Bouquet Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bouquet" Showing 1-19 of 19
Erik Pevernagie
“Let’s not wait until the light fades into irreparable loss, but let’s stay in the loop and pursue the momentous flow of daily little wonders, since life kindly tenders us gorgeous bouquets of sparkling colors, telling signs and rousing episodes. ( “Côté cour…Côté jardin” )”
Erik Pevernagie

Kamand Kojouri
“Like freshly cut roses,
I place life in a vase...
of love.”
Kamand Kojouri

Chuck Palahniuk
“My mom would spy by satellite, turning down the air conditioning, colder and colder, with a tapping keystroke via her wireless connection, chilling that house, that one room, meat locker cold, ski-slope cold, spending a king's ransom on Freon and electric power, trying to make some doomed ten bucks' worth of pretty pink flowers last one more day.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Damned

Carew Papritz
“Spring is a time to make up a big bouquet of flowers for someone you love, or are trying to love, or are in love with.”
Carew Papritz, The Legacy Letters: his Wife, his Children, his Final Gift

Donna Lynn Hope
“I appreciate the beauty and balm of flowers but I have never enjoyed receiving them because then I have to watch them die, and worse...throw them away.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Willa Cather
“Under the bluffs that overhung the marsh he came upon thickets of wild roses, with flaming buds, just beginning to open. Where they had opened, their petals were stained with that burning rose-colour which is always gone by noon, -- a dye made of sunlight and morning and moisture, so intense that it cannot possibly last... must fade, like ecstasy. Niel took out his knife and began to cut the stiff stems, crowded with red thorns.
He would make a bouquet for a lovely lady; a bouquet gathered off the cheeks of the morning... these roses, only half awake, in the defencelessness of utter beauty.”
Willa Cather, A Lost Lady

Mary Simses
“At the edge of the lot, wildflowers had taken over, forming a thick border. I stopped to pick a bouquet of gold buttercups and yellow-and-white oxeye daisies. I plucked a sprig of Queen Anne's lace and watched a black swallowtail butterfly land on a branch of goldenrod. Then I stretched and took a deep breath. The air was mellow and sweet.”
Mary Simses, The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe

Kate Morton
“She forced herself to stroll casually and appraise her plants. The wisteria was shedding its final leaves, the jasmine had long lost its flowers, but the autumn had been mild and the pink roses were still in bloom. Eliza went closer, took a half-opened bud between her fingers and smiled at the perfect raindrop caught within its inner petals.
The thought was sudden and complete. She must make a bouquet, a welcome-home gift for Rose. Her cousin was fond of flowers, but more than that, Eliza would select plants that were a symbol of their bond. There must be ivy for friendship, pink rose for happiness, and some of the exotic oak-leaved geranium for memories...”
Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden

Vanessa Diffenbaugh
“Sitting under a tree, I studied my options. The fall flowers were in full bloom: verbena, goldenrod, chrysanthemum, and a late-blooming rose. The carefully tended city beds around the park held layers of textured evergreen but little color.
I set to work, considering height, density, texture, and layers of scent, removing touch-damaged petals with careful pinches. When I had finished, spiraling white mums emerged from a cushion of snow-colored verbena, and clusters of pale climbing roses circled and dripped over the edge of a tightly wrapped nosegay. I removed every thorn. The bouquet was white as a wedding and spoke of prayers, truth, and an unacquainted heart.”
Vanessa Diffenbaugh, The Language of Flowers

“INCLUSION—It's amazing what happens when we allow the flower that is us, the flower that is them, to become part of the bouquet.”
Laurie Buchanan, PhD

Chantal Larocque
“If the Peony flower is not number one in your heart…I’m sure it’s not too far down your list of favorite blooms!”
Chantal Larocque, Bold & Beautiful Paper Flowers: More Than 50 Easy Paper Blooms and Gorgeous Arrangements You Can Make at Home

Ella Griffin
“He fell into a trance as she worked with the tulips, watching her hands as if he was hypnotized. She talked to him quietly, telling him the names of the greenery she was adding- evergreen viburnum for the primary foliage at the bottom, eucalyptus to fill out the gaps in the middle, tall bells of Ireland to add texture at the top.”
Ella Griffin, The Flower Arrangement

Henri J.M. Nouwen
“If you look at every flower individually, they look quite miserable. Put them together in a vase and they become a bouquet and that's quite attractive. I think about our community often in that way”
Henri J.M. Nouwen

Julie Anne Long
“And then two footmen staggered forward.
They were bearing between them a flower arrangement so brilliant it was nearly 'sentient.' A profusion of roses, the heads of which were nearly as pulsatingly crimson and large as actual hearts sprung from a luxurious froth of ferny greenery and minuscule lacy white flowers. It was magnificently intimidating and almost indecently sensual.
The whole thing was the height of a three-year-old child.”
Julie Anne Long, What I Did for a Duke

Julie Anne Long
“And she reached out with trembling fingers and touched one of the roses. It was, surprisingly... unconscionably soft.
"A message was sent along with it, Miss Genevieve." Harriet handed over the sheet of folded foolscap, closed with a blob of wax. No seal was pressed into it.
Genevieve slid her finger beneath it to break the seal.

'My esteemed Venus-

These reminded me of you. In my dreams, your lips are just this soft.

- Your devoted servant,
Julie Anne Long, What I Did for a Duke

Robert  Francis
“A crowd of flowers is a crowd
of flatterers (forgive me).
One flower at a time. I want
to hear what it is saying.”
Robert Francis

Ashley       Clark
“After her unexpected breakfast with Sullivan this morning, Alice clipped stems for a petite arrangement of carnations and crimson-tipped roses, with a few sprays of purple wildflowers thrown in for good measure. She breathed in deeply, and the fragrance brought back the magic of the first Valentine's flowers she received from a crush back in high school. It was one of the many things she loved about flowers---their ability to pull you out of the present and into the past, then back into the present once more, better for having remembered something so lovely.”
Ashley Clark, Where the Last Rose Blooms

Debasish Mridha
“A flower is always singing her sweetest song for those who have a listening heart.”
Debasish Mridha