Darth Vader Quotes

Quotes tagged as "darth-vader" Showing 1-30 of 35
Adam Silvera
“One night we argued for a solid hour over who would win in a duel between Lord Voldemort and Darth Vader. I'm surprised we're still friends.”
Adam Silvera, History Is All You Left Me

Matthew Woodring Stover
“This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker, forever:
The first dawn of light in your universe brings pain.
The light burns you. It will always burn you. Part of you will always lie upon black glass sand beside a lake of fire while flames chew upon your flesh.
You can hear yourself breathing. It comes hard, and harsh, and it scrapes nerves already raw, but you cannot stop it. You can never stop it. You cannot even slow it down.
You don’t even have lungs anymore. Mechanisms hardwired into your chest breathe for you. They will pump oxygen into your bloodstream forever.
Lord Vader? Lord Vader, can you hear me?
Matthew Woodring Stover, Star Wars, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Matthew Woodring Stover
“You killed her because, finally, when youcouldhave saved her, when you could have goneawaywith her, when you could have been thinking abouther,you were thinking aboutyourself...
It is in this blazing moment that you finally understand the trap of the dark side, the final cruelty of the Sith--
Because now yourselfis all you will ever have.”
Matthew Stover

Ian Doescher
“-No, I am thy father.”
Ian Doescher, William Shakespeare's The Empire Striketh Back

Rebecca Roanhorse
“Finn stepped forward immediately." Used to be a stormtrooper, but now I'm rebel scum, "he said, pressing a fist over his heart." Until the end. "
"My point," Poe said, turning back to Agoyo, "is that many of us have dubious beginnings, but it is how we end that counts."
"My father was Darth Vader," Leia said, pitching her voice so that it rang out clearly through the room, "Is there anyone who wants to question my loyalty to the Resistance?”
Rebecca Roanhorse, Resistance Reborn

Timothy Zahn
“The past is the past," Vader said. "The present and future are all that matter.”
Timothy Zahn, Thrawn: Alliances

Timothy Zahn
“For a long moment, they stood together in silence. Vader thought about his secret... about Thrawn's loyalty... about the Emperor's continued need for him. Perhaps the entire Empire's need for him..." Anakin Skywalker is dead, "he said.

Thrawn lowered his head. "I know."

Vader nodded slowly. *I know.* Not *So I have heard.* Not *So I was informed.* But *I know.* "We will not speak of him again," he said. "*You* will not speak of him again."

"I understand, my lord," Thrawn said. "But I will always honor his legacy.”
Timothy Zahn, Thrawn: Alliances

James Luceno
“Where Darth Sidious had gained everything, Vader had lost everything.”
James Luceno, Star Wars: Dark Lord - The Rise of Darth Vader

Alexander Freed
“Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director," the voice from the abyss said.”
Alexander Freed

“Rey found herself in his mind even as he invaded hers. She felt his rage, like a ruinous storm that filled his head, and his hatred, and his lust to dominate and humiliate those who had wronged him. But she also felt his hurt, and his loneliness. And his fear - that he would never prove as strong as Darth Vader, the ghost who haunted his dreams”
Jason Fry, Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Mackenzi Lee
“You'd be hard-pressed to find a human who can't hum the opening lines of Darth Vader's theme," The Imperial March, "or describe one of the iconic scenes it underscores in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. It would be far more difficult to find someone who knows that John Williams's longtime collaborator on that film and many others was Angela Morley, a transgender woman who is responsible for some of the most memorable scores in film and television.”
Mackenzi Lee, Bygone Badass Broads: 52 Forgotten Women Who Changed the World

Paul S. Kemp
“The past is a ghost that haunts us. Ghosts must be banished. Lingering on the past is weakness, Lord Vader.”
Paul S. Kemp, Lords of the Sith

Paul S. Kemp
“Rats always find their way off sinking ships.”
Paul S. Kemp, Lords of the Sith

Denis Markell
“At this moment, I know that the answer has to be yes. I am defeated. By my own father. How Darth Vader.”
Denis Markell, Click Here to Start

Alexander Freed
“His voice was metallic and deep and resonant, his breath a rasping hiss underneath the impact of his words.
"Where is Skywalker?"
Alexander Freed, Twilight Company

Charles Soule
“I have no limits.”
Charles Soule, Imperial Machine

Charles Soule
“I do not require your trust. Only your obedience.”
Charles Soule, Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith, Vol. 2: Legacy's End

Aaron Allston
“Vader wasn't a galaxy-conquering psychopath. He was a sad man whose one love in life had died, and whose one anchor to the world of the living was, yes, a galaxy-conquering madman.”
Aaron Allston, Legacy of the Force: Betrayal

Charles Soule
“Partial success does not exist. You succeed or you do not.”
Charles Soule, Star Wars, Vol. 1: The Destiny Path

“Part Two: When St. Kari Met Darth Vader, Star Wars Dark Lord of the Sith 

“What are those?” Kari shouted grasping Luke’s arm as her eyes jolted nervously into the air. “I’ve never seen such pretty planets before.”
Luke tracked her line of vision and grimmed as he spotted three Corellian Imperial Star Destroyers coming out of hyperspace into the same vortex that his own damaged ship was whirlpooled into. They appeared to be stabilizing the vortex opening by their anti-gravity wells maintaining their relative positional orbit.
“Hey’st, what are those white things? They look like men. Surely they are not ghosters, are they?” pawed Kari at Luke to get him to see.
“Imperial troopers,” shot Luke, grabbing her arm back. “There’s too many of them C’mon, we got to hide.”
“What’s does that mean? And what are those red light-thingy’s coming toward us?” Instantly Kari and Luke were inundated by a barrage of suppressing E-11 blaster rifle fire. Luke flinched out of reaction while Kari stood upright seemingly oblivious to the inherent danger. He was struck to see the girl-entity pluck a laser bolt out of the air and examine it with an other worldly look, as if it were a rare flower in a garden.
“I like this,” she smiled. “I’ll pin it to my cloak.” And doing so she did, it maintaining its fiery penetrating redness that did nothing more than to adorn the girl’s wardrobe for quite some time momentarily puzzling Luke. Usually they burnt out quickly. “Can I get some more of these?” she politely asked Luke.
“Not right now,” drawled Luke peering over a boulder. “If they capture us we’ve had it.”
“Had what?” asked Kari naïvely. “Them ghost-men you mean’st? Oh, don’t worry, Walker of the Skies, just leave it to me,” and with that Kari pulled her blade and sashayed toward the Imperial clones humming her favorite Top 10 battle hymns.
“Wait!” Luke shouted trying to snatch her back but it was too late. Luke never saw anything such as this. Like Han, he had seen a lot of strange galactic stuff in his time. Kari had become a misty blur and was skipping across the battlefield as some sort of sword-brandishing luminescence, hovering for a short time over those she slain.
“Hey, Walkersky, these spirits don’t have any souls,” she yelled looking up from her blood soaked garments. What do you want me to do with the rest, kill ’em?”
“I, uh,” was all he managed to get out of his mouth as he rubbed his jaw.
Kari shrugged and went back to work, picking off the whole brigade by herself. “See’st? I told’st thou not to worry” Kari said panting, coming up to Luke and sitting besides him. “What now?”
“We gotta get outta here before more Imperials arrive.”
“Untruth oats?” (Nether Trans. “art thou nuts?” ) “Run from battle?—is that that what means?”
“It means Vader’s coming—.”

go to part ii con't”
douglas laurent

“Part Two:
When St. Kari of the Blade Met Darth Vader, Star Wars Dark Lord of the Sith 

(Earlier, the Emperor commanded Lord Vader to make contact...
“I have felt a non-tremor in the Nether-Force”
“I have not, my master.”
“Yes, well, that is why I’m ‘the Emp’ and you are not... Um, we have a new enemy, the non-entity known as Blade Kári. She’s running around all over the place gunning for that brat kid of yours.”
“Hmm. Interesting,” tight-lipped Darth. “Anyway, I–hey, how can all this mish-mash be?”
“Search your feelings, Lord Vader” the Emperor solemnized. “If you feel nothing as usual, you know it to be true or false. By now your guess is as good as mine with this Force stuff.”
“Damn!–If you say so,” Vader said smacking his hand. “If she could be turned she would make a powerful ally.”
“Yesss... can it be done? Bring the Valkyrie creature to me. See to it personally, Lord Vader. The more she is loose the more of a train wreck waiting to happen she becomes to us. Besides, it will break up the monotony until Bingo Wednesday night.”
“Okay. She will join us or die–again and again and again–until we all get it right. “Now, what about my son?” grumbed Vader deeply.
“Why fish for guppies when you can land a Megalodon? Go on. Get out of here. You Annoy me.”
“Yes, my Mahhster...” ).

back to the action...

“—Oh yeah? Who is he, this Vader person? Someone I should meet?” Kari percolated.
Luke mulled. “No. He is evil and very powerful. A ȿith lord.”
“A Scythian, eh? Humm.—for a minute there, you had me worried.
“Look—there he is!” Luke shouted scrunching down and pulling the girl besides him. Vader stwalked down the landing craft’s platform decked in his usual evil attire looking at the pile of messy clones.
“He doesn’t look so tough’st to me. Pretty trippy wardrobe though. Maybe that is why he is evil. Clothes do that, costuming up n’ all. I think I’ll go down and see him.” Kari launched off to meet him.
Luke trying to pull her back, she running up to the battle line strewn with dead clones.
“Hey Darth’st.”
“Did you do all this? Hmmph. The Force is with you, young Blade Kári, but you are not a Valkyrie yet.”
“Sez ‘st who? You’st? Do not be so blamed melodramatic. This ’tain’t no movie ʎ’know’st, well leastways, not yet. I shall have you know I am a charter member of your friendly neighborhood Valkyrie club and my dues are so in.”
Vader ignited his red lightsaber (he was not one for small talk).
“Where can I get one of those, she asked Vader, pointing to his glowing blade of laser evil. Do they come in assorted colors? I want one!” she yelled back at Luke.
Vader struck savagely at the girl, she mildly pirouetting on her heels to evade the cut then giggling, diminutively popped him squarely in his breather-chest contraption bugging him. Again, he struck, the blade harmlessly passing through her.
“Impressive, most impressive. And you say you can’t get a date?”
“Best take it easy Sith-meister. You’re riling me.”
Luke’s eyes bulged. He could not believe it, remembering his own stupid head words to Yoda, his spry little green master.
Vader paused, breathing heavily as was typical of him like he was a 20-pack a day smoker. “Your destiny lies with me, young Kári. Look here, if you really want one of these red glow in the Nether dark cutters, come with me.”
Luke nodded his head back and forth as if agreeing with himself. Where had he heard that before...? The kid was going to be nothing but trouble from here on out he foresaw.

stay tuned for part iii  ”
Douglas Laurent

Steve Perry
“Vader’s burned face twisted into its unseen, stiff smile. Once again, Tarkin had been overconfident, so certain his beloved monster was proof against anything. A fly could sting you if you missed swatting it.”
Steve Perry, Star Wars: Death Star

Mike Chen
“I promise you, nothing would happen to you,” Anakin said, and inside, he felt the sun-dragon roar, the way it always did in the furnace of his heart during these circumstances. When anyone showed loyalty to Anakin Skywalker, they became an ally for life. And if they ever betrayed him, that intensity would immediately invert into something much more dangerous.”
Mike Chen, Brotherhood

Charles Soule
“The ones who say they have no opinions always manage to find them in the end.”
Charles Soule, Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith, Vol. 4: Fortress Vader

Charles Soule
“All things are possible through the Force. What you desire awaits you on the other side.
But you will never pass through. The Dark Side would never allow it.”
Charles Soule, Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith, Vol. 4: Fortress Vader

Alexander Freed
“He stood at a metaphorical cliff’s edge, stamping his foot in an effort to cause an avalanche. With Galen Erso’s treachery undone, he would gain the allegiance of Vader. With Vader’s backing, he would expose the incompetence of Tarkin—the revelation of rebel survivors from Jedha. With Tarkin humiliated, Krennic’s command of the Death Star would be uncontested, and he would confer with the Emperor himself as to how it might best be used.
Krennic would be, in every way that mattered, the most powerful and decorated man in the Empire.
Or he would fall from the cliff and bash his skull open on the rocks. And his Death Star would fall into the fumbling hands ofWilhuff Tarkin.
Tarkin, Erso, Vader—how had so many men conspired against him for so long?”
Alexander Freed, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

“The Emperor works in ways a glorified trinket merchant like you could never understand.”
Paul Ens, Star Wars: Evasive Action - End Game

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