Corruption Or Crime Quotes

Quotes tagged as "corruption-or-crime" Showing 1-8 of 8
“People don’t care about the law, justice, morals, ethics, respect, right or wrong, rape, gender-based violence, assault, corruption, crime, fraud or human rights.
They just want themselves and the people they love or like to get preference. To get away with everything wrong, not to be judged, and to be in power.
They want people they don’t like or love to suffer, be persecuted, trialed, arrested, and to be removed from power.
That is why they are biased and have double standards. Their concern has nothing to do with injustice but is just preference.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“South African law is not meant to govern any illegal and legal foreigners.
That is why the law is hard on its citizens but lenient on immigrants.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“We need politicians or political parties that will compete by service delivery, not the ones that will compete by stealing from the poor and from the country.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“In politics, 99.99% of the time. those with louder voices are the ones who are receiving invoices. It is not about ethics, morals or integrity. It is about the paycheck. There is no checkmate but it is a check payment.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Your current life situation should be the one motivating you to go and register to vote. People should not push you or beg you to go and register to vote.If you are not happy the way things are. If you are not happy with loadshedding, corruption, service delivery. If you’re not happy with the level of crime, health system, unemployment. If you are not happy with politicians, biased Media, Foundations, NGO’s, NPO’s, NPA, Judiciary, laws, institutions, police, or president. Please do yourself a favor and register to vote and vote. I know most if not all parties don’t inspire confidence. But it is better to take a chance on something than leaving things the way they are and allowing other people to have a say about the things that will change your life.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“In a country where those who are committing crime are supported, rewarded, applauded and promoted. In a country where no one is arrested for doing wrong or for breaking the law. No one is taking responsibility and accountability. It will make everyone in that country to voluntarily participate in committing crime. Everyone will eventually end up being corrupt or criminals including foreigners. It will be a competition or a dare for thieves on who steals more and who steals better. People everyday will ask themselves why should they bother being good and not committing a crime, when everyone is doing it. Crime stats will be so high and increasing everyday. It is a duty of the president and the cabinet ministers in making sure the law is followed.If not everyone in that country will commit crime and they will be ok with it. No one will see anything wrong. That includes the law enforcement or institution.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Literally everyday we must choose between being raped, assaulted, robbed, mugged, hijacked, scammed, abused, kidnapped, stabbed, killed, or do what we have to do to survive.
All of this can go away or can continue. It all depends on which party you choose to vote for.
Be careful of a party that only cares about votes and power and not about its people. It will do and say anything that includes putting you in harm’s way, cuddling with criminals, terrorists, and enemies. Most people choose to be of the problem not part of the solution by supporting corrupt and criminal parties and leaders because they hope to personally benefit in future.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You guys let people with physical beauty attributes distract you from the bad things they do. Someone might kill another person, be corrupt or commit fraud and tomorrow when they leak their own nudes. They will be your favorite people. That is why slay queens are used to commit crime.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos