Circumstances Quotes

Quotes tagged as "circumstances" Showing 61-90 of 423
“Dwelling in the web of regret doesn't change the past. However, any amount of gratitude can change the present of how you view the circumstances that you are in.”
Lisa J. Morris

Santosh Kalwar
“Problems arise from the most ordinary of all circumstances, and in a world such as we live in, these problems are generally overlooked.”
Santosh Kalwar, Where the Pandemic Started

Becky Vollmer
“It takes a great personal audacity to question the status quo, to take exception to it, to redefine it, and, ultimately, decide for your Self what “normal” is going to be. But guess what? That autonomy to choose your own circumstances is your birthright.”
Becky Vollmer, You Are Not Stuck: How Soul-Guided Choices Transform Fear into Freedom

Penelope Lively
“And when you and I talk about history we don't mean what actually happened, do we? The cosmic chaos of everywhere, all time? We mean the tidying up of this into books, the concentration of the benign historical eye upon years and places and persons. History unravels; circumstances, following their natural inclination, prefer to remain ravelled.”
Penelope Lively, Moon Tiger

Nitin Namdeo
“A person who is happy with himself, external circumstances can never make him sad.”
Nitin Namdeo

“Want to know a secret? You can be happy! You can choose to be happy, and in the vast majority of circumstances there’s no one who can stop YOU except yourself!”
Dee Waldeck

“To be yourself in changing circumstances is the courage of life.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

In all circumstances.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Adam J. Kurtz
“Things will happen unexpectedly and you may be impacted in a way you were not prepared for. (This is actually extremely likely.)”
Adam J. Kurtz, You Are Here (For Now): A Guide to Finding Your Way

J.J. Abrams
“Time and circumstances change us.

We are sums of our experiences? Or do some of them change us in fundamental ways?”
J.J. Abrams, S.

“Without circumstances no courage could be developed.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“You don't choose your circumstances but you must be courageous to conquer.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“We bend under the circumstances to break them.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Steven Redhead
“Some people create or manipulate circumstances to suit themselves irrespective of whatever the impact may be upon anyone.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Steven Redhead
“Avoid letting circumstances dictate and control your thoughts.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Steven Redhead
“Don't become a victim of circumstances by surrendering control of your life to obscure things that determine what happens to you.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Steven Redhead
“Uncontrolled circumstances can create unexpected or unwanted outcomes that are driven totally by chance rather than specific choices to bring about exactly what is personally required.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Steven Redhead
“Surprises that weren't anticipated will always have the potential to change circumstances drastically without much notice.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Rose Wilder Lane
“Nobody can plan the actions of even a thousand living persons, separately. Anyone attempting to control millions must divide them into classes, and make a plan applying to these classes.

But these classes do not exist. No two persons are alike. No two are in the same circumstances; no two have the same abilities; beyond getting the barest necessities of life, no two have the same desires.

Therefore the men who try to enforce, in real life, a planned economy that is their theory, come up against the infinite diversity of human beings. The most slavish multitude of men that was ever called "demos" or "labor" or "capital" or "agriculture" or "the masses," actually are men; they are not sheep.

Naturally, by their human nature, they escape in all directions from regulations applying to non-existent classes. It is necessary to increase the number of men who supervise their actions. Then (for officials are human, too) it is necessary that more men supervise the supervisors. Still, individuals will continue to act individually, in ways that they plan. These ways do not fit into Authority's plan. So still more men are needed, imperatively needed, to stop or to supervise these new ways of acting; and more men to supervise these supervisors; and more men to co-ordinate the constantly increasing complexity of all this supervision.

An attempt to exercise a control of individuals that in reality does not exist, must increase in volume.”
Rose Wilder Lane

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It is in learning to live in our circumstances that we learn how to live above them.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“The [asylum-seeking] children are embodying a sociocultural phenomenon. Their story has been written across nations, in a combination that has made them unique. It has been impacted by poor social circumstances, poor nutrition, epigenetics, abusers, authority figures, politicians, parents, doctors and the media.”
Suzanne O'Sullivan, The Sleeping Beauties: And Other Stories of Mystery Illness

“In most cases, givers do not mind giving to people who would not help them. Takers know that very well and use such circumstances to obtain gifts from the givers with nothing to offer in return.”

“Without circumstances, there is no change.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The oddity of it all is that I can do absolutely nothing, yet I am capable of doing absolutely everything. Such a perplexing dichotomy can only be explained by whether I have invited God into my circumstances, or I neglected to mail the invitation.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Don't be upset if God doesn't answer your urgent prayers, He may be protecting you from unforseen circumstances.”
Ojingiri Hannah

Mark Allen Moore
“Expectations and faith can go hand in hand or they can run counter to each other. It all depends on where our expectations are placed. Are they placed in the outcome or are they placed in who He is? You see, if our expectations are anchored in the outcome, we will be disappointed and lose faith when the outcome does not match up with what we expected. God’s goodness will come into question, and we will be in danger of losing faith in Him.”
Mark Allen Moore, Shattered: Finding Hope and Purpose in the Midst of Disappointment

Danny Trejo
“...I learned I didn't have to be a slave to my circumstances. I could look beyond the prison walls from within the prison walls by changing who I was. Letting go of drugs was getting a gorilla off my back. I could face any scenario without turning to chemicals to protect my soul. Taking it day by day, I didn't need to feel guilt and regret and anger for the past. I didn't need to fear the future. Those things were outside of me and I could just be.”
Danny Trejo, Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood

“Circumstances crushed hopes
and new hopes rose
from the ashes
of the burned desires.
Her incredible Hulk - hopes
then never let any glass ceiling
go without smashes.”
Spriha Kant

Olawale Daniel
“If you glory in the gory situations of things around you while others are struggling to cope with the challenges imposed by the deficiency, don't be surprised when you begin to share in the aftermath of the circumstances of your conscious and unconscious decisions. What goes around will surely comes around, someday!”
Olawale Daniel