Aging Gracefully Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aging-gracefully" Showing 1-30 of 114
Audrey Hepburn
“The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,but true beauty in a Woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.”
Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn
“And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows!”
Audrey Hepburn

George Bernard Shaw
“You don't stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.”
George Bernard Shaw

Jules Renard
“It`s not how old you are, it`s how you are old.”
Jules Renard

Lynsay Sands
“Your face is marked with lines of life, put there by love and laughter, suffering and tears. It's beautiful.”
Lynsay Sands

Robert Browning
“Grow old with me! The best is yet to be.”
Robert Browning

Lemmy Kilmister
“I don't see why there should be a point where everyone decides you're too old. I'm not too old, and until I decide I'm too old I'll never be too fucking old.”
Lemmy Kilmister

Marguerite Duras
“It has been my face. It's got older still, or course, but less, comparatively, than it would otherwise have done. It's scored with deep, dry wrinkles, the skin is cracked. But my face hasn't collapsed, as some with fine feature have done. It's kept the same contours, but its substance has been laid waste. I have a face laid waste.”
Marguerite Duras, The Lover

Donna Lynn Hope
“I'm not opposed to aging - even though society is kinder on men than women when it comes to getting old. How can I look at aging as the enemy? It happens whether I like it or not and no one is set apart from growing old; it comes to us all. Youth passes from everyone, so why deny it? I'm proud of my age. I'm proud that I've survived this planet for as long as I have, and should I end up withered, wrinkled and with a lifetime of great wisdom, I'll trade the few years of youth for the sophistication of a great mind...for however long it lasts.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Núria Añó
“The land of easy mathematics where he who works adds up and he who retires subtracts.”
Núria Añó

“As our body journeys through life, and life journeys on our body….life will leave marks on us too. From the creases of our wrinkles to the birthmarks on our bodies to the tattoos we decide to place.”
lauren klarfeld

Linda  Gray
“When you’re seventy-five, you are still going to be you.”
Linda Gray, The Road to Happiness is Always Under Construction

“No age of life is inglorious. Youth has its merits, but living to a ripe old age is the true statement of value. Aging is the road that we take to discern our character. Fame and fortune can elude us, but character is immortal. We must encounter a sufficient variety of experiences including both failures and accomplishments in order to gain nobility of character.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Joanna Bourne
“I like the woman you became better than the girl you were. I like the story you’ve written on your face”
Joanna Bourne, The Black Hawk

Margareta Magnusson
“Once you have turned eighty, it's important to have the right sort of wrinkles. Even more important, though is to start laughing early enough to spend more time laughing than frowning. If your wrinkles point upward, you will look happy instead of merely old.”
Margareta Magnusson, The Swedish Art of Aging Exuberantly: Life Wisdom from Someone Who Will (Probably) Die Before You

Debatrayee Banerjee
“In a crystalline corner of your heart, keep a Smile for the days gone by.

To every soul, who is wondering how is Life passing by, and somehow feel suffocated in a long lost world of words and thoughts, Remember every flower blooms at its own time.
Whatever it is that you wish to accomplish, remember that it takes Time and an immense amount of energy and will power to make that happen. Most people don't even find it conducive to dream, let alone following it. Some settle down with what Life throws at them, while some opt for the lesser options that suit their needs. But the ones, who burn with their dreams, who hold on to that invisible yet palpable string of Faith, eventually always finds what they seek, because the truth is what you're seeking is already yours. Until then, don't mind about the Time, because Time has a way of Smiling back in a garland of moments and memories.
And if you're ever faced with a question on losing Time and not settling down (in love or career or anything of Life) like the majority of folk around, remind yourself what you seek, embrace your Soul and walk on to rise in your chosen path.

You haven't lost Time, you have just not found your Season yet.

Until then, water the root of your Soul with the Sunshine of Kindness & Grace.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Wallace Stegner
“Even while you paid attention to what you must do today and tomorrow, you heard the receding sound of what you had relinquished.”
Wallace Stegner, Angle of Repose

“Let's remember that every bit of progress we have made in our own lives, as women, toward living out loud, in our power, and in the light, has been made possible not only by our own hard work and perseverance, but on the backs of the pioneering women before us, who literally put their lives on the line for us to be able to do so.”
Dr. Mara Karpel, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age

Viola Shipman
“I finally understand that there is no age limit on growth and self-discovery. We see our lives and ourselves in different chapters, different versions, through different perspectives as we age. We are a prism of ourselves. But we cannot clearly see our future until we clearly see ourselves.”
Viola Shipman, Famous in a Small Town

“How mistaken the communists were when they allowed the older women to continue worshipping together! It was they who were considered no threat to the new order, but it was they whose prayers and faithfulness over all those barren years held the church together and raised up a generation of men and young people to serve the Lord. Yes, the church we attended was crowded with these older women at the very front, for they had been stalwart defenders and maintainers of Christ's Gospel, but behind them and alongside them and in the balcony and outside the windows were the fruit of their faithfulness, men, women, young people, and children. We must never underestimate the place and power of our godly women. To them go the laurels in the Church in Ukraine!”
Sharon W. Betters & Susan Hunt

Debatrayee Banerjee
“In a crystalline corner of your heart, keep a Smile for the days gone by.

To every soul, who is wondering how is Life passing by, and somehow feel suffocated in a long lost world of words and thoughts, Remember every flower blooms at its own time.
Whatever it is that you wish to accomplish, remember that it takes Time and an immense amount of energy and will power to make that happen. Most people don't even find it conducive to dream, let alone following it. Some settle down with what Life throws at them, while some opt for the lesser options that suit their needs. But the ones, who burn with their dreams, who hold on to that invisible yet palpable string of Faith, eventually always find what they seek, because the truth is what you're seeking is already yours. Until then, don't mind about the Time, because Time has a way of Smiling back in a garland of moments and memories.
And if you're ever faced with a question on losing Time and not settling down (in love or career or anything of Life) like the majority of folk around, remind yourself what you seek, embrace your Soul and walk on to rise in your chosen path.

You haven't lost Time, you have just not found your Season yet.

Until then, water the root of your Soul with the Sunshine of Kindness & Grace.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

“Without motion One would be alone.
One's purpose is Companionship i.e. Love.”
Wald Wassermann

“Getting old isn't for sissies.”
Main Character of And Then There's Margaret

“I had hit a personal low. I was out of work for the first time since I was seventeen. I had no job, a blank date book, and so much time on my hands I could lunch with the girls. Sure, I had money. But I was also a bit lost. The kids were grown and living their own lives. Without work, which had been central to my identity and my self-esteem for so many years, I was no longer sure who I was. I had been retired for two months, and already I was panicked.”
Lynda Resnick, Rubies in the Orchard: How to Uncover the Hidden Gems in Your Business

Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev
“You don’t understand this when you’re younger but at some point, you cease doing things, cease creating new memories,” he thought aloud. “You are stuck in a rocking chair. And all you have are your memories. Those beautiful droplets of color you’ve managed to steal from the rainbow. And you go back to them over and over and over, like a Catholic praying the rosary. You dig in deep, sifting through decades, years, seasons, weeks, hours, and seconds of your life, trying to figure out what it all meant. I wanted to come back to you. I wanted to see you in color, to grasp my own little rainbow.”
Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev, Vanishing Bodies: An Epic Science Fiction Romance

“My ages apart, I wish to live before my death and beyond my death.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Living long is easy, age slowly and mature as early as possible, learned from nature.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Apart aging, certain things will not change and certain things will not be the same, love and sex.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

John O'Donohue
“The passionate heart never ages.”
John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Rob Liano
“Stop saying" If I only knew then what I know now "and start using what you know now.”
Rob Liano

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