Application Quotes

Quotes tagged as "application" Showing 1-30 of 64
Stephen R. Covey
“to learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know.”
Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Billy Sunday
“The Bible will always be full of things you cannot understand, as long as you will not live according to those you can understand.”
Billy Sunday

“knowledge without application is like a book that is never read' Christopher Crawford, Hemel Hempstead.”
Christopher Crawford

“No amount of reading or memorizing will make you successful in life. It is the understanding and application of wise thought that counts." -Bob Proctor”
Bob Proctor

“There is a frequent tendency in the presentation of mechaincs to use problems mainly as a vehicle to illustrate theory rather than to develop theory for the purpose of solving problems. When the first view is allowed to predominate, problems tend to become overly idealized and unrelated to engineering with the result that the exercise becomes dull, academic, and uninteresting. This approach deprives the students of valuable experience in formulating problems and thus of discovering the need for and meaning of theory. The second view provides by far the stronger motive for learning theory and leads to a better balance between theory and application. The crucial role played by interest and purpose in providing the strongest possible motive for learning cannot be overemphasized." Glenn Kraige, from Merriam & Kraige's Dynamics text, 7th Edition.”
Glenn Kraige

Israelmore Ayivor
“Make your education valuable. Apply what you learnt. Refuse to take the back seat and watch things happen. Join the change and be part of the change.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Frontpage: Leadership Insights from 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Thoughts

Kristin Hannah
“Hey, Meg," she said without preamble. I need you to write a letter of recommendation for me. I'm applying for grad school. "

Meghann screamed into the phone. "Oh, myGod!I'm so proud of you. I'm hanging up now; I have to draft a letter that makes my best friend sound like da Vinci in a bra and panties.”
Kristin Hannah, Distant Shores

“I think actually if you take the analogy with other areas of engineering, and increasingly of science and even mathematics, you can see people do not have to learn the vast number of formulae they used to learn. Instead, they have to learn to use the computer effectively. This frees them, I feel, to understand concepts and the foundations while they’re learning the mechanics of the application of the theory.”
C.A.R. Hoare

زكي نجيب محمود
“الفكرة التى لا تلتمس سبيلها إلى التطبيق العملي لا يقال عنها إنها فكرة نظرية فحسب بل يقال إنها ليست فكرة على الإطلاق”
زكي نجيب محمود, أفكار ومواقف

“Fame is a four letter word and like tape, or zoom, or face, or pain, or life, or love, what ultimately matters is what we do with it.”
Mr. Rogers

“Life is govern by principles not by how you feel.Just image a farmer who does not sow his seeds & decides that he is going throw them on the roof because he feels so, well he is sure not going to have a harvest.”
Thabang Kanti

“When I was young I studied in the west suburb, with the birds of the forest as my only neighbours. I would open a book and read from beginning to end before going on to another, never simply dipping into the text or stopping halfway. I would sit up all night without a break, forgetting cold and hunger, not bothering to comb my hair or wash my face.”
Wang Chieh, Stories About Not Being Afraid of Ghosts

Topsy Gift
“The power that knowledge possesses is hidden in its application”
Topsy Gift

Saidi Mdala
“In order for anything to happen you will have to act. Knowing is not enough. Neither is just being. Talking becomes annoying beyond a certain point. Doing makes all the difference. Doing converts thoughts into things. Doing turns talk into solutions and tangible results.”
Saidi Mdala, Know What Matters

Steven Magee
“While the USA corporate government took three years to deny my disability application, the UK approved my pension plan early disbursement on the grounds of ill-health in just a few months from applying using the same medical information.”
Steven Magee

Harken Headers
“Knowledge is power. Wisdom is gained through applying that
knowledge. So go get it!”
Harken Headers, Health & Not Screwing It Up

“Education without application is corruption”
Obimuyiwa Gabriel

“Without (the knowledge and application of) administration, you will waste your days.”
Meir Ezra

Steven Magee
“Anyone that has been through the disability system and had their application for benefits denied knows that the ‘Greatest Nation On Earth’ is a great government lie.”
Steven Magee

Suzy  Davies
“Show me your desire, your commitment, your stamina, your hard-won gifts, show me the luck you make, and I will show you your destination”
Suzy Davies

Rutger Bregman
“Selbst wenn es zehn Bewerber für jeden Arbeitsplatz gibt, wird das Problem nicht in der Nachfrage, sondern im Angebot gesucht - also bei den Arbeitslosen, die nicht in der Lage sind, ihre" Beschäftigungsfähigkeit "zu entwickeln, oder sich einfach nicht ausreichend bemühen.”
Rutger Bregman, Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World

Amit Kalantri
“He who learns a lot but applies a little stays little.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

“SAME DAY Blue Badge Applications, Renewals and Submissions by PHONE - EMAIL - POST
Refer A Friend - FREE Renewal!”
Adrian Lord

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The Bible is a book of wisdom. And unless we are wise enough to understand how wise we are not, the Bible will we read not.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Paddick Van Zyl
“When we think of wisdom, we normally conclude that it is to be clever and smart. Knowledge can be described as an understanding (in my mind) of a set of truths or facts, while wisdom is the ability to apply these truths and facts to everyday living, everyday situations and circumstances that will produce a better result or outcome. Wisdom is both practical application of knowledge and illumination of understanding.”
Paddick Van Zyl, The Solomon Principles

Steven Magee
“Energy drinks may have an application in treating COVID-19.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

“The application of what you know is also a crucial part of achieving your career goals and a crucial part of achieving success in general.”
André van Eck

Anthony T. Hincks
“And he said...

...application will give you the stamina to succeed.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“Do they look to the Scripture to inform or transform them?”
J. R. Woodward

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