of Israel, what did their weddings entail and details of the wars and battles Israel experienced. (For e.g were people injured etc)
▪️The author goes beyond the HEA and gets into the nitty gritty of relationships of the broken and rejected. (this was my favourite part).

Pearl in the sand is a beautiful story of salvation and restoration for those who hunger for the living God regardless of there circumstances.

Recommended to all those who like biblical fiction or even considering trying biblical fiction. You will not regret it!:)
Profile Image for Staci.
1,980 reviews598 followers
July 28, 2018
My favorite thing about reading historical fiction is learning something new. In Pearl in the Sand, the author did a nice job of differentiating between a temple prostitute and a zonah. It was interesting to have an account of Rahab's life both before and after she assisted in the fall of Jericho.

I also love that the title has a direct correlation to the story.
Profile Image for Natasa.
1,262 reviews
March 5, 2019
It’s not that I didn’t like this book, I didn’t love it. This book lacked depth. The characters were well developed but the development of the plot was carried out in a simplistic form of writing. There were plenty of challenges faced by all the characters in the book. It presented each conflict in an organized manner, one at a time. Conflict presented, conflict resolved, all neatly and easily.
Profile Image for Tales and Treats with Tay.
78 reviews52 followers
October 8, 2023
I've heard such wonderful things about Tessa Afshar and I can definitely see what everyone is raving about in this book! Tessa Afshar's writing is amazing: she creates such an interesting story filled with cultural elements of the time and complex, yet loveable characters. Since The Bible does not go into detail about Rahab's life this is such a creative, believable imagining of what life might have been like for Rahab.

I thought this book would mostly take place around the fall of the walls of Jericho but it is towards the beginning of the book-- there's so much more to this story! Rahab's father selling her into prostitution begins the narrative and ends with the beginnings of Rahab's marriage to Salmon. You don't see many stories with the main characters working through the beginnings of their marriage, so that was a pleasant surprise. Afshar did an excellent job showing that marriage is something you have to work for and have the Lord at the center of your relationship for it to be blessed. Both Salmon and Rahab had some things to work through but it was very realistic in the issues themselves and the amount of time it took to work through.

I also think Afshar did an excellent job explaining the why's behind the laws and ordinances of the Old Testament time period: ultimately showing that the Lord is good and He has His reasons. There were also some interesting cultural elements incorporated that I had no idea about prior to reading this book.

Rahab is known for her past as a harlot but this book truly showcases her strong faith and what it took to go against her people and her transition from a pagan lifestyle to the Israelite life of being set a part as God's people. A beautiful salvation and new believer story!

Content: due to the nature of Rahab's story, this book has adult content but Afshar handled it well with being clear about what occurs but not overstepping the line; child sacrifice as part of pagan worship

Christian faith rating: 3/3
Profile Image for Natalie Vellacott.
Author16 books923 followers
October 10, 2023
Very interesting perspective

I've read another of this author's books and this one was a gift. It tells the story of Rahab who began as a prostitute in Jericho but was rescued by the Israelites when they conquered the city under Joshua. I had never considered before how she and her family would have been treated having joined the Israelites from a foreign nation.

The story becomes more of a romance once Rahab has been rescued and deals with the trauma caused by her past life. It gets a little too intense and emotional in places, not really graphic but a little cringeworthy for an outsider looking in. I also felt that the author minimised Rahab's guilt for her former life in subtle ways which could lead readers to believe that God chose to use her because she wasn't as bad as others, which would be misleading. But, she does accept that she is a sinner and repents which is the main thing.

I've enjoyed both the books by this author and would read others. Recommended.
Profile Image for Shea.
139 reviews34 followers
October 25, 2023
3 ⭐️

I love the story of Rahab in the Bible, and this book had so much potential to tell her incredible story. The writing lacked the detail that I usually prefer in Biblical Fiction, and I never felt connected with the characters and their problems. The dialogue was awkward or distracting in places.

However, I love the lessons that the author is teaching here. Forgiveness, redemption, and grace are all depicted very clearly. For anyone interested in Old Testament culture, this would be a great read. The gospel is presented here so clearly, and I commend the author for that.

Content: 4/5 this is Christian fiction, but focuses heavily on romance and marital intimacy. There are also obvious mentions and themes of prostitution as well as child sacrifice.
Profile Image for Monica H (TeaandBooks).
755 reviews68 followers
October 5, 2020
Wow! I finished Pearl in the Sand by Tessa Afshar yesterday. What a beautiful story of God's redemption, mercy, and love. Afshar brought this Bible story to life for me and touched me heart and soul with it.

I did not read Pearl in the Sand the first time it was released 10 years ago. I understand this edition has new features but as a reviewer I can't compare. What I do know is that this story of Rahab and Salmone is both heart wrenching and, ultimately, heart warming. Rahab is a woman living in the walls of Jericho. She has also put up walls around her heart after years of being betrayed by those she loved and trusted, starting with her father. Yet, she is drawn to God and seeks to live for Him. Through her, Hebrew spies are kept safe...and ultimately her family is spared in return. Yet, she is a woman who has a past she is not proud of. Salmone is a Hebrew leader. He is also a man of faith and full of pride. How can the two form a relationship?

Pearl in the Sand was easy to read and understand. Afshar brings the Bible to life through the pages of her book. As a reader, I could better understand the customs and the activities of the day through her historical novel. At the same time, as a woman, I was touched by the story of Rahab and Salmone. I could understand Rahab's pain and her desire to know the one true God. I relished the story of Rahab and Salmone. Afshar wrote a beautiful love story within this book of unconditional love and redemption...of how God must love each one of us in spite of our past stories.

I have to add that the cover and design of the 10th anniversary edition of Pearl in the Sand makes it one of the most beautiful books that I have seen. The cover is simply gorgeous and as another book reviewer said, it feels like silk. There is also the theme of the scarlet cord carried throughout the book both in the story and in the physical book as it is two-tone red and black. It is simply gorgeous and one to keep in your permanent collection. Pearl in the Sand would also make a gorgeous gift for someone who needs to hear this story of how valuable we all are to God.

I received a copy of this book from the author and the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Amanda Geaney.
457 reviews318 followers
September 9, 2020
I read this story again so it would be fresh in my mind. The ✨NEW ✨10th Anniversary Edition—with new scenes and lots of edits (according to the author's FB page)—is set to release on October 6th.

Is it on your fall #tbr?
Profile Image for Roseanna White.
Author49 books3,180 followers
July 4, 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I listened to the audio version, and the narrator did a fabulous job too. I loved the historical understanding Tessa Afshar shed on the familiar events of Joshua and the wall of Jericho, taking me deep into the heart of Rahab. Beautifully done.
Profile Image for Sydney.
457 reviews122 followers
January 3, 2022
What an absolutely amazing book.

I had never thought much about Rahab's journey beyond what is written of her story in Joshua 6, that she lived with the Israelites after the destruction of Jericho, so I am so glad to have this story. The transformation that occurs in Rahab is so powerfully written, it really pulls at your heart. I felt everything right along with Rahab, from her shame and guilt to the joy and peace of true repentance and acceptance of forgiveness. The hand of God is so visible in this story, and makes the journey that much more emotional. The relationship between Salmone and Rahab was so beautiful to watch; one of the best love stories I've read, for sure.

In the past, I have been cautious of biblical fiction, thinking it would be a challenge to read or take too many creative liberties with the stories. But, I have come to really enjoy reading biblical fiction as it allows me to see what life and culture was like when these people lived, and what they might have felt or dealt with. Tessa, especially, does an amazing job of breathing life into the characters. You can tell she puts a lot of prayer and care into crafting her books, and I really appreciate that.

I am so glad I started out 2022 with this book!
Profile Image for Tejomai (bible_and_books).
173 reviews33 followers
July 21, 2021
4.5 stars
Uhh!! That was one amazing biblical fiction book
Let me tell you, this book tuned my expectations of my future husband and my own future... It made me feel wanting to stand by my faith no matter what
It made me wanted to be known by my faith, I just want more faith.. that realization hunger of what truly matters, I know it before reading this book also, it's just that this read made me feel it again 🙂

Coming to the writing, it was amazing.. engaging and intriguing 😄😁
The way Tessa handled their in marriage problems made me thoughtful.
That Pearl in the sand explanation was just..uhh beautiful it's the beauty of God's love and Grace
Also, I always had this though that why some nations are punished like umm.. you know why can't they also be saved.. after reading this it was like a revelation how sin extended it's roots deeply and badly humanity was destroyed how much must God's heart hurt for such things happening in the world he created

Great read
Looking forward to read more biblical fiction books

Highly recommend
October 29, 2023
This book is fantastic. I think that it will be in my top 5 reads of the year this year, it is that good.

I loved that it went into detail about Rahab's life after Jericho. I also really really appreciated the detail of trauma that she has to deal with to be able to actually be able to be a wife and to give herself to her husband. I don't think the story could have been complete without those details.

I can't even imagine being sold into prostitution by my own father. But this is another detail that Rahab has to work through and find forgiveness in her own heart for.

The entire story is wonderful. This is my first book by the author and it won't be my last.
Profile Image for Kailey.
700 reviews83 followers
September 28, 2020
This book captivated me from the beginning! I was so wrapped up in the story that I read it all in one sitting! I loved all of the details that are in this story. There were such strong messages in this book that resonated with me. I’m so happy that I read this book! It has really blessed me! This anniversary edition is so beautiful!

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Profile Image for Sarita.
1,288 reviews643 followers
July 22, 2018
I’ve read the Bible, and Rahab’s story numerous times but I fell in the trap of thinking of these people as just characters in a bible story. Tessa Afshar brought these characters to life in such a beautiful way.

Not only is the biblical events portrayed in this story accurate, but the author helped me to go further and think of how life was for these people.

Rahab’s journey to find her true self in how God sees her and Salmone’s journey to overcome his pride and follow God’s will was beautifully portrayed.

I loved this story and will definitely read more from this author.
Profile Image for Beth.
787 reviews346 followers
May 15, 2012
Pearl in the Sand is the very emotional, touching story of Rahab, the famous "innkeeper" from Jericho who is spared, along with her family, for saving the life of two Israelite spies.

I really enjoyed this story. It definitely was more introspective and character driven than plot-driven. I really like how she didn't make the story all the battle of Jericho and then have the marriage between Rahab and Salmone wrap up in a bow and that's the end. It chronicles how she adjusted to her new life.

I did think that it could have been a bit "grittier," and by that I don't mean descriptively. I mean that, as the reader, I didn't really feel Rahab's despair and hurt over her profession until later in the story. I supposed she may have been repressing her feelings, but I think in the beginning, her feelings could have come across as deeply as they did later in the story.

As for the writing, there were occasions that I felt were a bit on the nose and somewhat preachy. I'm the type of reader that doesn't want to be told everything, but rather shown. The moments of introspection didn't always feel entirely genuine.

The healing that takes place within Rahab was very heartfelt, and I was so glad that it wasn't just sugar-coated and glossed over. I'd never really given thought to how her profession from her former life in Jericho would hold sway in her new life with her husband. It was a powerful reminder that sometimes the things that held us down in the past must be dealt with and given over to God again and again.

I will definitely pick up Afshar's next novel when it comes out.
Profile Image for Tamara.
788 reviews12 followers
August 11, 2020
I can’t believe this was Tessa Afshar’s debut book, it was absolutely breathtaking in its approach. Even though this was published ten years ago, and I was obviously not paying close attention to biblical fiction all that well. I am so glad I was able to read it now.

I loved the characters that of course, I was familiar with through reading the story about Rahab (in the bible) and her faithfulness to the Lord. Ms. Afshar’s approach to how she envision how things might’ve gone for Rahab and her ensuring marriage to Salmone I thought was brilliant. I really connected to how Rahab may have suffered because of being a harlot and changing her life entirely (really) to be with the Lord. Salmone may have come off as being gruff and standoffish because he was a soldier, but when it came to Rahab, he was pure putty in her hands. I thought four hundred pages would be a lot, but I don’t know why I thought that because it was a joy to read. I would read this again!

My gratitude to Moody Publishers and Net Galley. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Profile Image for Robin Kirk.
160 reviews47 followers
March 19, 2020
I adored this story about Rahab from the Bible. She displayed great faith and trust in God and he brought redemption into her life. He does the same for us! We can trust Him through the storms in our lives, and allow Him to use us for His purposes. Great story!
Profile Image for Malia Wong.
290 reviews60 followers
April 17, 2023
How funny that my favorite Tessa Afshar books so far (I've now read all but one) have been her most recent release (The Hidden Prince) and her debut (Pearl in the Sand). Shows the quality of her writing even from her first book! When I read my first Afshar book (Daughter of Rome), many people told me that their favorite was Pearl in the Sand. Even people who don't normally read biblical fiction had read and loved this book. I think I put if off so long because of the hype (yes, I'm one of those readers lol), but I'm actually glad I read it in this season of my life.

Pearl in the Sand tells the story of Rahab, a Canaanite Zonah (prostitute), who saves Israelite spies and leaves Jericho to join the children of Yahweh. We follow her journey from childhood to after she leaves Jericho, but more importantly her journey from hesitant trust in the Lord to unwavering belief in His love, mercy, and good plan, which includes a broody and handsome Israelite leader named Salmone;) And a few other biblical people show-up (Joshua and the spies that Rahab hides).

One thing I love about Tessa's books is that she does dual POV's so well. Each character was distinct and you could palpably feel their misunderstandings and frustrations with the other.

Gosh, I cried the last 100 pages... I will be thinking of the "pearl in the sand" lesson for quite a while. SO MANY BEAUTIFUL QUOTES AND TRUTHS!

Read if you like:
- Forbidden love
- He falls first, and hard
- Ancient settings
- Beautiful lessons
- Found family
- She cares for him when he's injured

*CW: death, war, prostitution and the marriage bed, but no explicit intimacy scenes.
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