Divine Quotes

Quotes tagged as "divine" Showing 31-60 of 935
Paulo Coelho
“I believe in signs....what we need to learn is always there before us, we just have to look around us with respect & attention to discover where God is leading us and which step we should take. When we are on the right path, we follow the signs, and if we occasionally stumble, the Divine comes to our aid, preventing us from making mistakes.”
Paulo Coelho, The Zahir


Laugh, I tell you
And you will turn back
The hands of time.

Smile, I tell you
And you will reflect
The face of the divine.

Sing, I tell you
And all the angels will sing with you!

Cry, I tell you
And the reflections found in your pool of tears -
Will remind you of the lessons of today and yesterday
To guide you through the fears of tomorrow.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Because you’re a creation of God, you reflect the Divine qualities of creativity, wisdom, and love.”
Doreen Virtue

Vera Nazarian
“One of the strangest things is the act of creation.

You are faced with a blank slate—a page, a canvas, a block of stone or wood, a silent musical instrument.

You then look inside yourself. You pull and tug and squeeze and fish around for slippery raw shapelessthingsthat swim like fish made of cloud vapor and fill you with living clamor. You latch onto something. And you bring it forth out of your head like Zeus giving birth to Athena.

And as it comes out, it takes shape and tangible form.

It drips on the canvas, and slides through your pen, it springs forth and resonates into the musical strings, and slips along the edge of the sculptor’s tool onto the surface of the wood or marble.

You have given it cohesion. You have brought forth something ordered and beautiful out of nothing.

You have glimpsed the divine.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Criss Jami
“One of the greatest gifts from God is the eternal perspective. It is a level of fearlessness, a level of understanding where one can experience even emotional harmony with God.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Hazrat Inayat Khan
“Divine sound is the cause of all manifestation. The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.”
Hazrat Inayat Khan

Criss Jami
“Let's not grow with our roots in the ground.”
Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

C.S. Lewis
“But, for a Christian, there are, strictly speaking, no chances. A secret Master of the Ceremonies has been at work. Christ, who said to the disciples" Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, "can truly say to every group of Christian friends" You have not chosen one another but I have chosen you for one another. "The Friendship is not a reward for our discrimination and good taste in finding one another out. It is the instrument by which God reveals to each the beauties of all the others. They are no greater than the beauties of a thousand other men; by Friendship God opens our eyes to them. They are, like all beauties, derived from Him through the Friendship itself, so that it is His instrument for creating as well as for revealing. At this feast it is He who has spread the board and it is He who has chosen the guests. It is He, we may dare to hope, who sometimes does, and always should, preside. Let us not reckon without our Host.”
C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

Paulo Coelho
“We can see the Divine in each speck of dust, but that doesn't stop us from wiping it away with a wet sponge. The Divine doesn't disappear; it's transformed into the clean surface.”
Paulo Coelho, The Witch of Portobello

Alexandra Katehakis
“When we are able to look beyond appearances and to behold that which we truly are, we recognize that our essence is interwoven with the divine and that we exist as one of its expressions.”
Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence

“For the righteous, the revelation is a joyous event, the realization of a divine truth. But for the wicked, revelations can be far more terrifying, when dark secrets are exposed and sinners are punished for their trespasses.”
Emily Thorne

John Milton
“Not so on Man; him through their malice fall'n,
Father of Mercy and Grace, thou didst not doom
So strictly, but much more to pity incline:
No sooner did thy dear and only Son
Perceive thee purpos'd not to doom frail Man
So strictly, but much more to pity inclin'd,
He to appease thy wrath, and end the strife
Of mercy and Justice in thy face discern'd,
Regardless of the Bliss wherein hee sat
Second to thee, offer'd himself to die
For man's offence. O unexampl'd love,
Love nowhere to be found less than Divine!
Hail Son of God, Saviour of Men, thy Name
Shall be the copious matter of my Song
Henceforth, and never shall my Harp thy praise
Forget, nor from thy Father's praise disjoin.”
John Milton, Paradise Lost

Leo Tolstoy
“How good is it to remember one's insignificance: that of a man among billions of men, of an animal amid billions of animals; and one's abode, the earth, a little grain of sand in comparison with Sirius and others, and one's life span in comparison with billions on billions of ages. There is only one significance, you are a worker. The assignment is inscribed in your reason and heart and expressed clearly and comprehensibly by the best among the beings similar to you. The reward for doing the assignment is immediately within you. But what the significance of the assignment is or of its completion, that you are not given to know, nor do you need to know it. It is good enough as it is. What else could you desire?”
Leo Tolstoy

Criss Jami
“Considering the notion that the spiritual battlefield is infinitely greater than the physical, perhaps God is more willing to bless with a sort of divine ecstasy those who see the devil as the enemy rather than those who see other people as the enemies.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Donna Goddard
“Life is not a competition. No one has to lose for someone else to win. A true blessing blesses everyone.”
Donna Goddard, Waldmeer

Albert Camus
“The priest gazed around my cell and answered in a voice that sounded very weary to me. 'Every stone here sweats with suffering, I know that. I have never looked at them without a feeling of anguish. But deep in my heart I know that the most wretched among you have seen a divine face emerge from their darkness. That is the face you are asked to see.'

This perked me up a little. I said I had been looking at the stones in these walls for months. There wasn't anything or anyone in the world I knew better. Maybe at one time, way back, I had searched for a face in them. But the face I was looking for was as bright as the sun and the flame of desire—and it belonged to Marie.”
Albert Camus, The Stranger

Donna Goddard
“The desire for connection with the Divine and our formless inner self is at the foundation of all desire for human connection.”
Donna Goddard

Leo Tolstoy
“Some one dear to one can be loved with human love; but an enemy can only be loved with divine love.”
Leo Tolstoy

“When the world caves in
Still my hope will cling
To Your promise
Where my courage ends
Let my heart find strength
In Your presence”

“But nobody is visually naive any longer. We are cluttered with images, and only abstract art can bring us to the threshold of the divine.”
Dominique De Menil, The Rothko Chapel: Writings on Art and the Threshold of the Divine

Donna Goddard
“If we become aware that someone is sending thoughts of ill will in our direction, we do not argue with the apparent reality of malice. To do so would give it more substance. We remove the personal sense of ourself and the other person.”
Donna Goddard, The Love of Devotion

Aleksandra Ninković
“Divine does not tempt us to see what's in our hearts, it tempts us so we could see what's in our hearts.”
Aleksandra Ninkovic, Write like no one is reading

Caitlín R. Kiernan
“The divine is always abominable.
"Houses Under The Sea”
Caitlín R. Kiernan

Enock Maregesi
“Kuikaribisha amani ya Mungu katika maisha yangu kumenisaidia. Naishi mbinguni duniani.”
Enock Maregesi

Israelmore Ayivor
“Pleasure” is different from “happiness”. It has its own definition. Pleasure may or may not come from hard work; Pleasure may or may not come from sin; However, happiness is always divine and comes from fulfillment!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Donna Goddard
“Relationships are used by the darkness to keep people revolving around the ego’s demands. For a moment, people see the light of the divine in each other. They run to it and then quickly forget the light they once saw as their fears reclaim their consciousness. Thus begins the ongoing battle to protect one’s own ‘rights’, in case they be forgotten or betrayed. The tally of what is owed is counted, the guilt of perceived wrong doings is cast upon the other, one’s freedom must be paid as the price for ‘love’, and it is only in short periods of peace when all of this is forgotten. Those moments are the precious windows of the Soul.”
Donna Goddard, Waldmeer

Alan Brennert
“I've come to believe that how we choose to live with pain, or injustice, or death...is the true measure of the Divine within us.”
Alan Brennert, Moloka'i

Arnaud Saint-Paul
“Playing along in the yard,
The blue sky sparkles against the earthly green,
Creating such harmony!

A pond, nearby.
Untroubled waters mirrors the ether's dreams.

A grand echo of my Divine Heart!

I am One”
Arnaud Saint-Paul, The Human Project

Seyyed Hossein Nasr
“When man penetrates the mysteries of Nature, the" facts of Nature "become transparent symbols, revealing the" divine energies "and the" angelic "state which fallen man has lost, and which he may recover only for a moment, as when he is enraptured by the beauty of music or of a lovely face. At such moments man forgets his limited self, his individualistic dream, and participates in the cosmic dream, thus becoming freed from the prison of his own carnal soul.”
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Science and Civilization in Islam

Seyyed Hossein Nasr
“Being a theomorphic creature, man is himself a work of art. The human soul when purified
and dressed in the garment of spiritual virtues is itself the highest kind of beauty in this world, reflecting directly the Divine Beauty.”
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Knowledge and the Sacred