Dexter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dexter" Showing 1-30 of 54
Sarah Dessen
“I just thought to my self, all of a sudden, that we had something in common. A natural chemistry, if you will. And I had a feeling that something big was going to happen. To both of us. That we were, in fact, meant to be together.”
Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

Sarah Dessen
“Are those the only options? Nothing or forever?”
Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

Sarah Dessen
“Plastic ware," he said slowly, "like knives and forks and spoons?"
I brushed a bit of dirt off the back of my car—was that a scratch?—and said casually,
"Yeah, I guess.Just the basics, you know."
"Did you need plastic ware?" he asked.
I shrugged.
"Because," he went on, and I fought the urge to squirm, "it's so funny, because I need
plastic ware.Badly."
"Can we go inside, please?" I asked, slamming the trunk shut. "It's hot out here."
He looked at the bag again, then at me. And then, slowly, the smile I knew and
dreaded crept across his
face. "You bought meplastic ware,"he said." Didn't you?'
"No," I growled, picking at my license plate.
"You did!" he hooted, laughing out loud. "You bought me some forks. And knives.
And spoons.
Because— "
"No," I said loudly.
"—you love me!" He grinned, as if he'd solved the puzzler for all time, as I felt a flush
creep across my
face. Stupid Lissa. I could have killed her.
"It was on sale," I told him again, as if this was some kind of an excuse.
"You love me," he said simply, taking the bag and adding it to the others.
"Only seven bucks," I added, but he was already walking away, so sure of himself. "It
was on clearance,
for God's sake. "
"Love me," he called out over his shoulder, in a singsong voice. "You. Love. Me.”
Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

Jeff Lindsay
“I am not shy about admitting my modest talents. For example, I am happy to admit that I am better than average at clever remarks, and I also have a flair for getting people to like me. But to be perfectly fair to myself, I am ever-ready to confess my shortcomings, too, and a quick round of soul-searching forced me to admit that I had never been any good at all at breathing water. As I hung there from the seat belt, dazed and watching the water pour in and swirl around my head, this began to seem like a very large character flaw.”
Jeff Lindsay, Dearly Devoted Dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“But as I have noticed on more than one occaision, life itself is unfair, and there is no complaint department, so we might as well accept things the way they happen, clean up the mess, and move on.”
Jeff Lindsay, Dexter in the Dark

Sarah Dessen
“But you, fine sir." John Miller clapped Dexter on the shoulder, a bit unsteadily. "You have problems of your own."
"This is true," Dexter replied, nodding.
"The women," John Miller sighed.
Dexter wiped a hand over his face, and glanced down the road. "The women. Indeed, dear squire, they perplex me as well."
"Ah, the fair Remy," John Miller said grandly, and I felt a flush run up my face. Lissa, in the front seat, put a hand to her mouth.
"The fair Remy," Dexter repeated, "did not see me as a worthwhile risk."
"I am, of course, a rogue. A rapscallion. A musician. I would bring her nothing but poverty, shame, and bruised shins from my flailing limbs. She is the better for our parting."
John Miller pantomined stabbing himself in the heart. "Cold words, my squire."
"Huffah," Dexter agreed.
"Huffah," John Miller repeated, "Indeed.”
Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

Sarah Dessen
“What the hell," I said, pushing off the wall, ready to take off the head of whatever stupid salesperson had decided to get cozy with me. My elbow was still buzzing, and I could feel a hot flush creeping up my neck: bad signs. I knew my temper.
I turned my head and saw it wasn't a salesman at all. It was a guy with black curly hair, around my age, wearing a bright orange T-shirt. And for some reason he was smiling.
"Hey there," he said cheerfully. "How's it going?"
"What is your problem?" I snapped, rubbing my elbow.
"You just slammed me into the wall, asshole."
He blinked. "Goodness," he said finally. "Such language."
I just looked at him. Wrong day, buddy, I thought. You caught me on the wrong day.
"The thing is," he said, as if we'd been discussing the weather or world politics, "I saw you out in the showroom. I was over by the tire display?"
I was sure I was glaring at him. But he kept talking.
"I just thought to myself, all of a sudden, that we had something in common. A natural chemistry, if you will. And I had a feeling that something big was going to happen. To both of us. That we were, in fact, meant to be together."
"You got all this," I said, clarifying, "at the tire display?"
"You didn't feel it?" he asked.
"No. I did, however, feel you slamming me into the wall," I said evenly.
"That," he said, lowering his voice and leaning closer to me, "was an accident. An oversight. Just an unfortunate result of the enthusiasm I felt knowing I was about to talk to you.”
Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

Sarah Dessen
“Oh, God," I said.
"No, it's Dexter," he replied, offering me his hand, which I ignored.
He glanced behind him, then back at me. "I'll see you soon," he said, and grinned at
"Like hell," I replied,”
Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

Sarah Dessen
“I thought this was a cookout. You know, dogs and burgers, Tater Tots, ambrosia salad" Dexter picked up a box of Twinkies, tossing them into the cart. "And Twinkies."
"It is,"... "Except that it's a cookout thrown by my mother."
"And my mother doesn't cook."
He looked at me waiting.
"At all. My mother doesn't cook at all."
"She must cook sometimes."
"Everyone can make scrambled eggs, Remy. It's programmed into you at birth, the default setting. Like being able to swim and knowing not to mix pickles with oatmeal. You just KNOW.”
Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby

Jeff Lindsay
“After a long moment I closed the freezer door. I wanted to lie down and press my cheek against the cool linoleum. Instead I reached out with my little finger and flipped the Barbie's head. It went thack thack against the door. I flipped it again. Thack thack. Whee. I had a new hobby.”
Jeff Lindsay, Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“Rectory always sounded to me like a place you would find a proctologist.”
Jeff Lindsay, Dexter in the Dark

Jeff Lindsay
“I let it ring. I wanted to breathe for a few minutes, and I could think of nothing that couldn't wait. Besides, I had paid almost $50 for an answering machine. Let it earn its keep.”
Jeff Lindsay, Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“Was insanity really easier to accept than unconsciousness?”
Jeff Lindsay, Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“It took me a moment. I blinked, and suddenly it swam into focus and I had to frown very hard to keep myself from giggling out loud like the schoolgirl Deb had accused me of being.
Because he had arranged the arms and legs in letters, and the letters spelled out a single small word: BOO.
The three torsos were carefully arranged below the BOO in a quarter-circle, making a cute little Halloween smile.
What a scamp.”
Jeff Lindsay, Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“She stared at me" You have a message, "she said." On you machine. "
I looked over at my answering machine. Sure enough, the light was blinking. The woman really was a detective.
"It's some girl," La Guerta said. "She sounds kind of sleepy and happy. You got a girlfriend, Dexter?" there was a strange hint of a challenge in her voice.
"You know how it is," I said. "Women today are so forward, and when you are as handsome as I am they absolutely fling themselves at your head." Perhaps an unfortunate choice of words; as I said it I couldn't help thinking of the woman's head flung at me not so long ago.
"Watch out," La Guerta said. "Sooner or later one of them will stick." I had no idea what she thought that meant, but it was a very unsettling image.
"I'm sure you're right," I said. "Until then, carpe diem."
"It's Latin," I said. "It means, complain in the daylight.”
Jeff Lindsay, Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“That left either magical powers or coincidence, and although I have nothing at all against Harry Potter, coincidence got my vote.”
Jeff Lindsay, Double Dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“Cualquiera puede ser encantador si no le importa mentir y decir todas las cosas estúpidas, obvias y nauseabundas que la conciencia suele reprimir en la mayoría de la gente. Por suerte, yo no tengo conciencia. Y las digo. -Dexter”
Jeff Lindsay, El oscuro pasajero
tags: dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“Pero, por triste que sea, la vida no siempre imita al arte. -Dexter”
Jeff Lindsay, El oscuro pasajero
tags: dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“¿Acaso no estábamos todos locos cuando dormíamos? ¿Qué era el sueño, al fin y al cabo, sino el proceso por el cual vaciábamos nuestra demencia al pozo oscuro del inconsciente quedando así listos para levantarse a la mañana siguiente y a desayunarnos con cereales en lugar de hacerlo con los niños del vecino? -Dexter”
Jeff Lindsay, El oscuro pasajero
tags: dexter

Jeff Lindsay
“Is that why you're crying?"
(...) "It's just hormones," she said. "I didn't want anyone to see."
I skipped over the image of anyone seeing her hormones and tried to focus on the heart of the matter.”
Jeff Lindsay, Double Dexter

No matter where we go we take ourselves and our damage, with us. So is
“No matter where we go we take ourselves and our damage, with us. So is home the place we run to, or is it the place we run from?”
Dexter Morgan
tags: dexter

Patti Roberts
“Firstly, though we have to clean this blood up off the tiles before it dries. It is far easier to clean the blood up while it's still wet."
"How do you know this stuff?" Grace said completely baffled.
"Dexter," Angela said shrugging and thinking that was as good an explanation as any.”
Patti Roberts, Progeny of Innocence

Catherine Astolfo
“I was its skin, its movement, its shape, its god, its creator, its destroyer. And you thought Dexter was bad. The Bridgeman arrives soon.”
Catherine Astolfo

“Man has always been drawn to the sea. But it's an unnatural setting for us, a place of great danger. Tides, currents, waves, wind, each presenting their own hazards, none of which can be ignored. The slightest lapse of judgment can be a mistake you might never recover from. But a good sailor doesn't fight against these elements. A good sailor works with them, using them to his advantage. While others less fortunate might be forever cast adrift, often in several pieces. He always comes home safely.”
Michael C. Hall

Deyth Banger
“Removing memories is difficult.... changing is easy...

- Dexter”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Secrets... Dexter a perfect example what... can happen with secrets.”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Psychopaths are rats in the lab, Psychopaths don't have conscious... What next???

- (Dexter Series season 8 episode 3...)”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Probably, after all we could say that life is like Dexter... a code... and how good can you work with it?”
Deyth Banger, The Life of One Kid 1

Steven Magee
“Serial killers do not tell their partner what they do when away from the home.”
Steven Magee

“Conversation with a Butterfly:
You see one day I was sitting on the porch all to myself,
Contemplating on what to do, I had no money, no wealth,
That's when I saw a butterfly come down from the sky,
With wings so beautiful, so pleasant to the eye,
I wanted to touch them, but I thought twice,
I knew my fingerprint alone could create just a slight,
Unevenness in her weight, which would surely affect her flight,
I told the butterfly that she was lovely and brought me some cheer,
But it would soon leave when she disappeared,
You see I wish I could soar, and have wings such as yours,
I wish I could be as wealthy as she is beautiful and so much more,
The butterfly just looked with a tear in her eye,
I wasn't always this beautiful and I am at the end of my life,
This is just the reward of a long struggle,
I never gave up and now I am humble,
I never complained about where God placed me,
You see he gave me struggles and doors placed just for me,
I knew that I couldn't have what others had so I focused on my own,
I never gave up and now others envy me alone,
Not knowing what I had to go through for the finished product,
I just hung true to my faith and that for me was enough,
So don't get stuck in my life because you don't know it,
Work your process and the end result will show it,
That you and I are the same,
See you are a butterfly, just by a different name,”
Dexter Newby

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