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Jean Baudrillard

“A more subtle misconception is that of a hypostasis of evil as indestructible reality, a kind of primal scene, a sort of substratum of accumulated death-drive.
The radicality of evil is seen as that of a naturally inevitable force, associated always with violence, suffering and death.
Hence Sloterdijk's hypothesis that 'the reality of reality is the eternal return of violence'. To which he opposes a 'pacifism that is in keeping with our most advanced theoretical intuitions, a deep-level pacifism, based on a radical analysis of the circularity of violence, deciphering the forces that determine its eternal return'.
A radical analysis, then, to remedy the radical evil.
But can a 'radical' analysis have a finality of whatever kind?
Is it not itself part of the process of evil?”

Jean Baudrillard, The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact
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The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact (Talking Images) The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact by Jean Baudrillard
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