Certainties Quotes

Quotes tagged as "certainties" Showing 1-15 of 15
Erik Pevernagie
“What a relief it is when we have the power to detach ourselves from ourselves, laugh at our pathetic weaknesses, and get the knack of sweeping away the certainties that are not essential in our lives. (" Steaming ahead ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Veronica Rossi
“And in life, at least her new life, chances were the best she could hope for. They were like her rocks. Imperfect and surprising and maybe better in the long run than certainties. Chances, she thought, WERE life.”
Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

Erik Pevernagie
“If we can step back at times and have the guts to carve doubt in the concrete stone of our certainties, we can hear the beat of a thinking heart. While listening to the stirring of our deep selves and striving to squeeze through the thicket of our intentions, we may find an atoning venue of understanding and sympathy. (" Beware of the neighbor ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Michael Ben Zehabe
“Iran. Hot for certainties, but all us women get are rhymes. Always a metaphor; always a clever turn of phrase; always quoting poets without giving a direct answer. Give us definitive wedding dates. That's certainty! Those are the certainties we ache for--as certain as the sunlight that our sun-loving botany aches for.”
Michael Benzehabe, Persianality

Truman Capote
“It was like the time he'd failed algebra and felt so relieved, so free: failure was definite, a certainty, and there is always peace in certainties.”
Truman Capote, The Grass Harp, Including A Tree of Night and Other Stories

Amit Kalantri
“A certain way to have financial security in life is not enough savings, but enough ability.”
Amit Kalantri

Jorge Luis Borges
“It's enough that if I am rich in anything, it is in perplexities rather then in certaintes.”
Jorge Luis Borges

“The real certainties and uncertainties of tomorrow are hidden to all. We however hope for a tomorrow to do what we have to do tomorrow because we think we shall surely have a tomorrow. Worry therefore not about tomorrow and understand instead that once there shall be a tomorrow, there shall be a good tomorrow. If there shall be a good tomorrow, then there shall be a good tomorrow for you. Stay positive!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Suppose that we could close our eyes today and see the real certainties and uncertainties of tomorrow, we would have never wished to open our eyes again for the real certainties and uncertainties of tomorrow never ends!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

William Gibson
“No," said Blackwell, "she won't, because that would be a violation of the very personal terms I will have established in our conversation. That's the key word here, Laney, 'personal.' 'Up close, and.' We will not meet, we will not carve out this deep and meaningful and bloody unforgettable episode of mutual face-time as representatives of our respective faceless corporations. Not at all. It's one-on-one time for your Kathy and I, and it may well prove to be as intimate, and I may hope enlightening, as any she ever had. Because I will bring a new certainty into her life, and we all need certainties. They help build character. And I will leave your Kathy with the deepest possible conviction that if she crosses me, she will die-but only after she's been made to desire that, absolutely." And Black-well's smile, then, giving Laney the full benefit of his dental prosthesis, was hideous. "Now how was it exactly you were supposed to contact her, to give her your decision?”
William Gibson, Idoru

Steven Redhead
“The first step is always identifying both the certainties and uncertainties.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Cocktail

Juan Goytisolo
“Each organism lived its cycle, whether long or short, then died. Only the animal and vegetable species didn’t know they were dying and his – the inhuman – did. He was tormented by the idea of leaving the world, not the natural business of leaving it, but because he would depart before extracting a possible meaning: so-called experience had alienated him from life and its rhythms, his thirst for knowledge had led to an unlearning of all wisdom and certainties. All that remained of him was the shadow projected from the window of a train hurtling towards an unknown destination.”
Juan Goytisolo, Blind Rider