Charity Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "charity-quotes" Showing 61-90 of 219
“What you can give to the world is greater than what you can get out of it.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“In a world starving for validity, the truth, when spoken at the right moment, can be one of the purest and most helpful forms of charity.”
Lamine Pearlheart, To Life from the Shadows

Germany Kent
“Today, somehow in some way, I will manage to help somebody who doesn't look or talk like me, someone who is in need and doesn't care about the outer me, someone who is hopefully able to recognize a sincere gesture of kindness and love.”
Germany Kent

“Baba instilled in us a strong sense of community, and he wanted us to always give to those who didn't have." You don't give the money to the church, mosque, government, or anyone else for that matter; you give it to the needy yourself. Don't always count on the middle man. The money you are spending in God's name is the money that benefits those in need.”
Hani Selim, Osama's Jihad

Germany Kent
“Your giving does not have to reflect mine. Be your own kind of ripple. If you have some extra time, give it to a shelter. If you have a special trade, mentor or give advice. If you have a business, give free samples. If you have arms, give hugs. Just give in your own capacity, where you are and watch what a difference that one gesture can make.”
Germany Kent

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Charity is any kind act. No matter how little it may appear before others.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Germany Kent
“Commit yourself to being a trusted voice of light and truth. Reach back and help somebody and stay committed to being the change you want to see in the world.”
Germany Kent

Nicky Verd
“The fastest way to kill creativity and human potential in any community is to keep feeding them freebies. Charity cannot cure poverty”
Nicky Verd

“What you give to the world is greater than what you can get out of it.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Be a little wise, look for the needy and offer your charity-
Adore the poor who extended you such noble opportunity.”
Amit Kaul

“If the charity, earned from theft makes the God happy and favourable of you, a heartily tribute to the martyr with the money earned by corruption is praiseworthy.

Sharad Kashyap”

Germany Kent
“It is in the pursuits for the good of humanity and through purposeful deeds and endeavors that you own your power and soar to extraordinary levels of living.”
Germany Kent

Eileen Anglin
“I really admire people in the public eye, who have affluence and celebrity, who give back, who take a stand and take action. When you have been blessed with abundance and a platform and you bring attention to a cause, or do something to help the world, those are the people who inspire me.”
Eileen Anglin

“Orphaned children are equally deserving of unconditional support and love, the world is much stronger when the vulnerable are also strengthened.”
Wayne Chirisa

“…the generosity of the fortunate can shape the lives of many unfortunates…”
M.K. Aarnik, Just Another Complicated Story

Victor Kwegyir
“Establish your identity, be bold and clear in what you are delivering, either as a business for profit, a charity or social enterprise. The customer has too much on their mind to keep wondering.”
Victor Kwegyir, The Business You Can Start: Spotting The Greatest Opportunities In The Economic Downturn

“When you care about people who don't care about you and you give people who would never give you.
It's called CHARITY.
Not all humans need something in return.”
Ojingiri Hannah

“A charitable donation resembles shared strength and brings renewed hope to a vulnerable community.”
Wayne Chirisa

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“Our work for nonprofits begins and ends with love. From the ancient Greek, philo means" loving, fond of, tending to” and anthropos means "humankind" or "humanity" So, Philanthropy is brotherly love for mankind.

You are the heart and hands of your community: people, creatures, and the world itself are counting on your success. No pressure.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, Build your Boat...Reach your Destination: Nonprofit Startups

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The proper way of giving charity is to give only to those who are truly in need.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Resistance To Intolerance

“In order to keep on living a fulfilling life, we must continue to seek ways to give back to others.”
Major Mike Russell

Germany Kent
“Even if you are retired, you still have a responsibility to be a servant leader in society. Your talents are needed in the community. Live on purpose. Thrive, give back, and make a difference where you are.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Society needs more doers and lovers of humanity. The more good you do, the more lives you touch and the impact becomes greater for generations to come.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Your influence can build a village. You owe it to the world to be a positive change for others.”
Germany Kent