Choose Quotes

Quotes tagged as "choose" Showing 121-150 of 516
Sukant Ratnakar
“Choose the work that connects with your soul.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

“If your enemies can't beat, you. They choose to use your own people against you to destroy, beat and defeat you. They choose people within your circle. People who you are close to you. One of your own. They will make sure that you turn against each other, because that is how you will lose your power. If you are strong enough to survive your enemies, then don’t choose self hate. It will also destroy you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Ray Dalio
“This looked to me like another one of those fork-in-the-road cases in which I had to choose between one of two seemingly essential but mutually exclusive options: 1) being radically truthful with each other including probing to bring our problems and weaknesses to the surface so we could deal with them forthrightly and 2) having happy and satisfied employees. And it reminded me that when faced with the choice between two things you need that are seemingly at odds, go slowly to figure out how you can have as much of both as possible. There is almost always a good path that you just haven’t figured out yet, so look for it until you find it rather than settle for the choice that is then apparent to you.”
Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

Ray Dalio
“Which solution you choose will be critically important to the direction of your life. The worst path you can take is the first. Denial can only lead to your constantly banging up against your weaknesses, having pain, and not getting anywhere. The second—accepting your weaknesses while trying to turn them into strengths—is probably the best path if it works. But some things you will never be good at and it takes a lot of time and effort to change. The best single clue as to whether you should go down this path is whether the thing you are trying to do is consistent with your nature (i.e., your natural abilities). The third path—accepting your weaknesses while trying to find ways around them—is the easiest and typically the most viable path, yet it is the one least followed. The fourth path, changing what you are going after, is also a great path, though it requires flexibility on your part to get past your preconceptions and enjoy the good fit when you find it.”
Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

“I used tell people that I never was ambitious, so I won’t be disappointed. In fact, that way, you may feel a sense of surprise when you do achieve. So to my younger self, I’ll say: don’t be too fixed about what you want to do, just go for it. Whatever it is you choose, never look back and regret.”
Chan Heng Chee

Anthony T. Hincks
“You choose what you learn, just as you choose what you fail at.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Why would one person choose one religion over another one?
I guess that it comes down to, faith.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Matt Fitzgerald
“Exercising mental fitness was a daily battle for him, but a battle he chose.”
Matt Fitzgerald, How Bad Do You Want It? Mastering the Psychology of Mind over Muscle

“Our problems, We choose to judge and laugh at other people. Instead of choosing to help and to support them. Especially, When they are going through some things.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Richie Norton
“Work to me does not represent dollars earned. Too many ways to make money. Work to me means freedom of time. You reap the measure of your work when you work for what you measure. Choose your measure.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Work to me does not represent dollars earned. Too many ways to make money. Work to me means freedom of time. You reap the measure of your work when you work for what you measure. Choose your measure. Money and meaning can go together.”
Richie Norton

Matt Fitzgerald
“This isn’t how I would have chosen my life to turn out at all, but maybe this is my way of fulfilling my life’s purpose and trying to raise awareness for these rare diseases that really do actually need it.”
Matt Fitzgerald, The Comeback Quotient: A Get-Real Guide to Building Mental Fitness in Sport and Life

“Don’t choose to give up in your dreams, because some people don’t understand them. You should fight for them to become a reality. When you have a dream to fulfill. You can’t live or behave the way other people who don’t have a dream live or behave. You can’t spend your time the way they spend their time. Don’t be distracted in your mission.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Richie Norton
“When you choose output value over time put in, you increase your available time and your value.”
Richie Norton

“Some choose to be controlled by hate. Hate changes the way they see things or other people. The way they think and reason. The way they view things. What they say and how they behave. Hate takes away kindness, empathy, remorse, humanity, conscious and respect from them.

Some choose to be controlled by love. Love changes the way they see things or other people. The way they think and reason. The way they view things. What they say and how they behave. Love gives them kindness, empathy, remorse, humanity, conscious and respect. You always have a choice, and You choose what controls you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Deena Kastor
“Sometimes she chose to stay home while Coach traveled, prioritizing her own schedule and needs. Her independence reassured me. Caroline’s ability to balance independence and devotion, though, showed me it could be achieved.”
Deena Kastor, Let Your Mind Run: A Memoir of Thinking My Way to Victory

“Without a vision, how can you choose your vocation?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Adam M. Grant
“Our companies, communities, and countries don’t necessarily suffer from a shortage of novel ideas. They’re constrained by a shortage of people who excel at choosing the right novel ideas.”
Adam Grant, Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World

“You don't choose your circumstances but you must be courageous to conquer.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Choose to deal with your problems, before your problems choose to deal with you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“We can’t choose the colour of our skin. We can’t choose the family we are born into. We can’t choose to be tall or short, right or left-handed, just as how we can’t choose to be born male or female, gay or straight. But I believe there are many things in life that we can choose. We can choose to embrace and treat our fellow human beings, including our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, equally, and with kindness, dignity and respect. We can choose to raise our children to be secure and confident in who they are and to teach all our young ones to be compassionate and accepting of those who are different from them. We can choose to be big-hearted and open-minded as a society, one where all Singaporeans—no matter our race, language, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity—can feel included and feel a part of this place we call home.”
Janice Koh

“If you choose to focus on people and on what they say. Instead of choosing to focus on how to come up, with a solution for your problems. That means your problems are not serious or big enough. Your problems don’t bother you,but people do.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Where people are making a living by killing others and hating on others. Being mean to others is a career these days. People are being paid to be mean, vile and cruel to someone. Those people are happy In pushing someone to the edge to be unhappy and miserable, because of their words or action. The very same people who preach be kind to others everyday. Choose to do better. Be careful, before you choose to support someone for being mean to others. They might be earning in recruiting you to hate. Being evil might be a good trend,but it is a bad trait.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“We live in strange times.
Where people are making a living by killing others and hating on others. Being mean to others is a career these days. People are being paid to be mean, vile and cruel to someone. Those people are happy In pushing someone to the edge to be unhappy and miserable, because of their words or action. The very same people who preach be kind to others everyday. Choose to do better. Be careful, before you choose to support someone for being mean to others. They might be earning in recruiting you to hate. Being evil might be a good trend,but it is a bad trait.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Don’t choose to turn your back on other people, because of other people. Don't choose to mistreat other people, because you want to please certain people.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“In life you must choose If you will be first one to do it in your family, In your hood, amongst your friends or you will be the only one to do It In your family, In your hood, amongst your friends. It Is all possible through you. You choose If you are the key or the gate keeper.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“If something It is not working the way, It should.
Then there should be a change. You choose, If It Is a change of behavior, change of character, change of mindset, change of heart, change of perception, change of attitude, change of principle, change of methods, change of location or change of life.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Choose to validate yourself,because people you are waiting to validate you. Might not know you. Might not know what you are doing or what are you trying to achieve. Might not understand you. Might not like or love you. Might not get you. Choose not to wait for Validation or approval from anyone. Be bold and confidence. Trust yourself and your ability.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Either you choose to destroy what others have built for themselves by how you talk, what you say about them and what you do, or you are choosing to make something of yourself. You can’t have both at the same time. You can’t have what they have, without working for it, no matter how bad you destroy them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“There is nothing more celebrated in the hood than the downfall of another person. How can you choose to be happy, because other people are failing to make it? We even have a saying that says another man’s loss is another man’s gain. Why can’t we all choose to gain and share? Choose to support everyone you know who is doing something. Even if they failed. By lifting others, we lift ourselves.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos