Divorce Quotes

Quotes tagged as "divorce" Showing 1,351-1,357 of 1,358
“The leaving happened slowly, gradually, as these things do, and before we knew it, we were lost to each other, as if a magician had whisked a cloth off the table, leaving the dishes there, jolted. And when we looked back it was all a blur, time on fast forward, hurtling to an inevitable conclusion.”
Kathryn Stern, Another Song About the King: A Novel

Sarah Dessen
“A united front announcing a split.”
Sarah Dessen, That Summer

Elena Ferrante
“Certainly something had happened to me during the night. Or after months of tension I had arrived at the edge of some precipice and now I was falling, as in a dream slowly, even as I continued to hold the thermometer in my hand, een as I stood with the soles of my slippers on the floor, even as I felt myself solidly contained by the expectant looks of my children. It was the fault of the torture that my husband had inflicted. But enough, I had to tear the pain from memory, I had to sandpaper away the scratches that were damaging my brain.”
Elena Ferrante

Tom McNeal
“You know, for a while there we kept horses for the boys, and we had a mare that had broken down. Couldn't ride it... You could feed it and brush it and water it and all. Sometimes, I've thought that's what most marriages get to. A horse you still care a little about but cannot any longer ride.”
Tom McNeal, To Be Sung Underwater

Amy Stolls
“Do I think a marriage with him would last? I have my doubts. There, I said it. But marraige is always a risk. And so what if it doesn't work? Would that make you absolutely unhappy for the rest of your life? I would hope not.”
Amy Stolls, The Ninth Wife

Louis N. Jones
“Whenever there is a break up, it's usually not the fault of just one party. Both are usually at fault”
Louis N. Jones, The Colors will Change

Sonia Rumzi
“God Hates divorce."
"He hates cruelty even more."
Caring For Eleanor”
Sonia Rumzi