Blood Burdens Quotes

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Brandy Nacole
“Bubbles of laughter escape from Addie as she clutches her stomach and points her finger at me.
"You should see yourself! I swear I can see your back arching like a cats. I'm surprised you didn't start hissing.”
Brandy Nacole, Blood Burdens

Brandy Nacole
“Glancing at Danika, I notice she isn't wearing her normal 'look at me, all proper' style. Instead she has on jeans, a red t-shirt with the image of a smiling mushroom on it, and a pair of tennis shoes.
"Wow, you look...different."
She cast a peek down at her clothes. "This was always my preferred style, but I thought I had to dress prim and proper to be taken seriously. But you know what I realized when I met you?"
She takes a step forward, placing her hand over my heart. "It's not about appearances, it's about heart.”
Brandy Nacole, Blood Burdens