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Man-gods born to live and love forever, the Lords of Satyr are renowned for their sexual prowess...and unquenchable lust...

Call My Name

The forum excavations in Rome go on, directed by the iron-willed, charismatic Lord Bastian Satyr. Out of nowhere, a mysterious, haunting voice calls out to him...and lures him to the site of a long-vanished temple, where vestal virgins once performed rites of erotic surrender. The temple is the find of his career, but his heart is about to face the unknown...

Michaela is a pure Ephemeral. She can enter the bodies of others--and become any woman a man might wish to possess. His choice is her pleasure. And the commanding and utterly virile Bastian is the only man she desires...

309 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2011

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About the author

Elizabeth Amber

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Amber, author of The Lords of Satyr series of hot historical paranormal romance novels: Nicholas, Raine, Lyon, Dominic, Dane, Bastian, and Sevin (2012). I'm a museum junkie and love history and archeology. When I was an art history major at university many years ago, I became fascinated with Greco-Roman artifacts. I’ve visited many archeological sites and museums in Italy and Greece. All those ancient urns, frescoes, and amphorae decorated with lusty satyrs, maenads, and Bacchus (or Dionysus) celebrating the annual grape harvest inspired The Lords of Satyr novels.

--Elizabeth Amber


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews
Profile Image for Laurie Garrison .
721 reviews172 followers
May 1, 2011
Bastian is number sex in The Lords of Satyr. I have always wanted to try this series, so when the author requested this book I jumped right on it and waited by my mailbox… I was kind of leery reading this one because Elizabeth told me up front there was some f/f I am so not a fan, nor a m/m fan and there was both. When I started reading and found the f/f at the first of the book I just didn’t like it and I almost gave up right then, but I was very intrigued with the heroine Silvia and just how she was going to end up with Bastian because her best friend at this time has him. So, I told myself to keep going. When I got almost to the middle I was so hooked, mostly because the author has a imagination and her world she has created is just fantastic, plus she put it on paper really well. The way she came about Silvia being an Ephemeral was wonderful and you could really read her pain and sorrow at times. Bastian may have a hard time finding love, but when he finds it he will stop at nothing to keep it. Bastian was very easy to fall for especially when Silvia comes up missing;-)

I found the f/f brief and the few parts can be skipped. The m/m scene, well she is sharing a man’s body so it wasn’t too bad, but it can be skipped too if it’s not your taste, but I would suggest you not miss it even if you’re not into the m/m. Why? Because you’ll be missing out on how much Bastian really loves Silvia. Of course, you’ll find anal, mention of spanking and some rough sex at times. I really didn’t fancy the sex in most of the book, but the story is very compelling and so well written I had to give it a 4. Note this is an erotic, but it’s not chucked full with sex as most erotic books, so you get a great storyline.

With this being the sixth book in the series I never felt like I was missing anything in the story by not reading the first five. I am very happy that I tried this book, so please check this book out, you just might find yourself not putting it down.
Profile Image for Patti TheLoveJunkee.
715 reviews158 followers
July 7, 2011
Silvia has been traveling the earth for centuries - she was the virgin servant of the goddess Vesta, along with 11 other "sisters". Part of their duties to the goddess was to keep her fire lit, and they were each entrusted a sacred stone to keep in the fire pit. When the temple was destroyed, the girls fled, and the stones were scattered. She's now charged by the evil Pontifex to find the stones. He's imprisoned her sisters and he's getting impatient. Silvia's best friend, Michaela, left the sisterhood and has taken her human form permanently; she's fallen in love with Bastian, one of the last remaining Satyrs.

Bastian Satyr has been excavating the ruins of Vesta's virgins, and Silvia needs to help him along, thinking she'll find the stones. Using her ability to possess a body near death, she take the form of a young street urchin, and in that body gets to know Bastian much better - he really is as wonderful as Michaela says he is. Silvia is beginning to fall for Bastian too, but between Michaela's affections for him and her own vow of chastity, she resists. When tragedy befalls Michaela, she begs Silvia to take her body and make love to Bastian.

In fulfilling her best friends dying wish, Silvia experiences a sensual new world that leaves her wanting more of what she knows she can't have. Between trying to outsmart Bastian to find the stones, and trying to keep the Pontifex from getting the stones, Silvia is having quite a time of it. Bastian eventually figures out who she is and wants to help her, but she refuses. Silvia is torn - should she choose a human life of happiness with Bastian or find the stones and turn them over to the Pontifex in the hopes that he might free her sisters?

Elizabeth Amber has created a fascinating world with her Lords of Satyr. The creatures of Else World, a parallel world to Earth, is in turns sultry and scary: There are the Satyrs - four sexy brothers who protect the gate between worlds, and on the other side is The Pontifex, a disgusting, sex-starved denizen in Else World. Bastian was an interesting story, I liked the ancient ruins as a setting - I could easily envision the dust in the air and men digging, finding pieces of history and cataloging their treasures. The scenes with Bastian and Silvia as a young boy were wonderfully written and fun. Once she lost the boy's body, though, I got frustrated with Sylvia's "body hopping" (she can only spend a month in each body) - I wanted her to take her human form for Bastian.

The erotic aspect of Bastian was very, very sensual. Silvia's ability to possess other bodies made for quite a bit of variation in the sex play. There was some f/f and m/m activity, which I wasn't expecting. And yes, this is the series where the hero has two penises, but in this particular book that plays a very small part. Bastian is the second book I've read in this series and I'd like to go back and read the earlier stories of his brothers.
Profile Image for Ceej.
125 reviews2 followers
May 5, 2011
Bastian is my kind of man! He's a nerd with a more than healthy sexual appetite. I find it intriguing Amber did for Bastian the same that was done to Nicholas. I wondered why Nicholas shared his woman and the others didn't and now Bastian does the same in a different way. If I ever get the chance, I will ask her why the oldest must share. Beyond that, this was a sensual erotic ride into a world I've come to love. It's always a treat to see what woman Amber will bring to these men and how the story plays out. This time was truly interesting. Amber touched on the taboo subject of incest without making it horrible. I don't think I could have finished if she had allowed Silvia's father to touch her but it did add a twist to Pontifex's obsession with Silvia. There was also the girl on girl action which Amber had never introduced before. The real kicker was having Bastian make love to Silvia as a man and openly claim her. I was like WOW!

This is one of the reasons I love her books. They don't all follow the same pattern for every single book. She doesn't lead each hero to his heroine or tell their story with the same syncopated telling. Yes boy meets girl but you're never sure if boy and girl are going to live happily ever after. Nor is there always that one angst filled event to tear them apart. Each story is another revelation into their world. The story is always filled with myth, magic and mystery to keep the reader plugged in.

My only regret is that I didn't feel as if I truly knew Bastian and Silvia at the end. All in all, I did love the story and enjoyed every single moment as it was revealed. Kudos again Ms. Amber! I impatiently await the next book especially to find out how they deal with the Else World meets Earth World aspect.
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,311 reviews1,008 followers
October 16, 2021
This review was originally posted onAddicted To Romance

Bastian is the sixth installment in the "Lords of Satyr" series and I have had this series on my TBR for I don't know how long, I can't tell you how tempted I have been in picking up these books. The seventh book "Sevin" I think I saw somewhere on a book blog and I was so intrigued that I knew that I needed to read these books. Now I think what put me off these books was the erotic factor of these books. At the time of placing this series on my TBR, I remember knowing that I needed to be in the right mood. But as I was browsing through my library, I saw that this was a series I had really wanted to read. And it does have fantastical aspects of it so felt like a perfect fit for the month and for some reason Libby was telling me that this one was the FIRST book of the series....and let me tell you it ISNT haha But I hadn't realized it until I was already hooked into it but I was actually fine. I mean there seemed to be details that I was missing out on but I caught on quickly and even though there was some mild confusion, I adapt quickly.

Bastian is a highly sensual romance that features some wildin:

Bastian-a brother of the Satyr clan, highly sexual, color blind, a magical being

Silvia-is a pure Ephemeral, moves from body to body to survive, immortal, mission to save her sisters

Bastian is a story that starts off with our heroine, Silvia, who is a pure Ephemeral, which is a being that can only maintain her form for 24 hours when she is in the mortal world, and she can be invisible if she chooses, and she is also immortal. She was sent to serve the goddess when she was just a girl and pledged to give thirty years of her life before marriage but then the goddess cursed them into this Ephemeral form, and now her sisters are imprisoned, and she and her best friend have been sent to the mortal realm to claim certain stones for the one that imprisoned their friends. Silvia is determined to free her people no matter what it takes. Her uncle is evil in every way but is cursed and will use her for whatever means he can. The stones are hidden in Italy in the late 1800's, and a certain Satyr male "Bastian" is in charge of the dig site. Bastian and his brothers need those stones to maintain their concealment of the mortal world, if they fail, they all mythical creatures of the gods will be revealed. But, Bastian is having an affair with Silvia's best friend, and she has to keep switching forms every month, but somehow Bastian recognizes her unique soul, but will Silvia be able to continue deceiving the man she is falling hard for or fall under the love spell he captivates her with....

Bastian is one of the most strange unique and unusual romances that I have EVER read in my life. I honestly don't know how this review will go because I still don't know how I feel about this one. I know I liked it quite a bit, but it's a strange one. First, off it does have a mix of genres packed within it, and another well there are some scenes with f/f and m/m sexual interactions and it's definitely different. Now the f/f is a scene at the beginning between Silvia and her best friend and you can see how they have a relationship where they are the best of friends but occasionally explore each other. Now the m/m scene, that was different but technically it was a mix because it was Silvia possessing a male body, and she and Bastian were smexin it on haha So I am not sure how to categorize that, to be honest. I will say that I found Silvia to be such a wonderful heroine. I love what a fighter she is, despite being betrayed and hurt by all those that she trusted the most, for the losses that she has to grieve and always having to deny herself, love, and family. She is so bound by her duty to free her sisters who have been imprisoned. And I really wondered how this romance would work with Silvia switching bodies so much, but there is a way that the hero can detect her presence, so we do see their bond build in that way even if he is put in the dark for much of the book. Bastian is such a great hero though, he definitely knows how to work his body but he also has this connection with Silvia that goes deeper than just his sexual appetites. I love how he is willing to fight for her and for what they have because she is not in a position to do so.

I found their love story to be so breathtaking in so many aspects, I honestly think that what kept this book from being a higher rating is the lack of connection and romance you don't really feel in the first half of the story. Because of how she switches forms so often and he doesn't see the real her for quite a long while in the book, there is this disconnect but about 60% I was really feeling their chemistry and their bond to each other. I definitely would put this under a slow burn even if the sex scenes are explicit because the overall relationship is slowly built gradually. There will be aspects of their relationship that isn't built right away, so you do need to be patient because I can see why the author wrote it in this way now that I have fully read the story. There were some levels of confusion I had at times (I think part of that was definitely reading this book out of order of the series) but I truly enjoyed so many elements in this one here.

Overall I found Bastian to be a highly sensual erotic romance that expands the horizons of time and space in a way you won't be expecting, its the most unique, adaptive romance you will uncover in your reading exploits, but its a story that will entrench you in its grasp and is utterly memorable!

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Profile Image for Vanessa theJeepDiva.
1,258 reviews120 followers
April 21, 2011
I was not sure what to expect going into this book. I knew from the previous book Dane and the beginnings of this book that Bastian has a lover, Michaela. The synopsis on the back of the book mentions his love interest being Silvia. I had no desire to read about Michaela’s heart being broken so another woman could become Bastian’s focal love interest. Rest assured that is not where this book goes. I was pleased to read how it all worked out. It works for a very interesting read. Silvia is an Ephemeral. Ephemeral’s can take on a host body of a dying individual for a small time span. I loved how this concept worked for her character. It allowed for the romance in this book to take on a very deep love for the individual, not the physical appearance, or type of being.

The love story in this book is incredible. It is not only a very sexual erotic romance, but a deep passionate one. Bastian who never thought he would be capable of loving a female finds that he is in love with Silvia, but it is not quite that simple. He finds that he is falling in love and eventually he realizes that he in love with various individuals that all seem to be the same individual to him. He sees this one individual differently than anything else that he looks at. Silvia has to be close to Bastian. She seeks to reacquire some of the artifacts that he is excavating at his archeological dig site. These items originally belonged to her fellow Vestals. She feels that these items may free them from where they are currently trapped. Silvia realizes that every day she is with Bastian that she is falling in love with him. She knows that nothing can become of this due to the vows that she took when she became a Vestal.

This series keeps getting better. I am very eager to see where the next book is going to take the characters. Something very shocking occurs at the end of this book that is going to have some repercussions on how the Satyrs continue living their lives in EarthWorld. It is something that I really did not foresee and I am definitely curious to see how it will play out.

***Some males in this book have two penises. There is also M/M, F/F and ménage. This is all written tastefully and flows well with the eroticism of the book.***
Profile Image for Sarah (is clearing her shelves).
1,057 reviews162 followers
September 13, 2015
I liked the story, but found the romance a bit violent for me. Sometimes it seemed closer to force than a romance should involve (in my opinion).

:) Re-reading that review makes me smile. I originally read this when I was in my early 20s and a bit more innocent in my reading tastes. If I ever have the chance to re-read this after reading the whole series from the start I imagine it'll get a better rating and more descriptive review. Considering the length of my to-read list, which are all unread not re-reads, that's a pretty bigif.
Profile Image for Sandra Walker.
547 reviews3 followers
August 4, 2019
Super exciting and hair raising. I have worked my way through the series except for Seven, But I will. It is well worth getting them all to read. Silvia is funny, serious and Overthinking a lot. Bastian seems to become a bungling idiot over her. Together they just fit.
Profile Image for Nena.
105 reviews7 followers
October 18, 2021
Fantasy, mythology, history, erotic sex and a really good story. What more could you want so curl in front of the fire with a glass of wine and enjoy.
Profile Image for Dion.
56 reviews
July 14, 2024
Big TW for rape, smaller TW for incest. It's not necessarily described, but definitely mentioned and implied.

I haven't read any others in the series, and I'm not gonna. There *is* something that could be seriously interesting about this book. The main characters are pretty okay. But the story/plot/whatever you want to call it, is a mess. So is the world building on occasion. It goes from "sure, I'll go with it" to "alright, that's a bold choice" to straight up "what happened to this entire important element of the story?". It's just.. a bunch of writing elements put into a blender and they forgot to put the lid on it, so it just splashed story-smoothie everywhere. There were definitely parts I enjoyed or peaked my curiosity, especially in the first half of the book. The second half seemed rushed. Some good scenes here and there, but except for one particular scene the whole satyr thing doesn't really add much imho. I know smut is very personal, but it's not a book I'd recommend. Especially with those TWs this is a book I'd skip.
Profile Image for Suzanne .
450 reviews3 followers
November 22, 2016
Not For Me....I can't get past the second woman involved (love triangle) and the f/f parts....
not to mention 2 male appendages.... and by the way my brother is tuning in / channelling this intimate moment.....there were some very good ideas and I appreciate the effort.....but I guess I like my romance more traditional

you know where he sees her at the ball and leaves a calling card the next day... or forces her to marry him in some big revenge plot....LOL

so much out there and so much choice....A lot of people liked it and that's great....
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sam.
235 reviews
November 29, 2022
Very good plot. Atrocious writing. I understand what the author was trying to achieve but the cringe factor is big with this one. Mostly because of the diction.
April 29, 2011
Elizabeth Amber has created a world of fantasy, based in the old religions and histories of Europe and Rome. The rich textures of this world are fascinating, and the mix of real history and fantasy are so well combined to draw the reader into the story.

Michaela and Silvia were best friends for untold centuries, until Michaela chooses to become mortal for the man she loves.

Raised in the temple of Vesta, Silvia is one of the Vestal Virgins, while Michaela becomes a Companion, trained to pleasure the dignitaries of Elseworld, and traveling Earthside on occasion. There she falls in love with Bastian Satyr, eldest of the second generation of the Lords of Satyr, and chooses to leave the life of an Ephemeral to become mortal for him. But she retains her ties to her friend, and when Michaela is murdered by an ogre sent by the evil Pontifex, Silvia takes her body as host, for that is the only way she can honor her friends last wishes, to lay with Bastian once more at Moonful. And although all Silvia knows of sex and passion is what was given her at Michaela’s hands, she has fallen under Bastian’s spell herself, and is beginning to love the man he is. Because she is an Ephemeral, Silvia can take on the body of one near death to become fully solid, but only for a limited period.

As she spends time with Bastian, first as a twelve year old ragamuffin, then as Michaela, she grows ever more conflicted at what she must do: find the six firestones from the ruined temple and return to Elseworld to try and free the nine Vestal imprisoned there. Can Silvia let herself love and be loved for who she is, or will she forever long for what Bastian can offer her? Can Bastian save her in time to start a new life with her? Will Silvia ever give him the one thing she has kept from him-her name?

I will admit that I found this book a little slow going at first, but soon became enthralled by the story of betrayal and salvation unfolding in Silvia’s story. And make no mistake about it-this is Silvia’s story just as much as it is Bastian’s. The retelling of Silvia and Michaela’s backstory is illuminating, if at times quite tragic, but gives an insight into Silvia’s actions.

Silvia is a wonderful character. Strong and determined to achieve her goals, she is shocked to find herself falling for Bastian. And as Michaela’s most loyal friend, she denies the attraction, even to herself. I enjoyed watching her move from host to host, taking those characters as her own, and trying to fulfill the death wish of that host at each turn. Whether male or female, she gains a bit from each host, and has become very adept at what she does. Sensuous yet innocent, Silvia is a marvelous mix of any personalities combined. I like that she refuses to be deterred from her goal of freeing her fellow Ephemerals held captive by the evil Pontifex, even if it means giving up any happiness she could have with Bastian.

Bastian is the perfect image of the hero. Tall, dark and exceedingly virile, he is the ideal every woman seeks, but rarely finds. I liked that he isn’t perfect, however, and his small flaws make him more attractive overall. I loved the irony of a man whose family is in the wine industry being unable to touch liquor in any for without disastrous effects. As a very successful excavator and archaeologist, he has hidden the fact of his colorblindness from everyone. I loved that it was only through Silvia that he gained the colors in his vision, and thus always knew her, no matter what form she came to him in once he realized the cause. And I loved that he was willing to love and accept her, no matter what form she took, male or female.

This is a story filled with danger, for both Silvia and Bastian. Bastian is seeking the very same stones that Silvia is, but for a different reason. He believes, and rightly so, that the six stones on the Earth side are keeping the existence of ‘other kind’ hidden from the humans, and fears what could happen if the stones leave earth for the Elseworld. Will these two ever be able to be together, and love each other as who they really are? You must read Bastian to find the answer to that. I promise you, it is worth the trip.

originally posted athttp://whippedcream2.blogspot.com/201...
779 reviews57 followers
March 31, 2011
Bastian by Elizabeth Amber
Paranormal Romance - April 26th, 2011
5 stars

Known for her highly erotic and decadent paranormal romances, Elizabeth Amber returns with her best book to date! Not since her first book have I been so thrilled. This story is a harmonious blend of sensuality and pitch-perfect plotting. Even though it is part of series, I feel that this story can be read by itself but it would help having read at least one in the series.

Bastian is the eldest Satyr –mythical men with sexual prowess that literally makes women swoon. He and his brothers guard a magical vineyard where other paranormal beings cross from their home world of ElseWorld. However, Bastian has a passion for archeology and is now excavating the ruins of the vestal virgins, where he believes there are powerful stones which ground the vineyard and protect it. Unknown to him he has caught the attention of two vestal virgin who are Ephemerals. Ephemerals are immortal beings who for a short period of time (a month) can take over the body of a dying person. However, the can choose to give up their immortality. But unbeknownst to him, one of them is his current mistress, named Michaela. She gave up her immortality to live with Bastian as a human.

Michaela’s good friend is also an Ephemeral and a vestal virgin named Silvia. Silvia watches over her friend and spies her making love with Bastian! Soon Silvia who has never been tempted finds she longs for Bastian, too. But he is her friend’s love interest. To add to her troubles, Silvia needs the same stones Bastian is intent on excavating. For Silvia has promised the stones to her corrupt uncle in return for freeing her fellow vestal virgins from imprisonment. Since she knows where the ruins of the vestal virgins are she plots to help Bastian to unearth the site to find them. As an Ephemeral assumes several identities to ‘aid’ him. Then plans to somehow steal them from Bastian. But as she works with him and gets to know Bastian, she finds herself falling in love. During this time, Silvia must fight her growing attraction for Bastian. She is also afraid to reveal her true form to him because of physical scars and the risk of becoming mortal. And will their blossoming love survive her deception?

This was an exciting story that kept me up until the early morning hours. I could not stop reading it. I so felt torn for Silvia as she gets closer to Bastian through various identities and soon comes to love his sense of humor and honor. But he does not realize that Silvia is helping him. Bastian feels affection for each of her manifestations but is puzzled why he is so attracted to so many different people.

I really enjoyed how Silvia and Bastian get to know each other through all her disguises. I liked meeting all of Silvia’s new forms since she also took on some of the characteristics of her host. One was a young, male thief which was a riot! In some erotic romances the main characters just hop into bed and I never feel a real connection between them except physical. But their repeated meetings developed into a real connection that was fascinating to read.

Silvia makes this book. She is a very noble character. Knowing that her friend loves Bastian, she tries to hold back her attraction to him. I especially liked how Silvia is the only one who really makes Bastian want to open up about his secrets. I also enjoyed how much I got to know Bastian and love him as much as Silvia. Bastian is no slouch and is the most likeable Satyr thus far. I liked how he teased Silvia and when he realizes he loves her, she soon becomes the only woman he has ever pursued! Reading his determination to keep her with him was enthralling. These two are perhaps the best couple the author has written to date because their real affection and love shine through.

I loved this sensual world, especially the wonderfully entertaining relationship between the two main characters. They had to be together!!

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club

72 reviews9 followers
November 4, 2011
First readers should note that this is a different Satyr clan than the others in the series. This is a Satyr clan from Rome (not Tuscany) in the 1850’s time period. The brothers in this series are Bastian, Sevin, Dane, and Lucian.
The Satyr clan of Tuscany, from the 1794 to 1813 time period and are Dominic, Nicolas, Lyon, and Raine. I don’t think the two clans are related but I’m not 100% sure. I was a bit confused myself, with a new Satyr clan, which is why I’m relating the other clans and names and time period of both so you know what’s going on in each series.
If you are new to the Elizabeth Amber series, I will tell you that the Satyr clan’s are descended from Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine. Naturally, most of the Satyr’s work in the vineyards and do exceptionally well in this field. Not only do they flourish at wine-making, they also protect a sacred gate between Earth and the ElseWorld. The ElseWorld is a parallel realm to the Earth and is populated by creatures of myth and magic.
The two main characters in this book are Silvia and Lord Bastian. Silvia is a virgin Ephemeral (1 of 12 girls) who worship Vesta, the Goddess of Hearth, Home, and Fire. Silvia, along with the other 11 girls are changed into Ephemerals 1,500 years ago by their Goddess as a way to protect them when their temple was destroyed. Ephermals are non-corporeal beings who can inhabit the bodies of others, who are close to death.
Lord Bastian is a Satyr, brother to 3, and leads an archaeological site in Rome, excavating rare finds. Satyrs are very sexual beings and at the beginning of each month, their ancient royal blood line demands that they heed the full moon’s call to fornicate. If they don’t do this, they can actually die.
We meet Silvia at the beginning of the book, when she’s just six-years old. She’s lead by her parents, to the Roman Forum, where others have gathered, including other girls her own age and her uncle Pontifex. Her mother informs her that it’s a ceremony to chose the Virgins and that it’s an honor to be chosen. Basically, Silvia and the others are special and different from other children and are chosen to be inducted into the service of Vesta, the Goddess of Fire.
In the late 1800’s you meet Bastian and Silvia again. Bastian is in a sexual relationship with Michaela, who is Silvia’s friend from Vesta’s temple. Michaela is a Companion, a courtesan with the power to please any man. Bastian is in charge of excavating the Roman Forum and is famous for his finds. He’s in charge by the order of the ElseWorld to safeguard any Satyr secret that might get dug up. Bastian is also determined to find the House of the Vestal Virgins and doesn’t realize that Michaela was a part of that temple.
Silvia gives him a vision on where to find the temple, because she is looking for something special to help her and her other sisters from the temple. You can say she has ulterior motives in leading Sebastian along the way. Please note there are some F/F and M/M action. I don’t care for those relationships much, but they did not take away from me enjoying this book.
Elizabeth Amber writes deliciously, erotic paranormals that make me want to go dig up a Satyr of my own.

I did receive this book for Free to give my honest review. This did not affect the rating on the book and my rating/review is strictly my own opinion.
Profile Image for Amy Jacobs.
841 reviews293 followers
April 21, 2011
Excuse me while I turn my fan up to high! When I first started reading this series, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to accept the Satyr realm. I mean, when the guys have double the private parts during certain days of the year, some might think that is a little extreme. Well, most people would be yelling double the pleasure, but others might not want to accept it in their reading. I was squirming and hiding my face at the beginning of these books to the point to where I would hide the book from being seen in public. Yet, I embraced the authors creativity and writing and fell in love the with the Lords of Satyr!

Author Elizabeth Amber writes very erotic reads and be forewarned if you are not a fan of these books! More importantly, if you are under the age of eighteen, step away from the book! I on the other hand will be snagging her books up like crazy so I can get my smut fix!

Bastian and his brothers guard a magical vineyard where supernaturals can cross over to Elseworld. Bastian is also the eldest brother of the bunch. His passion lies with archeology and excavating the ruins of the vestal virgins.

Michaela is an Ephemeral. She can live in a human body and become a fantasy for any man. She falls hard for Bastian and gives up her immortality to become human so she could live with Bastian. Now we enter Michaela's friend Silvia. She is also an Ephemeral and disapproves of her friends choice. While watching Michaela and Bastian together in bed, she finds herself being tempted to be with a man. While she has these feelings, she refuses to acknowledge them because her friend is in love with him. Silvia is also on a mission to recover important stones that Bastian just happens to be looking for on his excavation.

I felt sorry for Silvia. I wanted her to be happy with Bastian, but I also wanted Michaela to be happy with him as well. Oh, how I loathe the angst of a love triangle when the author has me cheering for all involved! Eventually the author puts me on the right path of which character would be suitable for the sexy Bastian and it made me love the book even more! Bastian has to be my favorite Satyr so far in the series. He is fun, loving and sexy as hell! One of the best in the series so far!
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,009 reviews36 followers
August 1, 2011
I know that some people do not read erotica because there really is no plot but something contrived so that the smex scenes can rule the book. You'll be happy to know that this is not the case in this book. Oh yes, there is lots of smex scenes, but they fit well within the story and there is more adventure here than who is bedded.

The main story is about the Vestal Virgins who were turned ephemeral to escape the destruction of their temple. There were 12 instead of the known 6 and they were paired together as virgin and companion. The main character we follow is Sylvia a virgin and we become involved in her best friend Michaela who was her partner and companion in the temple. Michaela was sent to seduce Bastian, a satyr and a descendant of Bacchus but fell in love. While interacting with both characters, Sylvia also falls for Bastian while trying to lead him to the area where several of the magical vestal stones are hidden. Sylvia must have these stones to free her sisters, some who have become prisoners to evil.

As things progress Bastian, the one who thought he'd never fall in love, suddenly seems drawn to Sylvia no matter what body she possesses. He sees color in a normally drab world. This is what at first fascinates him, but he also finds more that fascinates him about the ephemeral. Even though he doesn't know he has fallen for her or even knows what she is, yet.

Yes, this is a good story woven into all the erotica within. Those that are fans will not be disappointed. There is m/f, f/f, and m/m moments but all are done within this world that was created and aren't your usual encounters. Not all is consensual but those mentions of rape are not glorified and are seen as such.

I give this book 4 stars and do recommend it to anyone who wants to read a smexy PNR. I think you'll really like the character of Bastian! Oh and to those that do not like their history messed with, you might like her note at the end of the book. It explains what she changed for the story and why.
Profile Image for Flora Smith.
540 reviews45 followers
December 15, 2013
This is by far my favorite in the Lords of Satyr series. Silvia and Machaela are ephemerals that were once part of the vestals that served the goddess Vesta. Pledge to service when they were young girls, they became more than best friends. When the temple was overran they were changed from mortals to the eternal ephemerals with the ability to take hosts from those that are dying. Machaela gives up her immortality for the man she loves, believing that she can make him love her in time.

Silvia is a strong female character, even though she isn't always female. She has a vested interest in the work of Lord Bastian Satyr and is determined not to let her feeling get in the way of her quest. I loved Silvia's character and how Bastian relates to her. He is a great character, and that he has a flaw makes him that much more alive and relatable to. The chemistry between them and the story that unfolds around them is wonderful. The erotic nature of the story doesn't overwhelm and overtake the storyline instead it very much enhances it.

Pontifex is the bad guy in this story. And while his is wonderfully evil, he stays put in his evil lair and his downfall fell a bit short of the rest of the story. The ending as well was tied up rather quickly and it wasn't really explained how things actually happened. But otherwise this was a great story.

Overall, this was my favorite of the series so far. I would recommend it for anyone over 18 that loves a good erotica, although the fantasy side of this series may not be for everyone. These are all stand alone stories, but once you start you'll be hooked. Loved, loved, loved!!!
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,817 reviews1,388 followers
March 5, 2012
This is a 3.5 for me. I liked Bastian a lot. He's better than any of the other Satyrs. Since I've read these a bit out of order, I'm confused. I don't know if Bastian is before or after the Nicolas. I'm guessing after. Who I really liked is Silvia. She's quirky and amuses me. Leading Bastian on a chase like that was pretty amusing. I kept thinking of "Invasions of the Body Snatchers" when I read this book.

Silvia a good one though. She tries her best to do what is right. The story could have dragged a bit with the archeology. I found it to be interesting. Then again, Ms. Amber only wrote about the interesting parts - no pontification about the sifting of dirt to find objects.

The sex was okay. I skimmed over it because it just didn't do it for me. One would think that the double penetration would have been great. I guess I'm jaded. The tidbit of m/m was okay. I did find it cool for Bastian to screw whatever body Silvia resided. It's like a new lover every month. Yet it was a bit creepy because the person was dead. So is this necrophilia?

The one thing that kind of threw me - the ending. From the point of the imprisonment to the release, it just ended so quickly. The resolution was so simplistic it just didn't do it for me. The reveal of Elseworld to the humans was very disturbing. I felt bad for the Centaur. Overall, this is my favourite of the series. Recommended for paranormal lovers.
Profile Image for Tina.
2,684 reviews15 followers
August 24, 2011
This book has a recommended read our highest award

The forum excavations in Rome go on, directed by Lord Bastian Satyr. Out of nowhere a mysterious haunting voice calls to him. He cannot see this person but the voice is decidedly female. She lures him to the site of a long vanished temple, where the Vestal Virgins once performed rites of erotic surrender. The archaeological find will make his career but his heart is telling him something is wrong. Silvia is a pure Ephemeral; she can enter the bodies of others and become any woman a man may wish to have. His choice is her pleasure. But the only man she wants to command her is Bastian.

The six book in The Lords of Satyr series is Bastian by Elizabeth Amber. I found even though I had not read the others in this series that this book was easy to follow and a pleasure to read. Bastian is a strong alpha male with a sex drive that just will not quit. When we first meet Silvia we find her being a voyeur to her best friend and Bastian. Bastian is doing what he loves to do best - loving a good woman long and hard. That scene made me want to read more, and I am so glad I did with the mystery intrigue and romance thrown in Bastian makes me want to go and read all the previous in this series. The mythological ties and romance make this book one I will not forget. Ms. Amber is a master story teller that really brings her characters and stories to life in a memorable way.

Profile Image for Gemma.
446 reviews3 followers
August 29, 2011
Well, this is the sixth book in Amber Lords of Satyr series and she shows no signs of slowing.

This is the Second book in her Second series of books on the Lords of Satyr and overall, I really enjoyed the book.

The story moved at a very good pace and the cat and mouse games between the two characters was one that was very engaging.

I did fall for Bastian and thought he was a pretty well rounded character. As for Silvia, she was not your typical heroine in these books. She didn't let the good looks and charm sway her from her path easily.

My only chritisism is the ending. The Second last chapter seemed to wrap things up too quickly. I don't want to spoil things, but too much happened out side the character in questions direct circle to the point one minute they were imprisoned and the next they were freed. There was a little explination, but it wasn't enough to satisfy me.

The epilogue definetly hinted at events to come and I have gone and pre-ordered the next book, which is Sevins
Profile Image for Kelly Chiem.
4 reviews
June 14, 2014
What did I think?... I absolutely loved every bit and piece of this fantastic novel!!! I can not stress it enough. I am not a person who reads a lot. My interest happen to come across the Lords of Satyr series, and Bastian is forever my utmost favorite. Ladies, the plot line is absolutely to die for, it's romantic in all the rights ways, not cheesy romantic, it's steamy, and if you're looking for that other-world fantasy, it's all right here! What I really like about Bastian is that there is a really lovely plot line that is truly meaningful. The heroine in here is strong, level headed, and wholeheartedly sweet. She is of the few female protagonists that I've come to love. Bastian = I have no others words to describe but "he's everything a girl can ask for" or so I think.

I recommend many others to read this. I bought this and literally, LITERALLY read this in one day. I didn't move an inch from my bed. My family looked at me like I was an oddball. It's so very good and for those like me who love Greek mythology:)
Profile Image for Denise.
505 reviews5 followers
November 18, 2013
A VERY erotic story based on the mythological creature known as a satyr from the Greco-Roman world and who are descended from Bacchus/Dionysus (god of wine and passion).

The time period is early 19th century. Lord Bastian and his brothers are satyrs living in the modern world and the last of their kind. Wealthy owners of vast vineyards, they have been tasked with finding the daughters of a fairy king in Elseworld (the home of magic and fey creatures). The king, on his deathbed, has disclosed that his daughters were born to human mothers. He wishes the brothers to marry these daughters and carry on the tradition of magic and mythology through their offspring. This book is about Bastian and the search for his bride-to-be, Sylvia, a former priestess of the goddess Vesta of ancient Rome.

WARNING: For mature readers only! Contains explicit sexual details.
Profile Image for Akasha Wayland.
110 reviews
December 12, 2019
Und er vorletzte Teil der #Lords_Of_Satyr Reihe von #ElizabethAmber

Mein Fazit: Die Geschichte von Lord Bastian Satyr und der Geistwandlerin Silvia war an manchen Stellen amüsant und witzig, spannend und gelegentlich auch ernst. 🌟🌟🌟 @droemerknaur @knaurromance

#ElizabethAmber #Bookstagram #Books #Bücherwurm #Bookworm #Leseratte #Bookaholic #Book #Lesen #Read #Reading #LesenMachtSpaß #ReadingIsFun #OneBookThousendWorlds #GoodReads #Bookstagramers #Bookstagramer #BookNerds #BookNerd #BookSelfie #Instabook #BücherLiebe #BookLover #BookLove #Bookish #Buch #Book #Bücher #Books #LeseLust #LesenMachtGlücklich
Profile Image for Reeny.
343 reviews26 followers
June 2, 2011
The mythological and archeological aspects of this book were interesting. The love scenes not so much. They were full of trite, ridiculous euphemisms which are the norm in this genre, but definitely not my cup of tea. I won a copy of this book through a GoodReads giveaway and received it in the mail, autographed with a nice personal note from the author. The mini-bio on the back cover says that the author is an art historian. I think I'd like to read any nonfiction work about art history by her.
Profile Image for Camille-Dhark Nytmhare.
74 reviews6 followers
July 1, 2011
I LOVED THIS STORY!!! What more can I say that hasn't already been said. I stayed up all night to finish. The storyline was fantastic. Great plots, twists and turns that kept you guessing at the next move. Ms. Amber's writing, as always, was poetic and enchanting. The ending wasn't as spectacular as I wanted it to be. I wanted blood, guts and comeuppance for the protaganists. But alas, it was just...meh. But don't fret the ending left the door open for more great stories to come in the Lord of Satyr series. I can't wait!!
Profile Image for Penny.
401 reviews32 followers
May 18, 2013
I received this book thru a goodreads giveaway. It's scorching hot. I loved the snippets of the life of a Vestal Virgin! Those were pretty cool & they really helped with the storyline. The only thing I had trouble with was keeping up with all of the players. This book was a little too crowded for me.

I'd really like to thank the author for all the fabulous swag she included with the book. I really appreciated it.
Profile Image for Margaret.
316 reviews
May 3, 2011
i have to say that i thini this is the best book of the satyr series yet.
the storyline is completely different from the other books. i love how bastian's love interest was throughout the book. you didnt know when she was going to "pop" up.
i also love how the author brought the specific history of what bastian was doing into the book. i actually looked up the actal events because i was interested in learning more.

another great Saytr book. i cannot wait to see which book comes out next
Profile Image for Celeste.
260 reviews12 followers
May 13, 2011
Wow - I really enjoyed this book and I wasn't sure I was even going to like it! I read some reviews and thought... I will either LOVE this or HATE this. Luckily (for me) I LOVED it:) Um, Bastian. Is. Hot!! How much he loved Silvia in the end was beautiful. I couldn't get enough of them, the worst part about this books it that it had to end. I'm a big fan! It was my first Elizabeth Amber book, too, and what a great intro to a new author it was!:D
Profile Image for Kayleigh.
Author11 books21 followers
July 14, 2011
3 1/2. I was really wary of how Amber would handle a certain plot point, but read the reviews which all said "don't worry, it's not what you expect."

Apparently I don't think like anyone who wrote those reviews, because it turned out to beexactlywhat I expected, exactly what I didn't want to happen, and it really bothered me for the rest of the book.

Not my favorite in the series to be sure.
Profile Image for Micheale.
234 reviews2 followers
October 2, 2011
This was the first book I have read by this author, and I will be looking for the other books in this series.
I liked the premise behind the heroine being able to take over any dying body. THAT idea was exceptionally cool in my opinion.
The other concept I loved? The fact that the hero could and would love the heroine in whatever body she chose.
The rest of the book description you can read in what the others have written. I don't want to give everything away;o)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews

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