Contact Quotes

Quotes tagged as "contact" Showing 1-30 of 71
Albert Hofmann
“It's very, very dangerous to lose contact with living nature.”
Albert Hofmann

Megan Miranda
“My mother always wanted to live near the water," she said. "She said it's the one thing that brings us all together. That I can have my toe in the ocean off the coast of Maine, and a girl my age can have her toe in the ocean off the coast of Africa, and we would be touching. On opposite sides of the world.”
Megan Miranda, Vengeance

Stefan Molyneux
“There is no key to open the heart of another - except curiosity.”
Stefan Molyneux

George Santayana
“Scepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and it is shameful to surrender it too soon or to the first comer: there is nobility in preserving it coolly and proudly through long youth, until at last, in the ripeness of instinct and discretion, it can be safely exchanged for fidelity and happiness.”
George Santayana

Jane Jacobs
“[Public housing projects] are not lacking in natural leaders,' [Ellen Lurie, a social worker in East Harlem] says. 'They contain people with real ability, wonderful people many of them, but the typical sequence is that in the course of organization leaders have found each other, gotten all involved in each others' social lives, and have ended up talking to nobody but each other. They have not found their followers. Everything tends to degenerate into ineffective cliques, as a natural course. There is no normal public life. Just the mechanics of people learning what s going on is so difficult. It all makes the simplest social gain extra hard for these people.”
Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Carl Sagan
“There were human cultures that taught an afterlife of the blessed on mountaintops or in clouds in caverns or oases but she could not recall any in which if you were very very good when you died you went to the beach.”
Carl Sagan

Michael Ben Zehabe
“People need to know that they are not alone, that they have not been abandoned. Basic human contact—the meeting of eyes, the exchanging of words—is to the psyche what oxygen is to the brain. If you’re feeling abandoned by the world, interact with healthy people, if they can be found.
Michael Ben Zehabe, Ruth: a woman’s guide to husband material, pg 43”
Michael Ben Zehabe, Ruth: A Woman's Guide to Husband Material

Lindsay  Ellis
“...she was struck suddenly that he wasn’t unfathomable at all. They were both made of the same star stuff. The same primordial fires that had coalesced to form their respective planets had been so close, on a grand cosmic scale. A near-infinite universe, and they were practically next-door neighbors. Looking into his eyes was like looking into ten billion years of history, like she could see the particles and rocks and gasses coalesce over eons, until somehow, impossibly, here they both were.”
Lindsay Ellis, Axiom's End

Kipjo K. Ewers
“When it becomes acceptable to kill another man or woman, childhood dies.” whispered Laurence. “When it becomes acceptable to kill a child…humanity dies.”
Kipjo Kenyatta Ewers, Eye of Ra

Steve Goodier
“Human touch is vital. Without it, we wither. With it, we thrive. And it is good preventive medicine.”
Steve Goodier, Touching Moments: 60-Second Readings That Touch the Mind and the Heart

Carl Sagan
“Why should God be so clear in the Bible and so obscure in the world?”
Carl Sagan, Contact

K. Weikel
“Staying safe might be the best option, especially if he contacted you in the midst of danger. Because of that, you either mean a whole lot to him or nothing at all.”
K. Weikel, Replay: Reboot

Michel Tournier
“La tendresse maternelle et l'érotisme des amants ne sont que des aspects particuliers de l'ardent besoin de contact physique qui fait le fond de la chair et du cœur.”
Michel Tournier, La Goutte d'or

Steven Magee
“When I discovered how serious my girlfriend’s sex addiction was, the only way I could deal with it was to cut off all contact with her!”
Steven Magee

Herman Melville
“Are there no Moravians in the Moon, that not a missionary has yet visited this poor pagan planet of ours to civilize civilization and Christianize Christendom?”
Herman Melville, White-Jacket or The World in a Man-of-War

Carl Sagan
“Anything you don't understand, Mr. Rankin, you attribute to God. God for you is where you sweep away all the mysteries of the world, all the challenges to our intelligence. You simply turn your mind off and say God did it.”
Carl Sagan, Contact

Carl Sagan
“This planet is run by crazy people. Remember what they have to do to get where they are. Their perspective is so narrow, so...brief. A few years. In the best of them a few decades. They care only about the time they are in power.”
Carl Sagan, Contact

Graham Hancock
“Traces of the same spiritual concepts and symbolism that enlighten the Egyptian texts are found all around the world among cultures that we can be certain were never in direct contact. Straightforward diffusion from one to the other is therefore not the answer, and 'coincidence' doesn't even begin to account for the level of detail in the similarities. The best explanation, in my view, is that we're looking at a legacy, shared worldwide, passed down from a single, remotely ancient source.”
Graham Hancock, America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization

Jessica Tom
“He pulled away and- just like at our meeting at Tellicherry- my skin sizzled with the memory of his touch. I still felt his chest against my shoulder blades, my butt against his hips, his arm curved around mine.
I couldn't decipher what he was doing with me. We had accidentally bumped into each other at Tellicherry and Whole Foods, but this, now, was intentional. But on whose part? The way he talked to me, looked at me... This morning, I never would have thought that I'd end up here, in Bakushan, with Chef Pascal Fox practically spooning me while teaching me knife skills.”
Jessica Tom, Food Whore

Steven Magee
“I feel very honored that the Hawaiian spirits chose to contact me.”
Steven Magee

“Mensen kunnen helpen, binnen een rechtstreeks contact, is een van de zaken die ons het meest gelukkig maken. Zorg voor onszelf loopt via zorg voor de ander, bij uitbreiding, via zorg voor de gemeenschap.”
Paul Verhaeghe, Intimiteit

Steven Magee
“All metal is energized with wireless radio frequency radiation and smart people avoid prolonged contact with it.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Contact with the police has left many people with a bad experience.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I have had sufficient contact with the police to observe the inherent corruption that is throughout the law enforcement system.”
Steven Magee

“The essence of things is not rationally knowable, and reality cannot be reduced to mechanistic frameworks. When realizing this, we can finally start to look for the essence of life where it truly can be found: in that which always escapes rationalization and mechanization, in that which dissapears from a conversation when you digitalize it, in the difference between the mother's womb and an artificial plastic womb, in the difference between the heat of an electric heater and that of a wood-burning stove, and so on.”
Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism

“Speaking leads to experiences of meaning and existence, at least if the one who speaks tries to express his subjective truth as honestly and sincerely as possible.”
Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Steven Magee
“One of the things I really like about coming into contact with police officers is I can request their body camera recordings afterwards!”
Steven Magee

Sarah J. Maas
“Cassian needed the contact. Always needed physical contact, he'd learned. Probably thanks to a childhood spent with precious little of it.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Steven Magee
“People could not contact family members during the historic August 2023 Maui wildfires.”
Steven Magee

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