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The Royal Diaries

Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess, Russia, 1914

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Award-winning author Carolyn Meyer introduces readers to the unforgettable Anastasia Romanov whose idyllic life is forever changed with the coming of World War I.

219 pages, Hardcover

First published September 1, 2000

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About the author

Carolyn Meyer

Carolyn Meyer is as versatile a writer as you will find. Along with historical fiction and realistic novels for young adults she has written nonfiction for young adults and books for younger readers on topics as diverse as the Amish, the Irish, Japanese, Yup'ik Eskimos, a rock band, rock tumbling, bread baking, and coconuts. And ten of her books have been chosen as Best Books for Young Adults by the American Library Association. In her most recent historical novels she has dealt with the young lives of Mary Tudor, Princess Elizabeth, Anastasia, and Isabel of Castilla, Spain.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 502 reviews
Profile Image for Katie.
325 reviews48 followers
June 21, 2017
This was the book that launched my love affair with Russia. I read it at age 12, fell in love with the Romanov family and Russia, and promptly went out and bought a Teach Yourself Russian in Three Months set (with accompanying CASSETTES, which lets you know how long ago this was!). Ten years later, I graduated from uni and moved to Russia for a year, and my love for the country and its history, literature, culture, and language is still as strong as ever. This is the book that I constantly credit when people ask me, "Why do you love Russia so much?"

I'd love to go back and re-read this book now that I've lived in the same places the book is set (okay, I didn't live in the Winter Palace, but I was at least there haha!). I remember the author does a fantastic job of evoking a truly happy, close-knit family life. Anastasia is a shvibzik (an imp) and each of the OTMA sisters has a clear, spirited personality, as does their little brother Alexei. No character is one-note, and the author never falls back on rumour or stereotypes re: Rasputin and the Tsarina Alexandra but treats the starets's relationship with the Romanov family in a way that respects all the complexities of the historical period, Alexei's hemophilia, and Alexandra's devout Orthodox faith. The period leading up to the Russian Revolution is a daunting task to take on for a writer, and I thought Carolyn Meyer does a commendable job.

I could write about this book forever, but I'll wrap it up by saying that this is probably the most influential book I read in my childhood and one I would heartily recommend not just to YA readers or history buffs but to anyone who loves a good (and tragic) story.
Profile Image for Katherine.
792 reviews350 followers
June 29, 2019
”She undoubtedly held the record for punishable deeds in her family, for in naughtiness she was a true genius” - Gleb Botkin

Never have I been more glad for a cliffhanger ending. Even though the truth is what we must believe, sometimes we just can’t bear to see it happen.

Anastasia and her sisters Olga, Tatiana and Marie are living a charmed life in the Russian court. Her father, Nicholas II, is tsar of all of Russia, and she and her sisters are the pampered, adored princesses. Along with their brother Alexei and mother, Alexandra, they live an idyllic existence complete with balls, grand palaces and vacations to the seaside. Unfortunately, the happy times for them don’t last. Alexei has a life-threatening condition that constantly puts their life on hold, war enters their lives, and slowly but surely, the royal family is becoming unpopular throughout Russia. With so much at stake, will Anastasia and her sisters find a way to keep their optimistic attitudes? Or will the hardships and trials they face overcome them?

Aside from the British royal family, I would argue that Nicholas II and his family are the most talked about and fascinating royals in modern history. Their seemingly charmed beginning life and their tragic, untimely demise has captivated the world for more than a century. In this book, we see life in the Romanov court through the eyes of their youngest (and probably most famous daughter), Anastasia.

There’s a reason Anastasia is the most fascinating sister of the four. Not only is there the mystery of her potential survival, she is the spunkiest, mischievous and most spirited of the quartet. In an era when princesses were expected to be prim, proper and poised, Anastasia had none of that. She didn’t give a hoot whether or not she made fun of some of the most famous people in Russia, skated and biked throughout the royal palace, and preferred climbing trees to tea and crumpets. At times she can be a bit whiny, immature and indifferent to the suffering Russia and her family are going through, but she grows a lot throughout the book, which makes it all the more worthwhile.

It really is shocking to see how her life, and that of her family’s, changed so drastically. One minute they’re loved and adored by the public; the next, they’re reviled and kicked off the throne. It’s one of the reasons why they’re so fascinating. Another reason is that the girl’s themselves come off as so relatable. Carolyn Meyer captures their youthful innocence and naivety so well here. Anastasia is the spunkiest sister of the four, and it was wonderful to read from her playful, spunky perspective.

During their lifetime, their mother was always grouping the sisters. Whether it was OTMA or the Big Pair (Olga and Tatiana) and the Little Pair (Marie and Anastasia), they were almost seen as one instead of four distinct, different girls.

The best thing about what Carolyn Meyer did with the four sisters to give them all wonderfully distinct personalities. It later came out through their writings and court observations what kinds of people the sisters truly were. Olga is the quiet, sullen reserved oldest sister who has more interest in reading books then finding a suitable husband. Tatiana is the most beautiful of her sisters and her mother’s favorite, but also kind of bossy. And Marie (Mashka) was the sweetest, always a kind word handy. She also wants to get married to a Russian soldier and have 20 children.

Alexei is the baby of the family and the only boy. Nicknamed “Baby” and “Sunbeam”, he’s a very rambunctious and active boy. Unfortunately for him, this can lead to all sorts of problems. Because poor Alexei has hemophilia, and every little cut or bruise can be life-threatening. This hinders Alexei a lot when it comes to being a normal boy, as he wants so desperately to do all the activities little boys can normally do. He’s also clearly babied by the entire family, especially his mother. He has the tendency to act like a spoiled little brat, but he gets away with most everything since he’s the next ruler of Russia.

Nicholas and Alexandra are Anastasia’s parents and the rulers of Russia. While they are very loving parents and truly care about the Russian people, they probably were in over their heads when it came to ruling the country. The author specifically states that Nicholas was not prepared or wiling to rule the vast Russian empire. And Alexandra was considered an outsider by the Russian public because she was German. She also didn’t like going out in public and going to parties, which were considered a vital part of Russian upper-crust society. She also was brainwashed by Grigory Rasputin, the holy man the supposedly healed the sick Alexei. In my opinion, I truly think that they were unequipped to deal with such a big burden on their shoulders.

Towards the story, you’re hoping, somehow, that the outcome will be different than the actual reality. Unfortunately, the ending to this story ends just as it did in real life. One has to wonder what kinds of women these sisters would become if they had lived.

There’s a reason the Romanov sisters are still talked about to this day; there’s such an air of mystery surrounding not only their untimely death, but their life as well. Overall, Carolyn Meyer manages to capture and maintain the romantic, larger than life image these girls had over not just Russia, but all over the world.
Profile Image for Naomi.
104 reviews
October 30, 2007
This is my favorite book in the Royal Diaries Series. It is about the Princess of Russia, Anastasia Nicholeivna. She was the Last Grand Duchess of the Romanov Dynasty that started with Peter the Great's grandson in the 1600's until the massacre of Anastasia and her family in 1918. Like Elizabeth I, this book shows us how Anastasia's life would be like as a teenage girl, who has never gotten to see her adult years, dying at the mere age of 17 years. Her father was Czar Nicholas II and mother was Czarina Alexandra; with her three older sisters Duchesses Olga,Tatiana and Marie Nicholeivna, and her younger brother Alexei Nicholeivitch. This story is so good because it is funny and witty, and you wouldn't expect a princess to speak the way the author made anastasia speak. It is really funny, and you are able to step out of your shoes and go on the same adventures Anastasia would go. From eating tons of food, to fasting. Trying to be like her older sisters to sneaking around reading their diaries. But the diary was only lively until the Epilogue (which is written in every diary, telling some historical facts) when we learn the real story of the death of the Romanov's, as well as the infamous Anna Anderson, who was famous for persuading Russia and America that she was Princess Anastasia who survived from the shooting. Nicholas II had to abdicate his throne to his brother, who abdicated a few days later and lost the throne forever. We also learn about how weak of a ruler Anastasia's parents were, for Nicholas was too nice and Alexandra depended too much on a wicked man named Rasputin who claimed to be a holy man. Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone whose interested.
Profile Image for Arushi Bhaskar.
151 reviews73 followers
February 9, 2013
"Oh Anastasia, what did they do to you in the movie?" was my first thought when I began reading the book. And when I was finished with it, I was not surprised to find that I was crying. Because naive, beautiful, captured Anastasia was going to die very soon after her last entry, and even though I knew that it was inevitable, that Carolyn Meyer could not have changed history, I still felt heart-broken.

This book could have been so so cliched, but truthfully, it isn't. My favourite parts were when Anastasia describes how at her birth, everyone was expecting a boy, and how her father got really upset when he found out that it was actually a girl. I loved Anastasia's character development, the little tidbits about Russian court-life in the early 20th century and descriptions of various people around her, like Rasputin, Princess Anya, etc. Meyer's writing skills shine in this book and you can even love characters who are not in the fore-front of the book, like Tsar Nicholas and Anastasia's eldest sister, Olga.

Did I love this book? Absolutely. Would I want to read it when I'm old and have grey hair and long for simpler times? Again, absolutely, if only to remind myself that no time or era is ever simple.
7 reviews1 follower
March 23, 2018
This book was my first Royal Diary book and was also the reason for my love affair with Anastasia and her family. Unlike the other girls, Anastasia does not have a love interest or even the prospect of an arranged marriage, nor was she given the chance as she died a tragic death at such a young age. This is the 2nd or 3rd time I read this book and though I already knew what became if them, I was hoping that it would have a different ending. I'm glad that the gory details were left out because this was geared towards a younger audience.
If I remember correctly, Meyer also used Anastasia's real diary as one of her sources so the accuracy (at least of some parts) is spot on. It was wonderful to imagine the world in which young Anastasia lived - the palaces, jewels, and even the food; all the luxuries that shielded her and her siblings from the "real world".
I think this book is a pretty good way to iniatite yourself in the Romanov family. Should you want to read more about them, I suggest reading Helen Rappaport's books.
Profile Image for Abby Rose.
521 reviews43 followers
June 12, 2024
I received this book as a gift when I was a child (and completely smitten, of course, with the Don Bluth film; I had dolls and little plastic Anastasia figures I used to play with CONSTANTLY).

I loved it then, and I still love it now.


There is also another book about Anastasia by this same author, Anastasia and Her Sisters, written more for young adults (this one is more Middle Grade)
Profile Image for Anastacia.
93 reviews17 followers
June 9, 2020
Throughout this book, I can imagine that Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaievna is playful and have a sense of humor, she also has a wonderful and lovely family. But the history of the Romanov family was brutally murdered ripped out my heart and tore it to shreds then stomped it into the ground!
Profile Image for Jess.
132 reviews150 followers
October 27, 2016
The way that the author shows the last few years of Anastasia's life through a diary is genius and it really helped me connect with the story.
Profile Image for Evangeline.
418 reviews15 followers
October 19, 2017
This is my favorite Royal Diaries. It was the first one I read, the one I've reread the most, and the one I still adore even after all these years.

The Romanovs will always have a special place in my heart.
Profile Image for Jamie.
788 reviews72 followers
May 9, 2023
A fascinating and highly-personal look into a truly tragic time in world history, the murder & the mystery that swirls around the displacement of the Romanov family.
I have long been fascinated by the wealth and opulence of Imperial Russia. But, said to say, that much of my understanding was shrouded in myth and tales about the Romanov's and not actual history, so I learned a lot through this simple little middlegrade novel about their family, both distant and immediate, their relationship with the enigmatic (and evil?) Father Grigory, aka Rasputin, the Tsar's forced abdication, how they were arrested and exiled to Siberia, and finally, their return to their homeland and sad demise.
Also appreciated the Author's Note for what came to pass in the decades to come since their fall from power.
Actual rating, 3.75 stars
Profile Image for Lourdes.
51 reviews8 followers
December 27, 2023
It was lovely to read. Such a sad story of the Romanovs. Tsar Nicholas II was an incompetent ruler, but it said to be a kind person. I can only think of how similar their story is to that of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette:

A very bad ruling that ended up in a Revolution, abolishing the monarchy and getting them killed. Just another example that not everyone is meant to be a leader.
Profile Image for martyna.
79 reviews
April 17, 2024
it’s just the best when you’re rotting away at work and then suddenly get a random flashback to your childhood and books that you haven’t thought about for the past two decades.
let me tell you, 11 year old me was absolutely OBSESSED with these, i reread a bunch of them a couple of times i believe, i loved them so so much.
Profile Image for Kelsey Hanson.
902 reviews33 followers
December 13, 2015
I've read enough about the Romanov family, particularly Anastasia to know that this book wasn't going to have a particularly happy ending, but I do admit that I was surprised at how much empathy I had for Anastasia and her siblings. Their parents were pretty much inept politicians, Nicholas wasn't a particularly strong person or Tsar and Alexandra was completely conned by Rasputin (I'm convinced that he was a fraud who took advantage of her situation). Still, Anastasia and her siblings were innocent of any wrong doings apart from living in the lap of luxury for most of their lives (the descriptions are quite interesting). The story is still fascinating and this was a very unique look at Anastasia's final years before her tragic death.
843 reviews
June 16, 2008
I only give this book two stars because even though it is a short read it is taking me a long time to read it. I am more interested in the lives of the Rominov's after reading this. The author tells the story differently than I remember learning it. Also, my small idea of Anastasia's story is from the Disney movie which is odviously a far cry from what really happenend.
Profile Image for Amit Sareen.
Author1 book5 followers
May 13, 2018
I'm not a great history enthusiast, nor was I aware of what adventure this book will take me through. It's just, I've always wanted to read someone's personal diary (of course, with permission). It's so much more amazing and interesting than a simple, 'crafted' biography. It gives a peek into the soul of a person - the innermost feelings, the thoughts, the likes and dislikes, the fears. It's like spending time with the person in his/her daily life.

I was heart-broken to see the world through the eyes of that little girl. She elegantly sat there watching it all happen while being dragged out of her fantasies into the real world to become a part of it only to be silenced and lost down those pages somewhere. She may have never even thought that more than a century later, her dearest diary would give a glimpse of her time like no one else could.

I loved spending time in that era (1914) with the last grand duchess of Russia through the book. I don't know the politics of then, the good, the bad of those times... but being friends through the book, I would've been glad had she been able to finally see the happy world she innocently wishes for.

Starting from the daily goings about and thoughts of the little girl at the age of 12,
the daughter of one of the most important men of his times, the last Tsar of Russia - Tsar Nicholas ll, when the little one said: 'If only Alexei would stay healthy, and Papa not look so worried, and Mama smile a bit more, the world would be an absolutely perfect place' - the book just took my heart away.

The daily life, the little problems, and that curious head. And one time, I felt so sorry and sad when I read the below lines, which tell a story, a sad one which we adults may understand even with the words of a little one... and the little girl, trying to comprehend this 'something serious' but it remained somewhat out of her grasp:
'Father Grigory (Their family Preacher) always comes to our rooms after we have put on our nightgowns and robes to say our prayers with us. I try not to get too close to him. I can't say exactly why I'm so uneasy around him, aside from his eyes that stab like icicles. And his evil smell.'

Then those issues of the Royal/Rich where the kids miss being the usual kids:
'Girls my age were strolling past the shops with their mothers or aunts, chanting and pausing to look in the windows. I pleaded with Aunt Olga to stop. But she shook her head, explaining that grand duchesses do not go into shops.'

I find it to be altogether a different genre, where you get to know the person, personally... get to spend time with her, through her daily life.

I'm sure to pick up more books from this series. I highly recommend it even if you're not fond of history. I learnt so much about her time from her. The experience was like that of a time-travel to a particular past, of which I may or may not have been a part of!
Profile Image for Noninuna.
860 reviews35 followers
September 19, 2018
Part fiction & part historical, this book is a good peek into Romanov family before & during World War 1. Just a little bit sad knowing their fate especially Anastasia, who're portrayed in this book as a sassy & witty girl. I can feel that she became more mature from 12 going to 17.

On the side note, I learned a lot about the history & culture of Russia so I really recommend this to children & high school's students.

Profile Image for b.
154 reviews
April 24, 2022
I liked this well enough. A little less than Cleopatra (even though they are both 3 stars). It does make me more interested in learning about the Romanov family history, however! I hope to pick up a nonfiction book about them in the coming months!
Profile Image for Danielle Barger.
256 reviews5 followers
December 25, 2022
My first reading about Anastasia. Charlotte and I are wanting to learn more about her since Charlotte is in the musical. This was a good introduction.
601 reviews16 followers
February 24, 2009
This book carries Anastasia from age 13 when she receives the diary as a gift, to almost 17, shortly before she is executed. She describes a variety of events including the assassination that officially began WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the rise of Lenin. The “diary” also carries her through some changes in her attitude, such as an increasing awareness of boys (though she never likes them) and her increasing desire to be treated as an adult. At the end of her “diary” (which obviously does not describe her death), the author concludes the story by describing what happened to the family after the last entry and up to the execution. While the idea of writing novels in diary form from a princess’s perspective is interesting, it isn’t carried off that well. It deals with a number of issues like war, fear, frustrations in growing up, and minor boredoms and incidents in everyday life, but the emotion is not convincing. Even when Anastasia writes of “dreadful events,” we can’t believe she really feels it. However, I can see that it might appeal to a lot of younger girls who are interested in knowing how real royalty lived. They also probably would not be too bothered by the problems I found. I wanted to read it to get a better sense of what really happened to Anastasia (I’m afraid she always looks like Ingrid Bergman to me) and still have a little excitement. It left a lot of questions unanswered (for instance, what really happened with Rasputin?). Rather unfulfilling on the whole.
Profile Image for Meghan.
618 reviews29 followers
December 21, 2020
The historical note makes no mention of the pogroms and the large number of people who left Russia during Nicholas II’s reign. Despite this oversight, and Anastasia not being firm enough about her discomfort with Rasputin, this is one of my favorite diaries in the series.
Profile Image for LobsterQuadrille.
957 reviews
November 7, 2020
Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchessis another vivid fictional diary by Carolyn Meyer, and probably the book that sparked my downfall-of-the-Romanovs obsession. Anastasia is a vibrant and funny narrator and feels very true to life. Meyer mostly resists the temptation that is a pitfall of many fictional books on this topic: that of making Rasputin look obviously evil and fraudulent through the eyes of the main characters. Meyer's version of Anastasia isn't unrealistically skeptical about him. After all, Anastasia and her siblings had highly sheltered and privileged lives and were raised by a devout mother who truly believed in the alleged faith healer. So this version of Anastasia does seem to believe in Father Grigory's abilities but is never very comfortable around him. And if accounts of his table manners and personal hygiene are any indication, I can imagine even his followers may have been put off a bit.

The historical note is a bit too one-sided about Nicholas II's shortcomings and makes him sound less blameworthy than he probably really was. Otherwise, this is a convincing and faithful account and a treat for anyone fascinated by this time and place in history.
6 reviews
August 25, 2019
Grand Duchess Anastasia was born into the Royal Russian family during a tumultuous time at the turn of the 19th century. She grew up surrounded by her 4 siblings, loving parents, and insurmountable wealth. While the hungry peasants saw their wealth and a distant family from the outside, Anastasia recounts her experiences of sleeping on an army cot and writing plays for her family. She may have lived in palaces, but her daily life was far from the typical royal. She still had to attend school, and worry about her brother who suffered from hemophilia. Her life would be forever changed when the Bolsheviks imprisoned her and her family. This tragic story, written as a diary, showed the life and feelings of the last Grand Duchess of Russia, ans showed her as a human beyond her title. Anastasia is truly a story that captured my heart as a reader.
Profile Image for Natalie.
658 reviews30 followers
May 6, 2020
As any girl growing up in the early 2000s I was obsessed with the Royal Diaries and Dear America books. I decided to collect this and have slowly been picking these up at library book sales. This is the first one that I have read since entering adulthood and I wasn't disappointed. I actually learned a lot about the Romanovs through this historical middle grade novel and I am so glad that I begun my collection.
Profile Image for Adrienne.
80 reviews2 followers
October 27, 2021
Reviewing as an adult

Very well written - I just wanted to keep turning pages! I learned so much from this book.

The epilogue was still a little surprising, as was this author’s other RD novel (Isabella). The diary entries don’t perfectly set the reader up for the history in the epilogue, but I think that is okay!
28 reviews
June 18, 2017
Pretty good book. She lived a perfectly normal life (for a royal), then got killed. Good book, sad ending.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 502 reviews

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