Business Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "business-quotes" Showing 31-60 of 1,882
Lisa Newton
“I've been ripped off, conned, lied to and cheated... but I'm still here. Cheaters never prosper. If stealing from you is the only way for them to get ahead - they're never going to get very far. Because thats all they are - just a thief. When they lose it, they can't rebuild because they don't know how. They never did the ground work in the first place. All they know is how to steal!”
Lisa Newton, How To Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business

“The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a very creative mind to spot wrong questions.”
Anthony Jay

Chris     Murray
“Think about it: if someone had found a way to manipulate human choice and free will – if someone actually had that kind of power – wouldn’t it be a tad surprising if they then decided to share their secret with the masses in a book for $20? Not to mention how it would be just very slightly unethical.”
Chris Murray, Selling with EASE: The Four Step Sales Cycle Found in Every Successful Business Transaction

Lisa Newton
“There's a lot of haters out there. Instead of focusing on improving themselves they prefer to spend their time chatting shit about you. But it just goes to show you - you must be doing something right if you're getting all the time and attention!”
Lisa Newton, How To Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business

Chris     Murray
“Focusing on Earning the Right will have an incredible effect on the success of every single sales call that you will make from this day on.”
Chris Murray, Selling with EASE: The Four Step Sales Cycle Found in Every Successful Business Transaction

“Success is not measured by who you are, only by the perception of what others think you are”
Brian A Leslie

Haresh Sippy
“An innovative mind is never once bitten, twice shy.”
Haresh Sippy

Haresh Sippy
“A true innovator does best, what he doesn't know best.”
Haresh Sippy

“Choose to stay away from people who would not let you have your moment. They will talk about their moment in your moments. They will be like yeah you bought a car but my car. You have a house but my house. They don’t let you be and enjoy what you have without them comparing or mentioning what they have that is better than yours.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Spencer Fraseur
“We live in a world where people believe they have full control of
their choices and decisions, but rarely have the holistic knowledge to effectively wield such power.”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“Having an understanding of the human mind and how it functions is probably the single most important thing anyone who wants to be successful can do”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“We have two choices when it comes to creating impactful change in
people’s decision-making process. We can create technology to prohibit or create rules to follow”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“The greatest leaders in the world fight cognitive bias by developing 'rules to live by' and carefully following predetermined routines to maximize efficiency and control of their environment”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Haresh Sippy
“Security or opportunity; you can choose only one.”
Haresh Sippy

Haresh Sippy
“The purpose is to get across; change horses mid-stream if necessary.”
Haresh Sippy

Haresh Sippy
“Amend your ways. Make amends. Make your enemies friends.”
Haresh Sippy

Haresh Sippy
“The most important job of the top dog is to mingle with subordinates at every strata.”
Haresh Sippy

Haresh Sippy
“Be friendly with your business opponent. Shed your anxiety. Play a friendly game with him. After all life is only a game.”
Haresh Sippy

Kashonia Carnegie
“Ethical actions can often entail short-term pain, but will always result in long-term gains. By contrast, unethical actions frequently have short-term gains, which make them so attractive. But I guarantee that unethical actions will always result in some form of long-term pain and ultimate collapse, frequently in unexpected ways.”
Kashonia Carnegie PhD

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“By harnessing the power of collective intelligence, boards of directors can make better decisions, drive innovation, and ensure the long-term success of their organizations.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“I don’t care how great your products or services are, if the company’s finances aren’t managed well, it’s doomed to fail.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

Anubhav    Srivastava
“NEVER EVER Invest more than you can afford to lose, no matter how tempting the so-called opportunity looks.
Some people believe massive risk is the secret to quicker success, misguided by popular media of today. The truth is, a person over-speeding and driving his car at 200 km/per hour may reach the destination quicker, but there is a bigger chance that he will crash and never reach it at all.
Drive fast enough to be making significant progress in the journey, but don't drive so fast that you crash and burn.

The most important thing is to know YOURSELF, and be aware of what you can or cannot handle emotionally and financially. That is the only way to stay do ANYTHING term without losing your sleep and ruining your health.”
Anubhav Srivastava, UnLearn: A Practical Guide to Business and Life

Anubhav    Srivastava
“These days the success of a business is perceived by how many fancy offices it has and how many people are working for it. Of course, this doesn’t pay any attention to the fact that the same business maybe posting growing losses every year with no recovery in sight.

The objective of a business is to turn a profit, not to be bloated. The more bloated a company is, the slower it is and the more trouble it gets in if sales slowdown. Quite often, what many companies accomplish with 50 people can be accomplished with 10 people armed with the right technology.

Don’t fall into the bigger is always better trap. What is better depends on what kind of business you want to run.”
Anubhav Srivastava, UnLearn: A Practical Guide to Business and Life

Anubhav    Srivastava
“Remember, that only people that will have job security in the future are those who have multiple skill-sets that CANNOT be automated and have a direct impact on the company’s profitability.”
Anubhav Srivastava, UnLearn: A Practical Guide to Business and Life

Anubhav    Srivastava
“Suppose someone says, it’s possible to jump off a 200 feet cliff without any aid and survive. 99 percent of those that try end up dying. But by some miracle, this guy survives, while doing the exact same thing with the exact method that killed 99 percent of the people. He later, proudly proclaims, “See! it’s possible to jump off a 200 feet high cliff and survive! Never mind the fact that I spent 6 months in a Coma and am now paralyzed FOR LIFE, but I survived! Anyone can do it as long as you believe in yourself!

In business, the most common synonym for this is –” Work 18-hour days! Take no days off! No pain, no gain! Don’t change even if the entire world tells you that you are wrong! Sleep only when you are dead!”

Other entrepreneurs listen to that and try to replicate it sincerely. But most fail anyway while also ruining their health, finances and personal life. What they don’t realize is that just because a tiny minority survived or even thrived using this approach, doesn’t mean it is the right approach, because if it was, it would work for most people who followed it sincerely, but it doesn’t.”
Anubhav Srivastava, UnLearn: A Practical Guide to Business and Life

Anubhav    Srivastava
“If you are always in the “GO GO GO!” mode, you won’t stop to think that there might be a much faster, efficient and less labor-intensive way of doing things.

These are the kinds of people who in the stone age would have preferred to drag slides full of stones and called the person who thought about inventing the wheel “Lazy!”
Anubhav Srivastava, UnLearn: A Practical Guide to Business and Life

Anubhav    Srivastava
“There is absolutely no denying that focused work is a component of success, but if we fall into the trap of only working hard for the sake of working hard, we become like a person who insists on walking around the world, but refuses to spend money to board a plane. It may be an odd, acceptable hobby but is disastrous in business.”
Anubhav Srivastava, UnLearn: A Practical Guide to Business and Life