Dig Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dig" Showing 1-30 of 37
Vera Nazarian
“The desert and the ocean are realms of desolation on the surface.

The desert is a place of bones, where the innards are turned out, to desiccate into dust.

The ocean is a place of skin, rich outer membranes hiding thick juicy insides, laden with the soup of being.

Inside out and outside in. These are worlds of things that implode or explode, and the only catalyst that determines the direction of eco-movement is the balance of water.

Both worlds are deceptive, dangerous. Both, seething with hidden life.

The only veil that stands between perception of what is underneath the desolate surface is your courage.

Dare to breach the surface and sink.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Mike  Norton
“One of the greatest evils is the foolishness of a good man. For the giving man to withhold helping someone in order to first assure personal fortification is not selfish, but to elude needless self-destruction; martyrdom is only practical when the thought is to die, else a good man faces the consequence of digging a hole from which he cannot escape, and truly helps no one in the long run.”
Mike Norton, Just Another War Story

Israelmore Ayivor
“Fire False Friends as early as possible. Do it before they dig out the dream seeds you've planted! The earlier, the better; the quicker, the safer!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“When I’m at the bottom looking up, the main question may not be ‘how do I get out of this hole?’ In reality, the main question might be ‘how do I get rid of the shovel that I used to dig it?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, A View From the Front Porch: Encounters With Life and Jesus

Heinz Kohut
“If you want to hurt somebody and you want to know where his vulnerable spot is you have to know him, before you can put in the right dig, that's very important.”
Heinz Kohut

“Every time you try and fail,
Every time your hope gets stuck in the deeps,
And you wonder just how you'd get through the sail-
Don't forget that underneath your pain,
Is an anchor of great strength and fortitude
Keep digging until you find it...
And when you do,
Chinonye J. Chidolue

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“More times than I can remember I look around and I ask why the hole I’m in looks so strangely familiar. Probably because it looks a whole lot like all the other ones I dug before I got around to digging this one.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

J.R. Rim
“When asking for advice, search not for what is on the surface, Dig deeper, questioning what does this person believe in?”
J.R. Rim

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Nearly everyday life leans over and says, ‘Come on down!’ But standing at the bottom looking up, it’s finally dawned on me that it’s not these invitations that have dug this hole. Rather, it’s the fact that I accepted them.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Richie Norton
“Dig a well before you’re thirsty, but dig over water.”
Richie Norton

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If you dare to dig deep enough, you will find a side of yourself that will dramatically enhance all the sides of yourself.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Israelmore Ayivor
“We're like goldfields. Until we dig deep to find what's inside us, our true potentials may be hidden forever.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Mine Your Gold: How to dig up and optimize your hidden greatness

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Men can dig wells, but they can’t create water.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Christina Engela
“I believe most people are good, even deep down, even if you have to dig a little - although some people can tempt one to pick up a shovel and actually put that to the test.”
Christina Engela, Blachart: Galaxii Series Book 1

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“After digging a thousand wells of my own and stumbling upon a thousand others dug by the hands of thirsty men, I have yet to realize that the only well that can satiate every thirst is the one that men will never dig.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, Flecks of Gold on a Path of Stone: Simple Truths for Profound Living

Israelmore Ayivor
“Change won’t happen because everyone wishes it happens. It happens only when people decide that we’ll never stop digging until we find our gold.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Mine Your Gold: How to dig up and optimize your hidden greatness

“The deeper we dig into our field the more we know about its details”
Sunday Adelaja

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The hole that I’m in wasn’t a hole until I dug it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“We dig wells that are less than a stone’s throw away from bubbling springs because we think that digging the well means that we don’t need to rely on the God Who created the spring. Either way, He created the water in both.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I'm in a hole because at some point I found a shovel and started digging. Maybe I should trade my shovels for ladders and start climbing.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Graham Hancock
“What would have made [seeing Göbekli Tepe from Harran] easier, in antiquity, would have been a tall tower annexed to the temple that once stood here--a temple dedicated toSu-En(usually contracted toSin), the Moon God of the Sabians. After telling us that there were "powerful images in this temple," the Greek Philosopher Libanius (AD 314-394), describes the tower, noting that "from its top one could overlook the entire plain of Harran."
A team from the Chicago Oriental Institute was about to start a major dig around the ruins of the Grand Mosque in 1986, but it seems that the Turkish authorities insisted on such restrictive practices that the project had to be abandoned. Current excavations by Harran University and the Sanliurfa Museum Directorate show little interest in recovery of substantive remains from the city's pre-Islamic period.”
Graham Hancock, Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization

Israelmore Ayivor
“Self-leadership is about digging out your hidden endowment and making them known and useful to those who need it most.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

Israelmore Ayivor
“The thickest sweats produce the sweetest life. A hard work surely brings unheard happiness. Dig up your gold.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Mine Your Gold: How to dig up and optimize your hidden greatness

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Shovels serve two purposes. One is to dig holes and the other is to fill them. And I must say that my life evidences my expertise with the first, but apparently I can’t figure out the second.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

A.S. King
“You can’t abandon people and think they’re going to be fine. People need things. Probably love most of all.”
A.S. King
tags: dig

“The more you dig, the more fetid it gets..
And well, the choice is all yours..!”
Mahendar Singh Jakhar

Jenny Noble Anderson
“Yes, Dad—
I liked that call we had yesterday.
It carried me hundreds of miles away
to a creek bed in Tennessee.
To those days when we
knew just what to do
with the fragile things.

Those days
when your pick
was steady.”
Jenny Noble Anderson, But Still She Flies: Poems and Paintings

“খুঁড়লে মাটি পাবে খনি, খুঁড়লে মন হবে ধনী!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

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