Adjust Quotes

Quotes tagged as "adjust" Showing 1-30 of 37
Erik Pevernagie
“When the past gets its teeth into our daily life, it may get to grips with an astringent reality and adjust our timeline. By recognizing ourselves in the light of our history, we become aware of what we are. (" Going back to yesterday ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Since we are living in an open society with a space for tolerance and indulgence, we must monitor assiduously the permanent changes of habits and customs and the" normality barometer "should be determined and adjusted, time after time. (" On a doggy day” )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Our preferences or opinions cannot always be explained or rationalized. There is no accounting for taste. But we can always adjust things to our own liking and learn to regard and accept the differing choices of others. ( “The infinite Wisdom of Meditation “)”
Erik Pevernagie

Germany Kent
“Don't live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.”
Germany Kent
tags: achieve-big-things, adjust, adjustment-and-attitude, adjustments-quotes, bad-times, be-relentless, big-goals, break-free, challenge-yourself, dream, drive, driven-by-purpose, emotional, emotional-intelligence, emotions-and-attitude, emotions-quotes, everyday, everyday-challenge, everyday-faith, everyday-life, everyday-quotes, evolve, evolving, evolving-dreams, extra-mile, extraordinary, extraordinary-individuals, extraordinary-people, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, get-back-up, good-times, growing, hope-guru, improve, improvement, improvements, inspiration, inspirational, inspirational-quote, inspirational-quotes, inspirational-speakers, inspire, inspiring, inspiring-authors, inspiring-leaders, inspiring-thoughts, inspiring-words, keep-growing, life, life-and-living, life-changing, life-lesson-quotes, life-lessons, life-lessons-quote, life-lessons-value-of-life-truth, life-lessons-wisdom, life-philosophy, live, live-an-extraordinary-life, live-and-learn, live-in-the-moment, live-life-quotes, live-life-so-well, live-your-best-life, live-your-life, master-of-your-fate, mental, mental-health, mentality, motivational-speakers, never-quit, never-stop, never-stop-believing, never-stop-believing-in-yourself, never-stop-trying, new-day, outcome, outcome-quotes, outcomes, over-and-over, passion, pursue-excellence, pursue-your-dreams, pursue-your-passion, quote, quote-of-the-day, quote-of-the-day-mindset, quotes, quotes-about-life, quotes-to-live-by, sacrifice, sacrifice-for-gain, same-day, set-your-mind-to-it, spirit, spiritual, spiritual-development, spiritual-growth, spiritual-life, spiritual-quotes, spiritual-wisdom, spirituality, spirituality-quotes, the-hope-guru, think-big, transformational-speakers, winners, winners-mentality, winning-in-life, work-hard

Debasish Mridha
“Be wise like water and adapt, adjust, and appreciate whomever you are with and wherever you are.”
Debasish Mridha

“No matter what winds others may create against you, you can adjust your sails to navigate and continue your travels.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

Amit Ray
“Yoga is the best way to learn to adapt and adjust to the changing environments.”
Amit Ray, Yoga The Science of Well-Being

“Remain flexible and teachable so that you can make necessary adjustments in life. Mz Liz”
Mz Liz

Larry McMurtry
“It was wearying, trying to adjust to all the paces life required.”
Larry McMurtry, Lonesome Dove

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A consequence may be the very thing that saves us because it was the only thing loud enough to get our attention.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Anthony Liccione
“With making changes, the difficult part of trying to implement a new way, idea or thought, is getting people to believe the effect of your notion, and have them believe in themselves of adapting to something new.”
Anthony Liccione

“There is a simple fidelity to the moment that we experience through hygge.
...we adjust our surroundings to guide our energy and desire.
Hygge pays attention to the concerns of the human spirit, turning us towards a manner of living that priorities simple pleasure, friendship and connection above consumption.”
Louisa Thomsen Brits, The Book of Hygge: The Danish Art of Living Well

Chris   Hutchinson
“With real feedback, effective adjustments are possible.”
Chris Hutchinson, Ripple: A Field Manual for Leadership that Works

“You have the ability to adjust the lens through which you view the world.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

Dada Bhagwan
“The person who knows how to adjust to others, he will not have any suffering. ‘Adjust everywhere’.”
dada bhagwan

“We must adjust our plans to succeed in light of the changes that have occurred.”
Andrea Goeglein

Dada Bhagwan
“Circumstances will continue to change. They will not adjust to you; you will have to adjust to them. Circumstances are without inner-intent and you are with inner-intent. To make the circumstances favorable is our job. Unfavorable circumstances are indeed favorable. One feels exhausted going up the stairs, and yet why does he climb them? There is the inner-intent that he will be able to go up; he will be able to take advantage of what is up there; that is why!”
Dada Bhagwan

Debasish Mridha
“I practice yoga to become flexible so I can adjust and adapt harmoniously.”
Debasish Mridha

“Adjust your standards, reconnect your brain on a daily basis”
Alan Maiccon

“Adjust your standards, reconnect your brain on a daily basis.”
Alan Maiccon

Nitya Prakash
“Very unfair to a new bride to ask to adjust to in-laws. Married people deserve privacy and freedom to set up their homes & life as they like.”
Nitya Prakash

Nitya Prakash
“Whatsapp is a great way to keep in touch with friends who you took great pains not to keep in touch with before its invention.”
Nitya Prakash

Sanjo Jendayi
“Stop looking at today through yesterday's lens. Adjust your focus and capture life in living color.”
Sanjo Jendayi

“That’s what growth is all about. It doesn’t come when things are status quo. It happens only when something new is introduced, forcing every integral part to adjust. This is a universal law that can be applied on any level of life.”
Danny Dreyer, Chi Running

Katie Kitamura
“I like the Dutch, they are quite neutral as a people, although even that is in and of itself something to adjust to.”
Katie Kitamura

Lamiya Siraj
“With time we learn...
To Adjust, accept, agree & move on...”
Lamiya Siraj, Destined to Heal Within

“We adjust our behavior to reflect our expectations.”
Anna Moore Bradfield

“Coorie gardens have a common trait: there will be at least one place that encourages reflection and peacefulness.
A coorie spot could be a garden grotto, blending into the scenery with trained climbers concealing its form or a basic summerhouse with space to sit.
A balcony with a comfortable chair where you can turn your face to the sun and read a book is a perfect coorie space.
Even a shared back court with a picnic bench can be dressed with lanterns and potted plants to conjure the feeling of coorie.
Some intrepid souls might like to string a hammock out to evoke the ultimate sense of downtime.”
Gabriella Bennett, The Art of Coorie: How to Live Happy the Scottish Way

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