Corporate World Quotes

Quotes tagged as "corporate-world" Showing 1-30 of 52
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Businesses are uniquely capable of creating social value and solving social problems - they have this wonderful fuel called the profit motive.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Maude Julien
“That is indeed the best way to dumb down the masses: make them do the same thing over and over; let them have their fireworks every Bastille Day and let them gorge themselves every New Year's Eve. When the body repeats the same action, the mind adopts it and keeps the repetition going day and night, stopping all thought processes.”
Maude Julien, The Only Girl in the World

Abhishek Ratna
“In the present day corporate world, it is utmost important to build a personal brand for yourself and anyone who knows the basics of brand-building would know that it is impossible without proper self promotion!”
Abhishek Ratna, No Parking. No Halt. Success Non Stop!

Colson Whitehead
“What's wrong with Disneyland? It brings joy to millions and tutors children about the corporate, overbranded world they've been born into.”
Colson Whitehead, The Noble Hustle: Poker, Beef Jerky, and Death

Amit Kalantri
“Entrepreneurship is not a theory, it is an experiment.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Amit Kalantri
“Every prosperous business was first a courageous decision to begin and then a constant determination to continue.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Amit Kalantri
“Consistent and limitless learning is the minimum requirement for being a money-making entrepreneur.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

John Taylor Gatto
“Any economy in which the most common tasks are the shuffling of paper, the punching of buttons, and the running of mouths isn’t an order into which we should be pushing kids as if such jobs there were the avenue to a good life.”
John Taylor Gatto, The Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation Into the Prison of Modern Schooling

“Thou shalt have liberty, but no will. - A Corporate Commandment”
Lamine Pearlheart

Abhijit Naskar
“It is only when a company cares for its consumers as much as the consumers care for its products or services, can we create a healthy consumer culture – or else, corporate irresponsibility and consumer stupidity will only create a shallow, snobbish, insecure and ignoramus society.”
Abhijit Naskar

Amit Kalantri
“Businesses built upon an idea of providing service will run longer than businesses built upon an idea of earning profit.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Amit Kalantri
“The more customers you keep, the fewer customers you have to find.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Amit Kalantri
“An entrepreneur's job is to find a problem that needs a solution and then produce a solution.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Amit Kalantri
“As you move from job seeker to job creator, you move from wages to wealth.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Aiyaz Uddin
“One of the greatest sins of the corporate world is to kill someone's potential to grow, evolve and innovate.”
Aiyaz Uddin

“The irony of corporate life is stubborn mediocrity. Most people never create or discover anything new but are helped by people of exceptional wisdom & expertise. The talent is often hidden in the silence and quietness of tired minds. The tired but active minds who always remain a side-kick not because they can't act but lack X Factor to be liked & discovered. The mediocrity is in both - the people who get the work done or people who take the credit. The people who get the work done remain mediocre towards acquiring an X Factor & people who take the credit in acquiring the required dedication & skills.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

“Curiosity is very interesting emotion we humans have. Some people goes deeper & deeper to find the causes & solutions; some people finds the causes on shallow level & give suggestions. This thirst of deepness may or may not give you anything but it gives so many ways of clarity that we become independent to live our own life.”
Sonal Takalkar

“Our designation shows our value & limits in any organization.”
Sonal Takalkar

“Instability is not a concern for today's organizations, satisfaction with worthiness is the biggest concern.”
Sonal Takalkar

“Best analytical skill is to find the simplest solution.”
Sonal Takalkar

“Commitment & perception must be always beyond people; people keeps changing & growing.”
Sonal Takalkar

“Real people finds no difference between personal & professional life.”
Sonal Takalkar

“I never hate those people who hated me worst; I just do my work sincerely.”
Sonal Takalkar

“Just give daily 30 minutes to the end of your work to plan the next day work. I always did the same at everywhere I worked. I never spend too much time in organizations. I always thought to make it easy for everyone. This is the magic of work you love.”
Sonal Takalkar

“My mission has completed today! I'm very happy to see the image of all together. Some people are missing. I don't know where are they? I hope they are growing with him. He lives his dream & others are living theirs. Sometimes passion is all what you get from surrounding. If you are living in lovely people, you always swim in the bonds of attachments. To create such field is very important for you. To make your mind strong is very important. To change yourself is very important. You shouldn't think on the past people & experiences. Sometimes to delete worst memories is very important. It's important to surround & celebrate with the people who bleeds to make you in benefit. It's very important to appreciate your best employee in front of others; not to demean others but to revise the next better performance. My role has been officially over today. I know my employer always loved the best ones. Why I was not in them is the failure which I need to resolve by myself. Sometimes, professionalism is the language to read the people & execute the work according to their best skills & get up to the desired results to hit the bulls-eye.”
Sonal Takalkar

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“The corporate world is contradictory to out-of-the-box concept as everything is communicated via inbox.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Slate

Binod Shankar
“The higher you go the lonelier you become. As you progress up the career ladder, things change dramatically. You will have far fewer colleagues; it gets increasingly lonely and there is much greater responsibility. The level of fear, uncertainty, and doubt will jump and so will stress levels. Hence, all the more reason why you should be a self-starter.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

Julieanne O'Connor
“Strange is the ordinary way in which Corporate America expects us to shrink from our full potential to get along.”
Julieanne O'Connor

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