Caress Quotes

Quotes tagged as "caress" Showing 1-28 of 28
J.D. Stroube
“There are people in the world, who are just wrong, and then there are the masses of population that are right, or at the very least they lie in the veil of between. I on the other hand, do not belong to any group. I don’t exist. It’s not that I don’t have substance; I have a body like everyone else. I can feel the fire when it burns against my skin, the rain when it caresses my face and the breeze as it fingers my hair. I have all the senses that other people do. I am just empty, inside.”
J.D. Stroube, Caged in Darkness

Kitty Thomas
“He said it with everything he did, every touch, every caress, every physical pleasure he bestowed upon me. Give it all to me. Give me your will.”
Kitty Thomas, Comfort Food

James Joyce
“Her room was warm and lightsome. A huge doll sat with her legs apart in the copious easy-chair beside the bed. He tried to bid his tongue speak that he might seem at ease, watching her as she undid her gown, noting the proud conscious movements of her perfumed head.

As he stood silent in the middle of the room she came over to him and embraced him gaily and gravely. Her round arms held him firmly to her and he, seeing her face lifted to him in serious calm and feeling the warm calm rise and fall of her breast, all but burst into hysterical weeping. Tears of joy and relief shone in his delighted eyes and his lips parted though they would not speak.

She passed her tinkling hand through his hair, calling him a little rascal.

—Give me a kiss, she said.

His lips would not bend to kiss her. He wanted to be held firmly in her arms, to be caressed slowly, slowly, slowly. In her arms he felt that he had suddenly become strong and fearless and sure of himself. But his lips would not bend to kiss her.

With a sudden movement she bowed his head and joined her lips to his and he read the meaning of her movements in her frank uplifted eyes. It was too much for him. He closed his eyes, surrendering himself to her, body and mind, conscious of nothing in the world but the dark pressure of her softly parting lips. They pressed upon his brain as upon his lips as though they were the vehicle of a vague speech; and between them he felt an unknown and timid pressure, darker than the swoon of sin, softer than sound or odour.”
James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Rupi Kaur
“on days
like this
i need you to
run your fingers
through my hair
and speak softly

- you”
Rupi Kaur, milk and honey

Roman Payne
“Spanish rain,
A maiden’s dress,
Apothecary pills
And ancient thrills;
Melancholy kills
A girl’s caress.”
Roman Payne

Roman Payne
“Spanish rain,
A maiden’s dress,
Apothecary pills
And ancient thrills;
Melancholy kills
A girl’s caress.
(—Roman Payne; Valencia, Spain, November 2nd 2012)”
Roman Payne

Kamand Kojouri
“Knowing you,
I became mindless.
Having wasted previous wishes,
I'm riddled with regrets

Feeling you,
I became hopeless.
Adrift in chasms,
I surrender to a caress.

Loving you,
I became love.
My universe became love.
Planets rotate on love's axes and
apples fall to be near their beloveds.

No longer a rationalist, I assert my existence with love.
I love, therefore
I exist,
therefore I
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Autumn has come
and reason has gone.
Yesterday, I sold the sun for you
and tonight the stars are running away from me.
When you first spoke,
you slowly annihilated my world.
Your mouth was like the sea —
in your kisses I sank.
Your hands were like the ocean —
in your caresses I sank.
I ask for no salvation on this moonless night.
I only ask for more Autumn.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
Do you see
that you can’t hear snowfall?
Do you sense
that you can’t see love?
Do you grasp
that you can’t catch poems?
Smell this glass.
Go on taste this cloud.
These material senses won’t get you far until
you feel
the velvet glove caress your soul.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“I've written you sixty-seven love poems.
Here’s another one for you.
But really, for me.
These poems are the candles that I light
with the fire you have ignited in me.
I place this candle here and another there
so even if the stars have argued with the moon
and are sulking away in a corner,
you can still find your way to me.
Sixty-eight poems now. What
does the future hold for us?
Joy? Disappointment? Gentle caresses? And subtle neglect?
I hope the good is more than the bad. Much more.
For what is the point of love
if by lighting these candles
our own flame loses its brightness?
I know the good is more than the bad.
Much more.
I cannot wait to write you sixty-nine.”
Kamand Kojouri

Scott Hastie
“Open the doors of your heart and they will come…
And for every cruel arrow,
Sweet caresses of delirium also
To nourish your soul.”
Scott Hastie

Anne Brontë
“It is natural for our unamiable sex to dislike the creatures, for you ladies lavish so many caresses upon them.”
Anne Brontë, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Stella Payton
“When bodies talk, a hand brushing across a face declares love the tongue never speaks. When bodies talk, eyes make promises and lips keep them in the silent transfer of vows of the heart.
When bodies talk, a steady stare and firm glance becomes a rod of correction.
When bodies talk, they speak to us all in quiet whispers, heart-to-heart, and soul-to-soul, in soundless conversations.”
Stella Payton

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When a woman is romantically subdued, all she does at that moment is under the influence of her desires.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Munia Khan
“Only mountains can feel the frozen warmth of the sun through snow's gentle caress on their peaks”
Munia Khan

Katie McGarry
“Soft fingers grip my wrist and forearm. My eyes shoot to hers, but she’s too busy fussing over the noncut to notice how her caress is turning me inside out. In a good way. In a strange way. In a way I haven’t felt since...Beth.”
Katie McGarry, Crash into You

Thomm Quackenbush
“Though her body fit with his like a puzzle piece, his mind was an ever-shifting riddle she felt she could study her whole life and never fully solve. She spent the most time touching him, caressing him, massaging the secrets from his shoulders and embarrassments from his lower back.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Flies to Wanton Boys

Brooke Templar
“The Frenchman showed her a great deal of Paris that day, saying over lunch at a café that it was impossible to see everything of interest in so short a time." And of course the sights are only one aspect; there's also the theatre, the markets, clubs, festivals, gardens and much more. "

Delta smiled dreamily; it sounded wonderful.

Enjoying her smile, Valois gave her cheek a playful caress. "If I try hard enough, you may never want to leave.”
Brooke Templar, The Frenchman

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“First love will approach, caress and then embrace you. Afterwards, it will start pulling itself out slowly. Leaving you with its opposite feelings; which is hate.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Sarah J. Maas
“A soft breeze laced with the scent of roses slipped in through the open windows to caress my face.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Virginia Woolf
“…that beautiful voice which made everything she said sound like a caress,”
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“He who bears the tears of yesteryears and fears the cares of tomorrow needs comfort today.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“It's almost impossible to resist the caress of the tears on your face.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“So, you want to FEEL something. You’re tired of feeling numb. Your body is aching to be touched... caressed... until you can feel the rapture of being alive.”
Lebo Grand

Radostina A. Angelova
“Защото споделената ласка създава чудеса, може дори да сътвори дъжд.”
Radostina A. Angelova, Обратната страна

Stephanie Laurens
“That's obviously my cue to depart."
Patience grinned. "Coward," she whispered, as he passed her chair.
A heartbeat later, he'd swung about and bent over her, his breath feathering the side of her neck. His strength flowed around her, surrounded her.
"Incidentally," he murmured, in his deepest purr, "I meant what I said about the daybed." He paused. "So, if you have the slightest inkling of self-preservation, you won't move from this chair." Cool, hard lips brushed her ear, then slid lower, to lightly caress, with just the barest touch, the sensitive skin beneath her jaw. Patience lost the fight and shivered; her lids lowered.
Vane tipped her chin up; his lips touched hers in a fleeting, achingly incomplete kiss.”
Stephanie Laurens, A Rake's Vow

“The caress of each word becoming
with the page.
beneath the touch of the pen,
a trail of permanent kisses,
until they reach
N'Zuri Za Austin, Fragments of a Reflection: Short Stories & Poetry

Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev
“So, when the gods finally lit the stars for the night, and the moon had slipped into a pond of darkness, I watched little rays of starlight twirl in full-bodied color on her celestial face. I wanted to stretch out my hands and caress her, to take hold of her and say, “Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God.” Like Jacob wrestling that terrible angel, I, too, wanted to grasp her—if only for a temporal second—so that I could encounter the divine. But I dared not disturb what was sacred, so I let her sleep. “Goddamn it,” I said under my breath. “I am going to immortalize you.”
Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev, Vanishing Bodies: An Epic Science Fiction Romance