Denny Quotes

Quotes tagged as "denny" Showing 1-16 of 16
Garth Stein
“She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear. But a racer should not be afraid of rain; a racer should embrace the rain.”
garth stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain

S.C. Stephens
“And I was happy...and devastatingly sad too. It was hard, watching someone you had once loved, loving someone else, and loving them more than they'd loved you. But, really, that's exactly what I'd done to Denny with Kellan -Kiera”
S.C. Stephens, Effortless

S.C. Stephens
“Kiera, I don't want to tell you how to handle your relationship with him, but... you'll never last if you start lying to him -Denny”
S.C. Stephens, Effortless
tags: denny

S.C. Stephens
“I know, Kiera,” he said soothingly. “That’s why I don’t really buy the rumors. Because I know you, and I know you wouldn’t put up with him cheating on you.” As guilt flooded me, he added, “We’re a lot alike in that way.”
S.C. Stephens, Reckless

Garth Stein
“Why can’t they see that spiritualism and science are one? That bodies evolve and souls evolve and the universe is a fluid place that marries them both in a wonderful package called a human being.”
Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain

Sibylla Matilde
“In all the time I'd known her, I'd hardly touched her. But her hand on mine felt so right and real, so powerful in its own weird way. It didn't make sense to me why this one girl affected me like that.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Sibylla Matilde
“And I did everything I could to get over the nagging emptiness that took over every time I thought of Felicity Williams.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Sibylla Matilde
“I was a fuckhead for suggesting it, but I wasn't quite ready to leave her all alone yet. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I just wanted a little more time while she sorta kinda needed me.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Sibylla Matilde
“This is Ireland, Fliss. We've got about every type of potato dish in existence. We've got hash browns.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Sibylla Matilde
“There was a time I would have totally agreed with this," she said softly. "You can be a real wanker sometimes.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Sibylla Matilde
“Always hoping that, if I got drunk enough or stoned enough, I could numb that part of my soul that ached for Fliss as well.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Sibylla Matilde
“Jesus, Denny." she muttered, "I felt like fucking Yoko Ono.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Sibylla Matilde
“Really, 1969, huh?" she said with a devious smile, and then murmured, "Good year.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Jennifer Mathieu
“Denying your faith in the Lord was the ultimate no-no”
Jennifer Mathieu, The Truth About Alice

Sibylla Matilde
“How did it feel, Fliss? Knowing I was watching that little tosser taste you? Knowing I was watching when you wrapped your lips around the that Sam bloke’s cock?”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy

Sibylla Matilde
“It is torture, lying there beside you every night… not touching you. Every feckin’ night I ache to feel you wrapped in my arms. I want to press my lips against yours, to pull the clothes from your body and take ya on a spiteful ride.” I lifted my head and cradled hers in my hands, then growled my words a hair’s breadth from her lips. “I want to fill you up to the point that you feel like I do.”
Sibylla Matilde, Wild Irish Envy