Discovery Quotes

Quotes tagged as "discovery" Showing 211-240 of 1,069
Beverly Magid
“Suddenly in the line of solders, she saw him. The boy who had killed Morris. She knew he was Morris’ killer. There was no mistake.”
Beverly Magid, Sown in Tears: A Historical Novel of Love and Struggle

“Biology has, for a long time, been her favourite way of knowing the world.”
Sally Ann Hunter, Transfigured Sea

“The sea reminds her of the interior of an abalone shell. In this light, its colours are blue, green and white.”
Sally Ann Hunter, Transfigured Sea

Kate  Rose

'This is, you understand Mr Goode, exceptional for an unknown author and on account of the South Sea Bubble bursting, well, I am no longer given to advancing large copyrights but since you are blessed by good timing - great fortune bestowing you with a cold spell that has made London so terribly sick - I make an exception.'”
Kate Rose, The Angel and the Apothecary

Eli Wilde
“My own blood always tasted disappointing. I wondered if it tasted that way to God too.”
Eli Wilde, My Unbeating Heart

Eli Wilde
“A shadow moved in the street below and my mind became focused on the movement. This shadow caught my attention because it moved so quickly. Usually when people remained in the shadows they moved slowly, unless they were running from something and then the sound of running could be heard. I did”
Eli Wilde, My Unbeating Heart

Eli Wilde
“I took the pistol off the man and shot him with it in both of his eyes. Somewhere in the back of my mind I heard a voice telling me that the blind would lead the blind.”
Eli Wilde, My Unbeating Heart

Kate  Rose
“And she kisses him with a hunger, using her tongue, and he closes his eyes and sees only the brilliance of pure blinding light.”
Kate Rose, The Angel and the Apothecary

Kate  Rose
“And so the Dark Angel once more embeds herself in Jeremiah’s’ mind. If not for the gardener he might believe each appearance an apparition for she does not belong amongst the sombre apothecaries and their fledgling apprentices, musing on herbs as if they are already in phials and not aligned for appreciating beauty. No, such a woman - any woman for that matter - did not belong in the Physic Gardens; though with this particular woman, Jeremiah cannot discern quite where she belonged.”
Kate Rose, The Angel and the Apothecary

“America, you whitewash history, literally, and leave out much of its meaning and discovery. And, as we try to get better at uncovering these truths, so many who want to pretend otherwise fight and legislate to push them back underground, to once again bury them.

There are so many discoveries that have been found and made, and then buried and left for us to re-find (or not)--discoveries about autonomy and equality and peace and compromise and respect for all the creatures who inhabit the planet and the planet itself. Our written history has destroyed the voices of the people from whom we stole this land and the voices of those whose lives we stole to build it, the voices of women and children and people whose skin color or language or belief system did not fit the status quo of the time and place where they lived. All were destroyed because it did not serve some lust for power or control or just because the people in charge of such things really did not believe they were very important, or refused to believe that they should be.”
Shellen Lubin

Kate  Rose
“With his body pressed to hers there is no sense of an ending, but of moments in which a part of his self is given, ceaselessly. For this woman he would be born a thousand times; endure a thousand agonising births. He would be happy to exist as her lover and nothing besides.”
Kate Rose, The Angel and the Apothecary

Dolly Alderton
“She escaped into book and movies and music.”
Dolly Alderton, Everything I Know About Love

“Labor has four parts to celebrate:
work, rest from work,
appreciation of the work done (yours and others),
and the recognition of how your work
has shaped you.

When you build a house, you have both a house and a builder.
When you plant a garden, you have plants
and a gardener, too.
When you teach, if you remain open to the discovery itself,
you have a lifetime of learning.
Engage with the world and it will hone you,
more connected, more able to love all the world,
including all the hard parts.”
Shellen Lubin

“Unfortunately, cancer is the second most leading cause of death in India. Not all cancers can be categorized as chronic, Some cancers are considered very low-risk, but those that are ongoing and can be watched and treated do become classified as chronic. Cancers such as ovarian, chronic leukemias, some lymphomas, and even some cancers that have spread or come back like metastatic breast or prostate also become chronic cancers”
Dr Dinesh Kacha

“Most cancers are named for where they start in the body. Many cancers form solid tumors, which are growths of tissue. But there are warning signs Fever, chills
Persistent fatigue, weakness
Bone/joint pain
Unexplained weight loss
Swollen lymph nodes, liver and spleen
Dr Dinesh Kacha

Lynn Cullen
“Even scientific articles contributed to defining a woman's place.

It wasn't just by happenstance that when Dorothy was photographed with David Bodian for Time magazine at the conference where they announced their independently made discovery, the photographer positioned Dorothy to look like she was a secretary taking dictation from Bodian. Although she'd unofficial made "their" discovery years before he did.”
Lynn Cullen, The Woman With the Cure

“If you haven't lost the path, you haven't found your way.”
R. N. Prasher

Amanda Montell
“Excessive cynicism actually stymies discovery.”
Amanda Montell, Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism

“There is more that God wants to do with our lives than what we have ever known or discovered.”
Benjamin Suulola

Dax Bamania
“Hiring for potential allows you to discover hidden gems that can become future leaders.”
Dax Bamania

“The greatest adventure lies not in discovering new lands, but in discovering the boundless potential within yourself.”
Aloo Denish

Lowrey E. Gray
“White rabbit Artemis,
Leaving the path,
Following a dream.”
Lowrey E. Gray, Wilding of this Hagstone Heart

Abhijit Naskar
“Society without science
dumps the world in stoneage,
Science devoid of society
shoves the mind into iceage.”
Abhijit Naskar, Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science

Steven Magee
“You can get mad, I will get science.”
Steven Magee

Criss Jami
“Just because a supposed finding's hurled beneath the banner of 'science' does not mean it's of peak reliance, and in theory any layperson will tell you that obvious fact. It is in practice that the word itself, 'science', rings like a dinner bell for those hungry to expel religious dogmas.”
Criss Jami

Dolly Alderton
“She escaped into books and movies and music.”
Dolly Alderton, Everything I Know About Love

“The adventure starts where the money ends.”
Martins Ate

Asif Hossain
“We only know what's already been uncovered. But there's a vast expanse of undiscovered things out there. In a way, we're still in the realm of knowing nothing.”
Asif Hossain

“A leader who does not show you the how and who keeps secrets of his discoveries and success from you is not only dangerous but wicked to the universe at large. Our role on earth as individuals is to light the path of our discoveries unto others for continuation.”