
What book should we read in April?

You may write in titles, provided the book is a 2021 Newbery contender and already published.

44 votes 36.1%

25 votes 20.5%

11 votes 9.0%

8 votes 6.6%

8 votes 6.6%

Parked (write-in)
5 votes 4.1%

Chirp by Kate Messner (write-in)
5 votes 4.1%

Here in the Real World (write-in)
3 votes 2.5%

When You Trap a Tiger (write-in)
3 votes 2.5%

The Inside Battle by Melanie Sumrow (write-in)
3 votes 2.5%

City Spies by James Ponti (write-in)
3 votes 2.5%

Show Me a Sign by Ann Clare LeZotte (write-in)
2 votes 1.6%

King and the Dragon Flies (write-in)
1 vote 0.8%

Show me a sign (write-in)
1 vote 0.8%

122 total votes

Poll added by:Kristen

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Liz (new)

Liz A couple of questions?
1. How do you find out if a book is a "contender" for the prize in 2021?
2. How do you see a short description of the book without having to click on each book?

message 2: by Liz (new)

Liz Another?
Currently I've been downloading my books from my library's Overdrive because of course the library is closed! How are we supposed to read the month's selection to comment on it?
Just thought I'd get some input from fellow book lovers!

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