Change The World Quotes

Quotes tagged as "change-the-world" Showing 91-120 of 565
Sebastián Wortys
“English:" We can't be happy in an unhappy world, so we need to change our surroundings. "

Česky: „V nešťastném světě nebudeme šťastní,
tak musíme měnit okolí vlastní.”
Sebastián Wortys

Marie Lu
“Goodness can be no single leader. No solitary person.
Goodness is friends who stick by you, even when they fear you’re lost. It’s mothers you fight for their daughters. It’s believing in something better—and taking action to make it reality. It’s love, untainted and pure.”
Marie Lu, Steelstriker

Sebastián Wortys
“English:" Change how people think and you would change the world. "

Česky: „Změňte myšlení lidí a změníte celý svět.”
Sebastián Wortys, Vtiposcifilo-z/s-ofie

“I cannot change the world.
You cannot change the world.
Even prayer alone doesn't change the world.
Only God can change the world!
However, God uses prayer to change us, and then God uses us to change our world.”
Dave Ferguson, BLESS: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World

“In a world of knowledge and expertise, fame and fortune, status and ranks....nothing has the power to effect change as much as love and compassion.”
KA Chinery, Perceptions From the Photon Frequency: the ascended version

Sukant Ratnakar
“When leaders evolve systems and systems evolve people, we land up in a system of deadlocks.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Sukant Ratnakar
“Systems are static, but people are dynamic. When leaders design systems to evolve people, bureaucracy is born.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Sukant Ratnakar
“In a pyramid structure, evolution is so much in leaders' control because leaders evolve systems and systems evolve people. What if leaders stop evolving?”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Carlos Wallace
“The game has not only changed, but it is also permanently revised to reflect how things should have been generations ago!”
Carlos Wallace

“Today is a new day!
Let's go out there and change the world.”
Charmaine J. Forde

Dele Ola
“We can only improve our own and other’s situations with work. We change the world through what we do.”
Dele Ola, Pursuit of Personal Leadership: Practical Principles of Personal Achievement

Eduardo  Clemente
“Rebels are the ones that truly change the world, they don’t accept the status quo and have the courage to do something about it.”
Eduardo Clemente

“Technology has rocketed us into the future with no maps to help us navigate this uncharted territory.”
Michele Hunt

Abhijit Naskar
“It's the middle and backbenchers who change the world, whereas toppers and front benchers only make good employees.”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Reformist or Terrorist: If You Are Terror I Am Your Grandfather

Germany Kent
“Indulge your taste for diversity and inclusion. Declare that you are a force for good and will not settle to accept what is unjust for humanity. Dare to say that you will be a difference maker and help change the narrative for generations to come.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“People have to be less internally focused and show more of a desire to help others in order to create change for the better, have a real impact, and make a genuine difference in the world.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Women get busy empowering girls. Plant a seed today that will promote leadership skills, critical thinking, and creativity, to give youth the boost they need to blossom and shine in this world.”
Germany Kent

“We Live like enemies why we are friends, We live like lions, why we are humans, why letting evil take away our mind, why letting our soul be corrupt by money, why letting everyone hate you while you are kind. It's not late to use the humanity god gave you, is not late to open your eyes and see hope.”
Christen Kuikoua

Tehmina Durrani
“Change the world with your way of life, one day it will change the direction of the people.”
Tehmina Durrani, Edhi: A Mirror To The Blind

Tehmina Durrani
“Start small, I always reminded myself. It was in keeping with the respect for labour that my parents had instilled in me. My father had often said," No labour is an insult, the lowest form is dignified and worthy of respect. Start from the lowest rung. "Think big I reminded myself. My father also used to say," It is important to think without limitations. Confining ideas stunt potential.”
Tehmina Durrani, Edhi: A Mirror To The Blind

Germany Kent
“Stay committed to changing the world, volunteering, and creating the good.”
Germany Kent

“We have seen viruses which reproduced themselves in packs to do evil, but we have also seen the atom, which when split in half, destroy itself and the viruses, thus, generating a power never seen on the face of the Earth.
A little bit later in eternity, we have met with the nucleus whose individual fission produces in profusion more than what the atom ever imagined. - On the Power of the Little Guy”
Lamine Pearlheart, Awakening

“We have seen viruses which reproduced themselves in packs to do evil, but we have also seen the atom, which when split in half, destroys itself and the viruses, thus, generating a power never seen on the face of the Earth.
A little bit later in eternity, we have met with the nucleus whose individual fission produces in profusion more than what the atom ever imagined. - On the Power of the Little Guy”
Lamine Pearlheart, Awakening

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Change yourself and you will have begun the process of changing the world. Reverse that order and all that you will change is your level of frustration.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Trisha North

There are such small hands
In this world that are molding
Such big ideas”
Trisha North, Wordsmith

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I don’t want to waste my time winning an election. Rather, I want to invest my time in changing the world.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Anath Lee Wales
“Anyone is able to change themself, and sometimes changing yourself can change everything to anyone around you”
Anath Lee Wales, your life can be changed.: the true guide to become a change maker!

Abhijit Naskar
“If life had rejected mutation 3 billion years ago, we'd still be crawling around as single cell organism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans