Assegid Habtewold > Assegid's Quotes

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  • #1
    Assegid Habtewold
    “If I have to choose between a person who has everything but loyalty and another who has nothing but loyalty, I go for the latter. Go loyal!”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #2
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Until the ego dissolves or evolves to become one with our true self, we remain slaves of our own egos.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #3
    Assegid Habtewold
    “The line between ego and healthy self-esteem is very delicate. We should know when we cross this line, switch side, and become egotistical.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #4
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Rather than micro-managing to resolve every problem, create the right atmosphere, process, and system that facilitate effective problem solving.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #5
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Serving others is the surest and practical way of channeling your love. There is no love through lip service. If you love humanity, serve…”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #6
    Assegid Habtewold
    “True determination is betting on your solemn decision regardless of the gloomy realities surrounding the thing you resolved to pursue.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #7
    Assegid Habtewold
    “It takes valor to identify your breaking points and refuse to allow people/circumstances use them to force you say/do things you don’t believe

    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #8
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Everyday heroism is all about doing what we ought to on a daily basis and regardless of the tons of pressures that come on our way.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #9
    Assegid Habtewold
    “A winning mindset can transform an underdog into a champion, conqueror, and achiever. You’re a mindset away from winning your battles!”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #10
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Failing once in awhile is inevitable. The question is which way are we falling most of the time. Are we falling Backward or Forward, Downward or Forward?”
    Assegid Habtewold

  • #11
    Assegid Habtewold
    “An unceasingly grateful life can easily heal from the wounds of hurt and setback. It can also easily shed resentment, hate, and bitterness…”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #12
    Assegid Habtewold
    “If you think that you can please everyone that comes in your way, you are being unrealistic. That is why you need to find your 'soul-mates'.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #13
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Keep on smiling, treat people with respect, be cool even if some may not treat you the same. How people treat you doesn't change who you're.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #14
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Don't waste your time to appease people who have already stumbled in you because of what you stand for. Respect their decision & move on...”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #15
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Don't take it personal. Whether people like or dislike you, it most probably is because of your beliefs, principles, and values...”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #16
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Those leaders who are conscious of theirs and their organization's values are quick to take bold actions than those who aren't yet attuned.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #17
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Leading a grateful life should be more than a feeling and a habit. It should be our core value, which we should respect no matter what.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #18
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Having unceasingly grateful life requires demonstrating gratitude daily whether our daily life treats us kindly or not.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #19
    Assegid Habtewold
    “We don’t need to reach the end of the road to learn that we were on the wrong road." Page 7.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #20
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Every new self-discovery leads you to more wholeness, opens your heart, makes you humble, and a better person to serve and love others." Page 8”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #21
    Assegid Habtewold
    “We are designed boundaryless and limitless in what we can achieve. Unfortunately, we are also skillful in building boundaries and limits...”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #22
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Mostly, we think that a self-expressive person is egotistical. That may be true but what about someone who refrains from expressing himself to protect his ego from bruised?”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #23
    Assegid Habtewold
    “When someone respects you, s/he confronts you in private before taking you in public and/or stabbing in the back and backbiting you...”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #24
    Assegid Habtewold
    “You can easily discern whether someone is truly interested to learn & know when s/he asks you or cornering and ambushing you to stumble...”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #25
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Patience takes away lots of stress, regrets, & sleepless nights knowing that all is well at the end of the day if we just wait a little bit.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #26
    Assegid Habtewold
    “No one criticizes someone he believes beneath him. Therefore, change your outlook about your critics. They really believe that you matter.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #27
    Assegid Habtewold
    “The best revenge to get on your distractors is taking the high road. Avoid playing their game, following their murky rules.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #28
    Assegid Habtewold
    “No one cared when you were doing nothing. If they now criticize, ridicule, & character assassinate you means you’re doing something great...”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #29
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Question the trustworthiness of someone who insists to be trusted without earning it...”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

  • #30
    Assegid Habtewold
    “Until you know someone's full story, it is just a guess to determine whether s/he is pride full or humble, out of touch with reality or grounded.”
    Assegid Habtewold, The 9 Cardinal Building Blocks: For continued success in leadership

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