Despot Quotes

Quotes tagged as "despot" Showing 1-12 of 12
Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Discerning the difference between a dictator and a leader is quite easy. The former cannot help but see ‘leading’ and ‘serving’ as stark contradictions that by their very nature are utterly incompatible. The latter can’t tell the difference”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Andy Paula
“No arrogant man has ever touched the human heart, no despot ever commanded respect.”
Andy Paula

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
“But when did this anger take root? When snakes first appeared on the national scene? When water in the bowels of the earth turned bitter? Or when he visited America and failed to land an interview with Global Network News on its famous programMeet the Global Mighty?It is said that when he was told that he could not be granted even a minute on the air, he could hardly believe his ears or even understand what they were talking about, knowing that in his country he was always on TV; his every moment - eating, shitting, sneezing, or blowing his nose - captured on camera.”
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Wizard of the Crow

“I don’t need immortality. The fear of death keeps a girl sharp. It helps us remember that what we do here, now, matters. What good is immortality, if you’re just a dirty little despot in some shitty corner of the world?”
C.M. Hayden, The Stars That Form Us

“I don’t need immortality. The fear of death keeps a girl sharp. It helps us remember that what we do here, now, matters. What good is immortality if you’re just a dirty little despot in some shitty corner of the world?”
C.M. Hayden, The Stars That Form Us

Mary Renault
“The gods, in kindness to mankind, have put in most men’s hearts the wish to be loved and honored, even when they greatly wish for power. Power is the test. Some, once they have it, are content to buy the show of liking, and punish those who withhold it; then you have a despot. But some keep a true eye for how they seem to others, and care about it, which holds them back from much mischief.”
Mary Renault, The Praise Singer

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Deprem yıkım demektir; diktatör yıkım demektir! Deprem olayında sağlam bir binaya ihtiyacın var; diktatör olayında eğitilmiş rasyonel bir zihne ihtiyacın var, çünkü irrasyonel cahil bir zihin her zaman diktatöre hizmet eder!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Gilles Deleuze
“Suddenly the despot sees rising up before him, against him, the enemy who brings death - an eye with too steady a look, a mouth with too unfamiliar a smil; each organ is a possible protest.”
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari

Gilles Deleuze
“Suddenly the despot sees rising up before him, against him, the enemy who brings death - an eye with too steady a look, a mouth with too unfamiliar a smile; each organ is a possible protest.”
Gilles Deleuze, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia

“In fact, the tyrant's primary goal is the freedom of the citizen. He wants to enslave the citizen by killing his or her personality. And starving the citizen is the quickest, easiest, and most effective way to make them a slave: make the citizen starve, thereby losing his or her strength, and therefore being unable to defend his or her freedom! It is that simple: without bread, there is no honor, and without honor, there is no freedom!

-To be tried as a Jew-”
Jeyhun Aliyev Silo

Ludwig von Mises
“It is customary to call the point of view of the advocates of the welfare state the “social” point of view as distinguished from the “individualistic” and “selfish” point of view of the champions of the rule of law. In fact, however, the supporters of the welfare state are utterly anti-social and intolerant zealots. For their ideology tacitly implies that the government will exactly execute what they themselves deem right and beneficial. They entirely disregard the possibility that there could arise disagreement with regard to the question of what is right and expedient and what is not. They advocate enlightened despotism, but they are convinced that the enlightened despot will in every detail comply with their own opinion concerning the measures to be adopted. They favour planning, but what they have in mind is exclusively their own plan, not those of other people.”
Ludwig von Mises, Socialism An Economic and Sociological Analysis by Mises, Ludwig Von ( Author ) ON Jan-01-1981, Paperback