Alienate Quotes

Quotes tagged as "alienate" Showing 1-6 of 6
Mitch Albom
“Each time we talk, he listens to me ramble, then he tries to pass on some sort of life lesson.
He warns me that money is not the most important thing, contrary to the popular view on campus.
He tells me I need to be "fully human."
He speaks of the alienation of youth and the need for "connectedness" with the society around me.”
Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“In a relationship with God, our most secret places once thickly cloaked and meticulously hidden away now stand before us utterly and entirely exposed. And it may be that this dreaded fear is the single thing that keeps us an arm’s length from God, and forever a single step away from His blessings.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“A common psychological technique to alienate people is to ignore them!”
Steven Magee

S.A. Tawks
“She didn't want to alienate herself from the very wealthy man that was about to offer her a job by declining the polite offer of a drink.”
S.A. Tawks, The Spirit of Imagination

Steven Magee
“The police seem to be learning the hard way that the more abusive they are to people, the less people will cooperate with them.”
Steven Magee

“Here is a reason for American people to hate me I dont vote and I don't pledge, not because I dont have the right to. I'm just not interested. I Alienate myself from that part of the world. Quoted by Trey Knowles”
Trey Knowles