After Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "after-love" Showing 1-12 of 12
Sajan Kc.
“How easily we can remove someone from our lives today. Within a click. I wish it was that easy. Friend. Unfriend. Like. Unlike. Love. Unlove.”
Sajan Kc., After Love

Marjane Satrapi
“You know men!! As soon as you give in to them, they ignore you.”
Marjane Satrapi, Embroideries

Leo Tolstoy
“A moment ago, and how close she had been to him, of what
importance in his life! And how aloof and remote from him she
had become now!
"It was bound to be so," he said, not looking at her.”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Sajan Kc.
“Let love be like a firefly light, pure and alive. Not like candlelight that glows nonstop for a while and once it stops, it stops forever.”
Sajan Kc., After Love

Sajan Kc.
“Sometimes it seems that you've forgotten me. But I'm happy with that. Because forgetting me will only give you the chance to remember me. But I never remember you, coz you're always on my mind.”
Sajan Kc., After Love

Sajan Kc.
“Don't get upset, okay? Love without an end is not incomplete, it's infinite.”
Sajan Kc., After Love

Sajan Kc.
“In a relationship, believe me, it’s important to have a clear past to secure a bright future.”
Sajan Kc., After Love

Sajan Kc.
“If you don’t dare to suffer the loss, then you shouldn’t gain either.”
Sajan Kc., After Love

Sajan Kc.
“All that takes things to make sense is time.”
Sajan Kc.

Anna Todd
“Du bist mein besserer Platz, Tess.”
Anna Todd, After We Fell

Sajan Kc.
“All that takes things to make sense is time, I thought.”
Sajan Kc.

Sajan Kc.
“Love is no material noun, Gyan. You love her, means you love her. A little, a lot − that’s insane.”
Sajan Kc., After Love