Advice Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "advice-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 190
“Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent. They build bridges to nowhere and tunnels to nothingness... Those who excel in them seldom do in anything else, therefore, there are no excuses.”
Frank Ocean

Israh Azizi
“If they fear you, they won't hesitate to choose your enemy over you. But is they love you, they will do anything for you.”
Israh Azizi, The Cavalier

Alex Morritt
“How initially 'to get her in the sack' and subsequently to avoid 'her giving you the sack' are not identical dilemmas faced by the male species, but they sure have a bizarre habit of being bedfellows”
Alex Morritt, Impromptu Scribe

Kevin Ansbro
“A lemon tree will never grow mangoes, no matter how well you treat it.”
Kevin Ansbro, In the Shadow of Time

“Sometimes the best advice you can offer are questions. Questions make way for clarity.”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

Brandon Sanderson
“Perspective. When you are young, you can assume that everyone older than you has life figured out. Once you get command yourself, you realize we are all just the same kids wearing older bodies.”
Brandon Sanderson, Starsight

“The criteria for who to take life advice from is whether or not you could trade life with them.”
Jeff Ocaya

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The best advice is the one that presents the given advice not as an absolute truth, but as just an idea to consider!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Advice that will guide a young person's life is an easy task, but advice that will guide his life in the right direction is a difficult task!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“إن الله أعظم من أن يخلقك ويتركك للحياة تأكد دائما أنه يمهد لك الطريق في جميع أفكاره.... حتى لو حدثتكونفسك بغير هذا ، طمئنها بأن الله معها الله بجانبها.... طريقك ينتظرك فإبدأ الآن”
محسن ماهر, بداية طريق

Brian Spellman
“There's an ad for every vice - that's advice!”
Brian Spellman, Table Scraps from the Asylum

Brian Spellman
“Thanks for the advice. I'll reject it under advisement.”
Brian Spellman, We have our difference in common 2.

“Your limitations should make you work harder on your strengths.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Those who fail to become a solution usually become a problem.
Watch closely for those who are not suggesting solutions or trying to come up with Ideas to solve things.
Likely they are problematic or there are the ones that will cause problems.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Don't be too harsh on those who are soft for no one but only you.”
Garima Soni - words world

Vikrant Adams
“Success isn't a one-man show; it takes advice from those who have achieved it to get there.”
Vikrant Adams

Rachel Kapelke-Dale
“Sometimes,” she said, squeezing my fingers and letting them go, “I think the real tragedy of life is that we’re always the people we were, and it’s only our outsides that change. And then one day we wake up to find we’re the only adults left in the room—but inside, we’re all just children pretending.”

My throat tightened. “So what are we supposed to do?”

She smiled. “You rise to the occasion. You step up. You take responsibility for your actions, you do your best to be a force for good in the world. And you keep close to the people who have known you through both the highs and lows of your life. They see the person you are at your core. The one you’ve always been”
Rachel Kapelke-Dale, The Ballerinas

«Pues si el cielo eterniza su hora ya prescrita, habréis de contar el tiempo a través de candelas y no por el de la amarga adelfa»

Si el destino ha decidido prolongar tu vida más allá de lo esperado, tendrás que medir el tiempo por las velas que se consumen y no por el de una adelfa símbolo de amargura y muerte.”
David Silvestre, Teatro del Universo

«¡De angosta criba son los temores del alma!»

Quiere decir que los miedos del alma son difíciles de separar o eliminar, y que solo los más fuertes o valientes pueden superarlos.”
David Silvestre, Alfredo el Grande

«Dicen que la diosa de la justicia suele llevar vendados los ojos, signo inequívoco de su honestidad, y en el coercitivo arte de su espada, ya sopesa con sangre derramada»

Que la diosa de la justicia Temis, deidad griega que representa el orden, la ley y las profecías, ya ha otorgado su veredicto.”
David Silvestre, Eduardo, Príncipe Negro de Gales

«Cuidado, Valerio, dicen que las tintas desmayadas del más acuoso pincel valen para enloquecer al más curtido valiente»

La frase sugiere que incluso las cosas más débiles o insignificantes (como las tintas desmayadas del más acuoso pincel) pueden
tener un gran impacto (enloquecer al más curtido valiente).”
David Silvestre, Herodías

“It's not an act of kindness if you think of it as a favor to someone.”
Garima Soni - words world

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“I convinced them to be a winner but they didn't agree.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“A teacher's advice can give a voice to a student and ignite a candle of hope in a life filled with noise”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

“Do not be foolish to take advise from people who have not remotely walked in your shoes, or experienced life the way you have.”
Ellis Mbeku

Rebecca Yarros
“Taking out your enemy before the battle is really smart. I’ll give you that. […] Problem is - if you are not testing yourself in here, then you are not going to get any better. (Xaden)”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing (Part 1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]

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