Algebra Quotes

Quotes tagged as "algebra" Showing 1-30 of 51
Fran Lebowitz
“In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra.”
Fran Lebowitz

Gregory David Roberts
“Friendship is something that gets harder to understand, every damn year of my life.Friendship is like a kind of algebra test that nobody passes. In my worst moods, I think the best you can say is that a friend is anyone you don't despise.”
Gregory David Roberts, Shantaram

“I wouldn’t have minded school if they taught you important things like how to have good sex and what brand of wine is the best… But for some reason they were hell bent on teaching me algebra”
Ben Mitchell

Mohamad Jebara
“Algebra did not simply ease how numbers were depicted or calculated, but fundamentally revolutionized how to operate efficiently.”
Mohamad Jebara, The Life of the Qur'an: From Eternal Roots to Enduring Legacy

James  Jones
“He could not believe that any of them might actually hit somebody. If one did, what a nowhere way to go: killed by accident; slain not as an individual but by sheer statistical probability, by the calculated chance of searching fire, even as he himself might be at any moment. Mathematics! Mathematics! Algebra! Geometry! When 1st and 3d Squads came diving and tumbling back over the tiny crest, Bell was content to throw himself prone, press his cheek to the earth, shut his eyes, and lie there. God, oh, God! Why am Ihere?Why am Ihere?After a moment's thought, he decided he better change it to: why arewehere. That way, no agency of retribution could exact payment from him for being selfish.”
James Jones, The Thin Red Line

Mohamad Jebara
“In essence, the algebra mindset transformed broken situations into dynamic opportunities for lasting impact. And it did so with elegant equations, precise numerals, and dynamic efficiency. The world would never be the same.”
Mohamad Jebara, The Life of the Qur'an: From Eternal Roots to Enduring Legacy

Amit Kalantri
“What music is to the heart, mathematics is to the mind.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Susan Beth Pfeffer
“So what if I don't learn algebra?'

'Someday schools will be open again,' Mom said. 'Things will be normal. You need to do your work now for when that happens.'

'That's never going to happen,' Jon said. 'And even if schools do open up somewhere, they're not going to open up here. There aren't enough people left.'

'We don't know how many people are like us, holed up, making do until times get better.'

'I bet whoever they are, they aren't studying algebra,' Jon said.”
Susan Beth Pfeffer, This World We Live In

Philip Kerr
“I made an appointment to see him and then ordered another beer. While I was drinking it I did some doodling on a piece of paper, the algebraic kind that you hope will help you think more clearly. When I finished doing that, I was more confused than ever. Algebra was never my strong subject.”
Philip Kerr, March Violets

Robert Kanigel
“Sometimes in studying Ramanujan's work, [George Andrews] said at another time," I have wondered how much Ramanujan could have done if he had had MACSYMA or SCRATCHPAD or some other symbolic algebra package.”
Robert Kanigel, The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan

Rudolf Clausius
“The algebraic sum of all the transformations occurring in a cyclical process can only be positive, or, as an extreme case, equal to nothing.

[Statement of the second law of thermodynamics, 1862]”
Rudolf Clausius, Abhandlungen

Dejan Stojanovic
“It is vain futility to analyze the algebra of time.”
Dejan Stojanovic, The Creator

“What if Loves are analogous to math? First, arithmetic, then geometry and algebra, then trig and quadratics…”
J. Earp

“The existence of God is a matter of feeling! It is not a formula of algebra that we sit down and prove! If we carefully observe the humans, animals, nature etc., then the existence of God can certainly be felt. Say, I mentioned in one of my Facebook posts that the 4 fingers of our hands are located side by side but one finger, that is, the thumb is much away from other fingers, structurally small and much different compared to other fingers. Now, it would be foolishness to say that the location of the thumb is such by coincidence. God knows it well that if all the fingers in the hands were of same size and structure, then it would be rather difficult or impossible for us to hold anything or do any work! So, He placed the thumb of our hands in the distance. It would be clearer if I explain it in a different way. As the parents become exceedingly cautious about the newly born baby, its spontaneous feeding, walking, talking etc. are carefully monitored by them, likewise, God has given the specific formation, shape and structure to the humans and all the animals by keeping their overall well-being, advantages and easiness in mind!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

“But who can quantify
the algebra of space,
or weigh those worlds that swim
each in its place?
Who can outdo the dark?
And what computer knows
how beauty comes to birth -
shell star and rose?

-Technicians by Jean Kenward”
John Foster

Amit Kalantri
“To a scholar, mathematics is music.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Alexander McCall Smith
“I like you when you're algebraic," said Ulf--and immediately regretted it. It was a flirtatious remark--describing somebody as algebraic was undoubtedly to cross a line. You would not normally describe an ordinary friend as algebraic, and then say that you liked her that way.”
Alexander McCall Smith, The Department of Sensitive Crimes

T.J. Klune
“Pre-Algebra it was called. That scared me, because it was already hard when it was a" pre ". What would happen when it was just Algebra without the" pre?”
T.J. Klune, Wolfsong

“If you are smart enough to add letters to math problems, you're smart enough to dig your own grave.”

I had to do a whole entire two page--both front side and back--of exponets. finding the product and finding the quotient. My brain has never stopped functioning that quick in the span of one second. Didn't even need to pick up the pencil, the paper(s) itself sparked fear into my soul

Jarod Kintz
“If you hate math and English, then you’ll really hate Algebra, with its numbers and letters, because it combines BOTH. To survive in life you must pivot, which is why I'm now tutoring at Used Duck Prices.”
Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.

Amit Kalantri
“Mathematics is not just a subject of education system, it is the soul of education system.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Nitya Prakash
“I heard you were good in Algebra. Can you replace my X without asking Y?”
Nitya Prakash
tags: algebra, x, y

Laurence Galian
“It is sometimes helpful for the magickian to stand the world on its head. This helps to bring forth the Hidden Reality. The magickian is always seeking to go beyond Surface Reality. Therefore, many great magickians will deliberately work for the opposite of that which they wish to manifest, knowing that the mind is a trickster and when you ask it for one thing, it will often give you the exact opposite of what you want. Jean Cocteau was a French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer, boxing manager, playwright, artist and filmmaker. Along with other avant-garde artists of his generation, Cocteau grappled with the algebra of verbal codes old and new. He revealed 'I am a lie who always speaks the truth.' This is why it is so important to get rid of any raw needs, demands, and insistence within you.”
Laurence Galian, Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence

Lucy  Carter
“By convention,
I have been taught to
isolate the variables
on the left side and
the constants on the right

But you still have that characteristic
freewill of wallowing in the abstraction
of algebra

You could also isolate the variables
on the right side and
the constants on the left.”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lucy  Carter
“Your equation—your choice!

You could do whatever
you want with an equation—
just as long as it’s done on both sides!”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

Lucy  Carter
“The customary units of measurement?

They have practical applications,
but learning them is mostly done through rote memorization—

There aren’t any proofs or critical evaluations regarding
REASONS why a foot equals twelve inches

There are only facts to memorize,
but not puzzles to solve,

With algebra—YES!

There isn’t just memorization—

There is the rearrangement
of jigsaw pieces—
jigsaw pieces that
you can solve,
not just memorize!”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

“You cannot read mathematics the way you read a novel. If you zip through a
page in less than an hour, you are probably going too fast.”
Sheldon Axler Paul Bourdon Wade Ramey

“You cannot read mathematics the way you read a novel. If you zip through a
page in less than an hour, you are probably going too fast.”
Sheldon Axler, Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics

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