Artificial Quotes

Quotes tagged as "artificial" Showing 1-30 of 56
Erik Pevernagie
“Using fake feelings and relying on a trick box of artificial gadgets in order to create a simulation of desire, will not unravel the knotty puzzle to reinvent oneself. ( “Twilight of desire “)”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“How often do we not scold or call ourselves to order? If our needs are utterly fulfilled, it may be that we still remain unsatisfied. By creating additional wants or artificial wishes, we generate a cascade of new desires that outshines our search for genuine needs. Through our loss of authenticity, we fade away in the vapor of pathetic shallowness or vanish into the flamboyance of trivial limelight. (" Consumers' Dream ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Let our lives not merely be unbridled “hunting for likes” or a frantic “commotion of swipes.” Many MISthink they can empower their ego to hoist mountains of self-delusion through artificial widgets. ( "With confidence" )”
Erik Pevernagie

“A relationship that is truly genuine does not keep changing its colors. Real gold never rusts. If a relationship is really solid and golden, it will be unbreakable. Not even Time can destroy its shine.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Michael Moore
“They convinced our mothers that if a food item came in a bottle -- or a can or a box or a cellophane bag -- then it was somehow better for you than when it came to you free of charge via Mother Nature....An entire generation of us were introduced in our very first week to the concept that phony was better than real, that something manufactured was better than something that was right there in the room. (Later in life, this explained the popularity of the fast food breakfast burrito, neocons, Kardashians, and why we think reading this book on a tiny screen with only three minutes of battery life left is enjoyable.”
Michael Francis Moore, Here Comes Trouble

Catherine Marshall
“The lake is lovely," I commented, "And so big. I still find it hard to believe it's artificial."
"Oh, it's artificial, all right. Dive deep and you may bash your head on tree stumps.”
Catherine Marshall, Julie

Laurence Galian
“What he was referring to is the fact that there are two worlds: the true glory of Sophia and the false world of the Demiurge. The false world of the Demiurge seems the same as the world of Sophia, except that it is, to use a metaphor, colorless. The world of the Demiurge is the world as it seems to people obsessed with material possessions, attracted by the desire to control the realm of the Goddess Sophia, people who prefer the artificial to the authentic, people in the clutches of delusional poisonous drugs, people with addictions to other people and alcohol, as well as food, spending, pornography, gambling, angry people who are fixated with politics and financial issues; people who are full of illusory worries about possible future events rather than living in the authentic present now, people who see the world through the eyes of the media and people who are completely isolated from themselves emotionally. These people never 'see' and never 'hear' the real world around and within them. They live in the false duplicate reality of the Earth manufactured by Yaldabaoth. This facsimile is an illusory world.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

J.S.B. Morse
“Man has made the artificial world in which he lives, but he is clearly not made for it.”
J.S.B. Morse, Paleo Family: Raising Natural Kids in an Unnatural World

Sally Rooney
“A feeling of dissociation from his senses, an inability to think straight or interpret what he sees and hears. Things begin to look and sound different, slower, artificial, unreal. The first time it happened he thought he was losing his mind, that the whole cognitive framework by which he made sense of the world had disintegrated for good, and everything from then on would just be undifferentiated sound and colour.”
Sally Rooney, Normal People

Criss Jami
“A steampunk nation
Baby pollution rises up then the loving comes arraigning 'cause
Our art's official and only partially artificial
And our heart's in the middle of sharp hardened shards of metal but
There's not where it settles
Because it's beating to the steaming of God's hottest pot or kettle

And now we face it, this creation we made to
To save our craving for a synthetic rebelnation it's
Our safeway they make into a pathetic revelation
In our steampunk nation
Our steampunk nation”
Criss Jami, Diotima, Battery, Electric Personality

Ljupka Cvetanova
“We can provide you democracy. When do you need it?”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Elmar Hussein
“Love should be natural, but if you try to change your love, as you would like to see it, it will become an artificial phenomenon. Don't think of whether your love is perfect or not, just enjoy its existence without any rational consideration.”
Elmar Hussein

Steven Magee
“The vandalization of Space must stop.”
Steven Magee

Chuck Palahniuk
“He pasado la mayor parte de mi vida adulta posando a cambio de un fajo de billetes por hora, luciendo ropa y zapatos, bien peinada delante de un fotógrafo de moda que me dice lo que debo sentir.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters

“Don’t Entice me with your beauty, Because I won’t buy that, I only admire and cherish the heart that glows and not the art that are artificial”
Omotoso Omotayo Olawande

Ljupka Cvetanova
“I would have taken things in my own hands, but I was at the manicure's.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Ramona I.
“The word 'artificial' reminds us that AI has limitations, whereas human intelligence is boundless.”
Ramona I.

Steven Magee
“I view the modern workplace as somewhere you go to have your long term health severely damaged.”
Steven Magee

“Nothing is Natural In This World, Everything is Artificial, Including The Word 'Natural' Created By Us.”
JaganKumar Kasarla

Steven Magee
“Every observatory summit office that I was based in had no windows in high altitude astronomy. My workdays were spent bathing in artificial florescent light.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is embarrassing that astronomers do not understand the many forms of artificial lighting that they are exposed to every day and how it affects them.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The demolition of the Space industry is on my RADAR.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“We need to move away from the indoor society.”
Steven Magee

“Artificiality leads easiness but not long lasting.”
Arbab J. Edhi

Laurence Galian
“…there are two worlds: the true glory of Sophia and the false world of the Demiurge. The false world of the Demiurge seems the same as the world of Sophia, except that it is, to use a metaphor, colorless. The world of the Demiurge is the world as it seems to people obsessed with material possessions, attracted by the desire to control the realm of the Goddess Sophia, people who prefer the artificial to the authentic, people in the clutches of delusional poisonous drugs, people with addictions to other people and alcohol, as well as food, spending, pornography, gambling, angry people who are fixated with politics and financial issues; people who are full of illusory worries about possible future events rather than living in the authentic present now, people who see the world through the eyes of the media and people who are completely isolated from themselves emotionally. These people never ‘see’ and never ‘hear’ the real world around and within them. They live in the false duplicate reality of the Earth manufactured by Yaldabaoth.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Diane Arbus
“What's left after what one isn't is taken away is what one is.”
Diane Arbus

Titon Rahmawan
“Baru kali ini aku tahu bagaimana caramu memasukkan babi, kuda, gajah, ular, hiu dan monyet itu ke dalam puisimu. Setelah aku temukan bahwa setiap peristiwa selalu membawa kegembiraannya sendiri. Dan apa yang aku alami hari ini hanyalah sebuah bukti dari sekian banyak peristiwa, sebelum aku telanjur lupa untuk memberinya sebuah penafsiran.

Dan demikianlah, sebuah kisah telah mengantarkan aku menemukan rasa takjub dalam setiap ekor monyet yang aku temui di sebuah area perbukitan yang telah lama dikenal orang dengan sebutan Gunung Krincing, di sebuah Dukuh yang bernama Talun Kacang. Pada sebuah legenda tentang seorang Wali yang dulu pernah bertemu dengan empat ekor kera berwarna merah, kuning, putih dan hitam.

Rasa takjub yang kemudian terantuk pada sebuah batu bertuliskan kata-kata: "Mangreho." Sebuah perintah yang terukir pada kulit setiap pokok-pokok kayu jati, yang sengaja dibiarkan kentir di atas sebatang sungai yang akan mengantarkan Sang Wali pulang ke Demak untuk mendirikan sebuah masjid.

Ketakjuban itu kini telah tumbuh memenuhi tempat itu dengan hutan buatan, bendungan, jalan beraspal, warung, kedai makan, restoran, lahan parkir dan pemukiman juga. Ia telah menjelma menjadi kegembiraan yang aku temukan pada setiap butir kacang yang dilemparkan orang. Juga pada setiap buah pisang, manggis, nangka atau salak yang mereka jajakan dengan murah. Ada tawa pengunjung dan juga tangis kanak-kanak yang bisa memberiku sebuah penafsiran baru dari kata lucu dan takut sekaligus.

Akan tetapi, dari situlah kemudian aku menemukan kegembiraan dan kebahagiaanku sendiri; pada langgam musik keroncong yang dinyanyikan seorang biduan dengan merdunya. Lebih dari seekor monyet yang bebas berkeliaran kesana kemari. Bebas menyanyi, menari, tertawa atau berteriak-teriak sekaligus. Monyet- monyet yang mewarnai dunia dengan ekspresi wajah yang tak pernah aku lihat sebelumnya. Monyet-monyet kelabu, putih, merah, hitam dan bahkan biru. Monyet-monyet sewarna pelangi. Monyet-monyet yang transparan dan bening kehijauan.

Monyet-monyet yang telah melepaskan diri dari rutinitas dan kesibukan dunia. Monyet-monyet yang telah purna memaknai hidup yang carut-marut dan menjemukan ini. Berusaha melupakan dasi, kemeja, pantalon, dan jas yang selama ini membungkus ego mereka rapat-rapat. Monyet-monyet lucu tanpa bedak dan gincu dan juga tanpa perhiasan.

Monyet-monyet yang tak lagi malu bertelanjang dada, pamer pantat dan kemaluan mondar-mandir kemana-mana. Mereka bukan representasi Sugriwa, Subali atau mungkin Hanoman. Mereka hanya sebatas monyet biasa. Monyet yang sebagaimana telah lama kita kenal. Namun mereka telah melepaskan diri dari topeng-topeng artificial, dan tampil sederhana apa adanya sebagai dirinya sendiri.”
Titon Rahmawan

Steven Magee
“I consider myself fortunate to have spent most of my life away from city living.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude

Terry Eagleton
“Truth is ugliness, not beauty. If the artist is to redeem the whole of reality, whether as naturalistic novelist or demonic post Baudelairean poet, he must undergo what Yeats calls the baptism of the gutter, refusing orthodox moral distinctions so as to become imaginatively at one with the slime and refuse of human existence. Only in this way will he be able to gather the excremental into the eternal. It is an aesthetic version of crucifixion and resurrection, one which invests the poet with a certain aura of sanctity. Yet he is also sacred in the ancient sense of being both blessed and cursed. To live by imaginative empathy is to be bereft of a self; to be without a self is to exist as a kind of nothingness; and nothingness is unnervingly close to evil.”
Terry Eagleton, Culture and the Death of God

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