Dex Foray Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dex-foray" Showing 1-29 of 29
Karina Halle
“You’re the light in all this madness. You’re my light. I should have been with you...” The thought hit him as his face crumpled in amazement. “Oh God, why am I not with you?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” I said.”
Karina Halle, Lying Season

Karina Halle
“I love you Perry,” he whispered, mouth moving in my hair. “I love you so fucking much. And I’m losing myself. I’m losing myself to you and I don’t care anymore because there’s never been a better feeling in the whole fucking world. I love you. So much. Too much. Always.”
Karina Halle, Into the Hollow

Karina Halle
“This is me trying, Perry,” he said softly, the anger being drained of his face. “This is me taking my heart out of my chest and putting the bloody mess in your hands. I can’t give you much more than that.”
Karina Halle, Into the Hollow

Karina Halle
“I was head over heels in love with her. No, that didn’t describe it. I was tear my fucking heart out and throw it at her, beg her to take it into hers. I was falling from the greatest heights with no safety net below. I was giving everything of my own life for hers, giving up every inch of my soul so she could wear it proudly. I was a former king on my knees in front of the queen. A jester begging for a chance. I was powerless, helpless and at her mercy.”
Karina Halle, The Dex-Files

Karina Halle
“I want you to stay with me,” he said. “And that’s the problem. Every time you leave me, I need you a little bit more.”
Karina Halle, Lying Season

Karina Halle
“Honestly kiddo? You’re beautiful. You use your weight as an excuse but you’re just all woman. Not every woman has to look like a stripper. Or a model. Or Megan Fox. You’re petite, have a tiny waist, a fantastic rack, a devastating ass…what the hell more do you want? You should know it. Everyone else knows it…that’s why you’re getting all these asinine comments. Can’t you just see that it’s just jealously that’s ripping these people apart?”
Karina Halle, Dead Sky Morning

Karina Halle
“I was trying to be a better man, Perry. For you.” I shifted in my seat. “Dex…” “And I’ll keep trying,” he quickly said, voice low and somber. “Until I get it right.”
Karina Halle, Into the Hollow

Karina Halle
“Who can resist this handsome mug?” He stroked his broad jaw and I tried my hardest not to nod along. “Complete with rapist facial hair,” I added.”
Karina Halle, Dead Sky Morning

Karina Halle
“Well, to what do we owe the honor of your presence?" I asked snidely. National Slut Convention next door? Twatwaffles Anonymous?”
Karina Halle, Come Alive

Karina Halle
“Kiddo, I rarely get compliments. So I just decide to compliment myself instead. You should try it sometime.”
Karina Halle, Come Alive

Karina Halle
“But I was Dex Foray and 'dramatic' was my middle name, along with 'The Fuckmaster' and 'Pierre”
Karina Halle, Come Alive

Karina Halle
“For once, I can feel everything. Every emotion, every feeling, every sense. I’ve never felt so alive. How ironic.”
Karina Halle, Red Fox

Karina Halle
“I wondered if the owners would mind if I murdered someone in their front yard. A big red-headed someone. He was so full of shit, he’d make fantastic fertilizer for their garden”
Karina Halle, The Dex-Files

Karina Halle
“Jenn said something about taking a picture to make it last longer. I didn’t need to. That moment would always be burned in my head. That moment when I knew that I was way in over my head. I was fucked.”
Karina Halle, The Dex-Files

“Do you think you're special, Perry?" he asked seriously.

I winced. "A little bit. Maybe more in the Special Olympics kind of way." He smiled and turned his eyes to the road.

"You are special, kiddo....And not entirely in the Special Olympics kind of way.”
Karine Halle Red Fox

Karina Halle
“Sometimes you can foresee certain moments in your life. For me, it’s usually a moment based on a lie. Cause and effect. You lie, you hide something from the world and you know one day someone will uncover the truth. And you know when that happens, it won’t be pretty.
It will be ugly.”
Karina Halle, The Dex-Files

Karina Halle
“How pathetic this town must be to find a fuckup like me as their savior.”
Karina Halle, The Dex-Files

Karina Halle
“I didn’t put the sword into her. I only gave her the sword.
She’s the one who just put it in me.”
Karina Halle, The Dex-Files

Karina Halle
“The power of the anger flowing through me, the urge to get back to Perry while I could, had raised me into another level of consciousness. In other words, I was bat-shit crazy.”
Karina Halle, The Dex-Files

Karina Halle
“In an ideal world I could do hellish things to her and she’d love it but in this world I came to save Perry. No one else seemed to give a shit.”
Karina Halle, The Dex-Files

Karina Halle
“While I lay there in his arms, me his wife and he my husband, I realized I didn’t know what the future held. But I knew it held Dex.
And that was more than good enough for me.
That was everything.”
Karina Halle, Dust to Dust

Karina Halle
“It's not exactly polite to keep saying hell, but you can always do what I do and make up a word. Like, twatwaffle. Or douchecanoe.”
Karina Halle, Ashes to Ashes

Karina Halle
“I am Dex Foray, the only penis involved in the show. And who might you be?”
Karina Halle, Ashes to Ashes

Karina Halle
“Thanks for agreeing to watch Fat Rabbit. Hope you're prepared for lots of farts in your future. From the dog, of course.”
Karina Halle, Ashes to Ashes

Karina Halle
“Poor Twatwaffle. Thank God all good llamas go to heaven.”
Karina Halle, Ashes to Ashes

Karina Halle
“Perry Palomino, kiddo, baby—will you be my wife?”
Karina Halle, Ashes to Ashes

Karina Halle
“We were Dex and Perry and our relationship seemed to thrive on the universe being out of order. Either that or our relationship actually caused the world to turn upside down. It was hard to say.”
Karina Halle, Dust to Dust

Karina Halle
“Within your light, I lose the madness.”
Karina Halle, And With Madness Comes the Light

Karina Halle
“You’re still in love with her. She makes you want to live life. Personally, and this is just me, man, if I ever met a woman who saved me that way, I’d devote some temples to her or something. That’s how the Taj Mahal got started, I’m sure.”
Karina Halle, And With Madness Comes the Light