Lilith > Lilith's Quotes

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  • #1
    Karen Hawkins
    “Innocent and virtuous, she represented the exact type of female he avoided... God, she was a taking thing, even for an avaricious reformer.”
    Karen Hawkins, The Abduction of Julia

  • #2
    D.L. Hess
    “She’s a natural submissive and she doesn’t have a clue.”
    D.L. Hess, Sir

  • #3
    Pam Godwin
    “Vulnerability has to happen for love to be real.”
    Pam Godwin, Disclaim

  • #4
    Edith Warner
    “If there is a God, he must be taking revenge on me for the things I've done. I'll live in a perpetual hell with you as my tormentor, and it will be my greatest delight.”
    Edith Warner, Sire Bound: Part 2

  • #5
    Anaïs Nin
    “I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don’t mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I don’t mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling, be all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.”
    Anaïs Nin

  • #6
    Kele Moon
    “Fear can be a potent aphrodisiac.”
    Kele Moon, Beyond Eden

  • #7
    Cherise Sinclair
    “Right on the edge of fear was where trust could grow.”
    Cherise Sinclair, Breaking Free

  • #8
    Anna Bayes
    “The word 'teach' suddenly conveys a sense of menace that is foreign to me.”
    Anna Bayes, Ginny's Lesson

  • #9
    Nikki Sex
    “Fear, anxiety, arousal, and pain; all are emotions and sensations. They are neither right, nor are they wrong; good nor bad. They are simply passions, a most important part of life. Feel them, fully experience them, surrender to them, and learn to accept them. As a submissive, you must let go. André Chevalier”
    Nikki Sex, Fate

  • #10
    Patrick Califia
    “Why do I write? I write because I have to, because it is all I know, because it is my truth, because I am compelled, because I am driven to make the world
    acknowledge that women like me exist, and we possess a dangerous wisdom.”
    Pat Califia

  • #11
    Tiffany Reisz
    “The master. The monster. The beautiful sadist. That was the secret she never told anyone, not even herself, that she loved him more for his cruelties than his mercies.”
    Tiffany Reisz, The Priest

  • #12
    Roger Ebert
    “Inside every sadist is a masochist, cringing to taste his own medicine.”
    Roger Ebert, I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie

  • #13
    Richard von Krafft-Ebing
    “Thus masochism and sadism appear as the fundamental forms of psychosexual perversion, which may make their appearance at any point in the domain of sexual aberration.”
    Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Psychopathia Sexualis: A Medico-Legal Study

  • #14
    A.E. Samaan
    “The sadist desires to command and control. The masochist desires to be freed from the burdens of liberty. That is Socialism.”
    A.E. Samaan, From a "Race of Masters" to a "Master Race": 1948 to 1848

  • #15
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
    “You have corrupted my imagination and inflamed my blood...”
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs

  • #16
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
    “You have a curious way of arousing one's imagination, stimulating all one's nerves, and making one's pulses beat faster. You put an aureole on vice, provided only if it is honest. Your ideal is a daring courtesan of genius. Oh, you are the kind of man who will corrupt a woman to her very last fiber.”
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs

  • #17
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
    “You are cold, while you yourself fan flames.”
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs

  • #18
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
    “Woman's power lies in man's passion, and she knows how to use it, if man doesn't understand himself. He has only one choice: to be the tyrant over or the slave of woman.”
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs

  • #19
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
    “You mean you are now my slave without illusions, and for that reason you shall feel the weight of my foot without mercy.”
    Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs

  • #20
    Sylvia Plath
    “The moon is my mother. She is not sweet like Mary.
    Her blue garments unloose small bats and owls.”
    Sylvia Plath, Ariel

  • #21
    Adele  Rose
    “Hecate smelt the odour of death as clearly as she might smell the wonderful, scented fragrance of blooming flowers in springtime or the delicious smell of dinner wafting down the hallway.”
    Adele Rose, Possession

  • #22
    Sylvia Plath
    “Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.”
    sylvia plath

  • #23
    Anna Bayes
    “I know logically that I can live without him, but loving him has become such an integral, necessary part of my life; I am not sure I could stop, even if we parted.”
    Anna Bayes, Under His Wings

  • #24
    Neil Gaiman
    “You say I have no power? Perhaps you speak truly... But — you say that dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar... Ask yourselves, all of you... What power would hell have if those imprisoned were not able to dream of heaven?”
    Neil Gaiman, Preludes & Nocturnes

  • #25
    Neil Gaiman
    “CHORONZON: I am a dire wolf, prey-stalking, lethal prowler.

    MORPHEUS: I am a hunter, horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing.

    CHORONZON: I am a horsefly, horse-stinging, hunter-throwing.

    MORPHEUS: I am a spider, fly-consuming, eight legged.

    CHORONZON: I am a snake, spider-devouring, posion-toothed.

    MORPHEUS: I am an ox, snake-crushing, heavy-footed.

    CHORONZON: I am an anthrax, butcher bacterium, warm-life destroying.

    MORPHEUS: I am a world, space-floating, life-nurturing.

    CHORONZON: I am a nova, all-exploding... planet-cremating.

    MORPHEUS: I am the Universe -- all things encompassing, all life embracing.

    CHORONZON: I am Anti-Life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds... of everything. Sss. And what willyoubethen,Dreamlord?

    MORPHEUS: I am hope.”
    Neil Gaiman, Preludes & Nocturnes

  • #26
    Barry Eysman
    “It was so close to October that Halloween was knocking at his heart.”
    Barry Eysman, Candles For November

  • #27
    J.D. Robb
    “No. No, I don't believe you'd betray me with her. I don't believe you'd cheat on me. But I'm afraid, and I'm sick in my heart that you might look at her, then at me. And regret.”
    J.D. Robb, Innocent in Death

  • #28
    Walt Whitman
    “Resist much, obey little.”
    Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

  • #29
    Brian L. Weiss
    “Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See that person now. Your relationship is always alive and changing.”
    Brian Weiss, Messages from the Masters: Tapping Into the Power of Love

  • #30
    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
    “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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