Ambition Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ambition-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 101
Geoffrey Ocaya
“The most envious of all people on earth are those who are extremely ambitious but too lazy to take action.”
Geoffrey Ocaya

James Swallow
“There must come a moment when the soul knows: this far, and no further. But we are cursed never to hear that warning until it is too late.’
– attributed to the remembrancer Ignace Karkasy [M31]”
James Swallow, Garro: Knight Of Grey

Germany Kent
“Focus on your goals and ambitions and less on people and things that are counterproductive. A few simple disciplines practiced everyday along with the right mindset will eventually give you the results you desire.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Your daily routine should be consisting of, including, or involving some form of momentum. Your mission is to accept where you are, take responsibility for your life, and make progress everyday.”
Germany Kent

Michael ONeill
“There is nothing in this world that builds confidence and character like stepping outside your comfort zone, committing to something ambitious, undertaking the challenge and conquering it masterfully. In short, it makes you feel better about yourself; and that is always a good thing.”
Michael ONeill, Road Work: Images And Insights Of A Modern Day Explorer

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“My ambition is therefore to become the voice and messenger of this change that everyone is constantly talking about.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Destiny of Liberty

Laura Ingalls Wilder
“Ambition is, like other good things[.] a good only when use in moderation. It has worked great good for the world, and great evil also.
[Ale]xander is an example of a man completely carried away by ambition: so much so that when he had conquered the whole world (which one would suppose was enough to satisfy ambition); he wept because there were no more world to conquer.
Ambition is a good servant, but a hard master; and if you think it is likely to become your master: I would say to you in the words of the immortals Shakespeare: 'Cromwell, I charge thee fling away ambition, by that sin fell the angels.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography

Anuradha Bhattacharyya
“But in my life, all advice, the truest and the sincerest have fallen flat. I was not a genius. I was only a trickster.”
Anuradha Bhattacharyya, Jadu

“A person committed to pursue right ambition, will live to be a beacon of greatness.”
Wayne Chirisa

“A person committed to pursue the right ambition, will live to be a beacon of greatness.”
Wayne Chirisa

Germany Kent
“A degree only proves that you completed the courses outlined by the college to earn the certificate. It does not guarantee that you have any more ambition, passion, or talent than the next man.”
Germany Kent

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If we want human beings to be very successful in this chaotic universe, every living and born human should be given the ambition and determination to achieve that no one else can achieve!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Aida Mandic
“Limits are illusions that live in our mind
Limits are struggles that we will often find
Limits are questions that we are scared to ask
Limits are boundaries that hide in our social mask”
Aida Mandic, A Candid Aim

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Some neighbouring countries of Dem. Rep. of the Congo are full of ambitions and they will bring their own downfall in the near future.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Learn how to be ambitious, don't be a person who wait to be married off to someone wealthy.”
Ojingiri Hannah

Zoe Rosi
“I sigh, peering out of the window. We’re far out of central
London now and I scan the streets, trying to get my bearings. We’re
getting nearer to Julian’s resting place. I recognise an old police station, converted into cheap flats. This part of London feels darker
than Mayfair. It’s as though the streetlights don’t shine as brightly.
Cheaper models, not as many. I like it. Every time I come here, on
a certain level, I relax. It almost feels more like home than Mayfair.
Mayfair is who I want to be, Hayes is who I am. My veins are the
dark streets, pulsing with traffic. There’s wreckage all around: craterous potholes, crumpled railings, abandoned cars, derelict homes.
Nothing’s ever repaired. It’s all broken. The poverty’s inescapable.
The air perpetually stinks.”
Zoe Rosi, Pretty Evil

Nithin Purple
“How ordinarily you travel every day,but in ambition?It needs Liberty to be the spirit,society produces many faces to be unfriendly or cruel, or barely you get kind a welcome,the laughter are plenty to hear, wilderness and mockery,since your journey has an unending passionate smile.”
Nithin Purple

Ritu Negi
“Life is too short to be ambitious all the time.”
Ritu Negi

“Dying for an ambition is far better than living without any ambition.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Deon Potgieter
“Hold onto your dreams and remain true to yourself, todays frustrations are building blocks for tomorrow's successes”
Deon Potgieter

“Vision fuels ambition; action transforms vision into reality.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Chase your passions with unwavering determination but do so with the right shoes”
Erwin D. Maramat

H. Rider Haggard
“Being cut off from love, what remains to me but ambition?”
H. Rider Haggard, Moon of Israel

Vinod Pande
“Ambition! A simple word, yet so many multi-prognostics! At the outset, it arouses an array of positive emotions; zeal, success, energy, rise, achievement, forward, bright, shining, higher, respect etc. But there is another side too; defeat, listless, failure, slump, disgrace…and such.”
Vinod Pande, Minister’s Mistress - Not only the sins come calling

Marion Bekoe
“I'm angry I didn't have this growth mindset of positivity, abundance, and self-love sooner to help others better.

I'm even angrier that I couldn't be there for you when you needed me because I lacked this mindset, which I achieved through anger.

This anger drives me to improve, create, and build new ways to enhance your life so you don't have to feel the same.

I embrace my anger because it fuels my passion, ambition, and creativity, allowing me to forge new ideas to make your dreams come true.

It's okay to be angry—use it for good and make others' lives better. It's a choice.

I'm Marion Bekoe, and I'm angry AF.”
Marion Bekoe

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