Actualization Quotes

Quotes tagged as "actualization" Showing 1-30 of 35
Marcus Aurelius
“Every living organism is fulfilled when it follows the right path for its own nature.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Matthew Arnold
“Life is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming.”
Matthew Arnold

Ling  Ma
“It doesn’t take much to come into your own; all it takes is someone’s gaze. It’s not totally accurate to say that I felt seen. It was more that: Beheld by her, I learned how to become myself. Her interest actualized me.”
Ling Ma, Bliss Montage

Steve Goodier
“Your power to choose can never be taken from you. It can be neglected and it can be ignored. But if used, it can make all the difference.”
Steve Goodier

Otto Rank
“It seems that life, in order to maintain itself, must revolt every so often against man's ceaseless attempts to master its irrational forces with his mind.”
Otto Rank, Beyond Psychology

Bryant McGill
“The outer world is a reflection of our inner selves.”
Bryant McGill

Scott Edmund Miller
“Human beings have an extraordinary capacity to imagine possibilities and then turn those possibilities into realities. Evident in the gifts of civilization—in our arts, languages, sciences, technologies, businesses, governments, and so on—it is clear that we are a profoundly creative species. Yet many of us only access a smidgen of our creativity.”
Scott Edmund Miller

Scott Edmund Miller
“When telling the story of your life, it is of great value to recognize and focus on the details that reveal or inspire an empowered unfolding of your being. Much like rewriting your own DNA, every aspect of your life and growth will emanate from the building blocks of your history—however you choose to tell it. This is not to suggest that you should deny or bury your mistakes, traumas or misfortunes, but rather, recognize and reveal them within an empowered context of a bigger picture.”
Scott Edmund Miller

Solange nicole
“I am an artist. Any artist knows that their creations, their pieces must express an array of human emotion and experience. From the juvenile and innocent, to the erotic and the dangerous, and everything in between. Because Life is all of these things and more. It is the artist's divine purpose to reflect what Experience has shown them and others. What truly sets us apart from each other is whether or not we truly know ourselves enough to reflect objectively; but, through our own unique 'voice'.”
Solange nicole

Patricia Robin Woodruff
“Our wishes become real and solid if we work on their formation. If it matters to you, make energy become matter.”
Patricia Robin Woodruff

Debasish Mridha
“The highest form of wisdom comes from deep observation, kind realization, and curious actualization.”
Debasish Mridha

“Take a step towards actualizing the very thing you are persuaded for and do not allow injustice to silence your voice.”
Sunday Adelaja, The Mountain of Ignorance

Esther Hicks
“عندما تغير الطريقة التي تنظر فيها إلى الأشياء، تتغير الأشياء التي تنظر إليها”
Esther Hicks, Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires

William Barrett
“We cannot define ourselves without negating the alternatives that we do not become.”
William Barrett, Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy

“The most fulfilled people are those who completely express themselves via their work. You know when this happens because even though you are working very hard – much harder than ordinary people – everything is in a sense effortless. Once you exist in such a way, you cannot imagine doing anything else. You do what you do because it is the actualization of who you are. It doesn’t matter if it leads to external success or not. You have internally achieved everything you hoped for and you wouldn’t swap it for anything. So, what about you? Are you all over the place? Have you not yet clicked with the activity that seems effortless to you and fully satisfying, or, if you have, do you doubt that you could make a living from it, hence are plagued by doubts and the need to compromise? Life is a great struggle. It crushes almost everyone. Only the world-historic figures survive the Meat Grinder.”
Thomas Stark, Holenmerism and Nullibism: The Two Faces of the Holographic Universe

“ actualized poem requires the actualization, or radical transformation, of the poet - that a poem is the discovery and enactment of an emotional and psychological investigation into the vexed interiority of a speaker, that the interior is indeed political - and that every poem, every time, in some miraculous way, must be an argument about the making of poetry itself.”
Paul Tran, All the Flowers Kneeling

Igor Goldkind
“Keep on dreaming your better self.”
Igor Goldkind, Is She Available?

Gay Barfield
“We Person-Centred Approach people are as human as anyone else after all, and, as does everyone, must daily face the difference between our aspirations and stated values, and our actual choices and behaviours, and the resulting outcomes. However, we keep giving ourselves a chance to change, again and again, thus more closely approximating our hopes for how we can be together”
Gay Barfield, Politicizing the Person-Centred Approach: An Agenda for Social Change

“Fear of failure is one of the principal fears creating obstacles in the way of successful self-actualization and achieving goals”
Sunday Adelaja

Farshad Asl
“Entrepreneurs have the ability to visualize, the courage to verbalize, and the dedication to actualize their dreams.”
Farshad Asl

Gina Barreca
“There was something wrong; nobody else had to tell me. Writing it down made me see it. I’d told myself, as if writing to another person.”
Gina Barreca

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If I am living out a lesser version of myself, I have allowed the fear of ‘who I could be’ to fall prey to the apathy of ‘who I am.’ And if ‘what I could be’ dies the death of cowardice, ‘who I am’ never really lived at all.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“I was a" chaser ". Due to rejections I faced as a child or people taking things from me that didn't belong to them, I thought I had to chase things to have it or fight to keep it when all I truly had to do was attract and let go. Essentially....I just had to remember how to be me.”
Kierra C.T. Banks

Michael  Ronin
“We need to manifest a dominant paradigm for the liberation of people and planet based on mutual care and consideration. And love. We need to reboot our world with a unified vision to achieve this end. In this new zeitgeist, we can come together around creating a world for fully functional, fully integrated, fully realized individuals as the premise for coexistence.”
Michael Ronin, Modern Masculinity for the Conscious Man: Making Sense in Troubled Times

Renee' A. Lee
“Oh how an unimaginable burden on my spirit it has been to reign down hate on you, I will instead update, outwait, outpace you.”
Renee' A. Lee

“Education is essential for self actualization.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Action controls the direction of success actualization.”

Ray Dalio
“Shapers are people who can go from visualization to actualization.”
Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

“The cardinal principle of that [pedagogical] philosophy is man's vocation tobe more- more, that is, than what he is at any given time or place. There are thus no developed men except in a biological sense. The essence of the human is to be in a continual non-natural process. In other words, the charachteristic of the human species is its repeatedly demonstrated capacity for transcending what is merely given, what is purely determined.”
João da Veiga Coutinho, Cultural Action for Freedom

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