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message 1: by Justin (last edited Apr 18, 2022 11:22AM) (new)

Justin If you're new please introduce yourself here. Tell us a little about yourself, what you like to read, write or why you joined. Current members feel free to welcome them.

To keep the inclusive purpose of this thread in-tact and posts to a minimum, please refrain from starting individual/unrelated conversations to greeting new members and move such discussions to a new, separate thread.

Thank You,

message 2: by Poppy (new)

Poppy Hello, I'm Poppy.
I work in hospitality: a plush establishment, patronised by more gentle, conservative folk. I work. I walk. I read. I work. I walk. I read.
I don't know just yet what I really wanted to read, I'm just picking books from the small library where I work. I hope to find friends and share thoughts on what I do read.
I'm very new to this: I'm all ears or should I say, "All eyes."

message 3: by Mary (new)

Mary Hello, I'm Mary.
I live with John Sterling's mum: she is a wonderful person and so is John. I'm at university, thanks to John, studying European History; and I work in a garden centre, thanks to John: my first 'Goodreads Friend'.
An elderly man on a bus told me, "A good book teaches you something." because of the lovely man on the bus, who I most likely will never see again, I joined Goodreads. I am now the luckiest girl and the happiest girl in the world.

message 4: by John (new)

John I'm John Sterling and Mary is a kind, generous and polite girl. My mother is wonderful and thinks the world of Mary. Me... I just help out where I can.

message 5: by John (new)

John Hello, I’m John. I took early retirement and with a large garden/orchard I have become almost self sufficient: my responsibilities at present rest with a small group of not-so-able hedgehogs. The neighbours became aware that I was caring for a hog with one-eye and a hospice seemed to blossom from there. Returning to university, I read history and that led me to such works as: The Great Game - The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia, On Secret Service East of Constantinople - The Plot to Bring Down the British Empire, and the like; all of which gripped me and I class as exceptional thriller/suspense/mysteries. My grandmother on my mother’s side was a White Russian and as youngster she left Russia in 1921, under the care of her father and mother. Her father was killed in Ukraine; and so she made the crossing from France to Blighty with her mother in November of 1923. From their accounts the journey across Europe was most harrowing. My mother has the family book and the the dairies of both her grandparents. I have often thought of creating a manuscript from those, but feel unqualified and not able to do justice to their story. There is no mention in my great-grandparent’s memoirs of escape lines and safe houses, but my grandmother, during her later years with what she excused as her failing memory, often spoke of ‘the kindest of people’ and how they are the only reason she survived. I spend time researching escape-lines, underground networks and life-in-the shadows. I won’t claim a need to find evidence of who might have helped my grandmother, as I am content with a desire to more fully understand the ways and means by which many sought to resist oppression even in the face of the great risk to them and their family. I yearn for well-researched, real-life thrillers focused on 20th Century Europe.

message 6: by Rob (new)

Rob Greetings Group,
Hi, I’m Rob. I live just to the west of Chicago and spend my days working as a payroll clerk. My passion and that of my wife is making furniture; of which the house now abounds and has become a small business enterprise (we sell to friends and friends of friends). My wife’s family has a long military history; she was USAF and how we met. I did some time in the British Army (The Pay Corps). We read in our down-time, more so now the boys are getting ready to flit the roost. We tend towards good quality thrillers, espionage and political intrigue. Most of our friends and neighbours spend their time in front of the ‘box’ so we decided to take the step and join an online book club. Any recommendation will be gratefully received.

message 7: by Jimp (new)

Jimp Hello Group,
James Patrick, I'm known by all as 'Jimp' - my elder brothers started that (short for JimmyP) and so it was carried over to school and then my adult life. My wife-to-be, when we first met, thought it most funny. Jimp, I find from her, [a Norwegian], in the English dictionary means: scant, slender and I am slender [long-distance runner slender]. A sport I love and love much more as it helped break the ice when I met Tordis (Tor): an angel. Tor she told me means Thor. I'm most fascinated by thriller/suspense - fiction/non-fiction and have always taken an interest in books concerning the modern history of Europe and of late more the second war and the years post those dark times. If anyone has recommendations, I would be most grateful. Happy reading to all.

message 8: by Beth (new)

Beth Hi,…. one and all,
I am Bethany (I answer to Beth) and I’m a farmer’s girl. The family have a farm here in Ireland and I just adore the life. I have a great family, Mum and Dad and three bothers: none of whom read.
I’m not happy with noisy places, so avoid the pubs and clubs: I fell off a horse when I was young and banged my tiny brain quite hard (weeks in the hospital, as I couldn’t remember too much after it) although the doctors don’t believe or know if that has anything to do with it - I just get wrinkly in crowded, noisy places.
My brothers are all married and their wives are great; me,…. I’m in my early twenties and intend to avoid that BIG STEP for a good few years yet.
My reading has gone all over the place since school; of late - and why I joined Goodreads - I have the urge for exiting recent history accounts and true to life stories: it started by reading, ‘Out of Africa’. A few books later I came upon, ’Touching the Void’, which took my breath away. My eldest brother is a climber (not so much now, as he has a daughter), but that was better that any thriller I had read. I really enjoy reading about girls that have done good and although I’m sure I’ll never stray too far from the farm, I do dream of what some women have achieved. Stories of SOE girls and the like are becoming my favourite right now.
I hope to pick up tips from y’all, who’ve probably been at it far longer than me.

message 9: by Ron (new)

Ron Dakron Hi - I'm author Ron Dakron, and Fringe is my country.

message 10: by Debbie (last edited Jun 18, 2022 11:31PM) (new)

Debbie Hi, I'm Debbie.
I am the commanding officer of Clive (my other half), who will be ordered to join this group: pronto. And, if he already has and not asked my permission, then he'll be on jankers for the rest of the year. We are now retired and live in South Wales (where Clive's family hail from). It's mostly peaceful and we enjoy it.
In retirement, I have found more time - some of it I'm using to think (for once) - and am starting to grind my teeth over some of the more current works by 'well-known authors'. Does anyone here have any tips on good fiction (I do like a bit of a thrill) that is sailing along under the radar?

message 11: by Debbie (last edited Jun 18, 2022 11:49PM) (new)

Debbie I've just found out that Clive is already a member: he's for it. If you never hear from him again, you'll know why: painting & decorating, cleaning, gardening, sucking up to me.
He hasn't even written an introduction. He'll say, "I forgot to tell you. I'd forgot I'd joined."
He'll be eating with the dog tonight.

message 12: by Helen (new)

Helen The husband (Mike) and I have retired early from the city and now live in a lush, green, rainy, valley of Wales. We never did enjoy the city too much and the arrival of Covid gave us time to assess our situation. We read and have done for years and years and, over wine and nibbles, prior to Covid we’d discuss our book choices with a group of good friends. Now, without that indulgence we decided - on advice from a good friend - to join an online bookclub. Our best wishes to all.

message 13: by Justin (new)

Justin Welcome new members!

message 14: by Gisela (new)

Gisela I'm a hairdresser and I love my work.
To books:
I started with chick-lit. Customers talk of it all the time. I thought: get reading, get chatting, get the customer to like you, get repeat custom. Mercenary of me, I know. But all I ever wanted to be was a hairdresser (stylist). And so when I got the chance I wanted my boss to see added value in me.
I moved on, and now read from a more demanding list. And why, I think, I have the urge to put my thoughts out there.

message 15: by Jeb (last edited Oct 19, 2022 11:16PM) (new)

Jeb Wright Hi, my name’s Jeb Wright. For 20 years, I owned and operated the online e-zine Classic Rock Revisited. As as music journalist of rock and metal music mainly from the '70s and '80s, I conducted and published interviews with musicians, wrote magazine articles, reviews, and even wrote a few linear notes for new CD releases. When I finally retired from that, I began writing my first fiction novel. My debut, Blast From the Past, was released at the end of July, 2022.

Blast from the Past In order to fix what went wrong; sometimes you have to do it again! by Jeb Wright
Blast from the Past: In order to fix what went wrong; sometimes you have to do it again!

message 16: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Byrne Hello, everyone!
I'm Kevin, joining you from Portland, Oregon, USA. I'm a twice retired (Army and Corporate America) father of a 13-year-old spitfire.
My focus in literature has turned to reading and writing speculative fiction. I love those world where everything is just slightly off from our perception of a "normal" existence.
I can't wait to read the next hidden gem!

message 17: by Will (new)

Will Bashor Hello everyone! My name is Will and I'm a retired American living in Spain. I enjoy being near the sea and caring for a small family of finches. A fan of French and English literature, I've written historical non-fiction but have switched genres to historical fiction after discovering the struggles of royal illegitimate children. After reading Alex de Campi's The Scottish Boy, I've also been interested in how authors are crafting historical gay novels. Hope everyone had a great summer!

message 18: by J.E. (new)

J.E. Miller Hey guys!
I'm J.E. Miller and I joined this group because I want to get more involved in book club communities and have a better way to interact with readers. I'm an author and a I have a urban fantasy series that is circus themed. I like all kinds of genres but love fantasy, and am a bit of a mood reader. The last book I read was Remarkably Bright Creatures. So good, love all the different POVs. Last audio book I listened to was Dolly Parton's Songteller - love her so much. Currently re-reading my last book Ringmaster's Rise and waiting for Once and Future Witches to be returned so I can read it on Libby.
Cheers guys!

message 19: by John (new)

John Kahn Hi Everyone,

My name is John, and I joined this group to find new, obscure and interesting books to read. I personally enjoy fantasy novels, and one of my favourite authors is Terry Brooks. I also enjoy thought provoking books such as the Alchemist, The Joy of living and the Science of the Mind.

message 20: by Lady (new)

Lady Dazy Hello, I am new to this group. Looking forward to chatting with you all.

message 21: by A.M. (new)

A.M. Hey y'all! I'm A.M. Trinidad on here, but I go by Lita. This year so far I've turned 29, became an Auntie, got my Associates in Teaching, and was recognized for my 5 years of service in Education. I've been busy, to say the least.

I have loved reading since I was a kid, and I got my love of writing from my grandmother; she would write about her day, and eventually she wrote her own story, luckily, before she passed.

I love to read romance of all kinds, and some crime/mystery. I got to the point where I started to think about how I would set up my own story whilst reading everyone else's book. So I wrote my own, as well as had the honor of publishing my grandmother's story.

I look forward to experiencing your storytelling and sharing mine.

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